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La modalité.
Message de marie11 posté le 09-02-2007 à 10:06:26 (S | E | F | I)
Traduisez ce dialogue en utilisant un auxiliaire modal le plus souvent possible.
Correction vendredi 16 février.
- Excusez-moi mademoiselle, puis-je vous poser une question, s'il vous plaît ? Pourriez-vous me dire où se trouve la gare ?
- Bien sûr monsieur; d'ailleurs je dois y aller moi-même,voyez-vous. Je devrais même y être déjà car je prends un train dans un quart d'heure.
- Eh bien je vous accompagne si vous le permettez.
- Volontiers, vous partez aussi ? Vous ne devez pas aller très loin, je suppose; vous n'avez aucun bagage !
- Non, non, je ne pars pas, je vais seulement chercher une vieille amie qui doit arriver ce soir des États Unis.
- Vous avez dit ce soir ? Mais il n'est que dix heures du matin ! Vous n'avez certainement pas besoin de vous presser !
Message de marie11 posté le 09-02-2007 à 10:06:26 (S | E | F | I)
Traduisez ce dialogue en utilisant un auxiliaire modal le plus souvent possible.
Correction vendredi 16 février.
- Excusez-moi mademoiselle, puis-je vous poser une question, s'il vous plaît ? Pourriez-vous me dire où se trouve la gare ?
- Bien sûr monsieur; d'ailleurs je dois y aller moi-même,voyez-vous. Je devrais même y être déjà car je prends un train dans un quart d'heure.
- Eh bien je vous accompagne si vous le permettez.
- Volontiers, vous partez aussi ? Vous ne devez pas aller très loin, je suppose; vous n'avez aucun bagage !
- Non, non, je ne pars pas, je vais seulement chercher une vieille amie qui doit arriver ce soir des États Unis.
- Vous avez dit ce soir ? Mais il n'est que dix heures du matin ! Vous n'avez certainement pas besoin de vous presser !
Réponse: La modalité. de maya13, postée le 09-02-2007 à 11:54:01 (S | E)
hello marie,
- Excuse me miss, can I ask you something, please ? Could you tell me where
is the station ?
- Of course Sir, I'm just going there myself. Besides I should already be there
for my train is leaving in a quarter of an hour
- Well I'll go with you if I may
- It's a pleasure, are you leaving too ? You must not be going very far, you
are not carrying any luggage !
- No, I'm not leaving, I'm fetching an old friend of mine coming tonight from
the States.
- Did you say tonight ? But it's only 10 a.m. ! you don't need to hurry up !
I tried to find some modals but is it enough ? see you
Réponse: La modalité. de marilynsaddict, postée le 09-02-2007 à 13:31:27 (S | E)
-Excuse me miss, may I ask you a question, please? Could you tell me where the station is?
- Sure, I could. Besides, I also have to go there, you see... I even had to be already there because I have a train in a 15minutes.
- So, I will come with you if you like...
- With great pleasure, are you leaving too? I think you don't have to go very far, i suppose.. you don't have any luggage.
- no i don't have to go. I'm only going to take an old friend of mine who must arrive from USA tonight.
- did you said tonight? But it's only 10 in the morning!!! you don't need to urge!!!
Réponse: La modalité. de solmaz, postée le 09-02-2007 à 16:08:48 (S | E)
Excuse me miss, may I ask you a question please?
Could you tell me where the train station is?
Of course sir, besides I've got to get there as well.
I should even already be there 'cause I have a train in like 15 minutes.
Well, I'll go along with you if you don't mind.
Sure, are you leaving too? I assume you must not be going to far since you're carrying no luggage whatsoever!
No, no, I'm not leaving, I'm just picking up an old friend coming from the US.
Did you say onight? But it's barely 10 am! You definitely don't need to be in a rush!
Réponse: La modalité. de dolivera, postée le 09-02-2007 à 17:10:20 (S | E)
Excuse me miss, may I ask you something please? Could you tell me where the station is?
Of course sir, besides I have to go there you know.I should even already be there because I have to take a train in 15 minutes.
Well, I'll go along with you if you don't mind.
Sure, are you leaving too? I assume that you must not going too far since you're carrying no luggage.
No, no, I'm not leaving, I'm just picking up an old friend coming from the United States this evening.
Did you say this evening? But it's just 10 am! You certainly don't need to be in a hurry!
Réponse: La modalité. de anis71, postée le 11-02-2007 à 15:11:01 (S | E)
hello marie
Excuse me miss, may i ask you a question please?
Could you tell me where the station is?
Of course sir, beside I have to go, you see, I have to be already there because I take the train in quarter of an hour.
Well, I accompany you if you don’t mind.
With pleasure, are you leaving too? Like I see, with no luggage I suppose you are not going to far!
No, no, I am not, I am going just to pick up an old friend who have to arrive from the US this tonight.
You say tonight? But it is just 10 AM! You don’t need to be in hurry.
Réponse: La modalité. de magstmarc, postée le 11-02-2007 à 15:33:35 (S | E)
Hi Marie11
- Excuse-me miss, may I ask you a question, please ? Could you tell me where the station is ?
- Of course sir; actually I must go there too, you see. I should even already be there because I must take a train in 15 minutes' time.
- Well, I'd like to come with you then, if I may.
- With pleasure, are you going away too ? You can't go very far away, I suppose; you haven't got any luggage !
- No, no, I'm not going away, I've only got to fetch an old friend who should arrive tonight from the USA.
- Did you say tonight ? But it's only ten a.m. now ! Surely you needn't hurry !
pour tous ces exercices ! Quelle forme tu tiens !
Réponse: La modalité. de lakata, postée le 13-02-2007 à 11:23:48 (S | E)
Hello, Marie !
-- Excuse me, may I ask you a question ? Please, could you show me the way to the station ?
-- Definitely I can ! It turns out that I have to go to as well, you see. I should even have been there by now as my train is leaving in fifteen minutes.
-- Well, I'll go with you if I may / if you don't mind.
-- Of course you may / Of course I don't. Are you leaving too ? I presume you can't go very far since you don't have any luggage !
-- Actually, I'm not (leaving). I'm only going and fetching an old girlfriend of mine who must arrive tonight from the United States.
-- Have you said tonight ? But it's only ten o'clock a.m. ! So, you needn't hurry, need you ?
Remarquable exercice, definitely !
En avez-vous encore beaucoup en stock ? I hope so...
Réponse: La modalité. de coferam, postée le 13-02-2007 à 17:30:35 (S | E)
Bonjour Marie11,
- Excuse-me Miss, can I you ask a question, please ? could you tell me where i the Railway Station is ?
- Of course sir; in addition I have to go myself, see you.I should already be there because I take a train in a quarter of an hour.
- Well I come along you if you allow it.
- Gladly, you leave too ? You do not have to go very far, I suppose; you have no luggage!
- No, no, I don’t leave, I only fetch a old friend she has to arrive tonight from States.
- You said tonight ? But it is only 10 AM ! You certainly don’t need to hurry up !
Réponse: La modalité. de najet69, postée le 13-02-2007 à 20:51:51 (S | E)
-Excuse me Miss, May I ask you a question please, Could you tell me where the station is?
-Of course Sir, besides i must go there myself if you see; I even should already be there as i take a train in quarter an hour.
-well, i will come with you if you may.
-It's a great pleasure are you leaving aswell? You musn't go too far i suppose, you have no luggage!
-no,no, i'm not leaving, i am only fetching an old friend who will be back tonight from the States.
-Did you say tonight? But it is only 10 a.m! You needn't hurry!
Réponse: La modalité. de marie11, postée le 16-02-2007 à 13:12:18 (S | E)
Voici quelques remarques sur l'emploi des modaux.
I- Can/could/may.
On emploie can, could ou may lorsque l'on pose une question ou que l'on donne son accord.
May est plus poli que can.
May I borrow your car ? Of course, you may.
Can I look at your paper ?
Excuse me, may I look at your newspaper for a moment ?
Can I ask you something ? Yes, of course you can.
Dans un style moins familier et plus poli on emploie could,
Could I ask you something ? Yes , of course you can ( not you could).
II- Must et Have to.
Au présent l'obligation se traduit par must et have to, quelquefois have got to.
Must traduit la volonté de celui qui parle.
Have to exprime une obligation impersonnelle.
I must do some work; I want to pass my exam.
I must stop smoking (I want to).
I have to stop smoking (Doctor's orders).
Catholics have to go to church on Sundays( their religion tells them to).
III- Différence entre can't et mustn't.
Lorsque must exprime une forte probabilité, une quasi-certitude, une conclusion logique, la forme négative n'est pas mustn't mais can't
Elle lui écrit tous les jours. Elle doit l'aimer.(Elle l'aime certainement)
She writes to him every day. She must love him.
Il ne répond jamais à ses lettres. Il ne doit pas l'aimer.(Il ne l'aime certainement pas)
He never answers her letters. He can't love her.
IV- Should
On emploie should pour exprimer une idée de devoir ou pour donner des conseils.
Ex :
He should go. ──> Il devrait partir.
He shouldn't smoke.──> Il ne devrait pas fumer.
V- Be to
On emploie cette structure dans un style relevé pour parler d'événements prévus ou établis à l'avance(surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de programmes officiels).
The president is to visit Nigéria next month.
We are to get a 10 per cent wage rise in June.
VI- L'auxiliaire de modalité need (conjugué sans do) s'emploie principalement aux formes intérrogative et négative.
Need I attend the lecture ?
You needn't come if don't want to.
Voici ma suggestion.
Excuse me Miss, may I ask you a question please ? Could you tell me where the station is* ?
Certainly sir. Actually**, I must go there myself, you see. I should even be there already because I'm taking a train in fifteen minutes.
- Well, I walk with you if I may.
- By all means ! Are you leaving too ? I suppose you can't be going very far; you have no luggage at all !
- No , no I'm not leaving, I'm only going to meet an old friend of mine who is to arrive this evening from the United States.
- Did you say this evening ? But it's only eight in the morning ! You needn't hurry, at all***.
* Pas d'inversion dans une intérrogative indirecte.
** En fait, en réalité.
*** On pourrait ausi dire : You have no need to hurry.
Je vous remercie de votre participation.
Je vous proposerai la suite de cette "histoire" bientôt.
Je répondrai volontiers à toute question relative à ce sujet.
Je voudrais aussi apporter une précision pour éviter toute cause de malentendu.
Il faut faire la distinction entre la grammaire britannique et la grammaire anglaise.
En ce qui me concerne je me réfère toujours à la grammaire britannique.
Les américains n'emploient pas can't mais must not (très rarement musn't) pour parler de quelque chose qui n'est pas logiquement impossible.
Ex :
En anglais américain :
She walked past without saying « Hello » . She must not have seen you.
En anglais britannique :
She walked past without saying « Hello » . She can't have seen you.
Quant à "need" il ne faut pas perdre de vue que c'est un modal, mais aussi un verbe ordinaire conjugué avec do.
Notez la différence de construction :
He needn't wear a tie.(modal)
He doesn't need to wear a tie.(verbe ordinaire)
Réponse: La modalité. de magstmarc, postée le 16-02-2007 à 16:03:50 (S | E)
Marie11 !
Réponse: La modalité. de misterx, postée le 23-02-2007 à 13:39:54 (S | E)
Excuse me Miss, can I ask you something, please?
Could you tell me where the Station is?
Of course, Sir; Beside I must go there myself.
I should even be there already for my train is leaving in fifteen minutes.
Well, I come with you if you don’t mind.
With pleasure, are you leaving too?
You can’t go very far, I suppose; You don’t have any luggage!
No, I’m not leaving; I am just going to pick up an old friend who is to arrive from the United States this evening.
Did you say this evening? But it’s only ten in the morning! You have no need to hurry!