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Un dernier thème...
Message de booboz97 posté le 19-07-2006 à 18:15:46 (S | E | F | I)

hellou !

Voici le dernier thème que je vous propose et ce pour Lundi 23 Juillet

courage et appliquez vous

« Plamegate » : Judith Miller a un trou de mémoire

Sous la pression des autres média, le New York Times s'est enfin décidé à publier, hier, une longue enquête (peu tendre) sur le rôle de sa journaliste Judith Miller dans l'affaire Valerie Plame, l'espionne de la CIA grillée par une fuite malveillante, dans le but de décrédibiliser son mari, opposé à la guerre en Iraq. Mais Judith Miller, restée 85 jours en prison pour avoir refusé de donner ses sources, ne révèle pas qui lui a livré la première fois le nom de Plame. Son principal informateur était alors Lewis Libby, directeur de cabinet du Vice-Président Dick Cheney. Dans l'un des carnets où elle a recueilli les propos de Libby, Miller a écrit : « Valerie Flame ».

Libération, le 17 octobre 2005.

Réponse: Un dernier thème... de coferam, postée le 20-07-2006 à 17:08:33 (S | E)

Bonjour Booboz97,

« Plamegate » : Judith Miller has a knowledge-gap.

Under the pressure of the other media, New York Times finally decided to publish, yesterday, a long report (little soft) on the role of her journalist Judith Miller in the case Valerie Plame, the spy of CIA roasted by a hostile leak, with the aim to discredit her husband, opposed to the war in Iraq. But Judith Miller, stayed 85 days in prison to have refused to give her sources, does not reveal who delivered her the first time the name of Plame. Her main adviser was then Lewis Libby, a director of cabinet of the Vice-president Dick Cheney. In one of the pads where she collected the comments of Libby, Miller wrote: "Valerie Flame".

Liberation, on October 17th, 2005.

Plamegate…m’a fait penser à Watergate…et j’ai cherché le sens du suffixe ‘…gate’…j’ai appris beaucoup de choses, et cela grâce à toi…alors Merci Booboz97.

Réponse: Un dernier thème... de maya13, postée le 21-07-2006 à 15:31:12 (S | E)
hi booboz,

"Le Scandale Plame" : Judith Miller goes blank

Under the pressure of the other media, the New York Times made yesterday at last, the decision to publish a long and rather nasty inquiry about the part played by their journalist Judith Miller in Valerie Plame's case, this spy of the CIA uncovered through a malicious leak aiming to undermine the credibility of her husband, an opponent to the war in Iraq. But Judith Miller, who spent 85 days in jail for having refused to disclose her sources, doesn't reveal who told her Plame's name for the first time . At that time, her main inside source was Lewis Dibby, principal private secretary of Vice-President Dick Cheney. In one of her notebook, in which she had taken down Libby's words, Miller had written :"Valerie Flame".

Libération October 17th 2005

thank you booboz

Réponse: Un dernier thème... de mamouzel14, postée le 21-07-2006 à 15:55:35 (S | E)
booboz97,"plame gate" judith miller has a knowledge-gap.
under the pressure of the other media, the new York times finally decided to publish, yesterday, a long enquiry (little soft) on the role of his reporter judith miller in valerie plame case, the spy of CIA roasted by a bitchy leak in the aim to discredit her husband, hostile to the war in iraq. but judith miller stayed 85 days in jail to have refused to give her sources, does not reveal who delivered her for the first time the name of plame. her main adviser was lewis libby, director of cabinet of the vice-president Dick cheney in her note book where she collected the speech of libby, miller wrote "valerie plame".
liberation,on October 17th 2005.
reconnaissons - le ça travaille les méninges! merci beaucoup pour tes découvertes.

Réponse: Un dernier thème... de zen, postée le 23-07-2006 à 12:09:40 (S | E)
Hi Booboz,

« Plamegate » : Judith Miller has got a memory lapse.
Under the pressure of the other media, the New York Times decided to publish yesterday at last a long investigation about the part its journalist Judith Miller took in the Valerie Plame affair. The CIA spy got denounced by a spiteful leak aimed at getting her husband to lose credibility who was opposed to the war in Iraq . Despite Judith Miller stayed 85 days in prison for refusing to give her sources, she hasn’ t revealed who gave her for the first time the name of Plame. Her main informer was then Lewis Libby, director of vice president Dick Cheney’s office. In one of the notebooks in which she wrote the words of Libby, Miller wrote: “Valerie Flame”.

Modifié par zen le 25-07-2006 13:19

Réponse: Un dernier thème... de booboz97, postée le 25-07-2006 à 08:37:02 (S | E)
Salut !

désolé du retard ....
voici une proposition :

“Plamegate”: Judith Miller's mind gone blank

Yesterday, under pressure from the other media, the New York Times finally resolved to publish a long and unforgiving investigation into the role of its journalist Judith Miller in the Valerie Plame case. Valerie Plame was a member of the CIA whose cover was blown5 by a treacherous leak, aimed at undermining the credibility of her husband, an opponent of the Iraq war. But Judith Miller, who spent 85 days in prison for refusing to give away her sources, will not reveal who first gave her Plame's name. Her main informant at the time was Lewis Libby, Vice-President Dick Cheney's chief of staff6. In one of the notebooks recording Libby's words, Miller has written "Valerie Flame".

Bonnes vacances à toutes et à tous

Réponse: Un dernier thème... de mp27, postée le 25-07-2006 à 10:02:11 (S | E)
Just managed to make it!
Plamegate (The Plame Affair): Judith Miller's memory has gone blank.

Under the pressure of other medias, the New York Times finally decided yesterday to publish a long enquiry (a pretty tough one) on the role played by one of their journalists, Judith Miller, in the Valerie Plame scandal - that CIA spy whose secret activities were discovered by a malicious leak, in order to discredit her husband who was against war in Iraq (against the Iraq war).

But, Judith Miller, kept for eighty five days in jail for refusing to leak the sources of her information, has not revealed yet the identity of the person who first leaked Plane's name to her.

Her main informer was at the time Lewis Libby, Vice President Cheney's Chief of Staff. In one of her notebooks (reporting notes?) where she's gathered her interviews with Libby, Miller had written: “Valerie Flame”.


Réponse: Un dernier thème... de jasonwade, postée le 29-07-2006 à 18:18:39 (S | E)

'Plamegate' : Judith Miller has a knowledge-gap

Under the pressure of other medias, The New York Times finally decided to publish, yesterday, a longue report (little soft) about the role of its reporter Judith Miller in the Valerie Plame case, CIA spy caught by an evil drainage, in order to discredit her husband, opposed to the war in Irak. But Judith Miller, who had spent 85 days in jail for having refused to give her sources, doesn't reveal who first gave her Plame's name. Her main blabber was then Lewis Libby, director of the Vice President's office Dick Cheney. In one of the note book in which she gathered Libby's remarks, Miller wrote : 'Valerie Flame'


Modifié par jasonwade le 30-07-2006 23:36



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