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Message de marit64 posté le 2004-12-01 22:09:42 (S | E | F | I)
Here is a funny exercise for all of you.

Find the word. All the answers begin with the letter "s"

1-A large bag in which you put potatoes............................................
2-When you're not happy, you're......................................................
3-You sit in this when you go horseback riding....................................
4-This is an African expedition in wich you hunt for animals...................
5-This is the umpire's call when you steal a base.................................
6-When the wind hits this, a boat begins to go forward........................
7-This is a big dog which saves people trapped in avalanches................
8-This can be made with vegetables, fruit or both...............................
9-This fish is good smoked..............................................................
10-This is pepper's mate.................................................................

It's my first exercise I'm writing for you. I hope you enjoy it!
Please, let me know.

Edité par bridg le 01-12-2004 22:10

Réponse: re:The letter de bridg, postée le 2004-12-01 22:26:21 (S | E)
. Original, c'est une bonne idée. Je tente

1-A large bag in which you put potatoes=> Spud bag?
2-When you're not happy, you're =>Sad
3-You sit in this when you go horseback riding => Saddle
4-This is an African expedition in wich you hunt for animals => Safari
5-This is the umpire's call when you steal a base =>?
6-When the wind hits this, a boat begins to go forward =>Sail
7-This is a big dog which saves people trapped in avalanches=> Saint Bernard
8-This can be made with vegetables, fruit or both => Soda
9-This fish is good smoked => Salmon
10-This is pepper's mate => Salt

Réponse: re:The letter de edith49, postée le 2004-12-01 23:05:33 (S | E)
Hello, j'essaie
1 : basket ?
2 : sad
3 : saddle
4 : safari
5 : ?
6 : ?
7 : Saint-Bernard
8 : salad
9 : salmon
10 : salt
merci marit

Réponse: re:The letter de sixa, postée le 2004-12-02 08:27:35 (S | E)

1-A large bag in which you put potatoes = sack
2-When you're not happy, you're = sad
3-You sit in this when you go horseback riding = saddle
4-This is an African expedition in wich you hunt for animals = safari
5-This is the umpire's call when you steal a base = ??????
6-When the wind hits this, a boat begins to go forward = salvage-boat
7-This is a big dog which saves people trapped in avalanches = saint- bernard
8-This can be made with vegetables, fruit or both = salad
9-This fish is good smoked = salmon
10-This is pepper's mate = sweet pepper

Merci pour cet exo et bonne journée

Réponse: re:The letter de claire1, postée le 2004-12-02 08:52:55 (S | E)
It is a good execise !!!!!!!!

1) a large bag in which you put potatoes.....
2)when you're happy,you're sad
3) you sit in this when you go horseback riding saddle
4) this is an African expedition in which you hunt for animal Safari
5) when the wind hits this aboat begins to go forward Storm
6) this is a big dog which saves people trapped in avalanches Saint Bernard
7) this fish is good smoked Salmon
8)this is pepper mate and Salt

thanks a lot ;;

Edité par bridg le 02-12-2004 09:00
coucou claire; il y avait 10 phrases

Réponse: re:The letter de samia51, postée le 2004-12-02 10:09:59 (S | E)
Bonjour Marit 64
Merci pour ce premier exercice.

Find the word. All the answers begin with the letter "s"

1-A large bag in which you put potatoes. (SACK)
2-When you're not happy, you're (SAD)
3-You sit in this when you go horseback riding.( SADDLE)
4-This is an African expedition in wich you hunt for animals(SAFARI)
5-This is the umpire's call when you steal a base (STRIKE CLOCK)
6-When the wind hits this, a boat begins to go forward.(SEA)
7-This is a big dog which saves people trapped in avalanches (SAINT BERNARD)
8-This can be made with vegetables, fruit or both.(SODA)
9-This fish is good smoked.(SALMON)
10-This is pepper's mate (SALT).

Thank you for your first exercice, hoping we receive as soon as possible other exercices.

Réponse: re:The letter de salsify, postée le 2004-12-02 11:22:27 (S | E)
Allez, je me lance !

1-A large bag in which you put potatoes -->sack.
2-When you're not happy, you're -->sad
3-You sit in this when you go horseback riding -->saddle
4-This is an African expedition in wich you hunt for animals -->safari
5-This is the umpire's call when you steal a base --> ???
6-When the wind hits this, a boat begins to go forward--> sea
7-This is a big dog which saves people trapped in avalanches -->Saint Bernard
8-This can be made with vegetables, fruit or both -->salad
9-This fish is good smoked -->salmon
10-This is pepper's mate --> salt

Pas évident du tout cet exercice. Je dois reconnaître que je ne suis pas sûre de certaines de mes réponses. Mais merci encore de l'avoir proposé.

Réponse: re:The letter de marie37400, postée le 2004-12-02 11:52:32 (S | E)
BRAVO Marit64, j'en avais mis du temps avant de proposer le premier!
Here's my try :
1-A large bag in which you put potatoes=> (potatoes) sack
2-When you're not happy, you're =>sad
3-You sit in this when you go horseback riding => saddle
4-This is an African expedition in wich you hunt for animals => safari
5-This is the umpire's call when you steal a base => summon ??
6-When the wind hits this, a boat begins to go forward =>spinnaker
7-This is a big dog which saves people trapped in avalanches=> Saint Bernard
8-This can be made with vegetables, fruit or both => salad
9-This fish is good smoked => salmon
10-This is pepper's mate => salt
Merci pour cet exo qui m'a appris comment on dit une selle de cheval alors que ma fille est une fan d'équitation "Shame on me "
We all look forward to your corrections !

Réponse: re:The letter de marit64, postée le 2004-12-02 22:01:04 (S | E)
Hi! everybody,

I'm very glad that you enjoyed my first exercise. All of you worked a lot. Here are the answers.
1- sack
2- sad
3- saddle
4- safari
5- safe---( think about baseball )
6- sail
7- St-Bernard
8- salad
9- salmon

Congratulations everyone!

Réponse: re:The letter de bridg, postée le 2004-12-02 22:07:34 (S | E)
Hello, merci pour ta correction; je viens de voir que pour la 8 j'ai pris "can" pour le nom qui traduit cannettes de soda
Quant à la 5 le rapport avec le base-ball paraissait évident mais ce sport est trop méconnu ici pour pouvoir te répondre.
Bravo pour cet exercice



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