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Le temps retrouvé
Message de steeve34 posté le 12-02-2006 à 11:59:45 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour à tous.
Dans cet exercice vous remplacerez la base verbale entre parenthèses par le temps approprié.
Ex: I (meet) him three days ago;=====> I met him three days ago.

Correction: Lundi 20 février 2006.
Correction avancée au 15 février 2006.
1- Since the beginning of the season, our team (defeat) only twice.
2- How long ago (write) his first novel ?
3- I was as excited as if it (be) the first time I'd taken a girl out.
4- In such circumstances I'd rather (give up) the idea.
5- The president will be appearing on television tonight, when he (announce) his resignation.
6- He'd rather you (replace) his watch instead of having it repaired as you did.
7- It is years since we (buy) our TV set.
8- The day will come when China (play) a decisive role in world politics.
9- If you (come) earlier you would have got a better seat.
10-Will you miss me when I (go) ?
Edité par steeve34 le 15-02-2006 14:35
Message de steeve34 posté le 12-02-2006 à 11:59:45 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour à tous.
Dans cet exercice vous remplacerez la base verbale entre parenthèses par le temps approprié.
Ex: I (meet) him three days ago;=====> I met him three days ago.

Correction: Lundi 20 février 2006.
Correction avancée au 15 février 2006.
1- Since the beginning of the season, our team (defeat) only twice.
2- How long ago (write) his first novel ?
3- I was as excited as if it (be) the first time I'd taken a girl out.
4- In such circumstances I'd rather (give up) the idea.
5- The president will be appearing on television tonight, when he (announce) his resignation.
6- He'd rather you (replace) his watch instead of having it repaired as you did.
7- It is years since we (buy) our TV set.
8- The day will come when China (play) a decisive role in world politics.
9- If you (come) earlier you would have got a better seat.
10-Will you miss me when I (go) ?
Edité par steeve34 le 15-02-2006 14:35
Réponse: Le temps retrouvé de mp27, postée le 12-02-2006 à 14:10:51 (S | E)
Plenty to revise those tricky tenses! Brilliant! Thanks steeve 34!

1- Since the beginning of the season, our team has only been defeated twice.
2- How long ago did he write his first novel ?
3- I was as excited as if it'd been the first time I'd taken a girl out.
4- In such circumstances I'd rather give up the idea.
Si tout est au passé dans le contexte, ne pourrait-on pas dire aussi:
In such circumstances I would have rather given up the idea.

5- The president will be appearing on television tonight when he announces his resignation.
6- He'd rather you having replaced his watch instead of having it repaired as you did.
7- It is years since we bought our TV set.
8- The day will come when China plays a decisive role in world politics.
9- If you would have come earlier you would have got a better seat.
10-Will you miss me when I go ?
Réponse: Le temps retrouvé de nadine13, postée le 12-02-2006 à 15:02:14 (S | E)
1- Since the beginning of the season, our team has been defeated only twice.
2- How long ago did he write his first novel ?
3- I was as excited as if it'd been the first time I'd taken a girl out.
4- In such circumstances I'd rather have given the idea up
5 - The president will be appearing on television tonight when he'll announce (he announces)his resignation.
6- He'd rather you having his watch replaced instead of having it repaired as you did.
7- It is years since we bought our TV set.
8- The day will come when China plays a decisive role in world politics.
9- If you'd come earlier you would have got a better seat.
10-Will you miss me when I go ?

Réponse: Le temps retrouvé de maya13, postée le 12-02-2006 à 15:45:41 (S | E)
hello steeve,
1 - Since the beginning of the season our team has been defeated only twice
2 - How long ago did he write his first novel ?
3 - I was as excited as if it had been the first time I'd taken a girl out
4 - In such circumstances, I'd rather give up the idea
5 - The president will be appearing on tv tonight when he announces his resignation
6 - He'd rather you have repllaced this watch instead of having it repaired as you did
7 - it's years since we bought our tv set
8 - The day will come when China plays a decisive role
9 - If you had come earlier you would have got a better seat
10 - Will you miss me when I go ?
Réponse: Le temps retrouvé de bobine, postée le 12-02-2006 à 16:23:36 (S | E)
1- Since the beginning of the season, our team has been defeated only twice.
2- How long ago did he write his first novel ?
3- I was as excited as if it had been the first time I'd taken a girl out.
4- In such circumstances I'd rather give up the idea.
5- The president will be appearing on television tonight when he announces his resignation.
6- He'd rather you have replaced his watch instead of having it repaired as you did.
7- It is years since we bought our TV set.
8- The day will come when China plays a decisive role in world politics.
9- If you had come earlier you would have got a better seat.
10-Will you miss me when I go ?

Réponse: Le temps retrouvé de robinou, postée le 12-02-2006 à 16:35:28 (S | E)
Bonjour Steeve 34.
1- Since the beginning of the season, our team has only been defeated twice.
2- How long ago did he write his first novel ?
3- I was as excited as if it had been the first time I'd taken a girl out.
4- In such circumstances I'd rather give up the idea.
5- The president will be appearing on television tonight when he announces his resignation.
6- He'd rather you replaced his watch instead of having it repaired as you did.
7- It is years since we have bought our TV set.
8- The day will come when China plays a decisive role in world politics.
9- If you had come earlier you would have got a better seat.
10-Will you miss me when I go ?
Réponse: Le temps retrouvé de nanette33, postée le 12-02-2006 à 17:12:23 (S | E)
1- Since the beginning of the season, our team has been defeated only twice.
2- How long ago did he write his first novel ?
3- I was as excited as if it was the first time I'd taken a girl out.
4- In such circumstances I'd rather given up the idea.
5- The president will be appearing on television tonight when he announces his resignation.
6- He'd rather you have replaced his watch instead of having it repaired as you did.
7- It is years since we have bought our TV set.
8- The day will come when China plays a decisive role in world politics.
9- If you came earlier you would have got a better seat.
10-Will you miss me when I go ?

Réponse: Le temps retrouvé de fik, postée le 13-02-2006 à 09:18:58 (S | E)
1- Since the beginning of the season, our team has been defeated only twice.
2- How long ago did you write his first novel ?
3- I was as excited as if it was the first time I'd taken a girl out.
4- In such circumstances I'd rather give up the idea.
5- The president will be appearing on television tonight when he announces his resignation.
6- He'd rather you replaced his watch instead of having it repaired as you did.
7- It is years since we bought our TV set.
8- The day will come when China plays a decisive role in world politics.
9- If you had come earlier you would have got a better seat.
10-Will you miss me when I go ?
Many thanks
Réponse: Le temps retrouvé de steeve34, postée le 15-02-2006 à 14:30:22 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous.
Pour des raisons personnelles je dois avancer la date de la correction.
En préambule de la correction je voudrais faire quelques remarques générales.
1- Emploi de WHEN.
Dans les subordonnées après les conjonctions de temps (when, while, once, as soon as........) L'idée de futur est toujours exprimée par un présent.
En ce qui concerne WHEN cette règle ne s'applique pas dans les trois cas suivants:
a- WHEN est adverbe interrogatif.
When will they arrive ?
b- WHEN est pronom relatif (où) dans les expressions:
"the day when" ; "the day will come when" et d'autres expressions du même type.
We look forward to the day when we shall be free.
c- WHEN est conjonction de coordination et signifie "and then" (date à laquelle,
moment où ....)
We shall stay here until August 15 th, when we shall leave for Dublin.
2- Emploi de WOULD RATHER.
Signifie je préfère / je préférerais. Cette expression est INVARIABLE.
La plupart du temps on la trouve sous sa forme contractée : ' d rather
En règle générale le verbe qui suit WOULD RATHER est à l'INFINITIF SANS TO.
I' d rather stay here.
Mais ' d rather se construit avec un preterit modal ou un plus-que-parfait quand le sujet de la seconde proposition est différent du sujet de ' d rather
On peut parfois trouver un subjonctif présent.
He said he' d rather I took a taxi.
Si l'action est passée ou se situe dans le passé on emploie le plus-que-parfait.
3-It is the first time + Present perfect.
It is the first time I've heard her sing.
It was the first time + Pluperfect
It was the first time I had seen her.
4- If et les expressions as if, as though, even if, if only......Sont suivis du preterit modal, mais également du plus-que-parfait, ainsi que de l'indicatif présent (à la valeur du futur).
5- It + be +length of time + SINCE.......
With this pattern we use the past simple.
L'expression "It is years since....." est suivie du prétérit.
En tenant compte des remarques précédentes voici la correction que je propose.
1- Since the beginning of this season, our team has been defeated only twice. Pas de difficulté. A signaler toutefois que l'on peut mettre ONLY devant le mot ou le groupe de mots que l'on veut mettre en évidence.
2-How long ago did he write his first novel.
3-I was as excited as if it had been the first time I'd taken a girl out.
4- In such circumstances I' d rather give up the idea.
5- The President will appearing on television tonight, when he will announce his resignation.
6-He' d rather you had replaced his watch instead of having it repaired as you did.
7-It is years since we bought our TV set.
8-The day will come when China will play a decisive role in world politics.
9-If you had come earlier you would have got a better seat.
10- Et puisque tout a une fin j'ai gardé cette phrase pour terminer cet exercice !
Ici to go= to die
to go is used to mean to die when you do not want to say this directly.
Will you miss me when I am gone ?
Je pense avoir fait le tour de la question. Je reste à votre disposition pour d' éventuelles remarques. Je vous remercie de votre participation.
Réponse: Le temps retrouvé de lakata, postée le 27-02-2006 à 12:49:57 (S | E)

Hello Steeve!
1-Since the beginning of the season,our team defeated only twice (since there is a number, it must be finished...in my opinion!)
2-How long ago did he write his first novel?
3-I was excited as if it were the first time I'd taken a girl out
4-In such circumstances, I'd rather give up the idea
5- The president will be appearing on television tonight, when he announces his resignation
6-He'd rather you replaced his watch instead of having it repaired as you did
7-It is years since we bought our TV set
8-The day will come when China will play a decisive role in world politics
9-If you had come earlier you would have got a better seat
10-Will you miss me when I go?
I think I've got problems with "when"...

Modifié par lakata le 27-02-2006 12:50
N.B. J'ai fait cet exercice sans prendre connaissance de la correction. Courageusement comme un brave petit soldat...