Message de traviskidd posté le 2004-11-23 22:14:56 (S | E | F | I)
In this topic we are transcribing Part 2 of Interview #4 ("Le facteur chance...") which can be found at the following site:
Serena and Morenita are ready to participate. I hope more of you will, too! I think it's a good exercise for improving your understanding of spoken English.
You don't have to transcribe the whole interview in one post, of course. So whoever would like to, can listen to the first minute or so, post what you think they are saying, and when it appears that everybody who wants to participate has given his try, I will post the solution. Then we will do the same for the next part of the film, etc.
Good luck to all those who wish to embark on this adventure!
P.S. Happy Turkey Day!
Edité par bridg le 24-11-2004 21:12
In this topic we are transcribing Part 2 of Interview #4 ("Le facteur chance...") which can be found at the following site:
Serena and Morenita are ready to participate. I hope more of you will, too! I think it's a good exercise for improving your understanding of spoken English.
You don't have to transcribe the whole interview in one post, of course. So whoever would like to, can listen to the first minute or so, post what you think they are saying, and when it appears that everybody who wants to participate has given his try, I will post the solution. Then we will do the same for the next part of the film, etc.
Good luck to all those who wish to embark on this adventure!
P.S. Happy Turkey Day!
Edité par bridg le 24-11-2004 21:12
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-11-24 01:39:41 (S | E)
Happy Thanksgiving to you too Travis !
Your suggestion to transcribe one minute is a good idea.
And, may I suggest something else before we start ?
Why not giving only 6 sentences in each conversation ? I mean, each man will speak three times. Chris - Pr - Chris - Pr.and so on ... until we have 6 sentences.
Of course, we won't consider the "hum" and "ok". We'll just try to have 6 complete sentences from the dialogue. Or maybe 4 sentences.
What do you think of this ?
Maybe it'll be easier for the others, if you don't mind of course !
Edité par serena le 2004-11-24 02:41:00
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de morenita, postée le 2004-11-24 13:34:52 (S | E)
serena,I think it s a good idea (6 sentences fore ach one: C & R)
hope sb else participate
see u all soon
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de traviskidd, postée le 2004-11-24 18:47:13 (S | E)
The "six sentences" rule sounds good to me, but really there's no need to be so strict. If you want to follow it, that's fine, but if you don't, there's no penalty.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de morenita, postée le 2004-11-24 18:56:26 (S | E)
Alright then,maybe we should start now
I m not gonna say "i ll be right back" but I ll say " i ll be back later with the first transcription"
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-11-25 02:05:32 (S | E)
Thanks Travis !
I suggested the "6 sentences rule" to give a chance to the others to contribute if they like. Cause I thought it would be easier for them.
Even if it doesn't work, at least we'll be sure we tried to help everyone. You see ?
Morenita, now that we have our teacher's blessing, let's make the two men speak three times ! I'm glad I'll avoid hearing Pr R. a lot !
See you tomorrow then !
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-11-25 04:12:25 (S | E)
Une petite précision
Si nous parlons anglais moi, Travis et morenita, ce n'est que par habitude. Ne vous sentez pas dans l'obligation de le faire. D'ailleurs, si nous nous trouvons ici à chercher à comprendre ce film, c'est bien parce que nous sommes francophones !
Merci pour ton idée Travis. Heureusement que tu es là pour superviser.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-11-25 15:27:13 (S | E)
Bonjour !
Bon, je me lance dans cette nouvelle aventure ! Retiens ton souffle Travis !
Pr : And do you think that all those life events you have and you talk in … … are building help too ?
C : Absolutely, absolutely. You know, the idea of not having a place to live helps you to appreciate having a place to live. Not knowing where you’re going to sleep, where’s your child going to live, how you gonna feed your child, having to sell your blood to feed your baby affects your perspective of everything that you do the rest of your life.
Pr : So do you have this kind of…..
C : hum !
Pr : ….a blessing of these guys that to who bad things happened, after their works have the best in the long run ?
C : I’ll give you this example, ok ? I won’t say luck, I’ll say faith.
Pr : Ok !
C : I live in Chicago, I work in New-York. I fly to New-York in my normal work action every Monday night. As a flight out of Chicago is 8.45. I’ve been doing this for 7 years.
I fly to New-York, I work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Friday evening I go back home.
Je m'arrête là, avant que Chris ne se mette à parler de la tragédie du 11...... C'est Thanksgiving et Je ne veux pas être triste aujourd'hui.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all !
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de gartin, postée le 2004-11-25 15:40:26 (S | E)
Hello Travis,
Happy Thanksgiving to all
Merci Serena quant à ta précision sur la possibilité de parler français. C'est plus facile pour moi
Je vais essayer de jouer avec vous. Je tente de traduire les six premières phrase et je reviens.
See you
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de traviskidd, postée le 2004-11-25 16:03:21 (S | E)
Pas traduire ... transcrire !!
Il y a des sous-titres, qui donne une généralement bonne idée de ce qu'ils disent. Mais ce n'est pas vraiment une traduction, alors si tu veux traduire, ce n'est pas mal ! Mais d'abord il faut savoir quels mots ils disent en anglais, donc il faut encore transcrire !
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de gartin, postée le 2004-11-25 16:26:17 (S | E)
Voici ma traduction pour le début. Now, I have to work a little, too
Pr. Do you think that all those life events you’ve had (are taking about) ??? on their own, are building up to… ?
C. G Absolutely, absolutely, you know, the idea of not having a place to live helps you to appreciate having a place to live. Not knowing where you’re going to sleep, where’s your child is going to sleep, how you’re going to feed your child, having to sell your blood to feed your baby, affect yours perspective of everything that you do the rest of your life.
Pr. Do you have this kind of blessing in the sky ( ? ) that when bad things happen, after they work for the best in the long run
C.G. I give you an example, okay : I don’t want to say luck, I want to say fate. I live in Chicago and work in New-York. A flight to NY is my normal rotation every Monday night. There’s a flight out Chicago at 20h45. I’ve been doing this for seven years. I flight to NY, I work to Tuesday to Friday. Friday evening, I go back home.
Monday, September 10th, 2000, I missed my plane. I’ve been doing this for seven years. My first meeting at 9 o’clock, on September eleven was in Trade World Center, on the 92ème floor. Everybody that I was supposed to be in a meeting with was dead. Why did I miss my plane ? Simple reason. I came home so late, and specificaly to take my daughter shopping for school.
Pr. But the fact that had happen to you, to escape…
C.G. Death…
See you
Edité par gartin le 2004-11-25 16:32:04
Edité par gartin le 2004-11-26 12:04:23
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de gartin, postée le 2004-11-25 16:29:27 (S | E)
Je n'avais pas vu ton message... Tu as raison, il s'agit de transcrire et non de traduire (d'autant que la traduction en français, y est déjà )
See you
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de morenita, postée le 2004-11-25 18:48:15 (S | E)
Hi everyone!
I m glad that u have joined us Gartin ,
here is my trascription:
R : and do u think that all those life you have talked about on their own
C: absolutly,absolutly ,u know, the idea of not having a placeto live helps u to appreciate having a place to live,not knowing where r u going to sleep,where is ur child going to sleep ,how u gonna feed ur child,having to sell your blood to feed ur baby, of everything that u do to the rest of ur life
R:do u have this kind of blessing in the bad things r going to happen,after it works
C:I ll give u an example ,ok?I dont wanna say "luck" I ll say " faith"
C:I live in Chicago & work in New York I fly to New York in my normal rotation every Monday night,there is a flight for Chicago at 20h45,I v been doing this for seven years,I fly To NY i work tuesday,wednesday,thusday a friday,friday evening I go back home.
Ill stop here coz like serena see u soon
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de speedjo905, postée le 2004-11-26 03:16:38 (S | E)
Bonjour Serena, Morenita et Travis
moi aussi je vais tenter de transcrire les 6 premières lignes samedi
je l'ai écouté au complet et c'est une histoire vraiment intéressante !
pour moi aussi c'est plus facile d'écrire ceci en français donc j'ai bien hâte de participer.
si quelqu'un a commencé l'exercice et qu'il y a des ou des ou des
est-ce qu'on peut essayer pour commencer vu que c'est difficile pour moi d'aller juste remplacer les par les mots que je pense entendre ....
merci pour votre travail d'équipe !!!!!
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-11-26 09:38:10 (S | E)
Bonjour jo !
C'est pas mal comme idée. Mais dis, quel texte tu vas choisir pour completer ? Chacune de nous ( bienvenue gartin ! ) a donné sa transcription, et je remarque que là où l'une a trouvé les mots, l'autre ne l'a pas fait. Alors, ce sera un travail en plus pour toi de tout vérifier et les corriger tous en même temps. Tu vois ?
Si tu as le temps de transcrire, c'est très bien ! Surtout que tu commences tôt par rapport à nous, et tout le monde sait que tu es un petit génie ( un futur Travis peut-être ? ... ), et tu apprends très vite. Alors, dès que tu as le temps, essaie de transcrire, même si tu remarques que nous sommes passés à une autre scène.
Gartin, tu es épatante, sincèrement. Ravie de te retrouver ici !
Tu es allée juste un peu plus loin que moi et morenita, ce n'est pas grave. Nous complèterons dans le prochain dialogue.
Merci pour ton enrichissante contribution. Dommage qu'on ne puisse pas copier !
See you soon !
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de traviskidd, postée le 2004-11-26 16:42:46 (S | E)
Serena, tu es trop gentille
Est-ce qu'on est prêts à avoir la solution?
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de gartin, postée le 2004-11-26 16:52:23 (S | E)
Merci Morenita et Serena pour tes encouragements
Bon, j'ai un peu continué car j'avais du temps cet après-midi. Toutes mes excuses mais il y a un peu plus de six lignes... Comme tu l'as dit, Serena, interdit de copier mais de toute façon, il y a suffisamment de blancs dans ma transcription pour que vos essais soient meilleurs
Je vous laisse travailler ce week-end et je viendrai voir le résultat lundi
PS. J'ai différencié ce que je n'ai pas trouvé (entre parenthèses) et les phrases non terminées.
<< Pr. Death. Do you read meaning into that ? That was not your moment ?
C.G. (Total way)
Pr. Is it just chance ?
C.G. (Total way). That was not my time. That was not my time
Pr. So you did pretty well, twelve at twenty, on the end with cards.
C.G. Oh ! my God
Pr. So this is luck test number two with a coin. So we do six coins tosses and you can (….) heads or tails. I must just (tell) you’re incorrect.
C.G. Let me see the coin
Pr. It’s a completely genuine coin. Is it argue to do that to you ?
C.G. No, no. I just have to…
Pr. Ah ! A little bit.. some… Are you a superstitious man ?
C.G. No, no
C.G. But I feel better, ok. Allright
Pr. So, you wanted to see the coin, you wanted to touch the coin
C.G. Yes, I wanted to touch it
Pr. Now, you touched the coin
C.G. Ok, go. Let’s go.
Pr. Ok. How many on six do you think you can find. Following your lucky … on cards
CG. Three
Pr. Three. Ok. (….). So here we go. Heads or tails ?
CG. Tails
Pr. Hum ! Heads
CG. Ok
Pr. Ok. Number two
CG. Tails
Pr. Heads again
CG. Oh ! come on, (…) you switched coin
Pr. Absolutely not. No, this is your lucky coin (….)
CG. Ok, my lucky coin
Pr. Yeah, ok, heads or tails
CG. Tails
Pr. Heads again !
CG. Oh, (….) ! Get out of here !
Pr. I can’t believe it !
CG. Get out of here !
Still the two previous sentences
Pr. Now, this mean you have to get all three correct. (…. ) The pressure is on
CG. Ok. Oh ! my God
Pr. Ok. I can tell you… One level, you’re pretending not care but did (…)
CG. It’s bother me
Pr It is ?
CG Yes, it is. It’s disturbing me. As a matter of fact I would (….) and drive too at the same time
Pr. I think I said no. Ok (…) here we go. Heads or tails
CG Tails !
Pr It’s tails
Pr. Now, you are on your own
CG Heads
Pr. It’s a heads. I cannot… I cannot believe it
Pr Allright. It ends on a final (…). So, is this one is correct, your prediction’s right. Heads or tails ?
CG. Tails
Pr. You’re right
CG. Well. I’m good ! Fantastic !
Pr How did you do that ?
CG I’m good. Come on !
Pr So now (……..) casino
CG Here you go. It’s the whole idea. Come on …
Voilà, je suis épuisée
A bientôt. See you soon
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-11-27 04:15:45 (S | E)
Salut Travis !
Nous sommes prêtes pour avoir le corrigé. Et ça craint !
Ensuite, moi et Morenita donneront la suite, à partir de l'endroit où nous nous étions arrêtées.
Je suis sûre que les yeux de morenita ne seront pas attirés comme des aimants par le texte de gartin.......comme les miens le sont !
Je plaisante bien sûr !
A bientôt Travis ..... et je ne suis jamais assez gentille par rapport à ce que toi tu donnes.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de traviskidd, postée le 2004-11-27 06:39:45 (S | E)
OK well since everyone's ready, here we go! The first solution:
R: And do, do you think there that all of those life events you've had that you were talking about earlier on, are building up to...
C: Absolutely...
R: that?
C: Absolutely. You, you know the, the idea of not having a place to live, helps you to appreciate having a place to live. Um, not knowing where you're going to sleep, where's your child going to sleep, how are you going to feed your child, having to sell your blood to feed your baby, affects your perspective on everything that you do the rest of your life.
R: So, do you have this, kind of, um, "blessing in disguise" thing that when bad things happen, often it works out for the best in the long run?
C: I'll give you an example, OK, of, I don't wanna say "luck" ... I'll say "fate".
R: 'K.
C: I live in Chicago, I work in New York. I fly to New York in my normal rotation every Monday night. There's a flight out of Chicago at 8:45. I've been doin' this for 7 years. I fly to New York; I work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; Friday evening I go back home.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-11-28 03:11:41 (S | E)
Hello !
Did I ever talk about 6 lines ? Morenita, forget it please !
Travis, "blessing in disguise", I could never find this. A new expression for me. Thanks ! Also, gartin is a only one who found "fate" !!
Here's my transcription, I had to follow what gartin did and reach the same scene, otherwise we'd mix up everything.
C : Monday, September 10th 2001, I missed my plane. I’ve been doin’this for 7 years.
My first meeting at 9 o’clock, on September 11, was at the World Trade Centre on the ninety-second floor. Everybody that I was supposed to be in the meeting with, is dead.
Why did I miss my plane ? Simple reason : I came home so late and specifically to take my daughter shopping for school.
Pr : So the fact was that what happened to you and you escaped
C : Death
Pr : It was, it was death. Do you read meaning into that, it’s, uh, it, uh, wasn’t your moment ?
C : Totally
Pr : It is just chance ?
C : Totally.
Pr: Right !
C :It was not my time. Was not my time.
Pr : So you did pretty well, 12 out of 20 with the, uh, cards.
C : Oh yeah ! oh oh ! my God !
Pr : so this is, uh, this is luck test number 2 with the , uh, with the coin here. So we do 6 coin tosses. And you can any call heads or tails. How many do you think you get correct.
C : Let me see the coin.
Pr : Here’s the coin ! This is genuine coin. You think I’d do that to you ?
C : No, no, no !! I just have to….
Pr Ah you there ! there’s some, there's seem superstitious, right ?
C : No, no, no !!
( Ah ah ah !! )
C : But I feel better, ok ? Alright !
Pr : So you wanted to see the coin, you wanted to touch the coin
C : This is just a coin
Pr : Ok !
C : Ok !
Pr : So now you touched the coin,
C : We can go !!
Pr : Ok ! So how many out of 6 you think you could get ? following your lucky screed at cards.
C : 3
Pr : 3, ok ! chance ! So here we go ! head or tails ?
C : Tails
Pr : Uhh… heads !
C : Ok !
Pr : Uhh, number 2 !
C : Tails
Pr : Heads again !
C : Ahh come on, you away, you switched coin !
Pr : Absolutely not ! No, this is your lucky coin.
C : Ok, my lucky coin.
Pr : Ok ! heads or tails ?
C : Tails
Pr : Heads again ! I cannot believe it !
C : Oh !! get out of here !
Pr : I cannot believe it !
C : Get out of here !
Pr : Now, this means you have to get all 3 correct.
C : Ok !
Pr : Can you hear what I mean ?
C : Ok !
Pr : The pressure is on !
C : Oh my God ! alright.
Pr : So in one level you’re pretending not scare but dig bug.
C : This bother me !
Pr : It is ?
C : Yes it is ! This disturb me. The matter of fact, I wanna flip and drive too at the same time ! Ah ah aaahhh !!!
Pr : …… ……. Here we go ! Heads or tails ?
C : Tails !
Pr : It’s a tail !
C : Ok !
Pr : So now, now you’re on the bow.
C : Ok ! Heads !
Pr : It’s a head ! I can, I cannot believe it !
C : Right !
Pr : So this is, this hinges on the final one. So this one correct; your prediction’s right. Heads or tails ?
C : Tails !
Pr : You’re right !
C : Right ! I’m good !
( AH AH AAHHH !!!! ).
Pr : How did you do that !
C : I’m good ! come on !
Pr : So now gain a sight too about the casino.
C : Hey, your goal lets a whole idea, come on we’ll play ! Come when everybody gains to begin to the crap tables, ( I'm not very sure of this sentence ), then you take out your wallet !
( AH AH AAHHH !!!! ).
Je suis exténuée !!! Mais ça vaut le coup !
A bientôt !
I gave little changes to my texte.
Edité par serena le 2004-11-30 16:45:44
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de gartin, postée le 2004-11-30 18:08:18 (S | E)
Hello everybody,
Serena, why are you so negative ? I find your transcription very well.
So, I try to put another lines. But a little bit this time because it's exhausting to listen and listen again
Pr So that what’s (…) ten years doing luck research, following leads lucky and unlucky people and then…
CG So, do you, have you been able to track the lucky versus the unlucky in this ten year period time,
Pr Yes
CG To say, since we’v taught as the pattern continue for you work with
Pr Absolutely, the eight years we’ve track them, they didn’t changed at all. Then we came up on this idea … unlucky people to think like lucky people and they changed their luck. You can see unlucky people each becoming more positive, about two, three months
CG Give me that again. You got the unlucky people to (…) stop seing themselves as unlucky or to start seing themselves as lucky
Pr Seing themselves as lucky
CG Woh ! How do you do that ?
Pr One thing, … at the end of the day, to write down some the lucky things that happen, … may be… And they write these things down.
Now, we are waiting for the correction. Travis, you have work to do
Many thanks for the beginning. Indeed, "blessing in disguise" is an interesting expression.
See you all
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de gartin, postée le 2004-11-30 18:13:25 (S | E)
Excuse moi Serena, quand je te demande pourquoi tu es si négative mais quand tu as écrit "I gave little changes to my text", j'avais compris "Je donne peu de chances à mon texte".
Comme quoi, il vaut mieux que je relise les textes en anglais plusieurs fois avant de dire quoi que ce soit
See you
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-11-30 18:39:46 (S | E)
Et moi, je ferais mieux de mieux lire en français, souvent !
Ce n'est rien voyons ! Ta participation est si agréable !
Je vais attendre la correction de la deuxième transcription avant de poster le suivant.
Au fait gartin, je suis si heureuse que tu donnes un texte plus court cette fois ! L'autre jour, je suis devenue à force de poursuivre le professeur Richards pour lui arracher quelques mots corrects !
A bientôt !
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de traviskidd, postée le 2004-12-01 17:49:33 (S | E)
Hello everyone!
I'll be happy to post the correction to this LONG part, as soon as morenita has had a chance to give her try!
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de traviskidd, postée le 2004-12-03 05:17:06 (S | E)
Morenita, are you there?
Earth to Morenita ... Earth to Morenita! Do you read me, over!
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-12-04 00:31:19 (S | E)
It seems that she's lost !
Or maybe she's knocked senseless by the long part !
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de traviskidd, postée le 2004-12-05 05:03:28 (S | E)
Well, I hope you're OK morenita! But I guess we've waited long enough. So, without further ado, here is the LONG correction! You can still give your try as long as you haven't read it!
C: Monday, September 10th, 2001, I missed my plane. I've been doin' this for 7 years. My first meeting at 9:00 (nine o'clock) on September 11th was at the World Trade Center on the 92nd (ninety-second) floor. Everybody that I was supposed to be in that meeting with, is dead. Why did I miss my plane? Simple reason: I came home solely, and specifically, to take my daughter shopping for school.
R: But the fact that that, that happened to you, that you escaped...
C: Death...
R: ...death, do you read meaning into that, is that because that wasn't your moment?
C: Totally.
R: Is it just chance?
C: Totally, totally.
R: (Right)
C: It was not my time. Was not ... my ... time.
R: So you did pretty well: 12 out (of) 20 on the, uh, the cards.
C: Oh, my God, oh boy, ho-ho!
R: So this is, uh, this is luck test #2 (number two) with the, uh, the, the coin here.
R: So we'll do six coin tosses, and you can either call heads or tails.
How many do you think you'll get correct?
C: Let me see the coin.
R: It's a completely genuine coin, as if I would do that to you!
C: No, no, no, I just have to just...
R: Ahh, [babbles] there's some ... you're a superstitious man!
C: No, no, no, no ... no ...
[They both laugh.]
C: ... but I feel better! OK? Alright!
R: So you wanted to see the coin; you wanted to touch the coin.
C: I wanted to touch the coin. I just ... OK.
R: So, so right. So now you('ve) touched the coin.
C: OK, call 'em. Let's go.
R: OK, so how many out of 6 do you think you're gonna get?
[C. ponders the question.]
R: Following your lucky streak on the cards?
C: Three.
R: Three. OK, chance. So, here we go. Heads or tails?
C: Tails.
R: Ahh, heads.
C: OK.
R: OK, 'K. Number 2...
C: Tails.
R: Heads again.
C: Ahh, come on, you, wait, you switched coins!
R: Absolutely not, no, this is your lucky coin! Remember you were touching it a minute ago.
C: OK my lucky coin.
R: Yeah! OK, heads or tails?
C: Tails!
R: Heads again!
C: Oh, Rich...
R: I cannot believe this!
C: ...get out of here!
R: I cannot believe this!
C: Get out of here!
R: Now this means you have to get all three correct...
C: OK...
R: ...from here on in.
C: OK...
R: The pressure is on!
C: Oh my God, alright.
R: OK, yeah. OK. I can tell you're, see, on one level you're pretending not to care, but deep down...
C: It's bothering me!
R: It is, isn't it!
C: Yes it is, it's disturbing me! As a matter of fact, I wanna flip and drive too at the same time! HA HA HA HA HAAA!
R: (I recommend not! )
R: OK, so hold on a second, here we go. Heads or tails?
C: Tails!
R: It's a tail!
C: OK!
R: So now, now you're on a roll.
C: OK.
R: [Laughs and flips the coin.] 'K.
C: Heads.
R: It's a head! I canno ... I cannot believe it! Right, so this is, this hinges on the final one. So this one correct, your prediction was right. [Flips the coin.] Heads or tails?
C: Tails.
R: You're right.
C: What? I'm good!
R: (Fantastic! )
R: How did you do that?
C: I'm good! Come on!
R: So now I'm getting excited about the casino!
C: There you go, that's the whole idea. Come on, we'll play a couple more of these games till we get to the crap tables, then you takin' out
Hmm ... is it really a correction if it's full of s ???
Edité par traviskidd le 2004-12-05 05:21:40
your, not you're
Edité par traviskidd le 2004-12-05 16:14:05
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-12-06 02:56:39 (S | E)
Yes Travis, it's really a correction !!! Many thanks, as always.
Si on veut prendre en compte ce que le Pr prononce à peine... ...on deviendrait tous . Tu as donné plus que l'essentiel : les phrases qu'on n'a pas pu entendre correctement. Et je vois qu'il y en a pas mal dans mon essai !
Le temps de réviser avec le corrigé, voici ma troisième transcription.
Pr : So that what, uh, I just run about 10 years doing luck research, following these lucky or unlucky people. And then……
C : And now, do you, uh, have you been able to track the lucky versus the unlucky, in this 10 years period time.
Pr : uh …. Time !
C : To say, since we’ve talked, has been pattern of continue for you, one or the other ?
Pr : Absolutely, absolutely. Eight years we’ve been tracking and that didn’t change at all. And then we’ve came up with this idea getting unlucky people to think like lucky people, and they change their luck !
C : uh hum !
Pr : Now you can see unlucky people just becoming more positive, over, about so a 2 or 3 months period.
C : Oh, get me there again ! you got the unlucky people to, is they stop seeing themselves they’re unlucky ? or to start seeing themselves as lucky ?
Pr : Seeing themselves as lucky.
C : Now, how do you do that ?
Pr : Oh, just one thing we’d say to them the end of the day, is write down some of the lucky things that have happened, they say nothing lucky has happened.
Gartin, je te suis extrêmement reconnaissante de t'être arrêtée là. La suite s'avère très très pénible !
Hope morenita will be back soon.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de morenita, postée le 2004-12-09 12:46:32 (S | E)
Hi everybody,i m back (ENFIN ) I missed u ,all, sooooo much!
i m entirely sorry to let you wait all that time,i m not going to do that again
actually I had an impediment...
well,here is my transcription:
R: so that what ten years doing luck research ,following these lucky & unlucky people
R:and then..
C:and now do you,have you been able to track the lucky the unlucky in this 10 years periode
C:since you've tought ,has the continue for you,one way to the other?
R:absolutly,absolutly ,the eight years things didint change at alland then we came up this idea that unlucky pple just think like lucky pple,and then change their luck
R:yeah,you can se unlucky pple just becoming more positive inabout 2 or 3 months
C:here,gimme that again,you got the unlucky pple stop seing themselves as unlucky or start seing themselves as lucky?
R:seing themselves as lucky
C,now,how can you do that?
R:well,just one thing, just write down some of the lucky things that happened,they woud say nothing lucky has happened!
There are still many !!!
see you soon
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-12-09 13:19:01 (S | E)
back morenita !!!!! C'est si beau de te revoir ENFIN !!!
Gartin, en route pour un nouveau supplice auditif !
Bien ! Travis, les jeux sont faits, à toi !
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de gartin, postée le 2004-12-09 17:27:33 (S | E)
Glad you'll be back Morenita.
Hello Serena.
Travis, you did a very good job with the long part You have to correct the other part, now. I hope, you'll do it this night (for me )
I continue the transcription because I am eager to know the end of the story and will wait for Serena and Morenita essais and your correction. It's only few sentences. Serena will be glad and not mad
Pr One thing, we said to them they must at the end of the day, write down some the lucky things that happen, just things lucky… may be find a parking’s place or maybe they got sense of gratitude because you’ve got food on the table and lots of people haven’t in the world. And they write these things down.
It started to just slowly make a difference to how they saw themselves. And they come back, after few months doing these kind exercices, and go, you know, it makes a change. And, their friends have noticed the change and more positive and better relation ships and so on. And that sticks in your mind
CG So, your work made a difference in that personnes' lives
Pr Absolutely
CG Now, let me ask you this. What is luck that you help making a difference in somebody’s life or is something that is a little bit more (…)
Pr I wouldn’t attribute this to luck. I think it’s a lot of hard work …
CG So, is this, what you’re doing now, what you’ve always wanted to do, even as a young guy
Pr Whan a was a kid, I wanted to be a magician
CG A musician ?
Pr A magician. So I worked very hard, and I trained and I became a professional magician for a couple of years. And, as fascinating as it was, I …. bored, what is going out and doing shows. I was start to interest me in psychology behind magic. Why people (make assomptions they were – oups I’m not sure at all, even if I think I understand the idea).How we can follow them. How they thaught that the coin was in one hand … in fact it was in another. So on, that why I’m interesting on psychology and I started study it. So, in a sens it’s been … by the passion
CG Oh ! Jesus. Come on, guy
Pr That was close…
CG That probably was more the car that my reaction
Pr It possibly but you did a good job. I didn’t see him at all
CG Oh, my God. Somebody needs to move that poor animal
J'arrête là car je suis épuisée.
See you soon, dear friends
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de traviskidd, postée le 2004-12-11 02:32:01 (S | E)
OK! Here's my next part! It seems nobody's following any rules about when to start or stop, so I'm not going to either!
R: So that's what, uh, (I've spent ) about 10 years doing the luck research, following these lucky and unlucky people.
C: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm...
R: And then...
C: And now do you, um, have you been able to track the lucky versus the unlucky in this 10-year period of time...
R: OK...
C: say "Since we've talked," has the pattern continued...
R: That's...
C: ...(for you ) one way or the other?
R: Absolutely, absolutely. The 8 years that we tracked them, they didn't change at all. And then we came up with this idea of getting the unlucky people to think like lucky people, and they changed their luck!
C: Mm-hmm...
R: You know, you could see unlucky people just becoming more positive...
C: Mm-hmm...
R: ...over about a, a 2- or 3-month period.
C: Wai-wai-wait, give me that you got the unlucky people to s...either stop seeing themselves as unlucky?
R: Yep!
C: Or to start seeing themselves as lucky?
R: Seeing themselves as lucky. And so...
C: Now how do you do that?
R: Well, just one thing, we'd say to them at the end of the day, "Just write down some of the lucky things that've happened." They'd say "Nothing lucky's happened!" We'd say "Well, whatever small, maybe you found a parking space. Or maybe you just have a sense of gratitude because you've got food on the table and lots of people haven't in the world." And they'd write these things down, and it started to just slowly make a difference to how they saw themselves. And they'd come back after a few months of doing these kind of exercises, and go "You know, it's made a change!"
C: Hmm!
R: And their friends have noticed a change. They're more positive, and better relationships, and, uh, so on.
C: Mm-hmm....
R: And, and that, that, that sticks in your mind!
C: So your work made a difference in that person's life.
R: Absolutely! Absolutely!
C: Now let me ask you this! Was it luck that your work made a difference in somebody's life? Ooorrrrr is there ... something a little bit more to it?!?
R: I, I, I wouldn't attribute it to luck. I think it's, it's, a, a...
C: Really!?
R: ...lot of hard work, strangely enough.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de morenita, postée le 2004-12-15 13:25:27 (S | E)
we have a problem here! Come on Travis,you shouldnt get it worse...
Me & Serena had stopped in the same sentence,but Gartin didnt & she gave the next transcription before you post the correction!and now you giving the correction of ....i dont even know which part!!!!I m getting confused!
we have to solve this prob before going on please!
Edité par morenita le 2004-12-17 14:23:06
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de gartin, postée le 2004-12-15 16:30:32 (S | E)
Hello Travis, Serena and Morenita
Excuse me Morenita, this is all my fault. I made too lines than yours and it's difficult to follow.
Now, I think :
- You, Serena and Travis' correction are when CG is asking to the professor if it's only lucky who changed these persons. The prof answered that it's also hard work.
- I made a little more than that.
So, now, I let you do (both of you) and I put my transcription after all.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-12-15 16:57:19 (S | E)
Hello all !!
Gartin, you surely posted your next part early, it's ok. But as for the one Travis has just given the correction, I stopped exactly where you did yourself. I even followed your try to know where to stop, you see ?
So, no problem about that.
Well, Travis was surely tired when he gave the correction ( ).
Now, why not finding a way to go on, we 3, while waiting for him to come back ?
Waiting for your answers.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de morenita, postée le 2004-12-17 14:28:08 (S | E)
yea serena! we have to make the correction easy for our teacher "Travis"
Gartin you dont have to be sorry!
nevermind,I ll wait for one of you to give the next transcription and then we'll follow her,without adding or forgetting any sentence!is that ok for you?if not give us another idea
waiting for your answers my lovely team
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-12-17 16:07:40 (S | E)
Nice and very kind idea morenita !
You know, it's not easy at all to be a man alone among 3 women ! Even if he's a teacher.
Then I'm going to start where Travis stopped. He won't have to post the same dialogue again. And I'll stop where gartin started.....sorry....I mean where she also did.
Here we go !!
C : So is this, uh, what you’re doing now, what you always wanted to do even as a young guy ?
Pr : When I was a kid, I wanted to be a magician.
C : a musician ?
Pr : a magician. So I worked very hard, and trained, and did works as a professional magician for a couple of years. And fascinating as it was, I kind devoted all with this going out and doing shows. I started interesting in psychology than in magic. Of why people make assumptions they were, how you can follow them, how they thought, you know, there’s a coin in one hand when in fact it was in another and so on… and that’s why I got interested in psychology, and I studied it.
So you know, in a sense ……, it was a passion. Oooooooohhhhh !!!
C : Jesus ! come on guy !
Pr : That was close.
C : ………………….
Pr : That was close.
C : That probably was more the car than my reaction.
Pr : You pressed the break !
C : Ok, ah yeah, I see no…….
Pr : You did a good job, I think, I think…..
C : No idea !
Pr : You could not see him at all !
C : Oh my God ! Does somebody need to move that poor animal ?
Waiting for your try now, morenita.
I put no but in fact there are a lot !
See you !
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de gartin, postée le 2004-12-17 16:17:35 (S | E)
Hello everybody,
I don't think Travis has any problem to be the only man among 3 women His problem is that we (in fact, especially me ) are unruly. But I can do better (the next time, because this interview is almost finished ).
So, Serena and I stopped at the same line. Now we are waiting for Morenita's transcription and Travis' correction.
Then we could make the last lines (in fact, there is only a little more).
I finish to write this afternoon but I promise, this time, I would be ruly I will wait.
I wish you a very good week-end.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-12-17 16:35:48 (S | E)
Wise intentions, gartin. ( )
It's really delightful working with you. I also feel better about Travis's situation now.
Have a nice week-end too ! Many thanks.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de traviskidd, postée le 2004-12-26 20:20:56 (S | E)
Just a little note to say I'm here! And I will be resuming posting the solutions soon!
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-12-27 01:31:47 (S | E)
Travis is back !!
Very glad to see you again, teacher !
I hope morenita will hurry up ang give her try soon.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de speedjo905, postée le 2004-12-27 01:48:38 (S | E)
cool si j'ai bien compris l'équipe va se réunir et on va avoir
un autre petit exercice !!!!
j'ai hâte !!!!
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-12-27 01:53:51 (S | E)
En fait Jo, l'équipe attendait le patron, qui était absent, pour terminer l'exercice. Et il vient d'arriver.
Pour un autre, ce sera avec plaisir.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de traviskidd, postée le 2004-12-27 22:45:14 (S | E)
OK ... I know you're all chomping at the bit for the next part of the solution, so here you go!
C: So is this, um...what you're doing now...what you've always wanted to do even as a young guy?
R: When I was a kid I wanted to be a magician.
C: A musician?
R: A magician.
C: Mm!
R: So I worked very hard, and, uh, trained, and actually worked as a professional magician for a couple of years. And, fascinating as it was, I kind of got(ted !!) bored with just going out and doing shows.
C: Mm-hmm....
R: And what started to interest me was the psychology behind magic, of why people make the assumptions (that) they were (making), how you could fool them, how they thought, you know, the coin was in one hand when in fact, uh it was in another, and so on. And that's how I got interested in psychology, and went off and studied it. So in a, in a sense it's been driven by that passion.
[Strangly, it is night all of a sudden!]
R: Ooooooooh!
R: That was close.
R: That was close.
C: That probably was more the car than my reaction.
R: Impressively, I think you did a good job; I did...
C: I had absolutely NO idea....
R: I did not see him at all.
C: Oh my god, somebody needs to move that poor animal.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de gartin, postée le 2004-12-28 12:39:37 (S | E)
Hello Travis,
Thanks very much for the correction.
Now, I can put the last part or the interview
CG Oh, my God. Somebody needs to move that poor animal. Or maybe we don’t need to be here at night if animals jumped out on the road. It was just sitting there
Pr That was very bizarre. I just didn’t see him at all
CG Oh ! man, come on. That was not a big cool …
Pr That wouldn’t be good. That wasn’t a … dog. It was a real dog.
Pr That chance … going to magic. When I was very young, about seven, eight I went to the school library to do project on chess and misunderstood instructions was given to where the chess book off, and I did …. magic. That was it, bingo. It was in that book…. for the next, you know, fifteen years. That was a chance moment, when you think : « maybe if I wouldn’t gone to that party or if I did’nt chatted to these persons » ….
CG Totally different
Pr Totally different
CG Totally different
Pr Totally different. Everything. Just turning left or right. Totally different. You take your life in a completely different direction
CG That’s right. I can testify to that. So what you’re saying is : we need to develop a GPS system for life
Pr It would be fantastic
CG Would let be something…
Pr So… go on. Have a good idea.
It was a very good exercice, even if it was difficult to listen and listen again to try to understand. But you're right, it's the best thing to improve oral English, listen and listen and listen.
If you are always ready, it will be a good idea to continue on the next year with another video.
For now, we are waiting for Serena and Morenita. Between Christmas and New year's eve dinners, I think it's the best moment
We have our brain still a little capable of.
Joyeuses fêtes à tous et toutes
PS. Je serais ravie que tu corriges mes fautes, Travis. C'est la raison pour laquelle j'essaie d'écrire en anglais.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-12-28 15:04:38 (S | E)
Nice to see you again gartin !
I'll be back soon ! ...... With lots of and .
See you !
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de emy64, postée le 2004-12-28 22:01:16 (S | E)
hi guys
I'm sorry but I 'm coming at the very end of the exercise....but I still want to participate, so here is my proposition :
"...or maybe we don't need to be on here at night where animals would be jumping all on the road. He was just sitting here !
-That was very bizarre, I just didn't see him at all!
- Oh man, come on..That wouldn't have been cool, Rich.
- That wouldn't have been good. You know, that wasn't a rubber dog, it was a real dog.
That chance element that was the reason I went into magic was when I was very young, about 7 or 8, went to the school library, to do a project on chess, and misunderstood the instructions that were given to where the chess books are, and I did come out accross a book on magic. And that was it, bingo! You know, my head was in that book...
- Yeah
- and that was it for the next, you know 15 years ! And those chance moments when you think "yeah yeah maybe if I just wouldn't have gone to that party, I wouldn't have chatted with that person...and that you..
- Yeah, totally different
- Totally different
- Totally different
- Everything. Just turning left or right, you know, totally different. Can take your life in a completely different direction.
- That's right, hey melo I can totally testify to that.
So what you're saying is, we need to develop a GPS for life !
- That would be fantastic !
- Wouldn't that be something?
- Well, you gotta look at that ! You're walking along, and someone says "have a good idea!" and he goes on....
Merci beaucoup pour cet exercice !! Passez de bonnes fêtes !
A bientot
Edité par emy64 le 2004-12-28 22:03:46
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de traviskidd, postée le 2004-12-30 17:34:19 (S | E)
A hearty, if belated, welcome to you emy :-)
Waiting for serena and morenita to finish before I put the final solution for this interview!
Gartin, your English is quite good (at least written!). I will correct a few mistakes:
"If you are always ready" ... this doesn't make sense. I think "If you are still up for it" better expresses what you want to say.
"It will be a good idea" is not good. (It's not a good idea now, but it will be later? ) Use "would".
New Year's Eve
I think it's the best
We have our brain still a little capable of ... what?
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de gartin, postée le 2004-12-30 18:55:24 (S | E)
Hello Travis,
Merci pour les corrections, elles me sont très utiles car ce sont ces petites phrases qui sont importantes au quotidien.
Tu as raison 'time' est le terme qui convient le mieux.
Je voulais simplement dire sur le paragraphe qu'il valait mieux essayer de faire la transcription entre les deux fêtes tant que notre cerveau est encore capable de penser correctement. Mais il est déjà difficile de manier l'humour dans sa langue maternelle alors dans une langue un peu moins familière, c'est une gageure
Nous attendons Serena et Morenita mais je pense qu'elles préfèrent laisser passer le réveillon... après la fête ce sera plus facile
Je te souhaite ainsi qu'à tous tes proches, un excellent réveillon et te dis à bientôt.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-12-30 19:04:31 (S | E)
Non gartin, j'ai des problèmes de connexion. ça va, ça je n'arrive pas à avoir le film en entier. Et comme j'ai besoin de la fin, c'est plus dur à atteindre.
C'est en route en ce moment, espérons que ça marche. Et je le poste dans.........enfin, ce sera selon Pr Richards.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de emy64, postée le 2004-12-30 20:50:18 (S | E)
thank you travis, I've really enjoyed this exercise.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2004-12-31 02:46:25 (S | E)
Hi !
C : …..Or maybe we don’t need to be out of here at night if animals go to jumping on the road. He was just sitting here.
Pr : That was very bizarre, I just didn’t see him at all !
C : Oh men, come on ! that would not have been cool, Rich !
Pr : That wouldn’t be good. That was not a “rupee” ( ? ) dog. It was a real dog.
Pr : That chance element that the reason I go into magic, I was very young, about 7 or 8. I went to the school library to do project on chess, and misunderstood the instructions I was given to where the chess books were on. And I did up come across a book of magic. Nice (that ?) was it, bingo !
C : Yeah !
Pr : You know, my head was in that book, and that was for me the next, you know, 15 years.
And so, those chance moments we think, here “maybe if I wouldn’t have gone to that party, I wouldn’t have chatted with that person” and that conclude ( ? ) your plans !
C : Totally different !
Pr : Totally different !
C : Totally different !
Pr : Everything. Just turning left to right
C : Hum hum
Pr : You know, totally different. It can take your life in a completely different direction.
C : That right amend, I can take testify to that.
So what you’re saying is, we need to develop a GPS system for life.
Pr : It would be fantastic
C : When you do something
Pr : You just
C : Then you get to look at that
Pr : You’re walking along when someone says “have a good idea”, and you go on. Have a good idea.
You know Travis, if we take as an example the way you found these films, we'll completely agree with Pr Richards.
You seized the opportunity of seeing them, and had a good idea !
But the only difference is that has been a chance for us !!
Many thanks for helping us this way.
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de traviskidd, postée le 2005-01-06 08:24:49 (S | E)
Well, seein' as how it's already 2005, I think it's time to bring this topic from last year to its long-awaited conclusion! (Of course, if anyone else wants to post their try before looking at the solutions, you can always feel free to do so!)
So....for the last's the final correction!
C: Oh my god, somebody needs to move that poor animal!
C: Or maybe we don't need to be out here at night if animals are gonna be jumping out in the road; he was just sitting there!
R: That was very bizarre; I just did not see him at all!
C: Oh, man, come on. That, that would not have been cool, Rich.
R: That wouldn't have been good. (Shew!) Yeah it wasn't a rubber dog, it was a real dog.
R: That chance element, though, the reason that I got into magic was when I was very young, about 7 or 8, I went to the school library to do a project on chess, and misunderstood the instructions I was given to where the chess books are and ended up coming across a book on magic.
C: Hmm heh heh heh heeeh!
R: And that was it, bingo! You know, head was in that book, and that was me for the next, you know, 15 years!
C: Yeah, yeah, yeah!
R: And it's thos...those chance moments when you think "Yeah, you know, maybe I just wouldn't have gone to that party...
C: Yep!
R: "...or I wouldn't have chatted to that person."
C: Yep!
R: That could have had a huge impact!
C: Could have been totally different!
R: Totally different!
C: Totally different!
R: Everything. Just turning left or right...
C: Mm-hmm...
R: know, totally different. It can take your life in a completely different direction.
C: That's right! Hey, man, look, I can testify to that!
C: So what you're sayin' is, we need to develop a GPS system for life!
GPS: (200 ) meters ahead, turn left turn left.
R: That would be fantastic!
C: Wouldn't that be somethin'?
R: You just...
C: Well you gotta look at that!
R: You're walking along, and someone says "Have a good idea!" And you go "Oh, I'll have a good idea!"
Many thanks to all who participated!! Best wishes for 2005!!
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2005-01-09 02:17:14 (S | E)
Hi Travis !
At last we've ended this great exercice.
Many thanks to you too.
I'm going to suggest something : There's another film. I haven't seen it yet, but it'll be nice to do it too.
Well, I don't know if you can go on following us, and if gartin, morenita and emy would like to do it. Even if morenita seems to have given up, we'll be 3 to continue.
It's only a suggestion and I'm waiting for your answers.
Happy new year to you all !
PS : Did you also notice that Pr Richards and Chris said "HE" for the dog ?? I was really amazed to hear this !
Edité par serena le 2005-01-09 18:21:33
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de morenita, postée le 2005-01-09 17:26:27 (S | E)
Hi serena & everyone!
missed you lots
who said I gave up?it s just that i was so busy recently that i couldnt be here and do the great exercise
well,i m reday to start another one cause i really enjoy it
see you all soon
Réponse: re:Interview 4, Part Deux de serena, postée le 2005-01-09 18:24:58 (S | E)
Glad to see you again morenita !!
I thought you were lost, you see ?
Then it's ok for you. Still waiting for the others' opinions. Mostly our teacher's.