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place de l'adverbe
Message de maya13 posté le 07-03-2007 à 17:33:26 (S | E | F | I)


Hello everybody, une petite révision grammaticale et un petit rappel :

L'adverbe ne doit pas séparer le verbe de son c.o.d
- adverbe de temps imprécis (soon, always..) se placent devant le verbe à un temps simple, après l'auxiliaire à un temps composé
- adverbe de temps précis (today, tomorrow..) se placent à la fin de le phrase
-les autres adverbes peuvent se placer à différents endroits
- exception : enough et too much modifiant un verbe se placent après le verbe qu'ils modifient :
You've drunk enough (too much)
- even,only, rather, quite, half, almost, nearly, scarcely, hardly se placent après le mot qu'ils modifient.

Correction lundi 12 mars

Placer l'adverbe dans la phrase :

1 - (very much) I like this wine
2 - (only) We know the truth, let's keep it a secret
3 - (well) Did they play the symphony ?
4 - (hardly) He knew what he was saying
5 - (often) He is ill, but (never) he looks ill
6 - (slowly) She read the long letter that her son had sent her
7 - (yesterday) I bought a new book about Lewis Caroll
8 - (usually) We go to the pictures on Saturday afternoon
9 - (very well) She plays the piano
10 - (often) I have told you what I think - (often) Yes you have

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de misterx, postée le 07-03-2007 à 20:00:02 (S | E)

Hello Maya

1 - I like this wine very much
2 - We only know the truth, let's keep it a secret
3 - Did they play the symphony well ?
4 – He hardly knew what he was saying
5 - He is often ill, but he never looks ill
6 - She read slowly the long letter that her son had sent her
7 - I bought a new book about Lewis Caroll yesterday8 - We usually go to the pictures on Saturday afternoon
9 - She plays the piano very well
10 -I have often told you what I think - Yes you often have

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de chrislondon, postée le 07-03-2007 à 20:33:40 (S | E)
Hi Maya,
Here's my version for you:
1. I like this wine very much.
2. Only we know the truth. Let's keep it a secret.
3. Did they play the symphony well?
4. He hardly knew what he was saying.
5. He is often ill, but he never looks ill.
6. She slowly read the letter that her son had sent.
7. Yesterday, I bought a new book about Lewis Carroll.
or: I bought a new book about Lewis Carroll yesterday.(both are correct)
8. We usually go to the pictures on Sasturday afternoons.
9. She plays the piano very well.
10. I have often told you what I think.

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de aaya, postée le 07-03-2007 à 22:22:35 (S | E)
thank you very much maya13
1 - (very much) I like this wine .
2 - We know only the truth, let's keep it a secret
3 - Did they play the symphony well?
4 - He hardly knew what he was saying
5 - He is often ill, but he never looks ill
6 - She slowly read the long letter that her son had sent her
7 - yesterday I bought a new book about Lewis Caroll
8 - We usually go to the pictures on Saturday afternoon
9 - She plays the piano very well
10 - I have often told you what I think - Yes you often have

Modifié par aaya le 07-03-2007 22:26

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de mp27, postée le 08-03-2007 à 00:37:44 (S | E)
Hello maya13!
1 - I like this wine very much.
2 - Only we know the truth, so, let's keep it a secret. (Idée de nous -et seulement nous-)
3 - Did they play the symphony well?
4 - He hardly knew what he was saying.
5 - He is often ill, but he never looks ill.
6 - She slowly read the long letter that her son had sent her.
7 - I bought a new book about Lewis Caroll yesterday. [mais "yesterday" pourrait aussi aller en tête de phrase--> Yesterday, I.....]
8 - We usually go to the pictures on Saturday afternoon.
9 - She plays the piano very well.
10 - I have often told you what I think – Indeed you have`/ Si tu veux qu'on mette "often" dans cette seconde partie--> Yes, you have often (sous-entendu --> told me....)

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de hotmustard, postée le 08-03-2007 à 01:12:40 (S | E)
hello maya13,
I like this wine very much.
Only we know the truth, let's keep it a secret.
Did they play the symphony well?
He hardly knew what he was saying.
He is often ill, but he never looks ill.
She slowly read the long letter that her son had sent.
Yesterday, I bought a new book about Lewis Carroll.
We usually go to the pictures on Saturday afternoon.
She plays the piano very well.
I have often told you what I think.
Thank you maya13

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de solmaz, postée le 08-03-2007 à 03:36:13 (S | E)

1 - I like this wine very much
2 - We only know the truth, let's keep it a secret
3 - Did they play the symphony well?
4 - He hardly knew what he was saying
5 - He is often ill, but he never looks ill
6 - She slowly read the long letter that her son had sent her
7 - I bought a new book about Lewis Caroll yesterday
8 - We usually go to the pictures on Saturday afternoon
9 - She plays the piano very well
10 - I have often told you what I think - Yes you have often


Réponse: place de l'adverbe de trebor33, postée le 08-03-2007 à 06:09:13 (S | E)
1-I like this wine very much
2-we know the truth only,let's keep it a secret
3-didthey play the symphony well?
4-he hardly knew what he was saying
5-he often is ill,but he never looks ill
6-she slowly read the long letter that her son had sent her
7-i bought a new book about Lewis Caroll yesterday
8-we usually go to the pictures on Saturday afternoon
9-she plays the piano very well
10-I have often told you what I think - yes you have often

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de pepe69, postée le 08-03-2007 à 10:54:08 (S | E)
Hello dear maya,
Here is my proposal:
1. I like this wine VERY MUCH.
2. ONLY we know the truth, let's keep it a secret.
3. Did they play the symphony WELL?
4. He HARDLY knew what he was saying.
5. He is OFTEN ill, but he NEVER looks ill.
6. She SLOWLY read the long letter that her son had sent her.
7. I bought a new book YESTERDAY about Lewis Carol.
8. We USUALLY go to the pictures on Saturday afternoon.
9. She plays the piano VERY WELL.
10. I have OFTEN told you what I think - Yes, you OFTEN have.

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de lostagain, postée le 09-03-2007 à 16:17:16 (S | E)
Hello Maya et merci pour l'exercice,

1. I like this wine very much.
2. We only know the truth, let's keep it a secret.
3. Did they play the symphony well?
4. He hardly knew what he was saying.
5. He is often ill, but he never looks ill.
6. She slowly read the long letter that her son had sent her.
7. I bought a new car book about Levis Caroll yesterday.
8. We usually go to the picture on Saturday afternoon.
9. She plays the piano very well.
10. I have often told you what I think.

P.S: J'ai corrigé 3 phrases à la lecture des autres participants. Je crois donc avoir compris qu'à la 4 (par ex.) "hardly" normalement se place après le mot qu'il modifie, mais en même temps l'adverbe ne doit pas être entre le verbe et le COD. Donc ici le COD= what he was saying (???), pour ne pas le séparer de "knew" on met l'adverbe avant knew? Si j'ai bien compris??? Merci sincèrement à celui ou celle qui m'éclairera.

Merci encore à toi Maya.

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de adamolma4, postée le 10-03-2007 à 20:51:18 (S | E)
Hello maya

here is my try

1)- I like this wine very much
2)- Only we know the truth, let's keep it a secret.
3)- Did they play the symphony well?
4)- He hardly knew what he was saying.
5)- He is often ill, but he never looks ill.
6)- She slowly read the long letter that her son had sent her.
7)- I bought a new book about Lewis Caroll yesterday.
8)- We usually go to the pictures on saturday afternoon.
9)- She plays the piano very well.
10)- I have often told you what I think. Yes you have often.

Thank you maya

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de tarttine, postée le 11-03-2007 à 11:52:16 (S | E)
1 - I like this wine very much
2 - We only know the truth, let's keep it a secret
3 - Did they play the symphony well ?
4 - He knew hardly what he was saying
5 - He is often ill, but he never looks ill
6 - She read the long letter slowly that her son had sent her
7 - I bought a new book yesterday about Lewis Caroll
8 - We usually go to the pictures on Saturday afternoon
9 - She plays the piano very well
10 - I have often told you what I think - Yes you often have

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de whynot95, postée le 11-03-2007 à 11:54:04 (S | E)
Hello Maya.
1 - I like this wine very much.
2 - Only we know the truth, let's keep it a secret.
3 - Did they play the symphony well?
4 - He hardly knew what he was saying.
5 - He is often ill, but he never looks ill.
6 - She slowly read the long letter that her son had sent her.
7 - Yesterday I bought a new book about Lewis Caroll.
8 - We usually go to the pictures on Saturday afternoon.
9 - She plays the piano very well.
10 - I have often told you what I think - Yes you often have.
Thanks a lot.

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de coferam, postée le 11-03-2007 à 17:47:25 (S | E)

Bonsoir Maya13,

1- I like this wine very much.
2- We know only the truth, let’s keep it a secret.
3- Did they play the symphony well?
4- He hardly knew what he was saying.
5- He is often ill, but he never looks ill.
6- She slowly read the long letter that her son had sent her.
7- I bought a new book about Lewis Caroll yesterday.
8- We usually go to the pictures on Saturday afternoon.
9- She plays the piano very well.
10- I have often told you what I think - Yes you often have.


Réponse: place de l'adverbe de alice, postée le 11-03-2007 à 18:12:07 (S | E)
Hello Maya.

1- I like this wine very much.
2- We only know the truth, let's keep it a secret.
3- Did they play the symphony well?
4- He hardly knew what he was saying.
5- He is often ill, but he looks never ill.
6- She slowly read the long letter that her son has sent her.
7- I bought a new book about Lewis Caroll yesterday.
8- We usually go to the pictures on saturday afternoon.
9- She plays the piano very well.
10 - I have often told you what I think. Yes you often have.

Modifié par alice le 11-03-2007 18:13

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de maya13, postée le 12-03-2007 à 15:24:22 (S | E)
Hello everybody,
You've done very well, some have done better..that's life ! My translation :

1 - I like this wine very much
2 - Only we know the truth (we were the only one to know): If "only" was placed
between we and know that would mean that the only thing we know is the
truth. Stress is on WE.
3 - Did they play the symphony well ?
4 - He hardly knew what he was saying
5 - He is often ill but he never looks ill
6 - She slowly read the long letter that her son had sent her
7 - I bought a new book about Lewis Carroll yesterday
8 - We usually go to the pictures on Saturday afternoon
9 - She plays the piano very well
10 - I've often told you what I think. - Yes, you often have.

Thank you all

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de misterx, postée le 12-03-2007 à 16:52:11 (S | E)

Bonjour Maya,

Je voulais te dire que ton exercice était très intéressant.
Néanmoins si je peux me permettre cette petite constatation:
L'adverbe "only" est un des rares adverbes à avoir une position assez libre,en général il peut se placer soit avant ou après le mot qu'il modifie.
Mais d'autres places lui sont aussi attribuées:

Only we know the truth, let's keep it a secret
We only know the truth, let's keep it a secret
We know only the truth, let's keep it a secret
We know the truth only, let's keep it a secret

J'ai moi même fait une erreur dans l'exercice, comme quoi il faut travailler,travailler et travailler ,je ne désespère pas d'ici 50 ans je serai au point

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de mp27, postée le 12-03-2007 à 17:09:15 (S | E)
Hello misterx!
Je dois avouer que, sans “let's keep it a secret” en seconde partie de la phrase, j'aurais sans doute hésité entre:
- Only we...
- We only know...
- We know only the truth
mais, puisqu'il y avait--> “let's keep it a secret”, la première possibilité semblait évidente. (plus naturelle, point de vue du sens)

Réponse: place de l'adverbe de maya13, postée le 12-03-2007 à 18:08:49 (S | E)
hello misterx,

Pour répondre à ton observation à propos d'ONLY, je dis simplement que les adverbes de modalité se placent généralement devant le mot dont il modifie le sens. Par ex ;
- Only I can help (I est accentué) : Moi seul peut t'aider
- I can only help you : Je peux seulement t'aider (c'est tout ce que je peux
Tu es d'accord ? See you



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