Message de kayrol posté le 2004-11-02 23:38:15 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous,
Les suffixes, ajoutés à un nom, un adjectif, un verbe, un lieu, peuvent former :
un adjectif :
-ful => careful ; -less (privatif) => careless ; -ish (péjoratif) => childish ; -y ou -ly, -like (ressemblance), -able/ible , -al, -some
un nom :
-ness (qualité)=> carelessness ; -er (agent/machine) => employer ; -ee (passif) => employee ; -ing (le fait de), -ment (résultat), -ist (métier), -hood (l'état de), -ship (l'état de), -dom (le domaine de) => kingdom, -ite (habitant de)
Un verbe :
-en (rendre) : stiffen, soften ; -ize : characterize, realize
Un adverbe :
-ly (manière) => carefully; -wise(à la manière de) =>otherwise ; -ward (dans la direction) => Westward
Saurez-vous trouver les suffixes qui vont bien dans les phrases suivantes ?
1. He stalked into the room, very business...; with his pinstripe suit and leather attaché-case.
2. I can't stand living in such a noisy neighbour...; we'll have to move.
3. "Don't you think we ought to go now ?" he remarked sheep...
4. When she was asked to type a letter, she right... protested that she hadn't been engaged as a typ...
5. You should try to turn the lid clock..., it might open.
6. After so many months away from his country, he was at last home... bound.
7. They were struck by the ugly... of the surroundings and found the whole place hate...
8. As he thought... reflected about his future, he slack...(à conjuguer) his pace and event... stopped altogether.
Good luck

Bonjour à tous,
Les suffixes, ajoutés à un nom, un adjectif, un verbe, un lieu, peuvent former :
un adjectif :
-ful => careful ; -less (privatif) => careless ; -ish (péjoratif) => childish ; -y ou -ly, -like (ressemblance), -able/ible , -al, -some
un nom :
-ness (qualité)=> carelessness ; -er (agent/machine) => employer ; -ee (passif) => employee ; -ing (le fait de), -ment (résultat), -ist (métier), -hood (l'état de), -ship (l'état de), -dom (le domaine de) => kingdom, -ite (habitant de)
Un verbe :
-en (rendre) : stiffen, soften ; -ize : characterize, realize
Un adverbe :
-ly (manière) => carefully; -wise(à la manière de) =>otherwise ; -ward (dans la direction) => Westward
Saurez-vous trouver les suffixes qui vont bien dans les phrases suivantes ?
1. He stalked into the room, very business...; with his pinstripe suit and leather attaché-case.
2. I can't stand living in such a noisy neighbour...; we'll have to move.
3. "Don't you think we ought to go now ?" he remarked sheep...
4. When she was asked to type a letter, she right... protested that she hadn't been engaged as a typ...
5. You should try to turn the lid clock..., it might open.
6. After so many months away from his country, he was at last home... bound.
7. They were struck by the ugly... of the surroundings and found the whole place hate...
8. As he thought... reflected about his future, he slack...(à conjuguer) his pace and event... stopped altogether.
Good luck
Réponse: re:Les suffixes de morenita, postée le 2004-11-03 00:31:57 (S | E)
Not easy!!!
. He stalked into the room, very businesslike with his pinstripe suit and leather attaché-case.
2. I can't stand living in such a noisy neighbourHOOD we'll have to move.
3. "Don't you think we ought to go now ?" he remarked sheep...
4. When she was asked to type a letter, she rightLY protested that she hadn't been engaged as a typER
5. You should try to turn the lid clock..., it might open.
6. After so many months away from his country, he was last homeLESS bound.
7. They were struck by the uglINESS of the surroundings and found the whole place hate...
8. As he thought... reflected about his future, he slack...(à conjuguer) his pace and eventLY stopped altogether.
Good luck
Réponse: re:Les suffixes de kayrol, postée le 2004-11-04 22:14:02 (S | E)

1. Businesslike : OK
2. Neighbourhood : OK
3. Non trouvé
4. Typer : NOK : regarde de nouveau mon post et tu y trouveras la réponse, il s'agit là d'un métier.
5. Non trouvé
6. Homeless bound : NOK. Il s'agit d'une expression qui signifie "être sur le chemin du retour", Simon Garfunkel a chanté une très belle chanson dont le titre te donne la réponse
7. Ugliness : OK ; 2ème mot non trouvé
8. 1er mot non trouvé ; 2ème mot (verbe) non trouvé ; Evently : NOK il manque 4 lettres entre le t et le l.
Quelqu'un d'autre veut essayer avant que je ne donne le corrigé ?
See you
Réponse: re:Les suffixes de vmg, postée le 2004-11-05 21:13:59 (S | E)
1. He stalked into the room, very businessLIKE; with his pinstripe suit and leather attaché-case.
2. I can't stand living in such a noisy neighbourHOOD; we'll have to move.
3. "Don't you think we ought to go now ?" he remarked sheepISHLY
4. When she was asked to type a letter, she rightLY protested that she hadn't been engaged as a typIST
5. You should try to turn the lid clockWISE, it might open.
6. After so many months away from his country, he was last homeLESS (???)bound.
7. They were struck by the uglyNESS of the surroundings and found the whole place hateFUL
8. As he thoughtFULLY reflected about his future, he slackED(à conjuguer) his pace and eventFUL stopped altogether.
I don't understand at all the last sentence !!!!

Réponse: re:Les suffixes de kayrol, postée le 2004-11-05 23:50:42 (S | E)

1. He stalked into the room, very businessLIKE; with his pinstripe suit and leather attaché-case.: OK
2. I can't stand living in such a noisy neighbourHOOD; we'll have to move.: OK
3. "Don't you think we ought to go now ?" he remarked sheepISHLY : OK. Signifie "d'un air penaud, timide"
4. When she was asked to type a letter, she rightLY protested that she hadn't been engaged as a typIST : OK
5. You should try to turn the lid clockWISE, it might open.: OK
6. After so many months away from his country, he was last homeLESS (???)bound.: Non. Mais c'est pardonnable j'avais fait une erreur dans la phrase d'origine et oublié "at" : he was at last home....bound. Il était enfin sur le chemin du retour.
7. They were struck by the uglyNESS of the surroundings and found the whole place hateFUL : Ok, but "ugliness" (avec un "i")
8. As he thoughtFULLY reflected about his future, he slackED(à conjuguer) his pace and eventFUL stopped altogether.: "thoughtfully" : OK, "slacked" et "eventful" : Non. La phrase signifie : "alors qu'il réfléchissait pensivement sur son avenir, il ralentit le pas et s'arrêta finalement complètement."
Reste donc à trouver la 6 et la 8.
Bravo vmg

Réponse: re:Les suffixes de morenita, postée le 2004-11-06 02:09:36 (S | E)
is 8 eventfully???
Réponse: re:Les suffixes de claire1, postée le 2004-11-06 08:19:22 (S | E)
good morning Kayrol
1) he stalked into a room very businesslike with his pintstipe and leather attaché-case.
2)I can't stand living in such a noisy neighbourhood,we'll have to move
3) don't you think we ought to go? now he remarked speepish
4) when she was asked to type a letter she rightly protested that she hadn't been engaged as a typer
5) you should try to turn the lid clock ???? it might open
6)after so many months away from his country he was at last homely bound
7) they were struck by the uglylike of the surroundings and found the whole place hatefull
8) as he thought ???? reflected about his future he slackened his pace and evently stopped together
it' s very difficult!
Edité par claire1 le 2004-11-06 08:21:56
Réponse: re:Les suffixes de vmg, postée le 2004-11-06 12:18:26 (S | E)

Merci pour tes corrections
La phrase 6 s'éclaire avec le at !
6. After so many months away from his country, he was at last homeWARD bound.
La 8 est toujours un mystère !!
8. As he thought... reflected about his future, he slackENED(à conjuguer) his pace and eventUALLY... stopped altogether.

Réponse: re:Les suffixes de kayrol, postée le 2004-11-06 13:32:57 (S | E)

Voilà tout a été trouvé merci pour votre participation, et voici le récapitulatif de l'exercice.
1. He stalked into the room, very businessLIKE; with his pinstripe suit and leather attaché-case.
2. I can't stand living in such a noisy neighbourHOOD; we'll have to move.
3. "Don't you think we ought to go now ?" he remarked sheepISHLY ( Signifie "d'un air penaud, timide")
4. When she was asked to type a letter, she rightLY protested that she hadn't been engaged as a typIST.
5. You should try to turn the lid clockWISE, it might open.
6. After so many months away from his country, he was at last homeWARD bound.(Il était enfin sur le chemin du retour).
7. They were struck by the uglINESS of the surroundings and found the whole place hateFUL.
8. As he thoughtFULLY reflected about his future, he slackENED his pace and eventUALLY stopped altogether.("slackened : ralentit le pas ; Eventually : finalement)
Merci pour votre participation et

Vous êtes partants pour les préfixes ??

See you,
Réponse: re:Les suffixes de claire1, postée le 2004-11-06 14:02:44 (S | E)

partante pour les préfixes bien sûr!!!
Réponse: re:Les suffixes de kayrol, postée le 2004-11-06 14:21:46 (S | E)

En espérant vous voir tous participer.