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Exercice 79
Message de felin posté le 25-07-2006 à 21:41:38 (S | E | F | I)
Bonsoir tout le monde
Correction Dimanche 30/07/06
Je vous propose un dernier exercice car je pars en vacances la semaine prochaine.
For questions 56-65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the bracket line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (O).
What do you need to become a (0) SUCESSFUL TV personality? The people who are ................... (56 USUAL) chosen to host TV quiz shows and chat shows seem to have few ................... (57 QUALIFY) for the job apart from having an ................... (58 ATTRACT) appearance; in the case of women, this often means being blonde and ................... (59 BEAUTY). A certain level of intelligence and education is ................... (60 ESSENCE) but most people who work in the media do not seem to be very ................... (61 TALENT) in any other respects. The sad thing is that TV personalities have a ................... (62 POWER) influence on viewers and it is ................... (63 NATURE) for younger viewers to admire these charming people, wearing the ................... (64 LATE) fashions and always smiling, However, today's youth deserve ................... (65 GOOD) role models than these.
Good luck.
Message de felin posté le 25-07-2006 à 21:41:38 (S | E | F | I)
Bonsoir tout le monde
Correction Dimanche 30/07/06
Je vous propose un dernier exercice car je pars en vacances la semaine prochaine.
For questions 56-65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the bracket line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (O).
What do you need to become a (0) SUCESSFUL TV personality? The people who are ................... (56 USUAL) chosen to host TV quiz shows and chat shows seem to have few ................... (57 QUALIFY) for the job apart from having an ................... (58 ATTRACT) appearance; in the case of women, this often means being blonde and ................... (59 BEAUTY). A certain level of intelligence and education is ................... (60 ESSENCE) but most people who work in the media do not seem to be very ................... (61 TALENT) in any other respects. The sad thing is that TV personalities have a ................... (62 POWER) influence on viewers and it is ................... (63 NATURE) for younger viewers to admire these charming people, wearing the ................... (64 LATE) fashions and always smiling, However, today's youth deserve ................... (65 GOOD) role models than these.
Good luck.
Réponse: Exercice 79 de mp27, postée le 25-07-2006 à 22:07:16 (S | E)
Hello Felin!
What do you need to become a SUCCESSFUL TV personality? The people who are USUALLY chosen to host TV quiz shows and chat shows seem to have few QUALIFICATIONS for the job, apart from having an ATTRACTIVE appearance; in the case of women, this often means being blonde and BEAUTIFUL. A certain level of intelligence and education is ESSENTIAL but most people who work in the media do not seem to be very TALENTED in any other respects. The sad thing is that TV personalities have a POWERFUL influence on viewers and it is NATURAL for younger viewers to admire these charming people, wearing the LATEST fashions and always smiling, However, today's youth deserve BETTER role models than these.

Modifié par felin le 26-07-2006 22:27 Thank you.

Réponse: Exercice 79 de nick27, postée le 25-07-2006 à 23:07:57 (S | E)
Hello Felin

Another very good exercise

What do you need to become a successful TV personality? The people who are usually chosen to host TV quiz shows and chat shows seem to have few qualification for the job apart from having an attractive appearance; in the case of women, this often means being blonde and beautiful. A certain level of intelligence and education is essential but most people who work in the media do not seem to be very talented in any other respects. The sad thing is that TV personalities have a powerful influence on viewers and it is natural for younger viewers to admire these charming people, wearing the latest fashions and always smiling, However, today's youth deserve better role models than these.
Thanks and have a great vacation

Modifié par felin le 26-07-2006 22:14 Thank you,

Réponse: Exercice 79 de coferam, postée le 27-07-2006 à 14:56:33 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin,
What do you need to become a (0) SUCESSFUL TV personality? The people who are…USUALLY…(56 USUAL) chosen to host TV quiz shows and chat shows seem to have few ...QUALIFYING…(57 QUALIFY) for the job apart from having an ...ATTRACTIVE…(58 ATTRACT) appearance; in the case of women, this often means being blonde and ...BEAUTIFUL…(59 BEAUTY). A certain level of intelligence and education is ...ESSENTIAL…(60 ESSENCE) but most people who work in the media do not seem to be very… TALENTED…(61 TALENT) in any other respects. The sad thing is that TV personalities have …POWERFUL…(62 POWER) influence on viewers and it is …NATURAL…(63 NATURE) for younger viewers to admire these charming people, wearing the …LATEST…(64 LATE) fashions and always smiling, However, today's youth deserve ...BETTER…(65 GOOD) role models than these.
Good luck.
Merci, et…bonnes vacances !
Modifié par felin le 28-07-2006 14:25 Hello, Thank you.
Réponse: Exercice 79 de annie, postée le 28-07-2006 à 14:50:23 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin,
What do you need to become a (0) SUCESSFUL TV personality? The people who are usually.. (56 USUAL) chosen to host TV quiz shows and chat shows seem to have few qualifying. (57 QUALIFY) for the job apart from having an ..attractive. (58 ATTRACT) appearance; in the case of women, this often means being blonde and .beautiful (59 BEAUTY). A certain level of intelligence and education is .essential (60 ESSENCE) but most people who work in the media do not seem to be very talented.(61 TALENT) in any other respects. The sad thing is that TV personalities have a powerful (62 POWER) influence on viewers and it is .natural. (63 NATURE) for younger viewers to admire these charming people, wearing the ..latest (64 LATE) fashions and always smiling, However, today's youth deserve ..better (65 GOOD) role models than these.
Merci Felin et bonnes vacances
Modifié par felin le 28-07-2006 19:34 Hello, Thank you.
Réponse: Exercice 79 de nanette33, postée le 28-07-2006 à 19:10:55 (S | E)
Hello Felin,
What do you need to become a (0) SUCESSFUL TV personality? The people who are usually (56 USUAL) chosen to host TV quiz shows and chat shows seem to have few qualification (57 QUALIFY) for the job apart from having an attractive (58 ATTRACT) appearance; in the case of women, this often means being blonde and beautiful (59 BEAUTY). A certain level of intelligence and education is essential (60 ESSENCE) but most people who work in the media do not seem to be very talented (61 TALENT) in any other respects. The sad thing is that TV personalities have a powerful (62 POWER) influence on viewers and it is natural (63 NATURE) for younger viewers to admire these charming people, wearing the latest (64 LATE) fashions and always smiling, However, today's youth deserve better (65 GOOD) role models than these.

Modifié par felin le 28-07-2006 19:34Hello, Thank you.
Réponse: Exercice 79 de felin, postée le 30-07-2006 à 15:45:35 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde
Voici la correction:
What do you need to become a SUCESSFUL TV personality? The people who are usually (56 USUAL) chosen to host TV quiz shows and chat shows seem to have few qualifications (57 QUALIFY) for the job apart from having an attractive (58 ATTRACT) appearance; in the case of women, this often means being blonde and beautiful (59 BEAUTY). A certain level of intelligence and education is essential (60 ESSENCE) but most people who work in the media do not seem to be very talented (61 TALENT) in any other respects. The sad thing is that TV personalities have a powerful (62 POWER) influence on viewers and it is natural (63 NATURE) for younger viewers to admire these charming people, wearing the latest (64 LATE) fashions and always smiling, However, today's youth deserve better (65 GOOD) role models than these
Merci à tous pour votre participation.
Bonnes vacances à toutes et à tous.
A bientôt.