Message de traviskidd posté le 2004-10-17 23:52:12 (S | E | F | I)
Voici de petits films que j'ai trouvés. J'en ai régardé un ("Peur ou Inconscience"). C'est deux filles en train d'aller surfer qui se parlent en anglais américain, avec des (pas complètement corrects, comme normal) sous-titres français.
Peut-être vouz pouvez essayer donner une transcription de ce que les filles disent!
Have fun!
Edité par bridg le 24-11-2004 21:18
Voici de petits films que j'ai trouvés. J'en ai régardé un ("Peur ou Inconscience"). C'est deux filles en train d'aller surfer qui se parlent en anglais américain, avec des (pas complètement corrects, comme normal) sous-titres français.
Peut-être vouz pouvez essayer donner une transcription de ce que les filles disent!
Have fun!
Edité par bridg le 24-11-2004 21:18
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de morenita, postée le 2004-10-18 02:00:14 (S | E)
what are we supposed to do to hear the conversation????
i tried many times & it didnt work,i don't know why
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-18 02:15:22 (S | E)
Unfortunately, I had the same problem, morenita. I don't know why.
I hope we'll find something for that, it's really a good exercise. So original !
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de kameleon, postée le 2004-10-18 02:25:10 (S | E)
Traviskidd, de kameleon
Je souhaite que tous les membres du site
puissent ecouter ce superbe entretien: biographie ;Luigi Colani et
Lucy Orla;;c'est de toute beauté;le texte parlé anglais et sous-titré
français.....le passage sur le pont est superbe et l'arc en ciel...............sublime!!!
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-18 03:10:46 (S | E)
Can you see the picture? Is it just the audio that you're having trouble with?
Everything worked for me the very first time, so I can't tell you why you can't hear it. Too bad ... because it's really a good conversation! As "typical" as you can expect from a conversation that's being filmed as part of an advertising campaign.
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-18 03:39:23 (S | E)
It works !!!!
I've just tried and it's ok !
Morenita, I first clicked on "haut débit" and I had problems, but with "bas débit" it's all right !
Well Travis, what are we to do now ? Write the conversation in english, exactlty what we can understand ?
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de kameleon, postée le 2004-10-18 04:04:09 (S | E)
It is gorgeous at all the points :
picture + voice I look at it again and again and I understand very well.
a million thanks.
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de speedjo905, postée le 2004-10-18 05:30:14 (S | E)
j'ai pu tout entendre même une traduction en francais au bas de l'écran mais quel est le but du voyage en voiture - est-ce que les gens sont choisis au hasard pour participer
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-18 17:27:09 (S | E)
Yes ... try to write the conversation in English! (Note: it's not simply a direct translation of the French subtitles!)
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-18 17:56:43 (S | E)
speedjo ... tu peux lire les biographies des filles. Elles sont "assez" connues, spécialement à cause de leurs malfortunes respectives.
La fille à un bras blèse un peu, il me semble.
un bras blessé je suppose car blèse ca n'existe pas
malfortune est joli mais n'existe pas non plus. malheurs respectifs.
fortune respectives peut se dire, mais c'est trop positif.
Edité par yannloic le 20-10-2004 08:06
From :
lisp in French is bléser, blésons, blésez, blésent
Alors elle blése. (C'est un peu dur de la comprendre quand elle parle. Sa voix n'est pas très claire, ce qui (je crois) n'a rien à rapport avec son manque d'un bras.)
Edité par traviskidd le 2004-10-21 04:48:22
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-18 18:34:27 (S | E)
En mal choisissant un mot, la fille à un bras arrive à poser une question assez bizarre à l'autre fille! Le sous-titre français exprime mieux ce qu'elle voulait dire: "Si tu pouvais faire un truc impossible, qu'est-ce que tu ferais?" Mais quelle était en fait la question posée?
Edité par traviskidd le 2004-10-18 19:13:34
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-18 18:58:15 (S | E)
Bonjour !
Justement, je voulais dire que j'arrive à comprendre l'idée générale de la conversation. Mais je peux suivre la brune mieux que la blonde.
J'ai compris qu'elle avait eu le bras arraché par un requin. Mais elle parle comme si elle avait sommeil !! A moins que le requin lui aie aussi arraché un bout de la langue ?
Bref, je reverrai ça.
Une suggestion Travis : Tu as déjà très bien commencé en nous guidant sur les parties à transcrire, en donnant une scène précise. J'aimerais qu'on continue comme ça jusqu'à connaître tout ce qu'elles disent.
Encore merci !
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-18 19:29:22 (S | E)
Je comprends maintenant ce que tu voulais dire par "elle blèse un peu". Alors, ce n'était pas la faute à mes oreilles.
Pour la question qu'elle a posée, je crois que c'est :
" You could heu....! You could do one of the heroic thing that would it be ? Like talk to animals, fly, walk on water..."
Peut-être !
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-18 20:22:52 (S | E)
It's not "heroic"!! (And I even checked again because I thought maybe that's the word she was trying to say. But it's not!)
Here is the context:
B: "If you could go ... if you could do one, like, _______ thing, what would it be?"
G: "What?!?"
B: "Like, talk to animals or ... fly or ... walk on water or...."
G: "Oh! [laugh]"
Try again! Remember, the word was poorly chosen! G. was surprised to hear this word! Since B. is only 14 maybe she didn't really know what it meant!
Edité par traviskidd le 2004-10-18 20:33:10
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-19 03:11:36 (S | E)
So I'm not so bad !
For the missing word, I think she said " lark ". According to what she said after her question, it seems to be doing something funny, stupid, incredible.
"If you could go ... if you could do one, like, a lark thing, what would it be?"
Is it right ?
Also, she said first : IF you could GO !! I didn't hear these 2 words until you wrote them ! And I thought "GO" was "euh.."
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-19 05:18:02 (S | E)
No, not "lark". In fact the word she used is inconsistent with what she meant! (Except I suppose that doing an ______ thing could be considered a rather incredible thing for a young teenager to do.)
Your first guess was better; it is a word that ends in "ic". And, since I used "an" above, you know it begins with a vowel (or at least a vowel sound).
I'll give you (all) the rest of today to figure it out. Otherwise I'll give the answer (unless you want to keep trying!).
Also, feel free to try to transcribe the entire film. Bethany's poorly chosen word is just something that I wanted to point out in particular (because it's funny!).
Edité par traviskidd le 2004-10-19 05:35:37
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-19 15:22:31 (S | E)
Hi Travis !
Yes, the way she expresses herself is really funny !
And I'd like to guess once more before you tell me the right word.
Is it "horrific" ?
I'm not sure, but as she lisps, maybe she didn't pronounce the "F" ?
Well, this word means nothing for the context, but as you said it's the case, I couldn't find another one.
About transcribing the entire film, I'm working on it. And of course, I'll need your help ( as usual ! ), please.
See you !
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-20 06:49:17 (S | E)
No, it's not "horrific". (The H is pronounced in "horrific".)
And well ... nobody else seems to be interested in trying.
So I will tell you the answer. The missing word is ... erotic!!!
B: "If you could go ... if you could do one, like, erotic thing, what would it be?"
G: "What?!?" (G. is stunned by this question!)
B: "Like, talk to animals or ... fly or ... walk on water or...."
G: "Oh! [laugh]" (G. now understands what B. intended to ask, even though the word was wrong!)
It could be that B. confised "erotic" with "exotic" ... but even "exotic" doesn't really fit.
Edité par traviskidd le 2004-10-20 06:56:45
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-20 11:40:44 (S | E)
Hello Travis !
"erotic !"
Yes ! It's what she said. And I think she meant to say this word and no other one. Cause for her, doing things like talking to animals, flying, walking on water can give her a sort of ecstasy, and a very deep peace inside. Then it becomes erotic, almost like the thing G thought of at once.
I think she is very clever !
Did you find another strange word she used ?
Edité par serena le 2004-10-20 11:44:15
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-21 19:07:35 (S | E)
Hi Travis !
This is what my ears heard at the very beginning of the film.
G : I’ve always wanted a cool nickname, you know !
B : Well, I’ll make my new nickname : shark draft ( drop )
G : Why " shark draft" ?
B : That what all of them call me.
G : What do they call you ( + a word ??? )
B : They don’t know my name.
G : Shark draft because of what happened.
G : What happened ?
( They laughed ).
And then the telephone rang, and I’ll give you my funny results after correcting this one. Because, I’m sure you’ll find them funny !
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-21 23:29:00 (S | E)
Nice! But I wonder how you get "draft" out of "girl"?????
Here is the correct version:
G: I've always wanted a cool nickname, ya know?
B: Fine, I'll make my new nickname: "Shark Girl".
G: Why "Shark Girl"?
B: 'Cause that's what everyone calls me.
G: Why do they call you that?
B: 'Cause they don't know my name.
G: "Shark Girl" because what happened?
[B. smiles at G. because B. knows that G. knows what happened!]
G: What happened?
[They both laugh, and the music starts. As the music ends, they are making a phone call.]
Edité par traviskidd le 2004-10-21 23:36:14
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-22 02:51:58 (S | E)
Hi Travis !
After listening many times, I looked at the French translation of "shark girl", then I knew she said "girl", but I even couldn’t hear this at all ! Do you all pronounce "girl" this way ?
Anyway, thank you ! Here’s the scene where they call Greta’s parents.
I really found it very hard to get !
G : .... ....... ( )
B : we should have waited when......
Mother : hello !
G: mama !
M: yeah !
G: what are you doing ?
M: ( she laughs ) in bed !
G: yuh ! what time is it ?
M : a quarter to five over here !
( both B and G laugh )
B : Oh my God ! we’re sorry !....... mum !!!
M : oh Bethany ! .......... Have you got this girl with you ?
G : yeah ! that’s it, she’s sitting right next to me.
B : Hello ! you hear me ?
M : tell her Hi ! ( twice )
B: your daughter ............
M : .........well all right ! that’s great ! .........
G : we’re going to come and visit you in Hawaii !
M : ............................................
G : yes, we’ll show her how to ride.
M : all right, here’s dad !
Dad : Hi ( Hé ) Greta !
G: hi dad !
G : this is so........that, there, hum....I can hear you through the headrest. Do you have like a speaker on your headrest ?
D : ah no
Or another system microphone that .......all the lighters ?
That picks up everything in the car, yeah !
D : you’re in the car now ?
G : yeah in the car !
D : well, have fun !
G: ok ! we will !
End of the phone conversation. Beginning of my headache !
It’s really difficult !
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-22 06:04:58 (S | E)
Hi Serena! You're doing a great job!
Yes ... it's how we pronounce the word "girl": /grl/, where /r/ is a single vowel sound, appearing in girl, bird, word, heard, urn, learn.
In fact even B. says it clearly! I wonder why it's strange to you!
Here is the correct version:
B: We should have ...
G: [softly] I don't even know what time it is.
B: We should have waited before we started dialing.
Greta's Mom: Hello?
G: Mama?
M: Yes?
G: What are you doing?!?
M: [laughing] In bed!
G: You're...What time is it?
M: Uh...Quarter 'til 5 over here.
[Greta laughs]
B: Oh my goodness, sorry!
G: Sorry Mom!
M: So is the young ... other young woman there with you, or...?
G: Yeah, Bethany, she's sittin' right next to me.
B: Hello! M: Alright! [simultaneous]
G: Can you hear her? M: Tell her hi. [simultaneous]
M: Yeah, tell her hi.
B: We're about to take, um, your daughter surfing.
G: Yeah, she's gonna show me how to surf.
M: Oh, alright! That's great! Oh well. Get some good lessons so we can all do it too!
G: OK, yeah, we're gonna come visit her in Hawaii. [Note: Bethany lives in Hawaii.]
M: OK and she can come out here, and ma...maybe she already knows how to ride horses.
G: Yeah, we'll show her how to ride.
M: [chuckles] Alright, here's Dad.
D: Hey Greta!
G: Hey Dad!
G: This is so weird! It's like, the, um, I can hear you through the headrest. They have, like, a speaker in the headrest. [Note: this is not a question, but it is inflected like a question. This is an implicit way of asking "Do you understand?"]
D: Oh really?
G: And then there's just a microphone like up where like the light is, that picks up everything in the car.
D: You're kiddin'!
G: Yeah! [Note: She means "Yes it's really true", not "Yes, I'm kidding."]
D: So you're in the car now?
G: Yeah, we're in the car!
D: Well have fun!
G: OK, we will!
[End of phone conversation. How rude ... they didn't even tell each other "Bye!" ]
Edité par traviskidd le 2004-10-22 16:57:05
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-22 22:48:15 (S | E)
I'm really glad I could at least catch the whole meaning of the conversation ! I thought I was completely mistaken !
I'm going to listen to it once more before giving you what I found for the next discussion. Maybe I'll be able to correct something.
First, tell me please. What does G. meant by saying :
"And then there's just a microphone like up where like the light is."
I couldn't get these words at all, not even now, after tou told me.
And I also noticed they didn't say "bye" to each other !!
See you soon !
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-23 07:00:30 (S | E)
"Like" is essentially meaningless in this context. It serves to keep the conversation informal. It implicitly asks the listener not to hold the speaker strictly to his exact words, but rather to concentrate on what the speaker means. If I had to express this idea in words, it would be something like "Maybe I'm not using the best words, but what I mean is something like what I am saying." But in a translation, it should generally be ignored.
So G. was really saying: "There's a microphone up where the light is."
Here's a little article about the informal use of the word "like":
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-23 14:30:27 (S | E)
Hi Travis !
What a discussion ! Thanks for the link.
I do agree with the ones who said the use of "like" shouldn't be a reflexive reaction. I prefer "um" in a speech, it lets us know that the speaker is searching for a word or an idea.
Well, I can change nothing to american speech.
If only I could do that !
You know, I tried again to get the whole sentence but I couldn't. I knew what G. meant, but not the right words she used. And I had the same problem with the scene I'm going to give you the transcription.
MY transcription !
Just after the phone call.
G : So tell me about the, um, shark attack.
You like to talk about it or not ?
B : I’m sorry !
G : yeah, I’ll wait until you talk about it.
B : yeah.
G : I had three injuries as a jockey, and each time it’s gone about a couple of months.
B : well, what were the injuries ?
G : I broke my back about four years ago, broke my ankle, a fresh wound I broke my ankle ; and last year I dislocate my shoulder, and I had to get, um, "surgery on it" ???
B : How ugly Injury between the three ?
G : um, probably when I broke my ankle. And I got surgery …… ….. I got hurt before I fell out the horse and I got run over by a horse behind me.
B : and I lost 60 % of my blood.
G : and I
B : that’s right. A lot !
G : yeah.
B : now what I invoke, I pray a lot God.
G : yeah.
B : I never scare when I go on the water, …... like a peace.
I wish I would write the whole conversation without any , but I'm quite sure I'm very far from this. It seems that they don't use correct sentences, do they ?
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-23 17:03:33 (S | E)
Well rest assured that I couldn't write everything without any if it were in French!
Here's what they actually said:
G: So tell me about the, um, shark attack.
B: Ummm...
G: Do you like to talk about it or no?
B: I'm so over it!
G: [sarcastically] Yeah, that's all you talk about, right?
B: Yeah.
G: I ha...I had three injuries as a jockey, and each time I spent about a couple of months.
B: Well, what were the injuries?
G: I broke my back like four years ago, broke my ankle, in the first one I broke my ankle, and then, uh, last year I separated my shoulder and I had to get, um, surgery on it.
B: So what was the worst of the three?
G: Um, probably when I broke my ankle. I had to have surgery on that too and they put in a screw. But, um, I f..., like I was saying before, I fell of the horse, and then I got run over by a horse behind me.
B: I lost sixty percent of my blood. And like, that's, like, a lot.
G: Yeah.
B: Now that I've like, I pray a lot more.
G: Yeah it's...
B: I'm not as scared when I go in the water, I have more of like a peace in me.
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de morenita, postée le 2004-10-23 22:18:14 (S | E)
serena I m jealous ,I wanna try to do that too!!!but it doesn't work I don' t know what s the problem!!!that game seems to be intersting & funny...
I dont know what s the matter with that damn pc,now I can't even see the pictures!!
I ll try again,wish me luck
Edité par morenita le 2004-10-23 22:27:20
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-23 22:36:25 (S | E)
Oh my lovely morenita ! Don't be so sad !
I told tou above that it works for me when I clicked on "bas debit". Try again, maybe it'll be ok this time, with my wishes !
It's really a compulsory game, even not a game for me you see ? A way to practice my American English listening. And I'm really happy not to be so bad !
Travis, I notice once more the "like" everywhere. ....
Ok, let me listen again before posting the next conversation. Because I had other problems. Maybe I'll find "like" somewhere.
I'll be back very soon !
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de morenita, postée le 2004-10-23 22:51:43 (S | E)
thanx serena,I clicked on "bas debit" & I m still waiting
Im weak in listening comprehension..I hope I ll be able to understand the conversations...
I ll be back soon (maybe )
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de morenita, postée le 2004-10-23 23:34:40 (S | E)
it s not easy at all!!!!
G:I can''t do that...
B:...???....your tongue
G:has it been an ...?? pretty good......?...for you, or did you pick up pretty quick after?
B:hmmm I ....
g:you are back to all right?
G:did you miss it?
B:I just miss the whole story in surfing,i love the ocean,i love surfing,i dont know what it would be like without it
have you ever watched Mister ed?
B:did you like it?
G:I love it....that show..
I ll continue after having the correction ...there are a lot of mistake ,it s difficult!!
Edité par morenita le 2004-10-24 01:02:59
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-24 00:24:44 (S | E)
Hi ! I'm back ! With a lot of
I could hear no "like" ! But I'm surely wrong. So Travis, your troubles are not over with me !
G : Oh rrrrrrrrr yahaaa !!!!
B : I can’t do that with the rrrrrr
G : vibrate your tongue. Rrrrrrrrrrrrr
B : ( Poor Bethany tries to say rrrrrrrrrrr )
G : Has it been any adjustment, was it a quick adjustment for you or did you pick it up a free quick ???
B : um, I adjust so quickly that everyone thought I'd go back… ……
G : You’re about to compete already, all right ?
B : yeah !
G : and you miss it ?
B : I miss the whole about surfing, you know that I love the ocean, I love surfing. And I’ll never be ok without it.
B : have you ever watched mister Ed ?
G : yeah
B : I love him , …… …………
G : ……… ………….
B : yeah !
G : ……… ……………..
B : yeah !
You know, I loved Bethany in this scene, because she mostly said "yeah" ! It would be so easy if all the american films said "yeah" and "no" !!!
See you !
PS : I've just seen morenita's post !
Well, have fun Travis !
Edité par serena le 2004-10-24 00:28:14
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de morenita, postée le 2004-10-24 01:05:52 (S | E)
Oh serena t mechante you r laughing at me
I know that i wrote a lot of stupidities...I just wanted to try..
Travis you ll surely have fun
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-24 13:38:19 (S | E)
Hi morenita !
Believe me ! I meant that I was the only one to make nonsense and now that you've joined the group, Travis has to deal with both me and you !!
Did you read my transcriptions ? If you didn't, go and read them, you'll then see how patient and kind Travis is, seriously !
But now, by adding your transcriptions, I don't know what's going to happen to him !
Coucou ? Travis ?
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-24 19:03:36 (S | E)
Alright morenita, you got it to work!
Still waiting on you, Serena, before I give the correction.
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-24 19:10:39 (S | E)
Oops, I didn't notice that we now have 2 pages for this topic! OK, I will post the correction shortly.
Edité par traviskidd le 2004-10-24 19:12:26
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-24 19:42:28 (S | E)
G: Rrrrrree ... rrrrrreeha!
B: I can't do that little "rrrrrr"!
G: Ay, ay, ayyyy!
G: You can't roll your tongue?
B: [Poor Bethany tries to say "rrrrr" ]
G: Rrrrrrrrrrreeha!
G: Has it been an adjustment, like, a pretty big adjustment for you, or did you pick it up pretty quick, after... ?
B: Um, I guess I went quicker than everyone thought I would go, but...
G: Mm-hmm... [= yes, I understand]
B:'s pretty hard; I'm still adjusting.
G: You're back to competing already though, right?
B: Yeah.
G: Did you miss it?
B: I just miss the whole sport of surfing. It's like, I love the ocean, I love surfing. I don't know what it'd be like without it.
B: Have you ever watched Mr. Ed?
G: Yeah.
B: Do you like it? I love it, it's the best show ever!
G: The old black and white one with the talking horse?
B: Yeah!
G: Is that what* you're talking about?
B: Yeah!
*Either "what" or "the one" ... I'm not sure; it's too fast! But it's the same meaning either way.
Edité par traviskidd le 2004-10-24 19:51:32
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-24 21:24:10 (S | E)
Yes, she is really too fast !
I wrote down my mistakes. And I saw they used "like" again !
I listened many times but didn't get it !!
Then I said : "you know that" instead of "it's like" ( Bethany about surfing ). Ok, I'll try to do better. I'll try !
Tell me Travis, I heard very well : " it's the best show ever". Really ! But I thought I was wrong, as I couldn't give it any concrete sense.
Is it another way the young American speak ? Or it's a rule I don't know ?
Well, let's work on the next part. Which starts with lots of "tch" !
Morenita, don't give up, ok ? We'll be waiting for your transcriptions.
See you soon !
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de morenita, postée le 2004-10-24 22:24:17 (S | E)
Who said i ll give up????!!!!
but you know,the next part is the most difficult!!yeah,there will be a lot of ,trust me!
Edité par morenita le 2004-10-25 12:42:29
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-24 23:14:20 (S | E)
It's the best show ever. = It's the best show of all time, the best show that there has ever been.
Edité par traviskidd le 2004-10-24 23:17:12
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-25 04:05:12 (S | E)
Hello Travis !
Thanks for the expression. Is it only american or maybe I didn't know it ?
This is the next scene's transcription.
G : ……( I tried to hear more than "che, che" but I couldn't. )
Riding has only accidents that happen too fast we don’t even be scared. You know you get scared when you, like, in the ring before you go out to, without having any just any think about it.
B: yeah !
G : you know when you’re actually there, um, you know I’m not scared when I’m up on a horse cause I just think I’m doing my job.
You got any catch on mind ?
B: like, maybe encountering another shark ?
G : yeah !
B: yeah ! that’s still what I try to think about the whole time when I surf.
G : really ?
B: unless the waves are really great like this. ( not sure )
G : you’re keeping joking !
B : I concentrate on my board uuuuuuuuuu !! ( not sure either )
G : do you like to….
B : I’ve seen two sharks after I’ve never seen any before.
G : my goal to reach it, how long did it take to do into, you know, how long this can take me to be able to get up on a board ?
B : ooh, oh la la ! I don’t know ! it could be I think, you can get up on your first level, or you cannot get up at all !!
G : ( Greta laughs )
B: who knows ? that’s a mystery !
G : the waves are kind of big, I think !
B : ( Bethany makes faces )
G : you find them too little to you, right ?
B : I don’t think this is big !
I hope I'm improving my listening comprehension in american speech !
See you !
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-25 06:03:59 (S | E)
Hi serena!
I don't think "The most ... ever" is just an American expression. I think it is used generally by all English-speakers.
And your comprehension is very good for someone who doesn't live in an English-speaking country! I'm sure if I tried a similar thing in French I wouldn't do nearly as well.
As for the next part, I'll wait for morenita to give her try before I give the answer.
Edité par traviskidd le 2004-10-25 06:07:40
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de morenita, postée le 2004-10-25 14:53:15 (S | E)
it was kind of you travis thanx!!!
I m back with a lot of stupidities &
G:........riding...accidents,they happen to fast that...everyone be scared,you know,it s scared when you're, like ,....before you got go out or ..... you got time to think about it,you know,when you're actually there..
G:you don't..I'm not scared when I get up on a horse,be cause,I m just,you know,I m just doing my that ever your mind?
B:like,maybe encountering another shark?
B:yeah,that s ....what I m thinking about the whole time when I m up there
B:I v seen two sharks after,and I havent seen any before!
G:m I gonna..
how long does it take to do,you know,how long it s gonna take me to get up on the board?
B:well,I don' t know,it could take could get up on your first or you could not get up at all!!
G (laughs)
B:I don' t know,that s such a mystery!
Edité par morenita le 2004-10-25 14:58:15
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-26 00:20:39 (S | E)
G: It's the only justice I say about riding, is that all these accidents they happen too fast for you to like ever be scared. You know you get scared when you're, like, sittin' in the room before you go out or whatever, and you've got time to think about it...
B: Mm-hmm...
G: know but when you're actually there...
B: Yeah...
G: ...uh, you don't, I'm not scared when I get up on the horse, 'cause I'm just, you know, I'm doing my job. Does that ever cross your mind?
B: Like, maybe encountering another shark?
G: Yeah.
B: Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm thinking about the whole time I'm out there.
G: Really?
B: Unless the waves are really good and I'm like, just...
G: Gettin'
B: ...focusing on 'em and I'm like "Yee!"
G: Did you like see...
B: I've seen two sharks after and I haven't seen any before.
G: Am I gonna really long does it take to do ... to, you know, how long do you think it's gonna take me for to you know, like, get up on the board?
B: Well, I dunno. It could be tak..... you could get up on your first wave or you could not get up at all.
G: [laughing] OK!
B: Who knows; it's such a mystery!
G: Whoa, those look kind of big, Bethany! [she laughs] Those are probably, like, baby waves to you, right?
B: Euuuuh yeah! That's like this big! [Bethany shows with her hand how big.]
Well ... even I had to put a !!!
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de morenita, postée le 2004-10-26 02:37:23 (S | E)
Travis we ve really wrote a lot of bulls***!!!!!
do you think we have to continue??now I realize that I m very very very very.......weak in english ,I have no prob in reading comprehension but the listening you know what I mean
Serena where are you????come & have a look in the correction
see you soon
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-26 03:38:08 (S | E)
Hi morenita ! I'm here, I was struggling with my Internet connection.
I saw the correction.
Well, we're not so bad ! What's happening ? Do you give up so easily ?
If Travis even had to use the ( ), then I'm sure it's not so obvious for us to find the correct words !
I read yours, and frankly you found better words than I did.
Come on ! Get up and let's go on ! We're not in the sea, so no fear for sinking.
Thank you for your compliments, Travis. You really deserve more for giving me the opportunity to test while improving my comprehension.
Well ! Gonna give you, like, my next results. And I, like, hope that, like, I won't deceive you !
( Don't worry, I'll never try to use "like" in my speech. I even don't know where I should put them in a sentence ! )
Coming soon !
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-26 06:06:44 (S | E)
Serena, thank you for the compliments, even if I deserve more.
And your "like"s were placed PERFECTLY!
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-26 15:10:21 (S | E)
Hi Travis !
Ok.....Let me end our job first.....and I'll see. .....
I did the rest of the film, cause there were very short scenes I prefered transcribing the whole at the same time.
G: sometimes when I get on a horse........I love you so much ! yes I love horses so much ! I, like, I tear up sometimes, like, that’s emotional you know it. I just love everything about them.
B: ( Bethany yawns )
G : thinking you have to be true fearless, like, to get up there on the water, especially, like, after, you know something, you know terrible that happened.
You know, you’ve such a personality like it you just don’t give up.
B : either I don’t go there or, like, I pray and then I go.
G : have you wondered why shark......
B : do you think we look like seals ?
G : um
B : or tortoises ?
G : I think we should be ready for some ......actions.
The voice : ........from the head, turn left.
B : turn left, turn left ! ( she laughs )
How will you drive on up to the bushes on this side ?
we’re making a new card !
G : ( Greta laughs )
B : keep driving straight and, like, stop on ..... or we’ll be, like, in the ocean.
G : right !
( And then, our much talked-about part ! )
B: If you could go ... if you could do one, like, erotic thing, what would it be ?
G: What?
B: Like, talk to animals or ... fly or ... walk on water or....
G: Oh! ( she laughs )
G : well I guess heu....I guess I would talk to animals. What would you do ?
B : flying and talking to animals are the two tough decisions.
G : really ?
B : I think, like, I’ll have to say talking to animals. Cause this is so exciting ! you could make surely smart friendship.
G : what about......being invisible ?
B : oh yeah ! that’s pretty good ! then the shark couldn’t see me.
( Greta hooks and raises hands to the other drivers. Maybe she wants to tease them )
G : let’s try this ! ( they laugh ).
B : great !
B : oh ! you think you’re ready ?
G : yeah !
B : then go on tire the bigger set and then you tire the field on the head !
G : it’s gonna be killer ( killing ) ??
B : and turning to the.....
G : I’m gonna hang on...... and it’s gonna be ......
( they reach the beach )
B : ( I understood nothing of what she said )
( after swimming )
Someone to Greta : good ! it’s not obvious ! you get up and, you did it ! do you feel cool ? do you not ?
Greta : yeah ! Yew ! I didn’t want to stop !
Voice :
Here you are Travis ! I didn't end it very smartly, as you know, I found some parts really too fast !
Waiting for the correction.
See you !
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de morenita, postée le 2004-10-26 16:59:10 (S | E)
G:sometimes when I get on a horse like,I love you so much... I love horses so much!!'s like emotional ,I just like everything about them
B is yawning
G : have to be ..fearless;like to get ...the water,especially,like,after u know,sth terrible has happened,.....your personality thing,like,u don't just give up
B:.....I dont do it or I pray then do it
G:why do sharks... anyways?
B:cause think we look like seals,or tortures
G:I think we ..ready for some...action
a man's voice:.....turn left
B:turn left!
G laughs
we are making a new....
G laughs
B:continue straight on,and like stop....before we be,like,in the ocean
B:if you could ..if you could do one like erotic thing what would it be?
B:like talk to animals,like fly,or walk on the water
G:I guess I would talk to animals,what would you do?
B:flying and talking to animals are too .....decisions
I think I d have to say talking to animals,it s .. so exciting u could make so much more friendship
G:what about being invisible?
B:oh yeah,that would be pretty cool!then the sharks can't see me
G:try this one
(both laughing)
B:you think you're ready?
B;you onna,like,... the s gonna be...10feet ..on your head
G:it can be killer
B:I mean....
B:......the best sth like get up on the knees...
well,I stop here !!!!!
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de kameleon, postée le 2004-10-26 17:10:37 (S | E)
It is my turn; I'll listen to this afternoon carefully.
It's a good exercice for the ear..isn't it!
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de morenita, postée le 2004-10-26 17:23:14 (S | E)
kameleon you're late,it was the last conversation in the film
well,I dont know if Travis is ready to correct more stupid mistakes(mine of course),if so,I prefer to continue with the interview n°4
waiting for ur answer Travis
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-26 21:25:51 (S | E)
Well ... kameleon can try, if he doesn't look at the corrections I've already given.
Here is the final thrust to the end of the film!
In blue are terms from "surfer language."
G: Sometimes I'll get on a horse, like they...if I've never been on him, and I'll just be like, "I love you so much!" I just, I love horses so much! I'll like, I'll tear up sometimes, like, it's like emotional, you know, like, I just love everything about 'em.
B: [yawwwwwwn] [= I think horses are boring! ]
G: I think you have to be pretty fearless, like, to get out there in the water, especially like, after, you know, something, you know, terrible has happened. I don't know if it's a personality thing, like with, you just don't give up?
B: I either don't do it, or I pray and then do it.
G: Why did you let the shark bite you anyways?
B: 'Cause they think we look like seals.
G: Oh.
B: Or a turtle.
G: I think we're gettin' ready to do some off-roading action.
Navigation System: 200 meters ahead, turn left.
B: Turn left right now.
B: How do I drive on top of the bushes on this side?
B: We're making a new path!
G: [laughs]
B: Keep driving straight and, like, stop at a point or we'll be, like, in the ocean.
G: Right.
B: If you could go ... if you could do one, like, erotic thing, what would it be?
G: What?
B: Like, talk to animals or ... fly or ... walk on water or ... ?
G: Oh! [laughs] I guess, uh, i guess I would talk to animals. What would you do?
B: Fly and talking to animals are two tough decisions for me. I think I'd have to say talking to animals. It would just be so exciting, you could make so much more friendships....
G: What about being invisible?
B: Oh yeah! That'd be pretty cool! Then a shark couldn't see me!
G: [beeps horn and waves at other cars]
B: [laughs] She's like...
G: Here, try this one!
B: Raaar! [like an angry cat!]
B: You think you're ready?
G: [whispers] yeah...
B: You're gonna, like, charge on the biggest set, it's gonna be like, 10 feet over your head...
G: It's gonna be killer[=terrific].
B: ...I mean, 10 inches over your feet. Man, you're gonna be like...
G: I'm gonna hang ten, and it's gonna be epic!
B: (They say you should ) stand up this way, but and that's a regular foot but some people they like get up on their knees and they're like this for a couple seconds and...
Someone in the water: It's right on top of me!
G: It's hard!
Man: It's hard, but you got up and you did it!
M: Did it feel cool, gettin' up?
G: Yeah, it was! I didn't wanna stop!
The music returns, Bethany surfs a little more, the scene fades to black, and the credits appear.
And there you have it! Bye Bethany and Greta ... I'll miss you!
"Great job" to both of you, serena and morenita!
Edité par traviskidd le 2004-10-26 21:31:26
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-26 22:05:32 (S | E)
Yes, we'll miss Bethany and Greta. Even if, after each scene I tanscribed, I felt as if I'd been bitten by a shark or even ridding a horse !
Thank you very much Travis for this hard and such interesting job !
I saw that Kameleon is also intereted, and morenita asked to do the same with interview n°4. I haven't seen it yet, but I think it's a good idea. Only if you're ready to stand our and again !
You're an and a !!
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-26 23:25:09 (S | E)
Well as you see I put a few of my own!
OK ... I think interview #4 will be fine! The white man is British, and the black one is American. So the English spoken here is probably quite pure, otherwise they might not have been able to understand each other!
I don't think there will be a lot of "like"s in this one ... but we'll see!
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de serena, postée le 2004-10-27 00:18:20 (S | E)
Ok Travis !! Thank you !
It'll be great I guess ! Morenita ? Are you ready ?
See you soon then !
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de morenita, postée le 2004-10-27 14:27:32 (S | E)
sure I m ready,I ll be back soon
but I suggest to start in another "comprehension a l oral 2"
see u later
Réponse: re:Compréhension à l'oral de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-27 16:48:49 (S | E)
I'll let one of you start the new subject