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Phrasal verbs 14
Message de felin posté le 26-11-2006 à 12:53:54 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Samedi 2 décembre 2006

Complete each of the sentences with the correct form of one of the verbs below and the particle UP. Use each verb once only.
build/ cheer/ grow/ liven/ put/ shoot/ speak/ stand/ fill/heal/ lock/ ring/ save/ seal/ tidy

1.It's a long journey so remember to .................. the petrol tank before you go.
2.It was a deep wound so it took some time to...................
3.I'm not tall enough to reach. Can you........ this frame for me?
4.After a long illness, it takes some time to........... your strength.
5.You'll be able to find everything if you ...... your room.
6.If you're worried about things falling out of the parcel, you'd better use some strong tape to .......... it..............
7.You've got my number so you can ...... me ........ if you have any problems.
8.He was such a dangerous prisoner that they ............. him ......... in a room and put a guard outside.
9.Why are you so miserable? ............ ! Things can't be that bad!
10.She's a bit deaf so you'll have to ..........
11.When the headmaster came in, most of the pupils ............. but a few remained seated.
12.The party was really boring so I suggested some games to ..... it .....
13.She was finally able to buy the car after she’d .............enough money.
14.He was born in London but he ......... in France.
15.The weather's been so bad that the price of bananas has ................ .

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 14 de nick27, postée le 26-11-2006 à 13:14:15 (S | E)
Hey Felin !

1. It's a long journey so remember to fill up the petrol tank before you go.
2. It was a deep wound so it took some time to heal up.
3. I'm not tall enough to reach. Can you put up this frame for me?
4. After a long illness, it takes some time to build up your strength.
5. You'll be able to find everything if you tidy up your room.
6. If you're worried about things falling out of the parcel, you'd better use some strong tape to seal it up.
7. You've got my number so you can ring me up if you have any problems.
8. He was such a dangerous prisoner that they locked him up in a room and put a guard outside.
9. Why are you so miserable? Cheer up ! Things can't be that bad!
10. She's a bit deaf so you'll have to speak up.
11. When the headmaster came in, most of the pupils stood up but a few remained seated.
12. The party was really boring so I suggested some games to liven it up.
13. She was finally able to buy the car after she’d saved up enough money.
14. He was born in London but he grew up in France.
15. The weather's been so bad that the price of bananas has shot up.

Thanks a lot !

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 14 de annie, postée le 28-11-2006 à 10:59:04 (S | E)
Hello Félin,

1)to fill up
2) to heal up
3) Can you put up
4)to build up
5)you tidy up
6)to seal it up
7)ring me up
8) they locked him up
9)Cheer up!
10) speak up
11) stood up
12) to liven it up
13) she'd saved up
14) he grew up
15)has shot up

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 14 de cricrij37, postée le 28-11-2006 à 14:10:25 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

1.It's a long journey so remember to fill up the petrol tank before you go.
2.It was a deep wound so it took some time to heal up.
3.I'm not tall enough to reach. Can you put up this frame for me?
4.After a long illness, it takes some time to build up your strength.
5.You'll be able to find everything if you tidy up your room.
6.If you're worried about things falling out of the parcel, you'd better use some strong tape to seal it up .
7.You've got my number so you can ring me up if you have any problems.
8.He was such a dangerous prisoner that they locked him up in a room and put a guard outside.
9.Why are you so miserable? Cheer up ! Things can't be that bad!
10.She's a bit deaf so you'll have to speak up .
11.When the headmaster came in, most of the pupils stood up but a few remained seated.
12.The party was really boring so I suggested some games to liven it up .
13.She was finally able to buy the car after she’d saved up enough money.
14.He was born in London but he grows up in France.
15.The weather's been so bad that the price of bananas has shot up .


Réponse: Phrasal verbs 14 de mp27, postée le 29-11-2006 à 15:24:22 (S | E)
Hello felin! fill up heal up
3.put up build up
5.tidy up seal it up
7.ring me up
8.they locked him up
9.Cheer up! speak up
11.stood up liven it up
13.she'd saved up
14.grew up
15.has shot up

Many thanks.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 14 de frapedur, postée le 29-11-2006 à 15:32:49 (S | E)
Goog Afternoon Felin!

1) fill up
2) heal up
3) put up
4) to build up
5) tidy up
6) seal it up
7) ring me up
8) they locked him up
9) Cheer up!
10) speak up
11) stood up
12) liven it up
13) she'd saved up
14) grew up
15) has shot up

Thank you my dear Félin
Modifié par frapedur le 29-11-2006 15:32
Modifié par felin le 29-11-2006 18:24

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 14 de whynot95, postée le 30-11-2006 à 06:18:48 (S | E)
Hello my dear Felin.

1.It's a long journey so remember to fill up the petrol tank before you go.
2.It was a deep wound so it took some time to heal up.
3.I'm not tall enough to reach. Can you put up this frame for me?
4.After a long illness, it takes some time to build up your strength.
5.You'll be able to find everything if you tidy up your room.
6.If you're worried about things falling out of the parcel, you'd better use some strong tape to seal it up.
7.You've got my number so you can ring me up if you have any problems.
8.He was such a dangerous prisoner that they locked him up in a room and put a guard outside.
9.Why are you so miserable? Cheer up! Things can't be that bad!
10.She's a bit deaf so you'll have to speak up.
11.When the headmaster came in, most of the pupils stood up but a few remained seated.
12.The party was really boring so I suggested some games to liven it up.
13.She was finally able to buy the car after she’d saved up enough money.
14.He was born in London but he grew up in France.
15.The weather's been so bad that the price of bananas has shot up.

Many thanks.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 14 de coferam, postée le 01-12-2006 à 14:11:27 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin,

1 – Fill up
2 – Heal up
3 – Put up
4 – Build up
5 – Tidy up
6 – Seal it up
7 – Ring me up
8 – Locked him up
9 – Cheer up !
10 – Speak up
11 – Stood up
12 – Liven it up
13 – Saved up
14- Grew up
15- Shot up

Me permets-tu une réflexion = Sur les 15 verbes ci-dessus, 14 ont eu la gentillesse de se présenter avec leur particule, ce qui facilite la tâche…Mais un a refusé malgré mes recherches(dictionnaires électroniques ou papiers…et je me suis montré très patient !) ; il s’agit du verbe n°2 ‘Heal up’ dont le sens du 1er mot m’a permis de le caser ; quant au sens de heal up, je le cherche encore ! Dois-je conclure que je me débrouille mal ou as-tu une explication qui satisfasse mon égo ? Pardon pour ce bla-bla…

et Merci.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 14 de lakata, postée le 02-12-2006 à 09:38:38 (S | E)
Hello felin.

1) fill up
2) heal up
3) put up
4) build up
5) tidy up
6) seal it up
7) ring me up
8) locked him up
9) Cheer up!
10)speak up
11)stood up
12)liven it up
13)saved up
14)grew up
15)has shot up

Merci felin

À propos de "heal up" qui tracasse coferam, je pense que "up" signifiant à mes yeux la complète réalisation, l'achèvement, "heal up" évoque une guérison totale et peut donc se traduire par "cicatriser". J'espère ne pas me tromper.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 14 de cat3, postée le 02-12-2006 à 16:23:05 (S | E)

1-fill up
2-heal up
3-put up
4-build up
5-tidy up
7-ring me up
8-looked me up
9-cheer up
10-speak up
11-stood up
12-liven it up
13-save up
14-grew up
15-shoot up

merci Felin

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 14 de felin, postée le 02-12-2006 à 22:30:51 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction:

1.It's a long journey so remember to fill up the petrol tank before you go.
2.It was a deep wound so it took some time to heal up
3.I'm not tall enough to reach. Can you put up this frame for me?
4.After a long illness, it takes some time to build up your strength.
5.You'll be able to find everything if you tidy up your room.
6.If you're worried about things falling out of the parcel, you'd better use some strong tape to seal it up
7.You've got my number so you can ring me up if you have any problems.
8.He was such a dangerous prisoner that they locked him up in a room and put a guard outside.
9.Why are you so miserable? Cheer up! Things can't be that bad!
10.She's a bit deaf so you'll have to speak up
11.When the headmaster came in, most of the pupils stood up but a few remained seated.
12.The party was really boring so I suggested some games to liven it up
13.She was finally able to buy the car after she’d saved up enough money.
14.He was born in London but he grew up in France.
15.The weather's been so bad that the price of bananas has shot up.

Merci à tous pour votre participation.

Hello coferam=> heal up ==> veut dire se cicatriser,=> la plaie mettait du temps à se cicatriser.

The "UP" in the verbs in this exercise had the meaning of an upward movement, an increase or an improvement.
Lakata a bien explique et merci.
See you soon.



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