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Family life
Message de pascaline posté le 08-10-2005 à 18:02:52 (S | E | F | I)

C'est ludique. Passez un bon moment.
Tout d'abord, lire ce texte. Je vous conseille d'établir l'arbre généalogique.

My name's Heidi. I'm married to Kerim. We have two children, Aisha and Leila. My mum, Wendy, died when I was a teenager. My dad, Keith, got married to Katrina fourteen years ago. I've got one sister, Gina, and one brother, Andy. Gina's married to Jean-Claude, who's French. They've got a little girl called Julie and a boy of twelve called Michel. My brother Andy was married to a girl called Caroline but they got divorced. Luckily they didn't have any children. Now he's married to a girl called Susanna.

Maintenant compléter le second texte à l'aide du vocabulaire donné.

father-in-law - aunt - brother-in-law - cousins - daughter-in-law - ex-wife - grandparents - husband - sister-in-law - son-in-law -stepmother - uncle - wife -

Kerim: My (1) Keith is really nice. We're partners in a computer software company.

Aisha : My (2) Gina is really bossy. She always makes me eat everything on my plate.

Leila :My (3) Andy should get divorced again. I don't like his wife, Suzanna.

Heidi: I like my (4) Katrina very much. She's like a real mother to me.

Keith: My (5) , Kerim, is a really reliable person. I couldn't manage the business without him.

Gina: I don't get on very well with my (6) , Susanna. I get on much better with Andy's (7) , Caroline.

Jean-Claude: My (8) Andy is a really nice guy but I don't like his (9) Susanna very much. She complains about everything.

Julie: My (10) Aisha and Leila are coming on holiday with us next summer. We're going to rent a big house in the south of France.

Michel: I'm trying to teach my (11) Keith and Katrina to speak French. They're really slow!

Susanna: My (12) Andy prefers his sisters to me.

Keith: I get on well wth everyone in the family. Well, nearly everyone. I have a problem with my (13) Susanna.

Edité par bridg le 08-10-2005 18:39
Forum exercice

Edité par pascaline le 09-10-2005 08:27

Réponse: Family life de traviskidd, postée le 08-10-2005 à 19:00:57 (S | E)
There's a funny song by Ray Stevens called "I'm My Own Grandpa". It talks about what happens when family trees get too complex because of divorces and remarriages.

Réponse: Family life de grabuge, postée le 08-10-2005 à 20:02:08 (S | E)
Hello Pascaline

Kerim: My < father-in-law is really nice. We're partners in a computer software company.
Aisha : My aunt Gina is really bossy. She always makes me eat everything on my plate.
Leila :My uncle Andy should get divorced again. I don't like his wife, Suzanna.
Heidi: I like my stepmother Katrina very much. She's like a real mother to me.
Keith: My son-in-law, Kerim, is a really reliable person. I couldn't manage the business without him.
Gina: I don't get on very well with my sister-in-law, Susanna. I get on much better with Andy's ex-wife, Caroline.
Jean-Claude: My brother-in-law Andy is a really nice guy but I don't like his wife Susanna very much. She complains about everything.
Julie: My cousins Aisha and Leila are coming on holiday with us next summer. We're going to rent a big house in the south of France.
Michel: I'm trying to teach my grandparents Keith and Katrina to speak French. They're really slow!
Susanna: My husband, Andy prefers his sisters to me.
Keith: I get on well wth everyone in the family. Well, nearly everyone. I have a problem with my daughter-in-law Susanna.

J'espère ne pas m'être emmêlé les pinceaux

Edité par grabuge le 08-10-2005 21:59 - Poor Suzanne, nobody loves her
Edité par serena le 09-10-2005 06:27 - Yes, that's right. Oh well, she should stop complaining first!

Réponse: Family life de joy813, postée le 08-10-2005 à 21:33:40 (S | E)
Hello Pascaline

Kerim: My stepfather (Keith) is really nice. We're partners in a computer software company.

Aisha : My aunt( Gina ) is really bossy. She always makes me eat everything on my plate.

Leila :My uncle (Andy) should get divorced again. I don't like his wife, Suzanna.

Heidi: I like my stepmother (Katrina )very much. She's like a real mother to me.

Keith: My son-in-law( Kerim), is a really reliable person. I couldn't manage the business without him.

Gina: I don't get on very well with my sister-in-law (Susanna). I get on much better with Andy's ex-wife (Caroline) .

Jean-Claude: My brother-in-law (Andy) is a really nice guy but I don't like his wife (Susanna) very much. She complains about everything.

Julie: My cousins Aisha and Leila are coming on holiday with us next summer. We're going to rent a big house in the south of France.

Michel: I'm trying to teach my grandparents (Keith and Katrina )to speak French. They're really slow!

Susanna: My husband (Andy) prefers his sisters to me.

Keith: I get on well wth everyone in the family. Well, nearly everyone. I have a problem with my daughter-in-law (Susanna).

Réponse: Family life de post-scriptum, postée le 08-10-2005 à 23:11:35 (S | E)
Bonsoir Pascaline,

Je me demandais justement, mais où est donc passée cette chère Pascaline qui fait, si je me souviens bien, des randonnées...

1. Kerim: My stepfather father-in-law Keith is really nice. We're partners in a computer software company.
2. Aisha : My aunt Gina is really bossy. She always makes me eat everything on my plate.
3. Leila :My uncle Andy should get divorced again. I don't like his wife, Suzanna.
4. Heidi: I like my stepmother Katrina very much. She's like a real mother to me.
5. Keith: My son-in-law, Kerim, is a really reliable person. I couldn't manage the business without him.
6 et 7. Gina: I don't get on very well with my sister-in-law, Susanna. I get on much better with Andy's ex-wife, Caroline.
8 et 9. Jean-Claude: My brother-in-law Andy is a really nice guy but I don't like his wife Susanna very much. She complains about everything.
10. Julie: My cousins Aisha and Leila are coming on holiday with us next summer. We're going to rent a big house in the south of France.
11. Michel: I'm trying to teach my grandparents Keith and Katrina to speak French. They're really slow!
12. Susanna: My husband Andy prefers his sisters to me.
13. Keith: I get on well with everyone in the family. Well, nearly everyone. I have a problem with my daughter-in-law Susanna.

Bien belle brochette que cette famille, dites-moi...
Merci, et surtout à très bientôt, Pascaline.

Edité par post-scriptum le 09-10-2005 17:20
correction de stepfather ;-) Merci Pascaline, et à bientôt

Réponse: Family life de serena, postée le 09-10-2005 à 06:21:39 (S | E)
Hello Pascaline !

Très originale comme exercice.

Kerim: My father-in-law Keith is really nice. We're partners in a computer software company.

Aisha : My aunt Gina is really bossy. She always makes me eat everything on my plate.

Leila : My uncle Andy should get divorced again. I don't like his wife, Suzanna.

Heidi: I like my stepmother Katrina very much. She's like a real mother to me.

Keith: My son-in-law Kerim, is a really reliable person. I couldn't manage the business without him.

Gina: I don't get on very well with my sister-in-law, Susanna. I get on much better with Andy's ex-wife, Caroline.

Jean-Claude: My brother-in-law Andy is a really nice guy but I don't like his wife Susanna very much. She complains about everything.

Julie: My cousins Aisha and Leila are coming on holiday with us next summer. We're going to rent a big house in the south of France.

Michel: I'm trying to teach my grandparents Keith and Katrina to speak French. They're really slow!

Susanna: My husband Andy prefers his sisters to me.

Keith: I get on well with everyone in the family. Well, nearly everyone. I have a problem with my daughter-in-law Susanna.

Post-Scriptum, Pascaline a sûrement rencontré cette charmante famille durant ses traversées dans le désert. Et elle revient avec pour se justifier

PS: "father-in-law", omission volontaire ou oubli sur la liste, Pascaline ?

Réponse: Family life de pascaline, postée le 09-10-2005 à 08:26:43 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous,
Merci Serena de m'avoir fait remarquer mon oubli "father-in-law".
Que veux-tu post-scriptum, après une si longue randonnée, c'est normal d'être un peu fatiguée!!!!!!!!

Joy et Post-scriptum ont remplacé par stepfather. Ce n'est pas tout à fait exact.

father-in-law: beau-père, père du mari ou de la femme
stepfather: beau-père, second mari de la mère.

Have a good day.

Réponse: Family life de pepe69, postée le 09-10-2005 à 10:44:36 (S | E)

Well done ! pascaline.
Without family tree, it's almost impossible !
With it, it's almost as easy as pie ! (translate, please)


When, the family's meeting?

Réponse: Family life de pascaline, postée le 10-10-2005 à 17:42:31 (S | E)


It's true Pepe,

Sans arbre généalogique, c'est presque impossible.
Avec un arbre généalogique, c'est presque du gâteau.

Il faudra juste revoir la parenté de Julie.

Grabuge et Post-scriptum, c'est parfait.

Joy: father- in -law pour Kerim. Mais j'avais oublié de mentionner ce mot au départ. La faute doit m'être imputée

Quant à Serena, c'est parfait. Elle est particulièrement à l'aise dans une grande famille n'est-ce-pas ?.............

father-in-law - aunt - brother-in-law - cousins - daughter-in-law - ex-wife - grandparents - husband - sister-in-law - son-in-law -stepmother - uncle - wife -

Kerim: My father-in-law Keith is really nice. We're partners in a computer software company.

Aisha : My aunt Gina is really bossy. She always makes me eat everything on my plate.

Leila :My uncle Andy should get divorced again. I don't like his wife, Suzanna.

Heidi: I like my stepmother Katrina very much. She's like a real mother to me.

Keith: My son-in-law , Kerim, is a really reliable person. I couldn't manage the business without him.

Gina: I don't get on very well with my sister-in-law, Susanna. I get on much better with Andy's ex-wife, Caroline.

Jean-Claude: My brother-in-law Andy is a really nice guy but I don't like his wife Susanna very much. She complains about everything.

Julie: My cousins Aisha and Leila are coming on holiday with us next summer. We're going to rent a big house in the south of France.

Michel: I'm trying to teach my grandparents Keith and Katrina to speak French. They're really slow!

Susanna: My husband Andy prefers his sisters to me.

Keith: I get on well wth everyone in the family. Well, nearly everyone. I have a problem with my daughter-in-law Susanna.

et merci d'avoir participé.


Réponse: Family life de serena, postée le 11-10-2005 à 04:00:34 (S | E)

Effectivement, je suis très à l'aise dans une grande famille.
Mais la perplexité de l'arbre généalogique de "cette" grande famille n'est pas due à des divorces et des remariages (cf-Travis...), mais bon...c'est une autre histoire, ça. Toute une histoire....

Merci Pascaline !

A bientôt j'espère.

Réponse: Family life de pepe69, postée le 11-10-2005 à 08:56:25 (S | E)

Hello pascaline.

J'ai bien apprécié la traduction "c'est presque du gâteau". Je m'attendais
à:"c'est facile comme bonjour". Ta version est encore mieux!

S'agissant de la faute concernant JULIE, les mauvaises langues insinuent
qu'elle aurait été provoquée pour tester les qualités de la correctrice ???
J'affirme haut et fort que ce n'est pas vrai !!!
Comment aurait-il pu être imaginé que cela fusse possible ???
A bientôt sur le site.

PS:mon entourage dit que dans la famille "je n'ai jamais tort",
je représente le GRAND-PERE.

Réponse: Family life de reneelucie, postée le 11-10-2005 à 09:13:21 (S | E)
pour le plaisir
j'arrive toujours en retard pour ces exercices sympathiques

Kerim: My father-in-law (1) Keith is really nice. We're partners in a computer software company.

Aisha : My aunt (2) Gina is really bossy. She always makes me eat everything on my plate.

Leila :My uncle (3) Andy should get divorced again. I don't like his wife, Suzanna.

Heidi: I like my stepmother (4) Katrina very much. She's like a real mother to me.

Keith: My son-in-law (5) , Kerim, is a really reliable person. I couldn't manage the business without him.

Gina: I don't get on very well with my sister-in-law (6) , Susanna. I get on much better with Andy's ex-wife (7) , Caroline.

Jean-Claude: My brother-in-law (8) Andy is a really nice guy but I don't like his sister-in-law (9) Susanna very much. She complains about everything.

Julie: My cousins (10) Aisha and Leila are coming on holiday with us next summer. We're going to rent a big house in the south of France.

Michel: I'm trying to teach my parents-in law (11) Keith and Katrina to speak French. They're really slow!

Susanna: My husband(12) Andy prefers his sisters to me.

Keith: I get on well with everyone in the family. Well, nearly everyone. I have a problem with my daughter-in-law (13) Susanna.

Réponse: Family life de pascaline, postée le 12-10-2005 à 07:35:26 (S | E)

Merci pour ta participation

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