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Message de frederiquebain posté le 2004-11-25 10:24:21 (S | E | F | I)
si vous en avez le courage et le temps, essayez en quelques lignes de m'expliquer ce qu'est Thanksgiving. Je vais vous donner des mots clés/
A chacun son niveau!

Pilgrims,indians,harvest, meal, thanks,corn,meal,turkey.cranberry sauce,yams,fourth thursday of noverber,americans,family.......

Modifié par frederiquebain le 25-11-2004 10:25

Réponse: re:petite rédaction de speedjo905, postée le 2004-11-26 03:32:54 (S | E)
Thanksgiving is a special day to tell many thanks for all your happy day!
At this time I would like to tell to you a special thanks for your exercises every day it's a chance to write in english.

American families celebrate Thanksgiving on November 25th (the fourth thursday of November) and Canadian families celebrate on October 11th (the second monday of October). At this time, we had school day off !! Did you have the same thing?

Another special thing we brought at the church many vegetables, bread and many things to reprensent abundance and to say thank you for that.

- Maybe you could say one thank you think today what are you eating for this special day.

Frédérique could you made correction on my text please !!!
sorry for my english !!!!!!!!!

Réponse: re:petite rédaction de sixa, postée le 2004-11-26 09:01:48 (S | E)
C 'est encore moi...
je tente un petit bout d' essai...


This tradition borned in 1620 after that one hundred people came in the new world.
The iroquois indian people learnt at the white colonist the farming of corn, the fishing and the hunting. In autumn 1621, the white people grateful, organized a public holiday for the indian tribe with their chief. They was one hundred indian people.
It is the President Georges WASHINGTON who suggested the date of 26 november for to celebrate this public holiday...

Bon c' est court, plein de fautes sans aucun doute...
merci encore

Réponse: re:petite rédaction de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-26 14:51:16 (S | E)
correction pour speedjo

Thanksgiving is a special day to thank for all your happy days!
At this time I would like to tell to you a special thanks for your exercises every day it's a chance to write in english.

American families celebrate Thanksgiving on November 25th (the fourth thursday of November) and Canadian families celebrate on October 11th (the second monday of October). On this day, we have school day off !! Do you have the same thing?

Another special thing we do: at the church, we bring vegetables, bread and many things to reprensent abundance and thank for all this food.

- Maybe you could say one thank for what you are eating on this special day.

Réponse: re:petite rédaction de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-26 15:52:31 (S | E)
correction sixa

This tradition began in 1620 then one hundred people arrived in the new world.
The wampanoag indians taught the white settlers how to grow the corn, the fishing and the hunting. In autumn 1621, the grateful Pilgrims , organized a meal for the indian tribe with their chief. They were one hundred indians.
the President Georges WASHINGTON suggested the date of 26 november for to celebrate this public holiday...

Edité par frederiquebain le 2004-11-26 15:53:51

Réponse: re:petite rédaction de speedjo905, postée le 2004-11-26 18:16:33 (S | E)

Do you know that?

you're an
and you know that I know an other one angel
I dream about that
full angel all over the world !!

Edité par speedjo905 le 2004-11-26 18:19:09



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