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Exercice 86 (who,whom and which)
Message de felin posté le 07-11-2006 à 14:16:00 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction lundi 13/11/2006

Choose the correct word. If both are possible, choose them both.

1 Who/ Whom translated the book?
2 Whom/ Who do you hold responsible for the damage?
3'Here's a photo of our children at the fancy dress party.' 'Who/ Which is Wendy?'
4 To whom/ who should the documents be sent?
5 Who/ Which will captain the team if Jeff isn't available?
6 'Is your brother at home?' 'What/ Which one do you want to speak to?'
7 Which/ Who of you is Dr Smiths? I have a message for you.
8 Which/ Who would you rather be - a doctor or a vet?

Réponse: Exercice 86 de hela, postée le 08-11-2006 à 09:07:29 (S | E)
Bonjour felin, voici ma proposition:

1 Who translated the book?
2 Whom / Who do you hold responsible for the damage?
(les 2 sont possibles mais le premier relatif est plus "standard")

3'Here's a photo of our children at the fancy dress party.' 'Who is Wendy?'
4 To whom should the documents be sent?
5 Who will captain the team if Jeff isn't available?
6 'Is your brother at home?' 'Which one do you want to speak to?'
7 Which of you is Dr Smiths? I have a message for you.
8 Who would you rather be - a doctor or a vet?


Réponse: Exercice 86 de shinygirl, postée le 08-11-2006 à 09:26:49 (S | E)

1 Who translated the book?
2 Who do you hold responsible for the damage?
3'Here's a photo of our children at the fancy dress party.' 'Who is Wendy?'
4 To whom/ who should the documents be sent?
5 Who/ Which will captain the team if Jeff isn't available?
6 'Is your brother at home?' ' Which one do you want to speak to?'
7 Which of you is Dr Smiths? I have a message for you.
8 Who would you rather be - a doctor or a vet?

Réponse: Exercice 86 de josy, postée le 08-11-2006 à 09:49:18 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin
1 Who translated the book?
2 Who/whom do you hold responsible for the damage?
3'Here's a photo of our children at the fancy dress party.' 'Who is Wendy?'
4 To who/whom should the documents be sent?
5 Who will captain the team if Jeff isn't available?
6 'Is your brother at home?' 'What one do you want to speak to?'
7 Who of you is Dr Smiths? I have a message for you.
8 Who would you rather be - a doctor or a vet?

Réponse: Exercice 86 de cricrij37, postée le 08-11-2006 à 12:38:58 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

1 Who translated the book?
2 Whom/who do you hold responsible for the damage?
3'Here's a photo of our children at the fancy dress party.' 'Who is Wendy?'
4 To whom should the documents be sent?
5 Who will captain the team if Jeff isn't available?
6 'Is your brother at home?' 'Which one do you want to speak to?'
7 Which/ Who of you is Dr Smiths? I have a message for you.
8 Who would you rather be - a doctor or a vet?

Thanks a lot

Réponse: Exercice 86 de sandrineg, postée le 08-11-2006 à 13:07:45 (S | E)
1 Who translated the book?
2 Whom or who do you hold responsible for the damage?
3'Here's a photo of our children at the fancy dress party.' 'Who is Wendy?'
4 To whom should the documents be sent?
5 Who will captain the team if Jeff isn't available?
6 'Is your brother at home?' 'which one do you want to speak to?'
7 Who or witch of you is Dr Smiths? I have a message for you.
8 Who would you rather be - a doctor or a vet?


Réponse: Exercice 86 de whynot95, postée le 10-11-2006 à 16:05:06 (S | E)
Hello my dear Felin.

1 Who translated the book?
2 Whom (who)do you hold responsible for the damage?
3'Here's a photo of our children at the fancy dress party.' 'Which is Wendy?'
4 To whom should the documents be sent?
5 Who will captain the team if Jeff isn't available?
6 'Is your brother at home?' 'Which one do you want to speak to?'
7 Which of you is Dr Smiths? I have a message for you.
8 Who (which) would you rather be - a doctor or a vet?

Thanks a lot.

Réponse: Exercice 86 (who,whom and which) de adamolma4, postée le 10-11-2006 à 18:08:51 (S | E)
Hello felin,

1) Who translated the book?
2)Whom (who) do you hold responsible for the damage?
3)Here's a photo of our children at the fancy dress party. Which is Wendy?
4)To whom should the document be sent?
5)Who will captain the team if Jeff isn't available?
6) Is your brother at home ? Which one do you want to speak to?
7)Which of you is Dr Smiths? I have a message for you.
8)Who would you rather be a doctor or a vet?

see you soon

Réponse: Exercice 86 (who,whom and which) de coferam, postée le 11-11-2006 à 12:59:43 (S | E)

Bonjour Felin,

1- Who translated the book ?
2- Whom do you hold responsible for the damage ?
3- Here’s a photo of our children at the fancy.’Who is Wendy ?’
4- To whom should the documents be sent ?
5- Who will captain the team if Jeff isn’t avaible ?
6- 'Is your brother at home?' ‘Which one do you want to speak to ?’
7- Who of you is Dr Smiths ? I have a message for you.
8- Who would you rather be – a doctor or a vet ?

Et Merci.

Réponse: Exercice 86 (who,whom and which) de felin, postée le 13-11-2006 à 14:16:25 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction:

1 Who translated the book?
2 Whom/ Who do you hold responsible for the damage? (whom is very formal)
3'Here's a photo of our children at the fancy dress party.'Which is Wendy?'
4 To whom should the documents be sent?
5 Who will captain the team if Jeff isn't available?
6 'Is your brother at home?' Which one do you want to speak to?'
7 Which of you is Dr Smiths? I have a message for you.
8 Which/ Who would you rather be - a doctor or a vet?

à tous pour votre participation.



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