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Do you know your irregular verbs?
Message de traviskidd posté le 24-01-2007 à 16:41:23 (S | E | F | I)

Je vous propose ce petit exercice, ou l'appellerais-je un jeu:

In each of the following pairs of verbs, the preterite and the past participle appear to follow the same pattern. However, it may be that for one verb in each pair the preterite and/or past participle are incorrect! For each pair, determine whether there is an error, and if there is, correct it!

fly - flew - flown
try - trew - trown

sink - sank - sunk
think - thank - thunk

sit - sat - sat
hit - hat - hat

spell - spold - spold
tell - told - told

make - made - made
bake - bade - bade

come - came - come
love - lave - love

cut - cut - cut
put - put - put

fold - feld - feld
hold - held - held

kiss - kissed - kissed
miss - missed - missed

say - said - said
play - plaid - plaid

bite - bote - bitten
write - wrote - written

show - shew - shown
throw - threw - thrown

bring - brought - brought
sing - sought - sought

run - ran - run
stun - stan - stun

lift - lifted - lifted
shift - shifted - shifted

flow - flowed - flowed
throw - throwed - throwed

take - took - taken
shake - shook - shaken

have - had - had
shave - shad - shad

send - sent - sent
lend - lent - lent

do - did - done
go - gid - gone

The correction will be posted here in a week, or when it appears that all those who want to participate have done so.

Modifié par whynot95 le 24-01-2007 17:35

Réponse: Do you know your irregular verbs? de toufa57, postée le 24-01-2007 à 18:02:47 (S | E)
Hello traviskidd,
Je corrige la liste des verbes faux.Le reste est à ma connaissance juste à l'exception des quatre suivants que je ne connais pas du tout:stun- lift-shift et flow. J'attendrai la correction pour apprendre davantage.
try - tried - tried
think - thought - thought
hit - hit - hit
spell - spelt - spelt
love - loved - loved
fold - folded - folded
play - played - played
bite - bit - bit/bitten
show - showed - shown
ring - rang - rung
throw - threw - thrown
shave - shaved - shaved
go - went - gone.

Réponse: Do you know your irregular verbs? de nanette33, postée le 24-01-2007 à 18:13:42 (S | E)
Hello Travis,

fly - flew - flown OK
try - trew - trown - tried - tried

sink - sank - sunk OK
think - thank - thunk thought - thought

sit - sat - sat ok
hit - hat - hat - hit - hit

spell - spold - spold - spelt - spelt
tell - told - told OK

make - made - made OK
bake - bade - bade - baked - baked

come - came - come OK
love - lave - love loved - loved

cut - cut - cut OK
put - put - put OK

fold - feld - feld - folded - folded
hold - held - held OK

kiss - kissed - kissed OK
miss - missed - missed OK

say - said - said OK
play - plaid - plaid - played - played

bite - bote bit - bitten
write - wrote - written

show - shew- showed - shown
throw - threw - thrown OK

bring - brought - brought OK
sing - sought - sought - sang - sung

run - ran - run OK
stun - stan - stun - stunned - stunned

lift - lifted - lifted OK
shift - shifted - shifted OK

flow - flowed - flowed OK
throw - throwed - throwed - threw - thrown

take - took - taken OK
shake - shook - shaken OK

have - had - had OK
shave - shad - shad - shaved - shaved

send - sent - sent OK
lend - lent - lent OK

do - did - done OK
go - gid - went - gone

Thank you for this exercise!

Modifié par nanette33 le 24-01-2007 18:14

Réponse: Do you know your irregular verbs? de aimen7, postée le 24-01-2007 à 18:30:49 (S | E)
Hello travis,
A nice way to learn irregular verbs, thanks a lot.

Les verbes qui présentent une erreur:
try - trew - trown/error, tried-tried
think - thank - thunk/error, thought-thought
hit - hat - hat/error, hit-hit
spell - spold - spold/error, spelt-spelt
bake - bade - bade/error, baked-baked
love - lave - love/error, loved-loved
fold - feld - feld/error, folded-folded
play - plaid - plaid/error, paid-paid
bite - bote - bitten/ error, bit-bitten
show - shew - shown/ error, showed-shown/showed
sing - sought - sought/ error, sang -sung
stun - stan - stun/ error, stanned-stanned stunned/stunned
throw - throwed - throwed/error, threw-thrown
shave - shad - shad/ error, shaved-shaved
go - gid - gone/error, went-gone

Modifié par aimen7 le 01-02-2007 20:45

Réponse: Do you know your irregular verbs? de pepe69, postée le 26-01-2007 à 10:15:26 (S | E)
Hello travis.
It's an amusing joke.
I correct only the errors.

To try - tried - tried.
To sink - sank/sunk - sunk.
Attention! sunken est employé comme adjectif épithète.
To spit - spat/spit - spat/spit. Spit est employé surtout en américain.
To spell - spelt/spelled - spelt/spelled.
To bake - baked - baked.
To love - loved - loved.
To fold - folded -folded.
To play - played - played.
To bite - bit - bitten.
To show - showed - shown/showed.
Attention! dans l'orthographe ancienne, encore employée par G. Bernard Shaw: shew - shewed - shewn.
To ring(sonner) - rang - rung.
To ring(encercler) ringed - ringed.
To stun - stunned - stunned.
To throw - threw - thrown.
Thank a lot, travis, and have a nice weekend.
J'avais imprimé avant les deux corrections. Je complète donc:
To hit - hit - hit.
To sing - sang - sung.

Modifié par pepe69 le 26-01-2007 10:17

Modifié par pepe69 le 26-01-2007 10:25

Réponse: Do you know your irregular verbs? de sara1, postée le 26-01-2007 à 16:00:57 (S | E)
Hi every body!
Iam going to correct only the wrong verbs
The correction is so,
try- tried-tried

Réponse: Do you know your irregular verbs? de milou, postée le 26-01-2007 à 18:55:26 (S | E)
Merci, beaucoup

try - tried - tried
think - thought - thought
hit - hit - hit
spell - spelt - spelt
love - loved - loved
fold - folded - folded
play - played - played
bite - bit - bit/bitten
show - showed - shown
ring - rang - rung
throw - threw - thrown
shave - shaved - shaved
go - went - gone.


Réponse: Do you know your irregular verbs? de canopee, postée le 26-01-2007 à 21:40:18 (S | E)
fly - flew - flown
try - tried - tried

sink - sank - sunk
think - thought - thought

sit - sat - sat
hit - hit - hit

spell - spelt - spelt
tell - told - told

make - made - made
bake - baked - baked

come - came - come
love - loved - loved

cut - cut - cut
put - put - put

fold - folded - folded
hold - held - held

kiss - kissed - kissed
miss - missed - missed

say - said - said
play - played - played

bite - bit - bitten
write - wrote - written

show - showed - shown
throw - threw - thrown

bring - brought - brought
sing - sang - sung

run - ran - run
stun - stan - stun ???

lift - lifted - lifted
shift - shifted - shifted

flow - flowed - flowed
throw - threw - thrown

take - took - taken
shake - shook - shaken

have - had - had
shave - shaved - shaved

send - sent - sent
lend - lent - lent

do - did - done
go - went - gone

sans dico !!! et sans prétention !!
merci ...

Réponse: Do you know your irregular verbs? de serena, postée le 27-01-2007 à 13:47:00 (S | E)

Corrected verbs in pink.

fly - flew - flown
try – tried – tried

sink - sank - sunk
think – thought – thought

sit - sat - sat
hit - hit - hit

spell - spelt/spelled – spelt/spelled
tell - told - told

make - made - made
bake – baked – baked

come - came - come
love – loved – loved

cut - cut - cut
put - put - put

fold - folded – folded
hold - held - held

kiss - kissed - kissed
miss - missed - missed

say - said - said
play – played – played

bite - bit - bitten
write - wrote - written

show – showed - shown
throw - threw - thrown

bring - brought - brought
sing – sang – sung

run - ran - run
stun – stunned – stunned

lift - lifted - lifted
shift - shifted - shifted

flow - flowed - flowed
throw – threw – thrown

take - took - taken
shake - shook - shaken

have - had - had
shave – shaved – shaved

send - sent - sent
lend - lent - lent

do - did - done
go – went - gone

Very interesting, indeed. Rather funny too! You made me think somewhat, though I'm supposed to know my irregular verbs...


Réponse: Do you know your irregular verbs? de coferam, postée le 27-01-2007 à 18:24:43 (S | E)
Bonjour traviskidd,

fly - flew – flown Correct
try - trew – trown False : Tried - tried

sink - sank – sunk Correct
think - thank – thunk False : thought - thought

sit - sat – sat Correct
hit - hat – hat False : hit -hit

spell - spold – spold False : Spelt/spelled – Spelt/Spelled
tell - told – told Correct

make - made – made Correct
bake - bade – bade False : baked - baked

come - came – come Correct
love - lave – love False : loved - loved

cut - cut – cut Correct
put - put – put Correct

fold - feld – feld False : folded - folded
hold - held – held Correct

kiss - kissed – kissed Correct
miss - missed – missed Correct

say - said – said Correct
play - plaid – plaid False : played - played

bite - bote – bitten False : bit - bitten
write - wrote – written Correct

show - shew – shown False : showed - Correct
throw - threw – thrown Correct

bring - brought – brought Correct
sing - sought – sought False : sang - sung

run - ran – run Correct
stun - stan – stun False : stunned - stunned

lift - lifted – lifted Correct
shift - shifted – shifted Correct

flow - flowed – flowed Correct
throw - throwed – throwed False : threw - thrown

take - took – taken Correct
shake - shook – shaken Correct

have - had – had Correct
shave - shad – shad False : shaved - shaved

send - sent – sent Correct
lend - lent – lent Correct

do - did – done Correct
go - gid – gone False : went – correct

Merci à toi.

Réponse: Do you know your irregular verbs? de bobine, postée le 28-01-2007 à 13:53:45 (S | E)

fly - flew - flown
try - tried- tried
sink - sank - sunk
think - thought - thought
sit - sat - sat
hit - hit - hit
spell - spelt -spelt
tell - told - told
make - made - made
bake - baked - baked
come - came - come
love - loved - loved
cut - cut - cut
put - put - put
fold - folded - folded
hold - held - held
kiss - kissed - kissed
miss - missed - missed
say - said - said
play - played - played
bite - bit - bitten
write - wrote - written
show - showed - shown
throw - threw - thrown
bring - brought - brought
sing - sang - sung
run - ran - run
stun - stunned - stunned
lift - lifted - lifted
shift - shifted - shifted
flow - flowed - flowed
throw - threw - thrown
take - took - taken
shake - shook - shaken
have - had - had
shave - shaved - shaved
send - sent - sent
lend - lent - lent
do - did - done
go - went - gone

Réponse: Do you know your irregular verbs? de traviskidd, postée le 01-02-2007 à 09:01:50 (S | E)
Je vous ai promis une correction de ce petit exercice. Pour tenir cette promesse je n'ai qu'à me permettre de recopier la parfaite réponse de nanette13 ci-dessus. (Mais le fait de choisir celle de nanette pour recopier ne veut certainement pas dire que c'était la seule réponse parfaite. )


fly - flew - flown OK
try - trew - trown - tried - tried

sink - sank - sunk OK
think - thank - thunk thought - thought

sit - sat - sat ok
hit - hat - hat - hit - hit

spell - spold - spold - spelt - spelt [NB: spelled - spelled aux US]
tell - told - told OK

make - made - made OK
bake - bade - bade - baked - baked

come - came - come OK
love - lave - love loved - loved

cut - cut - cut OK
put - put - put OK

fold - feld - feld - folded - folded
hold - held - held OK

kiss - kissed - kissed OK
miss - missed - missed OK

say - said - said OK
play - plaid - plaid - played - played

bite - bote bit - bitten
write - wrote - written

show - shew- showed - shown
throw - threw - thrown OK

bring - brought - brought OK
sing - sought - sought - sang - sung

run - ran - run OK
stun - stan - stun - stunned - stunned

lift - lifted - lifted OK
shift - shifted - shifted OK

flow - flowed - flowed OK
throw - throwed - throwed - threw - thrown

take - took - taken OK
shake - shook - shaken OK

have - had - had OK
shave - shad - shad - shaved - shaved

send - sent - sent OK
lend - lent - lent OK

do - did - done OK
go - gid - went - gone

Thank you all for your participation. If you have any questions feel free to post them here or ask me via PM.

Réponse: Do you know your irregular verbs? de fik, postée le 01-02-2007 à 10:53:30 (S | E)

Here my corrections


Pas trop d'erreur j'espère


Réponse: Do you know your irregular verbs? de nanette33, postée le 01-02-2007 à 17:07:03 (S | E)

You are doing me a great honour !

Modifié par traviskidd le 01-02-2007 17:09
You're welcome; not only was your response perfect, but it was also very well-formatted. I couldn't have done it better, so I figured "why try"!
[NB: "honor" sans U aux US ]



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