Message de serena posté le 2004-09-23 00:51:20 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour !
La concordance des temps est assez méconnue ou mal assimilée par la plupart d’entre nous.
Je propose cet exercice pour essayer d’évaluer la maîtrise qu’on a de "IF" dans les propositions.
Mettre le temps qui convient.
1) If that house ( to collapse ), many people would be killed.
2) He ( to walk ) if the train is too late.
3) The customer ( to find ) a bottle of whisky if he had searched my bag.
4) Will you phone me if there ( to be ) any problem ?
5) If you drove more carefully, you ( not to have ) so many accidents.
6) If I had known how expensive this car was, I ( not to hire ) it.
7) He will see interesting old buildings if he ( to visit ) oxford.
8) The children ( to be ) better swimmer if they swam more frequently.
9) If I ( to be ) you, I wouldn’t worry about going to university.
10) I wouldn’t mind having children if we ( to live ) in the country.
Un rappel pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas les règles :
1) IF + Present -----> Future ( dans la proposition principale )
2) IF + Simple Past -----> Conditional ( would + verbe à l’infinitif )
3) IF + Past Perfect -----> Past Conditional ( would + have + Past Participle )
Bonne journée !
Edité par bridg le 19-11-2004 08:51
Bonjour !
La concordance des temps est assez méconnue ou mal assimilée par la plupart d’entre nous.
Je propose cet exercice pour essayer d’évaluer la maîtrise qu’on a de "IF" dans les propositions.
Mettre le temps qui convient.
1) If that house ( to collapse ), many people would be killed.
2) He ( to walk ) if the train is too late.
3) The customer ( to find ) a bottle of whisky if he had searched my bag.
4) Will you phone me if there ( to be ) any problem ?
5) If you drove more carefully, you ( not to have ) so many accidents.
6) If I had known how expensive this car was, I ( not to hire ) it.
7) He will see interesting old buildings if he ( to visit ) oxford.
8) The children ( to be ) better swimmer if they swam more frequently.
9) If I ( to be ) you, I wouldn’t worry about going to university.
10) I wouldn’t mind having children if we ( to live ) in the country.
Un rappel pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas les règles :
1) IF + Present -----> Future ( dans la proposition principale )
2) IF + Simple Past -----> Conditional ( would + verbe à l’infinitif )
3) IF + Past Perfect -----> Past Conditional ( would + have + Past Participle )
Bonne journée !
Edité par bridg le 19-11-2004 08:51
Réponse: re:IF Clauses de pascaline, postée le 2004-09-23 07:54:27 (S | E)
Hello serena,
Merci du rappel pour les règles de concordance des temps.
1) If that house collapsed, many people would be killed.
2) He will walk if the train is too late
3) The customer would have found if he had searched my bag
4) Will you phone me if there is any problem?
(5) If you drove more carefully, you wouldn't have so many accidents
Je dois partir maintenant.
Je laisse la suite à d'autres.
Réponse: re:IF Clauses de charleneb, postée le 2004-09-23 10:13:49 (S | E)
Aller, je tente ma chance!!!

6) If I had known how expensive this car was, I wouldn't have hired it.
7) He will see interesting old buildings if he visit oxford.
8) The children would be better swimmer if they swam more frequently.
9) If I was you, I wouldn’t worry about going to university.
10) I wouldn’t mind having children if we lived in the country
Maintenant il y a plus qu'à retenir!!! J'espère que c'est bien inscrusté dans ma tete!!!

Réponse: re:IF Clauses de fawzia, postée le 2004-09-23 10:18:59 (S | E)

A peine arrivé au travail, je vois cet exo...comme d'habitude je me lance avec beaucoup d'espoir
) If that house collapsed, many people would be killed.
2) He will walk if the train is too late.
3) The customer would have found a bottle of whisky if he had searched my bag.
4) Will you phone me if there is any problem ?
5) If you drove more carefully, you would not have so many accidents.
6) If I had known how expensive this car was, I would not have hired it.
7) He will see interesting old buildings if he visits oxford.
8) The children would be better swimmer if they swam more frequently.
9) If I were you, I wouldn’t worry about going to university.
10) I wouldn’t mind having children if we had lived in the country.
Merci encore Serena pour ces révisions et tu peux encore en faire d'autres. (Régulierement, je refais les autres exo et cela m'aide).
J'attends la correction avec impatience.
Réponse: re:IF Clauses de bridg, postée le 2004-09-23 10:36:17 (S | E)

1) If that house collapsed, many people would be killed.
2) He'll walk if the train is too late.
3) The customer would have found a bottle of whisky if he had searched my bag.
4) Will you phone me if there is any problem ?
5) If you drove more carefully, you wouldn't have so many accidents.
6) If I had known how expensive this car was, I wouldn't have hired it.
7) He will see interesting old buildings if he visits oxford.
8) The children would be better swimmer if they swam more frequently.
9) If I were you, I wouldn’t worry about going to university.
10) I wouldn’t mind having children if we lived in the country.

Edité par bridg le 23-09-2004 17:32
Réponse: re:IF Clauses de joy813, postée le 2004-09-23 11:54:34 (S | E)
J'essaye aussi

1) If that house collapsed many people would be killed.
2) He will walk if the train is too late.
3) The customer would have found a bottle of whisky if he had searched my bag.
4) Will you phone me if there is any problem ?
5) If you drove more carefully, you wouldn't have so many accidents.
6) If I had known how expensive this car was, I wouldn't have hired it.
7) He will see interesting old buildings if he visits oxford.
8) The children would be better swimmer if they swam more frequently.
9) If I were you, I wouldn’t worry about going to university.
10) I wouldn’t mind having children if we lived in the country.
Réponse: re:IF Clauses de fadol, postée le 2004-09-23 12:27:14 (S | E)
Salut, à mon tour:
1: collapsed
2: will walk
3: would have found
4: is
5: wouldn't have
6:wouldn't have hired
7: visits
8: would be
9: was
10: lived
C'est assez instinctif en fait lire les règles me fait gamberger et après je ne sais plus !
Réponse: re:IF Clauses de gorgayles, postée le 2004-09-23 13:24:36 (S | E)
Allez je tente ma chance aussi:
1) If that house collapsed, many people would be killed.
2) He will walk if the train is too late.
3) The customer would has found a bottle of whisky if he had searched my bag.
4) Will you phone me if there are any problem ?
5) If you drove more carefully, you wouldn't have so many accidents.
6) If I had known how expensive this car was, I wouldn't have hired it.
7) He will see interesting old buildings if he visit oxford.
8) The children had be better swimmer if they swam more frequently.
9) If I were you, I wouldn’t worry about going to university.
10) I wouldn’t mind having children if we lived in the country
merci pour l'exercice serena

Réponse: re:IF Clauses de natzambo, postée le 2004-09-23 14:17:12 (S | E)
Comme ce n'est pas trop tard pour la correction je tente ma chance également. Merci Serena pour la correction à venir.
1) If that house ( to collapse ), many people would be killed.
If that house collapsed, many people would be killed.
2) He ( to walk ) if the train is too late.
He will walk if the train is too late.
3) The customer ( to find ) a bottle of whisky if he had searched my bag.
The customer would have found a bottle of whisky if he had searched my bag.
4) Will you phone me if there ( to be ) any problem ?
Will you phone me if there is any problem ?
5) If you drove more carefully, you ( not to have ) so many accidents.
If you drove more carefully, you would not have so many accidents.
6) If I had known how expensive this car was, I ( not to hire ) it.
If I had known how expensive this car was, I would not have hired it.
7) He will see interesting old buildings if he ( to visit ) oxford.
He will see interesting old buildings if he visits oxford.
8) The children ( to be ) better swimmer if they swam more frequently.
The children could be better swimmer if they swam more frequently.
9) If I ( to be ) you, I wouldn’t worry about going to university.
If I were you, I wouldn’t worry about going to university.
10) I wouldn’t mind having children if we ( to live ) in the country.
I wouldn’t mind having children if we lived in the country.
Réponse: re:IF Clauses de serena, postée le 2004-09-23 18:34:18 (S | E)
Bonjour !
Je suis bien contente de vos réponses. Et aussi de votre enthousiasme de faire les exercices. Et je vous dis merci à mon tour.
Maintenant, passons aux choses sérieuses.

- bridg et joy : 0 fautes ( bravo !

- Pascaline : 5/5 ( Dommage que tu te sois arrêtée en si bon chemin ! )
- fawzia : 1 faute ( Phrase 10 )
- fadol : 1 faute ( Phrase 9 )
- charleneb : 2 fautes sur 5 phrases ( 7 et 9 ). Tu aurais dû les faire toutes, ça permet une meilleure évaluation.
- gorgayles : 4 fautes ( 3, 4, 7 et 8 ).
- Natzambo qui a mis à la phrase 8 could be. C'est correct.
Il s'agit d'une possibilité qu'on n'a pas encore été vue, mais qui donne le même sens à la phrase. Alors, tu as aussi 0 faute.

L'explication de la phrase 9 est nécéssaire, puisqu'il s'agit là de l'exception à la règle.
Jamais de was après "IF" quelque soit le sujet. Pour toutes les personnes ( singulier et pluriel ), on met were.
Exemples :
- If I were rich, I would build a castle.
- If he were here, we would have more fun.

Dans la phrase 3, il y a une toute petite erreur de vocabulaire.
Qui va me dire laquelle ?

Réponse: re:IF Clauses de pascaline, postée le 2004-09-23 19:15:58 (S | E)
j'avais vu l'erreur ce matin serena
il s'agit je pense de the sales et non de the customer
Have a good evening
Réponse: re:IF Clauses de berichard, postée le 2004-09-23 19:24:34 (S | E)
1) If that house collapsed, many people would be killed.
2) He walks if the train is too late.
3) The customer would have found a bottle of whisky if he had searched my bag.
4) Will you phone me if there is any problem ?
5) If you drove more carefully, you wouldn't have had so many accidents.
6) If I had known how expensive this car was, I shouldn't have hired it.
7) He will see interesting old buildings if he visits Oxford.
8) The children would have been better swimmer if they swam more frequently.
9) If I have been you, I wouldn’t worry about going to university.
10) I wouldn’t mind having children if we have lived in the country.
Réponse: re:IF Clauses de lancelot, postée le 2004-09-23 19:46:34 (S | E)
Pour la toute dernière question je pense à :
"the custom officer" le douanier ?
merci encore pour cet exercice
@+ Lancelot
Réponse: re:IF Clauses de serena, postée le 2004-09-23 19:49:54 (S | E)
Bonsoir pascaline !
Oui, l'erreur est bien "the customer", mais "the sales" n'est pas la réponse.

Berichard, c'est bien d'avoir participé. Mais il y a des erreurs, et on le sait très bien, on apprend par ses propres erreurs.
Je te donne les phrases qui ne sont pas correctes.
2) walks : non
6) shouldn't have hired it : non. Car avec "should" le sens de la phrase change complètement.
8) would have been : non
9 ) I have been : non.
J'ai déjà donné les règles sur l'ennoncé. Si tu as quand même du mal à suivre, je te donnerai des explications plus simples.
A plus !
Réponse: re:IF Clauses de pascaline, postée le 2004-09-23 19:52:36 (S | E)
the sales assistant?
Réponse: re:IF Clauses de serena, postée le 2004-09-23 20:01:00 (S | E)
Non ! ce n'est ce sens que je voulais donné à la phrase.

Réponse: re:IF Clauses de serena, postée le 2004-09-23 20:21:14 (S | E)
Sorry lancelot !
Je n'avais pas vu ta réponse !
Eh bien, bravo ! c'est exactement de "douanier" dont je voulais parler !!!

L'orthographe que tu donnes change le sens du même mot, et ça ne veut plus dire ce que JE voulais dire !
Alors ?

Réponse: re:IF Clauses de lancelot, postée le 2004-09-24 16:16:19 (S | E)
Bon alors j'essaie autre chose:
the customS officer ?
Réponse: re:IF Clauses de serena, postée le 2004-09-24 18:56:36 (S | E)
Bingo lancelot !

Effectivement, c'est the customS officer = agent des douanes.
Ma phrase 3 dit plutôt que c'est le client qui aurait trouvé une bouteille de whisky s'il avait fouillé dans mon sac. Ce qui est étrange comme pratique, non ?
Et custom officer signifie un employé fait sur mesure, sur commande.
Dis lancelot, si tu trouves un employé comme je viens de décrire, je serai ravie de l'avoir !

Merci à tous et à toutes. Et à très bientôt, si vous voulez bien !

Réponse: re:IF Clauses de kameleon, postée le 2004-09-25 00:57:40 (S | E)
Hi! Serena
1-If that house collapsed, many people would be killed.
2-He will walk if the train is too late.
3-The customer would find a bottle of whisky if he had searched my bag.
4- Will you phone me if there had had any problem?
5- If you drove more carefully, you wouldn't have had so many accidents
6- If I had known how expensive this car, I didn't hire it.
7- He will see interesting old buildings if he had visited oxford.
8-The children would have been better swimmer if they swam more frequently.9-If I were you, I wouldn't worry about going to university.
10-I wouldn't mind having children if we were living in the country.
Edité par kameleon le 2004-09-25 00:59:25
Réponse: re:IF Clauses de serena, postée le 2004-09-25 01:45:27 (S | E)
Salut kameleon !
C'est bien d'avoir participer. Je vais te faire une correction détaillée et te laisser corriger ensuite.
1) OUI
2) OUI
3) NON : La proposition avec "IF" est au Past Perfect ( had searched ), donc la principale doit être au Past conditionnal.
4) NON : La principale est au Future, donc après "IF" c'est le Present.
5) NON : Après "IF" tu as le Simple Past, donc la principale sera au Conditionnal.
6) NON : Après "IF" c'est Past Perfect, donc la principale est au Past Conditionnal.
7) NON : la principale étant au Future, après "IF" c'est le Present.
8) NON : Après "IF" c'est le Simple Past, donc la principale est au Conditionnal.
9) OUI
10) OUI : C'est plutôt "lived", mais tu as mis "were living" qui ne change pas le sens de la phrase. Je préfère néanmoins que tu emploies le Simple Past à l'avenir.
Voilà kameleon, je propose que tu les refasses avec les temps qui conviennent pour les poster à nouveau. Et on suivra ensemble tes progrès. Ok ?

Merci et à plus !