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Phrasal verbs 1
Message de felin posté le 16-01-2006 à 18:30:21 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir tout le monde

Correction Dimanche soir 22/01/06

Je ne sais pas comment vous dites en Francais phrasal verbs.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following phrasal verbs:
cut down/ throw away/ call back/ let down/ put down/ come across/ look after/ take after/ give away/ put away/ break down.

1. While she was cleaning, she ................... a pair of gold earrings.
2. Who’s ................. the apartment while Amy and Ben are away?
3. I .......... my mother in looks, but people say I’ve got my father’s character.
4. I can’t believe you just ............... those tickets ............ !
5. He always ................. his toys when he’s finished playing with them.
6. She ......... the letter ............. without reading it.
7. I’m afraid Mr Smith is in a meeting. Can you .............. later?
8. I’m nervous about using the washing machine in case it .................... again.
9. Even if you’ve smoked all your life, it’s never too late to ............. or stop.
10. Don’t worry- I won’t .......... you .............. this time, I promise.
11. At the end of the exam the teacher told everyone to .............. their pens.

Good luck.

Edité par felin le 16-01-2006 20:23 PS j'ai oublie de mettre reading numero 6

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 1 de maya13, postée le 16-01-2006 à 18:57:08 (S | E)
hello felin,

phrasal verbes = verbes à particule

1 - She came across
2 - Who's looking after..
3 - I take after my mother
4 - ..You just throw the tickets away
5 - he always put away his toys
6 - She gave the letter away..
7 - Can you call back leter ?
8 - case it breaks down
9 -' never too late to cut down
10 - I won't let you down this time
11 - put down their pens

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 1 de felin, postée le 16-01-2006 à 19:08:59 (S | E)
Bonsoir maya

pour la traduction.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 1 de bobine, postée le 16-01-2006 à 19:37:56 (S | E)

1. While she was cleaning, she came across a pair of gold earrings.
2. Who’s looking after the apartment while Amy and Ben are away?
3. I take after my mother in looks, but people say I’ve got my father’s character.
4. I can’t believe you just throw those tickets away !
5. He always gave away his toys when he’s finished playing with them.
6. She cut the letter down without reading it.
7. I’m afraid Mr Smith is in a meeting. Can you call back later?
8. I’m nervous about using the washing machine in case it breaks down again.
9. Even if you’ve smoked all your life, it’s never too late to put away or stop.
10. Don’t worry- I won’t let you down this time, I promise.
11. At the end of the exam the teacher told everyone to put down their pens.

Modifié par bobine le 16-01-2006 20:29

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 1 de nanette33, postée le 16-01-2006 à 20:10:04 (S | E)
Hi Felin,

1. While she was cleaning, she came across a pair of gold earrings.
2. Who’s looking after the apartment while Amy and Ben are away?
3. I took after my mother in looks, but people say I’ve got my father’s character.
4. I can’t believe you just threw those tickets away!
5. He always puts away his toys when he’s finished playing with them.
6. She gave the letter away without reading it.
7. I’m afraid Mr Smith is in a meeting. Can you call back later?
8. I’m nervous about using the washing machine in case it breaks down again.
9. Even if you’ve smoked all your life, it’s never too late to cut down or stop.
10. Don’t worry- I won’t let you down this time, I promise.
11. At the end of the exam the teacher told everyone to put down their pens.

Modifié par nanette33 le 17-01-2006 19:39

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 1 de whynot95, postée le 17-01-2006 à 05:17:07 (S | E)
Hello Felin!

1. While she was cleaning, she came across a pair of gold earrings.
2. Who’s looking after the apartment while Amy and Ben are away?
3. I take after my mother in looks, but people say I’ve got my father’s character.
4. I can’t believe you just throw those tickets away!
5. He always puts away his toys when he’s finished playing with them.
6. She gave the letter away without reading it.
7. I’m afraid Mr Smith is in a meeting. Can you call back later?
8. I’m nervous about using the washing machine in case it breaks down again.
9. Even if you’ve smoked all your life, it’s never too late to cut down or stop.
10. Don’t worry- I won’t let you down this time, I promise.
11. At the end of the exam the teacher told everyone to put down their pens.


Réponse: Phrasal verbs 1 de felin, postée le 22-01-2006 à 12:57:09 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction

1.While she was cleaning, she came across a pair of gold earrings.
2.Who’s looking after the apartment while Amy and Ben are away?
3.I take after my mother in looks, but people say I’ve got my father’s character.
4.I can’t believe you just gave those tickets away!
5.He always puts away his toys when he’s finished playing with them.
6.She threw the letter away without it.
7.I’m afraid Mr Smith is in a meeting. Can you call back later?
8.I’m nervous about using the washing machine in case it breaks down again.
9.Even if you’ve smoked all your life, it’s never too late to cut down or stop.
10.Don’t worry- I won’t let you down this time, I promise.
11.At the end of the exam the teacher told everyone to put down their pens.

Merci pour votre participation.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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