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Exercice 87 (Compound adjectives)
Message de felin posté le 10-11-2006 à 15:52:34 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction mercredi 15/11/2006

Compound adjective

Complete the compound adjective in these sentences.

1.She has a nine-.....................................old son.
2.When I saw him, he was with a very good.............woman in a blue suit.
3.My best friend is very well ................., so she can go to expensive restaurants.
4.They were both wearing short-............... shirts.
5.Jeff has just got a ............... - time job now. He works three hours a day, Monday to Thursday.
6.My cousin’s just bought a brand- ................. car.
7.It was a very badly- .......... article: terrible punctuation and lots of spelling mistakes.
8.I had a nice time with my friend - she's good company and very easy................. .
9.One boy was very badly ................: he kept shouting and then threw food all over the floor
10. Goran Ivanisevic is probably the most famous left.................. tennis player.
11.She's got a little shop near the market, where she sells second............. things.
12. Have you ever met a well ................. actor or singer?

Have fun!

Réponse: Exercice 87 (Compound adjectives) de nick27, postée le 10-11-2006 à 16:08:31 (S | E)
Hello Felin !

1.She has a nine-year old son.
2.When I saw him, he was with a very good-dressed woman in a blue suit.
3.My best friend is very well-paid so she can go to expensive restaurants.
4.They were both wearing short-length shirts. (Not sure at all )
5.Jeff has just got a part-time job now. He works three hours a day, Monday to Thursday.
6.My cousin’s just bought a brand-new car.
7.It was a very badly-written article: terrible punctuation and lots of spelling mistakes.
8.I had a nice time with my friend - she's good company and very easy-going.
9.One boy was very badly-raised: he kept shouting and then threw food all over the floor
10. Goran Ivanisevic is probably the most famous left-handed tennis player.
11.She's got a little shop near the market, where she sells second-hand things.
12. Have you ever met a well-known actor or singer?

Thanks !
Modifié par felin le 10-11-2006 16:11

Réponse: Exercice 87 (Compound adjectives) de maya13, postée le 10-11-2006 à 16:26:12 (S | E)
hello felin,

- nine-year old
- good-looking
- well-off
- short-sleeved shirt
- part-time job
- brand-new car
- badly written
- easy-going
- ill-bred
- left-handed
- secondhand
- well-known

thank you felin

Réponse: Exercice 87 (Compound adjectives) de cricrij37, postée le 10-11-2006 à 16:41:10 (S | E)
Hello Felin!

1.She has a nine- years old son.
2.When I saw him, he was with a very good dressed woman in a blue suit.
3.My best friend is very well paid, so she can go to expensive restaurants.
4.They were both wearing short- sleeved shirts.
5.Jeff has just got a share - time job now. He works three hours a day, Monday to Thursday.
6.My cousin’s just bought a brand- new car.
7.It was a very badly- written article: terrible punctuation and lots of spelling mistakes.
8.I had a nice time with my friend - she's good company and very easy talking.
9.One boy was very badly behaved : he kept shouting and then threw food all over the floor
10. Goran Ivanisevic is probably the most famous left handed tennis player.
11.She's got a little shop near the market, where she sells second hand things.
12. Have you ever met a well known actor or singer?

Réponse: Exercice 87 (Compound adjectives) de whynot95, postée le 10-11-2006 à 18:12:24 (S | E)
Hello my dear Felin.

1/year 2/looking 3/paid 4/sleeved 5/part 6/new
7/written 8/going 9/behaved 10/handed 11/hand 12/known

Thanks a lot.

Réponse: Exercice 87 (Compound adjectives) de coferam, postée le 11-11-2006 à 23:17:43 (S | E)
Bonsoir Felin,

1.She has a nine-year..old son.
2.When I saw him, he was with a very good-looking.woman in a blue suit.
3.My best friend is very well-off ., so she can go to expensive restaurants.
4.They were both wearing short-sleeved.shirts.
5.Jeff has just got a part-time job now. He works three hours a day, Monday to Thursday.
6.My cousin’s just bought a
7.It was a very badly-written article: terrible punctuation and lots of spelling mistakes.
8.I had a nice time with my friend - she's good company and very easy-going .
9.One boy was very badly-raised( ??? ): he kept shouting and then threw food all over the floor
10. Goran Ivanisevic is probably the most famous left-handed tennis player.
11.She's got a little shop near the market, where she sells second-hand things.
12. Have you ever met a well-knowned actor or singer?


Réponse: Exercice 87 (Compound adjectives) de mp27, postée le 11-11-2006 à 23:28:26 (S | E)
Hello felin
1.nine-year old son.
2. a very good looking woman
3.My best friend is very well off
4.short-sleeved shirts
5.a part-time job
6.a brand-new car.
7.a very badly-written article
8.very easy going
9.One boy was very badly behaved
10. left-handed
11.she sells second-hand things.
12. a well-known actor or singer?

Thanks a lot!
PS: Il faudra que je révise le problème des traits d'union!

Réponse: Exercice 87 (Compound adjectives) de adamolma4, postée le 13-11-2006 à 17:18:18 (S | E)

hello feli,

1) A nine-year old son
2) A very-good-looking woman
3)My best friend is very well-off
4)both wearing short-sleeved shirts
5)Jeff has got a part-time job
6)My cousin's just bought a brand-new car
7)It was a very badly-written article
8)She's good company and very easy-going
9)One boy was very badly-mannered
10)The famous left-handed player
11)She sells second-hand things
12)Have you ever met a well-known actor or singer?

Thank you felin and see you soon

Réponse: Exercice 87 (Compound adjectives) de cat3, postée le 14-11-2006 à 12:51:49 (S | E)
bonjour Felin

- nine-year
- good-looking
- well-paid
- short-?
- part-time
- brand-new
- badly-written
- badly-behaved
- left-handed
- second-hand
- well-known
merci Felin

Réponse: Exercice 87 (Compound adjectives) de hotmustard, postée le 15-11-2006 à 00:51:07 (S | E)
.She has a nine-years old son.
2.When I saw him, he was with a very good-looking woman in a blue suit.
3.My best friend is very well off, so she can go to expensive restaurants.
4.They were both wearing short-sleeves shirts.
5.Jeff has just got a part-time job now. He works three hours a day, Monday to Thursday.
6.My cousin’s just bought a brand- new car.
7.It was a very badly-written article: terrible punctuation and lots of spelling mistakes.
8.I had a nice time with my friend - she's good company and very easy.going .
9.One boy was very badly brought-up,he kept shouting and then threw food all over the floor
10. Goran Ivanisevic is probably the most famous left.handed tennis player.
11.She's got a little shop near the market, where she sells second.-hand things.
12. Have you ever met a well- known actor or singer?

Réponse: Exercice 87 (Compound adjectives) de felin, postée le 15-11-2006 à 12:06:20 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction:

1.She has a nine-year old son.
2.When I saw him, he was with a very good- looking woman in a blue suit.
3.My best friend is very well off/paid so he can go to expensive restaurants.
4.They were both wearing short-sleeved shirts.
5.Jeff has just got a part - time job now. He works three hours a day, Monday to Thursday.
6.My cousin’s just bought a brand- new car.
7.It was a very badly- written article: terrible punctuation and lots of spelling mistakes.
8.I had a nice time with my friend - she's good company and very easy going
9.One boy was very badly behaved: he kept shouting and then threw food all over the floor
10.Goran Ivanisevic is probably the most famous left handed tennis player.
11.She's got a little shop near the market, where she sells second- hand things.
12 Have you ever met a well- known actor or singer?

==> good-dressed , short-length, badly-raised, share time, easy talking ne veulent rien dire.
Well-dressed existe. (bien habillé)
Attention year pas de S
I'm 30 years old la oui on met un s

à tous pour votre participation.



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