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Exercices 71
Message de felin posté le 22-04-2006 à 01:32:09 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Vendredi soir. 28/04/06

Write a or an in the spaces.

1 ………………. Unpaid bill
2 ……………… DIY shop
3 ………………. MA in Russia
4 ………………. Euro
5 ………………….. MiG fighter plane
6 ………………… Olympic medal
7 …………………..AGM
8 …………………….. U-turn
9 ………………….. heirloom
10 ……………….. NASA space launch
11 ………………….. UN decision.
12 …………………… SOS message
13 ………………. F grade
14 …………….. hero
15 ................. FBI agent
16 .................. NATO
17 .................... FIFA official
18 ..................... MP

Good luck.

Réponse: Exercices 71 de coco02, postée le 22-04-2006 à 07:26:21 (S | E)
hello Felin,

First I thought "too easy" but in fact no so easy ! the choise of "a" or "an" was more feeling that knowledge for most of the words.

1 an Unpaid bill
2 a DIY shop
3 an MA in Russia
4 a Euro
5 an MiG fighter plane
6 an Olympic medal
7 a AGM
8a U-turn
9 a heirloom
10 a NASA space launch
11 a UN decision.
12 an SOS message
13 a F grade
14 a hero
15 a FBI agent
16 a NATO
17 a FIFA official
18 an MP

Réponse: Exercices 71 de whynot95, postée le 22-04-2006 à 11:51:49 (S | E)
Hello dear Felin

Write a or an in the spaces.

1/AN Unpaid bill
2/A DIY shop
3/AN MA in Russia
4/A Euro
5/A MiG fighter plane
6/AN Olympic medal
8/A U-turn
9/AN heirloom
10/A NASA space launch
11/A UN decision.
12/AN SOS message
13/AN F grade
14/A hero
15/AN FBI agent
17/A FIFA official
18/AN MP

Thanks a lot.

Réponse: Exercices 71 de lakata, postée le 22-04-2006 à 14:49:01 (S | E)

Hello felin!

1- An unpaid bill
2- A DIY shop
3- An MA in Russia
4- A euro
5- A MIG fighter plane
6- An Olympic medal
7- An AGM
8- A U-turn
9- An heirloom
10-A NASA space launch
11-A UN decision
12-An SOS message
13-An F grade
14-A hero
15-An FBI agent
18-An MP

Thanks a lot for this exercise.

Modifié par lakata le 22-04-2006 14:53

Réponse: Exercices 71 de bobine, postée le 22-04-2006 à 18:39:55 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

1 an Unpaid bill
2 a DIY shop
3 an MA in Russia
4 a Euro
5 a MiG fighter plane
6 an Olympic medal
7 an AGM
8 a U-turn
9 an heirloom
10 a NASA space launch
11 a UN decision.
12 an SOS message
13 an F grade
14 a hero
15 an FBI agent
16 a NATO
17 a FIFA official
18 an MP

Kisses from bobine

Réponse: Exercices 71 de marrina, postée le 22-04-2006 à 22:08:22 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

1 AN Unpaid bill
2 A DIY shop
3 AN MA in Russia
4 A Euro
5 A MiG fighter plane
6 AN Olympic medal
8 A U-turn
9 AN heirloom
10 A NASA space launch
11 A UN decision.
12 AN SOS message
13 AN F grade
14 A hero
15 AN FBI agent
16 .A NATO
17 A FIFA official
18 AN MP

Réponse: Exercices 71 de isa71, postée le 22-04-2006 à 22:17:16 (S | E)
Hello Mimi

Write a or an in the spaces.

1 a Unpaid bill
2 a DIY shop
3 an MA in Russia
4 a Euro
5 a MiG fighter plane
6 an Olympic medal
7 an AGM
8 a U-turn
9 an heirloom
10 a NASA space launch
11 a UN decision.
12 an SOS message
13 a F grade
14 a hero
15 a FBI agent
16 a NATO
17 a FIFA official
18 an MP


Réponse: Exercices 71 de nanette33, postée le 23-04-2006 à 11:30:27 (S | E)
Hello Felin

1 an Unpaid bill
2 a DIY shop
3 an MA in Russia
4 a Euro
5 a MiG fighter plane
6 an Olympic medal
7 an AGM
8 a U-turn
9 an heirloom
10 a NASA space launch
11 an UN decision.
12 an SOS message
13 an F grade
14 an hero
15 an FBI agent
16 a NATO
17 an FIFA official
18 an MP

Have a good Sunday !

Réponse: Exercices 71 de winnydu13, postée le 23-04-2006 à 21:51:04 (S | E)
1- An unpaid bill
2- A diy shop
3- A ma in russia
4- An euro
5- A mig fighter plane
6- An Olympic medal
7- An AGM
8- An U-turn
9- A heirloom
10- A NASA space launch
11- An UN decision.
12- A SOS message
13- A F grade
14- A hero
156 A FBI agent
16- A NATO
17- A FIFA official
18- A MP

Réponse: Exercices 71 de annie, postée le 24-04-2006 à 13:49:21 (S | E)

Hello Felin

1 …an……………. Unpaid bill
2 …a………… DIY shop
3 …an………. MA in Russia
4 …a……………. Euro
5 …a……………….. MiG fighter plane
6 …an……………… Olympic medal
7 …an………………..AGM
8 …a………………….. U-turn
9 …an……………….. heirloom
10 a…………….. NASA space launch
11 a……………….. UN decision.
12 an………………… SOS message
13 …an……………. F grade
14 …a………….. hero
15 .an................ FBI agent
16 .a................. NATO
17 .a.................. FIFA official
18 .an.................... MP

Réponse: Exercices 71 de felin, postée le 28-04-2006 à 18:45:48 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction:

1 an Unpaid bill
2 a DIY shop
3 an MA in Russia
4 a Euro
5 a MiG fighter plane
6 an Olympic medal
7 an AGM
8 a U-turn
9 an heirloom
10 a NASA space launch
11 a UN decision.
12 an SOS message
13 an F grade
14 a hero
15 an FBI agent
16 a NATO
17 a FIFA official
18 an MP

We use a before noun phrases that begin with a consonant sound. If the noun or noun phrase starts with a vowel letter but begins with a consonant sound, we also use a:
a university
a European
a one-parent family

We use an before words that begin with a vowel sound:
an orange
an Italian
an umbrella

These include words that begin with a silent letter 'h':
an hour
an honest child
an honour
an honorary degree

and abbreviations said as individual letters that begin with A, E, F, H, I, L, M, N, O, R, S, or X.

an MP
an FBI agent
an IOU

But compare abbreviations said as words:
a NATO general
a FIFA official
•but an OPEC meeting

Notice that we say
a history (book) but an (or a) historical (novel)

Merci à tous pour votre participation.

Bienvenue winnydu13 dans notre nouveau groupe.



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