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Message de lucile83 posté le 2004-10-21 19:36:36 (S | E | F | I)
Après tous vos efforts voici une petite traduction tranquille:

Elle était en train de lire la quarante cinquième page de son livre quand on frappa à sa porte. Elle vit une dame se tenant en face de sa maison et lui demanda ce qu'elle attendait. La dame lui dit qu'elle trouvait la maison très jolie et qu'elle aimerait l'acheter. Mais elle n'était pas à vendre !

See you soon

Edité par bridg le 18-11-2004 19:30

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de honeykwitraa, postée le 2004-10-21 20:00:18 (S | E)
she was reading the forty fifth page of her book when one struck with
her door. she saw a lady being held opposite her house and asked him
why she was waited. The lady tell him that she found her house
very pretty and she would like to buy it . But it
did not to sell

voici une suggestion de traduction mais ca n empeche pas qu elle soit mal faite

Edité par bridg le 21-10-2004 20:21
ce que tu fais est joli mais je ne sais pas si ça facilite la correction de Lucile.

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de gorgayles, postée le 2004-10-21 20:04:42 (S | E)
Elle était en train de lire la quarante cinquième page de son livre quand on frappa à sa porte. Elle vit une dame se tenant en face de sa maison et lui demanda ce qu'elle attendait. La dame lui dit qu'elle trouvait la maison très jolie et qu'elle aimerait l'acheter. Mais elle n'était pas à vendre !

She was reading the forty fiveth page of her book when one knot at the
door. She saw a woman who was keeping oposite of the house and asked her what was she waiting for? The woman said her that she thank that the house was very beautiful and she would liked to buy it. But it didn't to sell!

voilà pour moi
merci Lucile pour cette traduction

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de pascal48, postée le 2004-10-21 20:08:17 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucile83

I try to translate

She was reading the forty-fifth page of her book when someone knocked at her door. She saw a woman standing in front of her house when she asked her what she wait. The woman told her that she found this house very beautiful and she would like to buy it. But it was not for sale.

plus facile

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de joy813, postée le 2004-10-21 20:14:00 (S | E)
Hello Lucile

She was reading the forty fifth page of her book when somebody knocked on her door. She saw a woman standing in front of her house and asked her what she was waiting for. The woman said that she found the house very beautiful and she would like to buy it. But it wasn't sold !

Thank you very much for your exercice

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de avie, postée le 2004-10-21 20:39:25 (S | E)
Merci lucile pour cet exercice !

Elle était en train de lire la quarante cinquième page de son livre quand on frappa à sa porte. Elle vit une dame se tenant en face de sa maison et lui demanda ce qu'elle attendait. La dame lui dit qu'elle trouvait la maison très jolie et qu'elle aimerait l'acheter. Mais elle n'était pas à vendre !

She was reading the forty-fifth page on her book when someone knocked on her door. She saw a lady standing in front of her house and asked what she waited . The lady said her that she found the house very pretty and she would like to buy it . But it not was for sale .

Je ne sais pas ce que ça va donner !

Edité par avie le 2004-10-22 17:56:30

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de samia51, postée le 2004-10-21 21:42:34 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucile83 et merci pour cet exercice de traduction

She was reading the forty-fifth page of her book when someone knocked at her door. She saw a lady standing in front of her house and she asked her what did she wait for. The lady told her that she found her house very beautiful and she would like to buy it. But it was not for sale !

Edité par samia51 le 2004-10-22 08:26:59

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de kayrol, postée le 2004-10-21 22:54:29 (S | E)
Hello, here's my try :
Elle était en train de lire la quarante cinquième page de son livre quand on frappa à sa porte. Elle vit une dame se tenant en face de sa maison et lui demanda ce qu'elle attendait. La dame lui dit qu'elle trouvait la maison très jolie et qu'elle aimerait l'acheter. Mais elle n'était pas à vendre !

She was reading the fourty-fifth page of her book when (some)one knocked at her door. She saw a woman standing before her house and asked her what she was waiting for. The woman told her she found the house very nice and that she would like to buy it. But it was not for sale.


Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de kameleon, postée le 2004-10-21 23:22:56 (S | E)
She was reading the forty fifth page of her book when

there was a knock at the door.She saw a lady who was standing in front of her house and ask her what she was waiting for. The lady said her that she found her house very nice and she would like buy it
but it wasn't for sale.


Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-22 00:10:08 (S | E)
She was reading the forty-fifth page of her book when someone knocked on her door. She saw a lady facing the house and asked her what she wanted. The lady told her that she found the house very pretty and that she would like to buy it. But it was not for sale!

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de serena, postée le 2004-10-22 04:01:19 (S | E)
Hi lucile !

She was reading the forty-fifth page of her book when somebody knocked at her door. She saw a woman standing face to her house and asked what she was waiting for. The woman told her she found her house very pretty and would like to buy it. But it wasn't for sale.

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de tounette, postée le 2004-10-22 05:42:36 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

She was reading the forthy-fifth page of her book when somebody was knocking at the door. She saw a lady standing in front of the house ; she asked to her what she was waiting for . The lady answered she found the house very nice and she would like to buy it . But it wasn't !

J 'ai hâte d'avoir la bonne traduction
hAve a nice week-end!

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de gorgayles, postée le 2004-10-22 08:34:18 (S | E)
She was reading the forty fiveth page of her book when one knot at the
door. She saw a woman who was keeping oposite of the house and asked her what was she waiting for? The woman said her that she thank that the house was very beautiful and she would liked to buy it. But it didn't to sell!

Alors je fais quelques rectifications:

She was reading the forty-fifth page of her book when one knot at her
door. She saw a woman who was keeping oposite of her house and asked her what was she waiting for? The woman said her that she thank that the house was very beautiful and she would like to buy it. But it didn't to sell!

en espérant qu'il n'y ai pas trop de fautes encore

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de vmg, postée le 2004-10-22 08:38:00 (S | E)
She was reading page 45 of her book when somebody knocked at the door. She found a lady standing opposite her house and asked her what she was waiting for. The lady answered that she thought that the house was really beautiful and she would like to buy it. But it was not to be let / for sale.

un petit remu-éniges de bon matin !!!

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de bridg, postée le 2004-10-22 09:47:03 (S | E)
Merci Lucile pour cet entract et désolée de ce retard pour te répondre, tu en connais la cause.

She was reading the forty-fifth page of her book when somebody knocked at her door. She saw a woman standing in front of her house and asked her what she was waiting for. The woman told her she found her house lovely and she would like to buy it. But it wasn't for sale.

Edité par bridg le 22-10-2004 19:00

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de yannloic, postée le 2004-10-22 10:31:56 (S | E)
Elle était en train de lire la quarante cinquième page de son livre quand on frappa à sa porte. Elle vit une dame se tenant en face de sa maison et lui demanda ce qu'elle attendait. La dame lui dit qu'elle trouvait la maison très jolie et qu'elle aimerait l'acheter. Mais elle n'était pas à vendre !

She was reading the forty-fifth page of her book when one knocked at her door. She saw a woman standing in front of her house and asked her what she was waiting for. The woman told her she considered her house very pretty and she would like to buy it. But it wasn't for sale!

I wonder if liked for considered can be good too.

Edité par bridg le 22-10-2004 19:01
qui se ressemble s'assemble

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de marie37400, postée le 2004-10-22 11:54:09 (S | E)

Hello everybody,,
Yes, it's a bit more relaxing today ! I suspect it won't last .......
Lucile, many thanks for correcting all of us so quickly yesterday night.
She was reading the forty-fifth page of her book when someone knocked at the door.
She saw a lady standing opposite her house and asked her what she was waiting for.
The laday told her she found the house very lovely and she would like to buy it.
But it wasn't for sale !

Bridg and Yann : Quick, before Lucile comes back : "sail"!!!!! Is it a boat that the lady wanted to buy

Cheerio !!!!

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de fawzia, postée le 2004-10-22 13:43:41 (S | E)
My proposition

she was reading the 45th page of her book, when someone knocked at the door. She saw a women in front of her house and asked her what was she waiting for? The women told her, she found her house very beautiful and wannted to buy it. But it was not for sale.

See you later for the correction

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de marie37400, postée le 2004-10-22 15:16:53 (S | E)

Sorry about my remarks to Bridg and Yann who had just made a pun with "sale" and to Bridg !

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de mafalda, postée le 2004-10-22 17:15:24 (S | E)
She was reading the forty-fifth page of her book when someone knocked at the door. She saw a lady who was standing in front of her house and asked her what was she waiting for. The lady told her that the house look's like very beautiful and she would like to buy it. But it was not for sell.

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de lucile83, postée le 2004-10-22 18:26:28 (S | E)
I am very happy not to go sailing with a house !!!!!!
Bridg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it would have been perfect otherwise !!!!

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de lucile83, postée le 2004-10-22 18:36:19 (S | E)
Voici ma suggestion :
Elle était en train de lire la quarante cinquième page de son livre quand on frappa à sa porte. Elle vit une dame se tenant en face de sa maison et lui demanda ce qu'elle attendait. La dame lui dit qu'elle trouvait la maison très jolie et qu'elle aimerait l'acheter. Mais elle n'était pas à vendre !

She was reading the forty fifth page of her book when someone knocked at her door. She saw a lady standing in front of her house and she asked her what she was waiting for. The lady told her she found her house very nice and would like to buy it. But it was not for sale !

Faites vos auto-corrections mais dans l'ensemble c'était bien et parfois très bien; bravo à toutes et à tous ( quand j'écris 45 en lettres merci de respecter l'intention de vous faire écrire en lettres et pas en chiffres, serait ce un peu de paresse chez certains???? )

See you sooooooonnnnnn

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de blacksabbath, postée le 2004-10-22 18:37:27 (S | E)
she was reading the forty-fifth page of her book when someone knocked at her door. she saw a woman standing opposite her house and asked her what she was waiting for. the woman answered she found the house very nice and that she wanted to buy it. but it wasn't for sale!

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de bridg, postée le 2004-10-22 18:58:10 (S | E)
Lucile and sorry for the mistake I was a little bit tired.

Réponse: re:Sujet reposant de bridg, postée le 2004-12-25 17:44:16 (S | E)
Sujet relancé pour Grabuge et les nouveaux mambres qui veulent s'entrainer



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