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Which - What - All(that).
Message de steeve34 posté le 02-10-2006 à 16:49:31 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous,

Comment employer correctement Which - What - All(that) ?

1- Il faut employer which lorsque ce terme , qui signifie "ce que" ou "ce qui " résume ce qui précède.

Il est courageux, ce que j'apprécie.
He is courageous, which I appreciate.
Il est courageux, ce qui ne m'étonne pas.
He is courageous, which doesn't surprise me.

Remarque importante:
Le relatif which est obligatoirement séparé de son antécédent par une virgule.

2- Il faut employer what lorsque ce terme qui signifie "ce que" ou "ce qui" annonce ce qui suit.

Ce que j'apprécie, c'est son courage.
What I appreciate is his courage.
Ce qui m'étonne, c'est son courage.
What surprises me is his courage.


*Le pronom relatitif what n'a pas d'antécédent.
** A la différence du français la virgule disparaît et " c' " n 'est pas traduit.

3- Lorsque "ce que" ou "ce qui" introduit une proposition qui est complément du verbe il se traduit par what.


Nous aimons ce que vous peignez.
We like what you paint.

Je ne peux pas lire ce qui est écrit.
I can't read what 's written.

4- Tout ce que et tout ce qui se traduisent par all that ou everything.

Exemples :

Nous aimons tout ce que vous peignez.
We like all (= everything) that you paint.

Remarque :
That qui est complément peut être sous entendu.
We like all you paint.

Niveau :
Correction : mercredi 11 octobre 2006.

Traduire les phrases suivantes.

1-Je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé, mais je vais vous dire ce que je pense.
2- Vous ne m'avez pas aidé, ce qui n'étonnera personne.
3- Ce qui l'a beaucoup aidé, c'est le livre que vous lui avez prêté.
4- J'ai oublié tout ce que vous m'avez dit.
5- Je savais déjà tout ce dont vous alliez leur parler.
6- Tout ce que j'ai à dire, c'est que je suis désolé.
7- Il nous traitait avec condescendance, ce que nous ne supportions pas.
8- Nous vendrons aux enchères tout ce que nous possédons.
9- Ce que nous redoutons maintenant, c'est un raz- de-marée ou un ouragan.
10- As-tu marchandé ce que tu as acheté hier ?

Vocabulaire :
Traiter avec condescendance----> to patronize
Raz-de-marée---->tidal wave
Ouragan----> hurricane
Marchander----> to haggle over.

Réponse: Which - What - All(that). de nanette33, postée le 03-10-2006 à 09:17:38 (S | E)
Hello Steeve,

1- I don't know what happened, but I'm going to tell you what I think
2- You didn't help me, which will surprise nobody.
3- What helped a lot him is the book you lent to him.
4- I forgot all that you said me.
5- I knew already everything you were going to tell them.
6- All that I can say is I'm sorry
7- He patronized us, which we didn't bear.
8- We'll auction everything we own.
9- What we fear now is a tidal wave or a hurricane.
10- Did you bargain what you bought yesterday?

pour cet exercice fort utile.

Réponse: Which - What - All(that). de mp27, postée le 03-10-2006 à 15:00:30 (S | E)
Hello steeve34!

1- I don't know what happened but I'm going to tell you what I think about it.
2- You didn't help me, which won't surprise anyone.
3- What helped him a lot is the book you lent him.
4- I forgot all that you told me / everything you told me.
5- I already knew everything you were going to tell them.
6- All I've got to say is I'm sorry.
7- He used to patronize us, which we couldn't stand.
8- We'll be auctioning off everything we possess.
9- What we fear now is a tidal wave or a hurricane.
10- Did you haggle over what you bought yesterday?
pour cet exercice très intéressant et pour les explications de l'introduction.

Réponse: Which - What - All(that). de lakata, postée le 03-10-2006 à 17:51:01 (S | E)
Hello, steeve !

( Voilà qui répond à plusieurs questions que je me posais récemment...)

1) I don't know what happened, but I'll tell you what I think about.
2) You haven't brought me any help, which will surprise nobody.
3) What has been a great help to him is the book you lent him out.
4) I've forgotten all (that) you told me.
5) I already knew all that you were going to tell them about.
6) All I can say is ( the fact ?) I'm sorry.
7) He used to patronize us, which we couldn't put up with.
8) We'll sell by auction everything we have got.
9) What we are standing in dread of is a tidal wave or a hurricane
10) Did you haggle over what you bought yesterday ?

Merci mille fois.

Modifié par lakata le 04-10-2006 13:58

Réponse: Which - What - All(that). de maya13, postée le 03-10-2006 à 18:21:53 (S | E)
hello steeve,

1 - I don't know what happened but I am going to tell you what I think
2 - You didn't help me which won't surprise anyone
3 - What helped him a lot is the book you lent to him
4 - I have forgotten everything you told me
5 - I already knew all you were going to tell them
6 - All I have to say is I am sorry
7 - He used to patronize us which we couldn't stand
8 - We will sell by auction everything we possess
9 - What we fear now is a tidal wave or a hurricane
10 - Did you haggle over what you bought yesterday ?

As usual a very interesting exercise, thank you steeve

Réponse: Which - What - All(that). de adamolma4, postée le 04-10-2006 à 11:20:58 (S | E)
Hello Steve,

1) -I don't know what occured, but I'll say to you what I think.
2) -You didn't help me, which won't astonish anybody.
3) -What helped him a lot, is the book we lent to him.
4) -I forgot all (that) you said to me.
5) -I already knew everything you were going to tell them.
6) -All that I have to say is I'm sorry.
7) -He used to patronize us, which we couldn't stand.
8) -We'll sell with the biddings all that we have.
9) -What we fear now is a tidal wave or a hurricane.
10) -Did you haggle over what you bought yesterday.

Thank you Steve for these interesting exercises

Modifié par adamolma4 le 04-10-2006 11:21

Réponse: Which - What - All(that). de coco02, postée le 04-10-2006 à 12:43:31 (S | E)
hello Steve,

1-I don’t know what happened, but I am going to tell you what I am thinking of.

2-You didn’t help me , which won’t surprise anyone.

3-What helped him a lot is the book (that) you lent him.

4-I forgot all (that) you told me.

5-I already knew all (that) you had to told them.

6-All I have to say is that I am sorry.

7-He patronized us, which we couldn’t stand.

8-We will sell at auction all that we own.

9-What we fear now, is a tidal wave or a hurricane.

10-Have you haggled over what you bought yesterday ?

Modifié par coco02 le 04-10-2006 12:44

Réponse: Which - What - All(that). de coferam, postée le 04-10-2006 à 14:08:49 (S | E)

Bonjour Steeve34,

1-I don’t know what happened, but I am going to tell you what I think.
2-You didn’t help me, which will not amaze nobody.
3-What helped much him, it is the book that you lent him.
4-I forgot all that you told me.
5-I already knew all that you were going to tell them.
6-All that I have to say, it is I am sorry.
7-He patronized us, that we wouldn’t bear.
8-We’ll sell at auction all that we own.
9-What we fear now, it is a tidal wave or a hurricane.
10-Did you haggle over what you bought yesterday ?


Réponse: Which - What - All(that). de toufa57, postée le 04-10-2006 à 14:42:55 (S | E)
Hello steeve,
1-I do not know what happened,but I am going to tell you what Ithink.
2-You did not help me ,which will surprise nobody.
3-What helped him(her) so much is the book that you lent to him(her).
4-I forgot all that you told me.
5-I already knew all that you were going to tell them about.
6-All that I have got to say ,is I am sorry.
7-He patronized us,which we could not bear.
8-We will sell by auction all that we have.
9-What we fear now,is a tidal wave or an hurricane.
10-Did you haggle over what you bought yesterday?

Thanks a lot .

Réponse: Which - What - All(that). de mariti, postée le 04-10-2006 à 15:11:30 (S | E)
C'est ma premiere participation

1 I don't know what happened, but j'm going to tell you what I think.

2 You didn't help me, which won't surprise anybody.

3 What helped him much, is the book you lent him.

4 I forgot all you told me.

5 I already knew all you were going to tell them.

6 All that I have to say about it, I'm awfully.

7 He patronized us, which we couldn't bear.

8 We'll sell by auction everything we own.

9 What's terrified now, is a tidal wave or a hurricane.

10 Did you bargain what you bought yesterday?

Réponse: Which - What - All(that). de mariti, postée le 04-10-2006 à 15:14:02 (S | E)
C'est ma premiere participation

1 I don't know what happened, but j'm going to tell you what I think.

2 You didn't help me, which won't surprise anybody.

3 What helped him much, is the book you lent him.

4 I forgot all you told me.

5 I already knew all you were going to tell them.

6 All that I have to say about it, I'm awfully.

7 He patronized us, which we couldn't bear.

8 We'll sell by auction everything we own.

9 What's terrified now, is a tidal wave or a hurricane.

10 Did you bargain what you bought yesterday?

Réponse: Which - What - All(that). de nick27, postée le 07-10-2006 à 10:44:03 (S | E)

1. I don't know what happened, but I'm going to tell you what I think about it.
2. You didn't help me, which won't surprive anybody.
3. What helped him a lot, it's the book you lent him.
4. I forgot all that you said to me.
5. I already knew everything you were going to tell them.
6. All I have to say is that I'm sorry.
7. He used to patronize us, which we couldn't stand.
8. We'll sell everything we have.
9. What we now fear is a tidal wave or a hurricane.
10. Did you haggle over what you bought yesterday?

Thanks a lot !
See you

Réponse: Which - What - All(that). de steeve34, postée le 11-10-2006 à 17:02:22 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous.

J'ai peu de remarques à faire sur votre bon travail.
Cependant, je voudrais signaler que le verbe to lend se construit de deux maniéres.

to lend sb sth ou to lend sth to sb.

1-Can you lend me $20 till Friday ?
2- Reluctantly, I agreed to lend it to her.

Sachez faire la distinction entre SAY et TELL.
Tell a deux sens : dire et raconter.

He told me to be more careful in the future.
Il m'a dit d'être plus prudent à l'avenir.

He likes telling stories.
Il aime raconter des histoires.

On emploie tell au style indirect. Say s'emploie au style direct, et permet de citer les propos de quelqu'un. Si ce verbe est suivi d'un complément de personne, n'oubliez pas la préposition TO.
Say something TO me.
"Hurry-up" , he said, "otherwise we're going to be late"

Voici ma proposition.

1-I don't know what happened but I'm going to tell you what I think.
2- You didn't help me, which won't surprise anyone.
3- What helped him a lot was the book you lent him.
4-I've forgotten all(that) you told me.
5-I already knew all/everything you were going to talk to them about.
6-All I have to say is that I'm worry.
7-He patronized us, which we could not bear.
8-We will auction off all that we own.
9-What we fear now is a hurricane or a tidal wave.
10- Did you haggle over what you bought yesterday ?

Je vous remercie de votre bonne participation.
Je répondrai à toute question concernant ce sujet.

Réponse: Which - What - All(that). de lethidee, postée le 11-10-2006 à 19:45:52 (S | E)
Hello Steeve

1) I don't know what happened but I'm going to tell you what I think
2) You did'nt help me which won't surprise nobody
3)Which helped her is the book that you lent to her
4) I forgot what you told me
5)I knew already all that you were going to say them
6) All that I have to say is that I'm sorry
7) He patronized us which we didn't suffer
8) We will sell in auction all that we possess
9) What we dread now is a tidal wave or a hurricane
10° Have you haggled over all that you bought yesterday ?

Réponse: Which - What - All(that). de lethidee, postée le 11-10-2006 à 19:47:52 (S | E)
Je viens de voir la correction. Je suis un peu en retard. Sorry



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