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Phrasal verbs 2
Message de felin posté le 30-03-2006 à 11:36:27 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Mardi soir. 4/04/2006

Je vais commencer a vous proposer des exercices de grammaire portant sur phrasal verbs assez faciles pour debutants. Il faudra bien les retenir car c’est tres utile.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following phrasal verbs:
Write down, looking for, turn down, fill in, get in, slow down, look forward.

1 He realised he was driving too fast and began to ................
2 she told him the address and he ......... it ........ in his notebook.
3 I’m ............... a job at the moment, but it’s hard to find one that is suitable.
4 I wasn’t ................ to going to the dentist again.
5 She keeps inviting me to visit her in Scotland but I always ......... her ..........
6 you have to ............ a registration form before you can use the library.
7 How did the burglars .................. ? Did they break a window?

Good luck.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de lethidee, postée le 30-03-2006 à 12:01:08 (S | E)
Hello felin

1/slow down
2/he writes it down
3/looking for
4/look forward
5/turn her down
6/fill in
7/get in

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de kimence, postée le 30-03-2006 à 13:20:03 (S | E)
(1) slow down
(2) wrote it down
(3) looking for
(4) looking forward
(5) turn her down
(6) fill in
(7) get in
Merci pour ce petit rappel sur les prasal verbs, un phénomène vraiment récurrent en anglais et qui mérite que l'on y consacre un peu de temps.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de bobine, postée le 30-03-2006 à 14:44:34 (S | E)

1 He realised he was driving too fast and began to slow down
2 she told him the address and he wrote it down in his notebook.
3 I’m looking for a job at the moment, but it’s hard to find one that is suitable.
4 I wasn’t looking forward to going to the dentist again.
5 She keeps inviting me to visit her in Scotland but I always turn her down
6 you have to fill in a registration form before you can use the library.
7 How did the burglars get in ? Did they break a window?

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de cat3, postée le 30-03-2006 à 14:52:34 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin

Je suis contente de vous retrouver

1- slow down
2 write down
3 looking for
4 turn down
5 fill in
6 get in


Modifié par felin le 30-03-2006 16:41 Moi aussi,

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de lakata, postée le 30-03-2006 à 16:26:50 (S | E)

Hello felin!

1- He realised he was driving too fast and began to slow down
2- She told him the address and he wrote it down in his notebook
3- I'm looking for a job at the moment, but it's hard to find one that is suitable
4- I wasn't looking forward to going to the dentist again
5- She keeps inviting me to visit her in Scotland but I always turn her down
6- You have to fill in a registration form before you can use the library
7- How did the burglars get in ? Did they break the window ?


Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de sandrineg, postée le 30-03-2006 à 19:13:11 (S | E)
Hello Felin !

Write down, looking for, turn down, fill in, get in, slow down, look forward.

1 He realised he was driving too fast and began to ................
2 she told him the address and he ......... it ........ in his notebook.
3 I’m ............... a job at the moment, but it’s hard to find one that is suitable.
4 I wasn’t ................ to going to the dentist again.
5 She keeps inviting me to visit her in Scotland but I always ......... her ..........
6 you have to ............ a registration form before you can use the library.
7 How did the burglars .................. ? Did they break a window?

1 - slow down.
2 - wrote it down
3 - looking for
4 - looking forward
5 - turn her down
6 - fill in
7 - get in


Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de marit64, postée le 01-04-2006 à 03:17:28 (S | E)
Hi felin!
It's always a pleasure to do your exercises.

1 He realised he was driving too fast and began to slow down.
2 she told him the address and he wrote it down in his notebook.
3 I’m looking for a job at the moment, but it’s hard to find one that is suitable.
4 I wasn’t looking forward to going to the dentist again.
5 She keeps inviting me to visit her in Scotland but I always turn her down.
6 you have to fill in a registration form before you can use the library.
7 How did the burglars get in ? Did they break a window?

for this one.

Modifié par felin le 01-04-2006 15:40 Merci

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de magmatic_rock, postée le 01-04-2006 à 07:57:25 (S | E)

1 He realised he was driving too fast and began to slow down
2 she told him the address and he wrote it down in his notebook.
3 I’m looking or a job at the moment, but it’s hard to find one that is suitable.
4 I wasn’t looking forward to going to the dentist again.
5 She keeps inviting me to visit her in Scotland but I always turn her down 6 you have to fill in a registration form before you can use the library.
7 How did the burglars get in ? Did they break a window?

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de coco02, postée le 01-04-2006 à 08:43:23 (S | E)
bonjour Felin,

D'autres exercices avec des verbes à particules ne serait pas un luxe

1 He realised he was driving too fast and began to slow down.
2 she told him the address and he write it down in his notebook.
3 I’m looking for a job at the moment, but it’s hard to find one that is suitable.
4 I wasn’t look foward to going to the dentist again.
5 She keeps inviting me to visit her in Scotland but I always turn her down
6 you have to fill in a registration form before you can use the library.
7 How did the burglars get in ? Did they break a window?

Modifié par felin le 01-04-2006 15:39 dans notre groupe, d'accord pas de probleme.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de mp27, postée le 01-04-2006 à 12:04:03 (S | E)
Hello Felin!
1 He realised he was driving too fast and began to slow down.
2 She told him the address and he wrote it down in his notebook.
3 I’m looking for a job at the moment, but it’s hard to find one that is suitable.
4 I wasn’t looking forward to going to the dentist again.
5 She keeps inviting me to visit her in Scotland but I always turn her down.
6 You have to fill in a registration form before you can use the library.
7 How did the burglars get in ? Did they break a window?
This is a good revision exercise! Thank you!

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de marrina, postée le 01-04-2006 à 19:39:20 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

1 He realised he was driving too fast and began to slow down.
2 she told him the address and he wrote it down in his notebook.
3 I’m looking for a job at the moment, but it’s hard to find one that is suitable.
4 I wasn’t looking forward to going to the dentist again.
5 She keeps inviting me to visit her in Scotland but I always turn her down.
6 you have to fill in a registration form before you can use the library.
7 How did the burglars get in? Did they break a window?


Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de canopee, postée le 02-04-2006 à 19:57:11 (S | E)

1 He realised he was driving too fast and began to slow down.
2 she told him the address and he wrote it down in his notebook.
3 I’m looking for a job at the moment, but it’s hard to find one that is suitable.
4 I wasn’t looking forward to going to the dentist again.
5 She keeps inviting me to visit her in Scotland but I always turn her down
6 you have to fill in a registration form before you can use the library.
7 How did the burglars get in ? Did they break a window?

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de samia51, postée le 03-04-2006 à 14:08:41 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin

1 He realised he was driving too fast and began to SLOW DOWN
2 she told him the address and he WRITE it DOWN in his notebook.
3 I’m LOOKING FOR a job at the moment, but it’s hard to find one that is suitable.
4 I wasn’t LOOK FORWARD to going to the dentist again.
5 She keeps inviting me to visit her in Scotland but I always TURN her DOWN
6 you have to FILL IN a registration form before you can use the library.
7 How did the burglars GET IN ? Did they break a window?


Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de fari41, postée le 04-04-2006 à 11:20:30 (S | E)


1)slow down
2)wrote it down
3)i'm looking for
4)I wasn't looking forward to
5)I always turn her down
6)fill in
7)get in

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de felin, postée le 04-04-2006 à 12:20:17 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction.

1 He realised he was driving too fast and began to slow down.
2 she told him the address and he wrote it down in his notebook.
3 I’m looking for a job at the moment, but it’s hard to find one that is suitable.
4 I wasn’t looking forward to going to the dentist again.
5 She keeps inviting me to visit her in Scotland but I always turn her down.
6 you have to fill in a registration form before you can use the library.
7 How did the burglars get in? Did they break a window?


- Slow down
noun: a slowdown (= a decrease in the rate of activity or production)
This year's figures show a considerable slowdown.
You can also use the verb slow up with the same meaning, but this is less frequent: The car slowed up as it drew level with the bank.
The opposite of slow down is speed up.

- Look forward
Look forward
to is used very often at the end of formal letters:
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Looking forward to meeting you next week.

- Fill in
You can use fill out a form instead of fill in a form:
We've got lots of forms to fill out.
Simply fill out this questionnaire and return it to us by post.

Get in
get out;get out of something
Also look at the verb get on;get on something, which has a similar meaning.

Merci a tous pour votre participation.

lethidee, kimence, lakata, sandrineg, canopee, , coco02, mp27, marrina, fari41. Bienvenue dans notre nouveau groupe. Participez aussi souvent que vous le pouvez. Vous verrez on apprend beaucoup en participant. Merci.

Modifié par felin le 04-04-2006 12:30

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de faranne, postée le 04-04-2006 à 14:46:28 (S | E)
1 He realised he was driving too fast and began to slow down
2 she told him the address and he wrote it down in his notebook.
3 I’m looking for a job at the moment, but it’s hard to find one that is suitable.
4 I wasn’t looking forward to going to the dentist again.
5 She keeps inviting me to visit her in Scotland but I always turn her down
6 you have to fill in a registration form before you can use the library.
7 How did the burglars get in ? Did they break a window?

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 de felin, postée le 04-04-2006 à 15:51:56 (S | E)

La correction au dessus de votre post. Vous avez tout juste aucune faute.

Merci pour votre participation.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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