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Message de julienfayolle posté le 2004-11-11 12:13:19 (S | E | F | I)

Hello !! Here is an exercice about American expressions often used in the field of business. It may help you to follow the conversation of an American negociating with you. Match every expression with its equivalent :

a) the buck stops here
b) on top of the world
c) down the tubes
d) playing hard ball
e) between you, me and the gatepost
f) once in a blue moon
g) against the wall
h) put your cards on the table

1) negociating in a tough way
2) very occasionally, almost never
3) there isn't any option, I have the final word
4) I'm telling you a secret in confidence
5) be honest
6) having no choice
7) fantastic
8) lost, broken, not working

Enjoy yourself doing this ! The correction will follow...

Réponse: re:useful expressions de kayrol, postée le 2004-11-11 12:22:22 (S | E)
Hello, here is my try :
a) the buck stops here = 3) there isn't any option, I have the final word
b) on top of the world = 7) fantastic
c) down the tubes = 6) having no choice
d) playing hard ball = 1) negociating in a tough way
e) between you, me and the gatepost = 4) I'm telling you a secret in confidence
f) once in a blue moon = 2) very occasionally, almost never
g) against the wall = 8) lost, broken, not working
h) put your cards on the table = 5) be honest
Thank you for this interesting exercice, look forward to having the correction,

Réponse: re:useful expressions de salsify, postée le 2004-11-11 14:14:22 (S | E)
Voici mes propositions:

a) the buck stops here --> 3) there isn't any option, I have the final word
b) on top of the world --> 7) fantastic
c) down the tubes --> 8) lost, broken, not working
d) playing hard ball --> 1) negociating in a tough way
e) between you, me and the gatepost --> 4) I'm telling you a secret in confidence
f) once in a blue moon --> 2) very occasionally, almost never
g) against the wall --> 6) having no choice
h) put your cards on the table --> 5) be honest

Pas évident du tout comme exerxice, mais instructif.

Réponse: re:useful expressions de babar46, postée le 2004-11-11 15:23:03 (S | E)
Je me jette à l'eau.

a) the buck stops here
3) there isn't any option, I have the final word

b) on top of the world
7) fantastic

c) down the tubes
8) lost, broken, not working

d) playing hard ball
1) negociating in a tough way

e) between you, me and the gatepost
4) I'm telling you a secret in confidence

f) once in a blue moon
2) very occasionally, almost never

g) against the wall
6) having no choice

h) put your cards on the table
3) there isn't any option, I have the final word

Réponse: re:useful expressions de julienfayolle, postée le 2004-11-11 15:39:41 (S | E)
Finalement ce n'était pas si difficile, avec un peu de réflexion on trouve vite les associations qu'il fallait faire.
Here is the correction :

a) --> 3)
b) --> 7)
c) --> 8)
d) --> 1)
e) --> 4)
f) --> 2)
g) --> 6)
h) --> 5)

La prochaine fois je veillerais à corser la chose...



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