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les prépositions suivies de ING.
Message de steeve34 posté le 22-09-2006 à 11:04:18 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour à tous.
Traduire les phrases suivantes en utilisant -WITHOUT-

Correction: samedi 30 septembre 2006.
1- Elle est partie sans dire au revoir.
2- Il a fait construire sa maison sans que la banque lui prête un sou.
3- Le joueur en colère a quitté le court sans serrer la main de l'arbitre.
4- L'avion s'est écrasé sans avoir pu signaler sa position.
5- Elle a acheté cette maison sans trop réfléchir à tous les travaux qu'elle devait y faire.
6- Les gangsters se sont séparés sans partager le butin.
7- Elle est rentrée sans faire de bruit ni allumer la lumière.
8- Tu devrais vider le lave-vaisselle sans qu'on te le dise.
9- Ils se sont mariés sans rien dire à leurs amis.
10- Comment osez-vous faire de pareilles choses sans me consulter ?
Message de steeve34 posté le 22-09-2006 à 11:04:18 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour à tous.
Traduire les phrases suivantes en utilisant -WITHOUT-

Correction: samedi 30 septembre 2006.
1- Elle est partie sans dire au revoir.
2- Il a fait construire sa maison sans que la banque lui prête un sou.
3- Le joueur en colère a quitté le court sans serrer la main de l'arbitre.
4- L'avion s'est écrasé sans avoir pu signaler sa position.
5- Elle a acheté cette maison sans trop réfléchir à tous les travaux qu'elle devait y faire.
6- Les gangsters se sont séparés sans partager le butin.
7- Elle est rentrée sans faire de bruit ni allumer la lumière.
8- Tu devrais vider le lave-vaisselle sans qu'on te le dise.
9- Ils se sont mariés sans rien dire à leurs amis.
10- Comment osez-vous faire de pareilles choses sans me consulter ?
Réponse: les prépositions suivies de ING. de nick27, postée le 22-09-2006 à 12:42:56 (S | E)
Hello !

1. She left without saying "Goodbye".
2. He got his house built without borrowing money from the bank.
3. The furious player left the play without shaking the referee's hands.
4. The plane crashed down without having said where it was.
5. She bought that house without thinking over all the works she'd have to do.
6. The gangsters split up without sharing the loot.
7. She came in without making noise and without switching on the light.
8. You should empty the dishwasher without being told to do so.
9. They got married without saying anything to their friends.
10. How do you dare to do such things without asking me ?
See you

Réponse: les prépositions suivies de ING. de coco02, postée le 22-09-2006 à 13:04:27 (S | E)
hello Steeve,
1-She left without saying goodbye.
2-His house was built without having secured a loan.
3-The angry player left the tennis court without shaking the referee's hands.
4-The plane crashed without indicating its position.
5-She bought this house without really thinking of all works she has to do.
6-The gangsters have dispersed (seperated) without sharing the swag.
7-She got in without making any noise or switching the light on.
8-You should empty out the dishwasher without being said.
9-They get married without telling their friends.
10- How can you do such things without asking (consulting with) me.
Réponse: les prépositions suivies de ING. de nanette33, postée le 22-09-2006 à 18:56:55 (S | E)
Hello Steeve,
1- She has gone off without saying goodbye
2- His house was built without the bank lending a penny to him.
3- The angry player left the court without shaking the arbitrator's hand.
4- The plane crashed without having been able to indicate its position.
5- She bought this house without thinking about all the works which she had have to do.
6- The gangsters separated without sharing the loot.
7- She came in without making noise nor switching on the light.
8- You should empty the dishwasher without it being said to you.
9- They got married without saying anything to their friends.
10- How do you dare to do such a things without consulting me?

Réponse: les prépositions suivies de ING. de bobine, postée le 22-09-2006 à 19:29:01 (S | E)
Hello Steeve,
1- She took off without saying goodbye.
2- He had his house built without borrowing money from the bank.
3- The angry player left the court without shaking the referee's hand.
4- The plane crashed without having been able to indicate its position.
5- She bought this house without thinking too much about all the works she would have to do.
6- The gangsters separated without sharing the plunder.
7- She went in without making noise or switching the light on.
8- You should empty the dishwasher without being told .
9- They got married without telling their friends
10- How dare you do such things without consulting me?
Réponse: les prépositions suivies de ING. de mp27, postée le 22-09-2006 à 20:13:25 (S | E)
Hello steeve34!
1- She left without saying goodbye.
2- He had his house built without the bank lending him a penny.
3- The angry player left the court without shaking hands with the empire.
4-The plane crashed without being able to signal its position.
(J'ai mis: ”without being able” au lieu de “without having been able” ... parce que j'ai pensé que le sens était le même et que la tournure était moins lourde... C'est acceptable?)
5- She bought that house without thinking too much about all the jobs that needed to be done.
6- The gangsters split up without sharing the stolen goods.(the loot?)
7- She came in without making a noise or switching the light on.
8- You should empty the dishwasher without being told.
9- They got married without telling their friends. (without saying anything to their friends)
10- How dare you do such things without consulting me first?
Thanks a lot!
Réponse: les prépositions suivies de ING. de shinygirl, postée le 23-09-2006 à 09:14:48 (S | E)
1- Elle est partie sans dire au revoir.
=> She is gone without saying goodbye.
2- Il a fait construire sa maison sans que la banque lui prête un sou.
=> He has built his house without borrowing money from the bank.
3- Le joueur en colère a quitté le court sans serrer la main de l'arbitre.
=> The furious player left the play without taking the referee's hands.
4- L'avion s'est écrasé sans avoir pu signaler sa position.
=> The plan was creashed without the signal of its position.
5- Elle a acheté cette maison sans trop réfléchir à tous les travaux qu'elle devait y faire.
=> She bought this house without thinking of the works thas she should do.
6- Les gangsters se sont séparés sans partager le butin.
=> The gangsters spilted in without sharing the lots.
7- Elle est rentrée sans faire de bruit ni allumer la lumière.
=> She is comming without making noise nor switching the light.
8- Tu devrais vider le lave-vaisselle sans qu'on te le dise.
=> You had to do the washing without being told to do so.
9- Ils se sont mariés sans rien dire à leurs amis.
=> They got married without telling their friends.
10- Comment osez-vous faire de pareilles choses sans me consulter ?
=> How do you dare that thing without asking me?

Réponse: les prépositions suivies de ING. de coferam, postée le 24-09-2006 à 14:49:28 (S | E)
Bonjour Steeve34,
1 / She left without saying goodbye
2 / His house was built without obtaining a loan of the bank.
3 / The angry player left the court without shaking the referee’s hand.
4 / The plane crashed without indicating its position.
5 / She bought this house without thinking too much about all
the labours she had to do there.
6 / The mobsters separated without sharing the booty.
7 / She came in without making noise nor turning on the light.
8 / You should evacuate the dishwasher without saying it to you.
9 / They got married without saying anything to their friends.
10 / How dare you do such things without consulting me?
Réponse: les prépositions suivies de ING. de lakata, postée le 24-09-2006 à 15:33:33 (S | E)
Hello, steeve!
(I almost missed your exercise...It would've been a pity!!!)
1) She left without saying goodbye.
2) He had his house built without being lent any penny by the bank / without borrowing any penny from the bank
3) Angrily, the player left the court without shaking hands with the referee.
4) The plane crashed without having time to give its position.
5) She bought that house without giving her time to think over all the work/jobs she would have to do in it.
6) The gangsters split up without sharing the loot.
7) She came back without making any noise or switching the lights on.
8) You should empty the dishwasher without being told to do so.
9) They got married without telling anything to their friends.
10)How dare you do such things without seeking advice from me ?
Thanks a lot.
Réponse: les prépositions suivies de ING. de maya13, postée le 24-09-2006 à 17:56:22 (S | E)
Hello steeve,
1 - She left without saying goodbye
2 - He had his house built without the bank granting him a loan
3 - The angry player left the court without shaking hands with the umpire
4 - The plane crashed down without having reported its position
5 - She bought this house without thinking about the works she will have to
6 - The gangsters parted without sharing the loot
7 - She came in silently without turning the light on
8 - You should empty the dishwasher without having been told
9 - They got married without telling their friends
10 - How dare you do such things without asking me
Réponse: les prépositions suivies de ING. de adamolma4, postée le 24-09-2006 à 19:08:52 (S | E)
Hello Steve.
1) -She's gone away without saying goodbye.
2) -He had a house built without getting a penny from the bank.
3) -The player, angrily left the tennis court without shaking the hand's umpire.
4) -The plane crashed without being able to specify its location.
5) -She bought this house without realizing that she would have a lot of work to do.
6) -The gangsters split up without sharing the loot.
7) -She came back into the room without ever making noise or turning the light on.
8) -You should empty out the dishwasher without you are being told.
9) -They got married without saying anything to their friends.
10) -how dare you do that without discussing with me before!
Thank you Steve and see you soon.
Réponse: les prépositions suivies de ING. de sandrineg, postée le 24-09-2006 à 22:10:47 (S | E)
1- She left without saying goodbye.
2- He has built his house without borrowing money from the bank.
3- The angry player left the court without shaking referee's hand.
4- The plane crashed without indicating its position.
5- She bought this house without thinking of all the work she had to do.
6- Gangsters separated without sharing plunder.
7- She came in without doing noise or turning on the light.
8- You should empty out the dishwasher without being said it to you.
9- They get married without informing their friends.
10- How do you do such things without asking me ?
So long
Réponse: les prépositions suivies de ING. de steeve34, postée le 30-09-2006 à 10:36:56 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai peu de remarques à faire sur ce sujet.
Cependant je voudrais insister sur un point.
Emploi de l'expression " How dare you/she..... !"----> used to express anger about something someone has done.
How dare you use my car without asking !
How dare he tell me what to do !
Voici ma proposition :
1- She left without saying goodbye.
2- He had his house built without the bank lending him a penny.
3-The angry player left the court whithout shaking the referee's hand.
4- The plane crashed without being able to give its position.
5- She bought the house without thinking of all the work she'd have to do in it.
6- The gangsters went their separate ways without sharing out the loot.
7- She came home without making any noise or turning on the lights.
8- You ought to empty the dishwasher without having to be told.
9- They got married without letting their friends know.
10- How dare you do such things without consulting me !
Je vous remercie pour votre participation.
Je répondrai à toute question concernant ce sujet.