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Message de nanette33 posté le 27-06-2006 à 19:58:18 (S | E | F | I)


En cette période de "Mundial", voici un petit rafraîchissement sur différentes nationalités .

Correction mercredi 5 juillet

1- Les Polonais aiment beaucoup la France et les Français. Combien de Français parlent le Polonais ?
2 - Les Turcs et les Portugais sont habitués à un climat plus chaud que les Hollandais, les Belges et les Danois.
3 - Comprenez-vous le gallois ? Les Gallois parlent-ils tous le gallois ?
4 - Les Suisses parlent l'allemand, le français ou l'italien. Certains Suisses parlent les trois langues
5 - Cet Anglais n'aime pas les Irlandais ni les Gallois ; il préfère les Ecossais
6 - Cette jeune Allemande aime beaucoup le français et le latin
7 - Il parle l'espagnol comme un Espagnol
8 - Trois Anglais et une Irlandaise
9 - l'Américain se disait que les Britanniques étaient restés très victoriens.

Good luck ! (et que le meilleur gagne)

Modifié par bridg le 27-06-2006 20:00
1 phrase retirée / hors contexte

Réponse: 'Mundial' de steeve34, postée le 29-06-2006 à 09:23:41 (S | E)
Hello nanette,

1- The Poles like a lot France and the French. How many Frenchmen speak Polish ?
2- The Turks and the Portuguese are accustomed to bearing a warmer climate than the Dutch, the Belgians, the Danes .
3-Do you understand Welsh ? Do the Welsh all speak Welsh ?
4-The Swiss speak German, French, or Italian. Some Swiss speak the three languages.
5-This Englishman doesn't like the Irish and he doesn't like the Welsh either. He has a preference for the Scots./He likes the Scots best.
6-This young German girl is fond of French and Latin.
7- He speaks Spanish like a Spaniard.
8-Three Englishmen and an Irishwoman.
9-The American thought that the British kept remaining very Victorian.

J'ai passé un très agréable moment à faire cet exercice.
Il n'est pas évident de passer de l'adjectif de nationalité au nom de peuple ou au nom de l'individu !!
Merci Nanette.

Réponse: 'Mundial' de sibelius, postée le 29-06-2006 à 13:39:44 (S | E)
Good morning,

It's my first participation in this forum, and I'm going to do my best

1- The Poles really like France and French people. How many Frenchmen speak Polish ?
2 - The Turks and the Portuguese are used to have a warmer climate than Dutch people, the Belgians and the Danes.
3 - Do you understand Welsh ? Do all the Welsh speak Welsh ?
4 - The Swiss speak Dutch, French or Italian. Some Swiss people speak the three languages.
5 - This Englishman doesn't like Irish people nor the Welsh : he prefers the Scots.
6 - This young German girl really likes French and Latin.
7 - He speaks Spanish like a Spaniard.
8 - Three Englishman and one Irishwoman.
9 - The American thought that the British had remained very Victorians.

Thank you very much, I hope not to have made too many mistakes

Réponse: 'Mundial' de mp27, postée le 29-06-2006 à 15:04:30 (S | E)
Hello nanette33!

1 - The Poles like France and the French quite a lot.
How many French people speak Polish?

2 - The Turks and the Portuguese are used to a warmer climate than the Dutch, the Belgians and the Danes.
3 - Do you understand Welsh? Do Welsh people speak Welsh?
4 - The Swiss speak German, French or Italian.
/ In Switzerland, they speak German, French or Italian.

Some Swiss people speak all three languages.

5 - This Englishman likes neither the Irish nor the Welsh; he prefers the Scots.
(I didn't use the word for whisky -- the word the French use for any “sticky tape”, because of the trademark!..)

6 - This young German girl is very keen on French and Latin.
7 - He speaks Spanish like a native (ok, I'm sure you'd prefer “like a Spaniard”).
8 - Three Englishmen and one Irishwoman / and an Irish lady.
It sounds like the beginning of an interesting story...

9 - The American (= this American person) thought the British were still very Victorian / the British had remained very Victorian.


Réponse: 'Mundial' de coferam, postée le 29-06-2006 à 16:33:11 (S | E)

Bonjour nanette33

1 - The poles like very much France and The French. How many Frenchmen speak about the Polish ?
2 - Turkmen and Portuguese people are used to a climate warmer than Dutchmen, Belgianmen and Danemen.
3 - Do you understand the Welsh? Do the Welshmen speak all about the Welsh?
4 – The swiss speak the German, the French or the Italian. Certain Swiss speak the three languages.
5 - This Englishman does not love Irishmen nor Welshmen; he prefers Scotsmen.
6 - This young German likes very much French and Latin.
7 - He speaks Spanish as a Spaniard
8 - Three English people and an Irishwoman
9 - The American said to himself that the British had remained very victorian.

Et Merci de m’avoir forcé à retravailler ‘les nationalités’ que j’avais inconsciemment ( ???...) oubliées.

Réponse: 'Mundial' de bobine, postée le 29-06-2006 à 16:41:27 (S | E)

1- The Poles like very much France and the French. How many French speak Polish ?
2 - The Turks and the Portuguese are used to a warmer climate than the Dutch, the Belgians and the Danes.
3 - Do you understand Welsh ? Do the Welsh all speak Welsh?
4 - The Swiss speak German, French, or Italian. Some Swiss people speak the three languages.
5 - This Englishman likes neither the Irish nor the Welsh. He prefers the Scots.
6 - This young German girl is fond of French and Latin.
7 - He speaks Spanish like a Spaniard
8 - Three Englishmen and an Irishwoman.
9 - The American thought that the British were still very Victorian.

Réponse: 'Mundial' de pepe69, postée le 30-06-2006 à 16:39:17 (S | E)
Hello nanette,
What is the big question?
What country will be the World Cup's winner?
Germany, Argentina, Italy, Ukraine, England, Portugal, Brazil or France???
May the best country win!!!
What is the best country?
FRANCE, of course!!!

1. The Poles like a lot France and the French. How many French people speak Polish?
2. The Turks and the Portugese are accustomed to a warmer climate than the Dutch, the Belgians and the Danes.
3. Do you understand Welsh? Do the Welsh all speak Welsh?
4. The Swiss speak German, French or Italian. Some Swiss people speak the three languages.
5. This Englishman likes neither the Irish nor the Welsh; he prefers the Scots.
6. This young German girl likes a lot French and Latin.
7. He speaks Spanish like a Spaniard.
8. Three Englishmen and an Irishwoman.
9. The American thought the British had remained very Victorian.
Thank you so much, nanette.

Réponse: 'Mundial' de nanette33, postée le 30-06-2006 à 18:56:33 (S | E)

Of course, France is the best country! and to celebrate the victory, many French will drink a good Scotch !

Réponse: 'Mundial' de lakata, postée le 30-06-2006 à 19:01:17 (S | E)

Hello nanette !

1- The Poles like France and the French very much. How many French
people speak Polish ?
2- The Turks and the Portuguese are used to a warmer climate than the Dutch, the Belgians and the Danes.
3- Do you understand Welsh ? Do the Welsh all speak Welsh ?
4- The Swiss speak German, French or Italian. Some Swiss speak the three languages.
5- This English likes neither the Irish nor the Welsh. He prefers the Scots.
6- This young German girl is keen on French and Latin.
7- He speaks Spanish as a Spaniard does.
8- Three Englishmen and one Irishwoman.
9- The American thought that the British were still very Victorian.

Comme cet exercice est original ! Et utile !
Merci nanette !

Modifié par lakata le 30-06-2006 19:07

Réponse: 'Mundial' de annie, postée le 03-07-2006 à 14:37:03 (S | E)

1 ) The Poles like France and the French very much. How many Frenchmen speak Polish ?
2 ) The Turks and the Portuguese are used to a climate warmer than the Dutch, the Belgians and the Danes.
3 ) Do you understand Welsh ? Do all the Welsh speak Welsh ?
4 ) The Swiss speak German, French or Italian. Some Swiss speak the three languages.
5 ) This Englishman likes neither the Irish nor the Welsh. He prefers the Scots.
6 ) This young German likes French and Latin very much.
7 ) He speaks Spanish like a Spaniard.
8 ) Three Englishmen and one Irishwoman
9 ) The Americans thought the British was stayed very Victorian.


Réponse: 'Mundial' de nanette33, postée le 05-07-2006 à 10:50:33 (S | E)

Voici ma proposition :

1- The Poles are very fond of France and the French. How many French people speak Polish?
2 - The Turks and the Portuguese are used to a warmer climate than the Dutch, the Belgians and the Danes.
3 - Do you understand Welsh? Do the Welsh all speak Welsh?
4 - The Swiss speak German, French or Italian. Some Swiss people speak the three languages.
5 - This Englishman does not like the Irish, or the Welsh either ; He likes the Scots better.
6 - This German girl is very fond of French and Latin
7 - He speaks Spanish like a Spaniard.
8 - Three Englishmen and an Irishwoman.
9 - The American thought that the British had remained very Victorian.

à tous pour votre participation.

Réponse: 'Mundial' de mgueye, postée le 05-07-2006 à 11:21:06 (S | E)
1.polks love a lot france and frenchs peolple. how many french speak polish
2.turks and portuguese are accustomed to a climate hotter than dutch,belgians,and danes

Réponse: 'Mundial' de nanette33, postée le 05-07-2006 à 12:32:53 (S | E)
Hello mgueye,

La réponse est juste au-dessus de votre post



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