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Time and condition clauses with future
Message de felin posté le 11-01-2006 à 19:54:36 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir tout le monde

Je vous rappelle pour les exercices que je propose est ouvert a tout le monde et surtout n'hesitez pas on est tous la pour apprendre.

Correction Mardi soir 17/01/06

Time and condition clauses with future reference

Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Use will, going to, Present Simple or the Present Perfect. There may be two possibilities.

Example: As soon as I.......... (save) enough money, I'm going to go on a long holiday.
As soon as I save/have saved enough money, I'm going to go on a long holiday

1 I hope you'll still be awake when I ................ (come) home.
2 Come when you ................ (be) ready.
3 We'd like to stay up until the film ................ (finish).
4 All the tickets will have been sold by the time we ................ (get) there.
5 Don't open your eyes till I ......... (tell) you to.
6 Whether she ................ (play) on Saturday depends on what her doctor says.
7 I ................ (tell) you a secret on condition that you ................ (not tell) anyone else.
8 I ................ (lend) you the book as long as you .......... it.......... (bring back) on Monday.
9 We ........... (take) our swimming things in case we ........... (get) a chance to go
10 We ................ (go) to bed as soon as the programme ................ (finish)

Good luck.

Réponse: Time and condition clauses with future de marit64, postée le 12-01-2006 à 00:26:18 (S | E)
Hi felin!

1 I hope you'll still be awake when I come home.
2 Come when you are ready.
3 We'd like to stay up until the film finishes.
4 All the tickets will have been sold by the time we'll get there.
5 Don't open your eyes till I tell you to.
6 Whether she plays on Saturday depends on what her doctor says.
7 I'm going to tell you a secret on condition that you will not tell anyone else.
8 I'll lend you the book as long as you bring it back on Monday.
9 We take our swimming things in case we get a chance to go
10 We'll go to bed as soon as the programme finishes.

felin for your exercise.

Réponse: Time and condition clauses with future de maya13, postée le 12-01-2006 à 17:57:10 (S | E)
hello felin,

1 - I hope you will still be awaken when I come home
2 - Come when you are ready
3 - We'd like to stay up until the film finishes
4 - All the tickets will have been sold by the time we get there
5 - Don't open your eyes till I tell you
6 - Whether she plays on Sturday depends on..
7 - I will tell you a secret on condition you don't tell anyone else
8 - I'll lend you that book as long as you bring it back
9 - We'll take our swimming things in case we get a chance to go swimming
10 - We will go to bed as soon as the program finishes

and thank for all the explanations

Réponse: Time and condition clauses with future de cat3, postée le 12-01-2006 à 19:03:51 (S | E)
Bonsoir felin

1 come
2 are
3 finishes
4 get
5 tell
6 plays
7 tell
8 lend brink it back
9 take
10 go finishes

Merci felin

Réponse: Time and condition clauses with future de bobine, postée le 12-01-2006 à 19:25:45 (S | E)

1 I hope you'll still be awake when I come home.
2 Come when you are ready.
3 We'd like to stay up until the film finishes.
4 All the tickets will have been sold by the time we get there.
5 Don't open your eyes till I tell you to.
6 Whether she plays on Saturday depends on what her doctor says.
7 I 'll tell you a secret on condition that you don't tell anyone else.
8 I 'll lend you the book as long as you bring it back on Monday.
9 We take our swimming things in case we get a chance to go
10 We 'll go to bed as soon as the programme finishes

thanks a lot

Réponse: Time and condition clauses with future de magmatic_rock, postée le 14-01-2006 à 09:48:31 (S | E)

1 I hope you'll still be awake when I come home.
2 Come when you are ready.
3 We'd like to stay up until the film finishes.
4 All the tickets will have been sold by the time we get there.
5 Don't open your eyes till I tell you to.
6 Whether she plays on Saturday depends on what her doctor says.
7 I will tell you a secret on condition that you don't tell anyone else.
8 I will lend you the book as long as you bring it back on Monday.
9 We will take our swimming things in case we get a chance to go
10 We will go to bed as soon as the programme finishes

Réponse: Time and condition clauses with future de whynot95, postée le 16-01-2006 à 19:21:17 (S | E)
Hi felin!

A bit longer and it would have been too late!

1 I hope you'll still be awake when I come home.
2 Come when you are ready.
3 We'd like to stay up until the film finishes.
4 All the tickets will have been sold by the time we'll get there.
5 Don't open your eyes till I tell you to.
6 Whether she plays on Saturday depends on what her doctor says.
7 I'm going to tell you a secret on condition that you will not tell anyone else.
8 I'll lend you the book as long as you bring it back on Monday.
9 We're going to take our swimming things in case we get a chance to go
10 We'll go to bed as soon as the programme finishes.


Réponse: Time and condition clauses with future de nanette33, postée le 16-01-2006 à 19:50:22 (S | E)
Hello Felin!

1 I hope you'll still be awake when I come home.
2 Come when you are ready.
3 We'd like to stay up until the film finishes.
4 All the tickets will have been sold by the time we get there.
5 Don't open your eyes till I tell you to.
6 Whether she plays on Saturday depends on what her doctor says.
7 I'll tell you a secret on condition that you don't tell anyone else.
8 I'll lend you the book as long as you bring it back on Monday.
9 We take our swimming things in case we get a chance to go
10 We go to bed as soon as the programme finishes

Réponse: Time and condition clauses with future de steeve34, postée le 17-01-2006 à 14:03:30 (S | E)

Time and condition clauses with future reference.

1-I hope you will still be awake when I COME home.
2-Come when you ARE ready.
3-I would like to stay up until the film FINISHED.
4-All the tickets will have been sold by the time we HAVE GOT there.
5-Don't open your eyes till I TELL you to.
6-Whether she plays on Saturday depends on what the doctor says.
7-I SHALL TELL /I AM GOING TO TELL you a secret on condition you DO NOT TELL anyone else.
8-I SHALL LEND you the book as long as you BRING it BACK on monday.
9-We COULD TAKE our swimming things in case we GOT a chance to go.
10- We WILL GO to bed as soon as the film HAS FINISHED.

Modifié par steeve34 le 17-01-2006 14:38

Réponse: Time and condition clauses with future de felin, postée le 17-01-2006 à 17:43:21 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction

1 I hope you'll still be awake when I come home.
2 Come when you are ready.
3 We'd like to stay up until the film has finished or (is finished) .
4 All the tickets will have been sold by the time we get ( or have got) there.
5 Don't open your eyes till I tell you to.
6 Whether she plays or (will play) on Saturday depends on what her doctor says.
7 I will tell you a secret on condition that you don’t tell anyone else.
8 I will lend you the book as long as you bring it back on Monday.
9 We will take our swimming things in case we get a chance to go swimming.
10 We will go or (are going) to bed as soon as the programme has finished/finishes .

pour votre participation.

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