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Message de marit64 posté le 2004-12-14 22:59:37 (S | E | F | I)
Hi! everyone,

here is another exercise for you. You have to find the words beginning with the letter "A". It improves our vocabulary.

1- When you leave someone behind and never come back...........
2- The part of the body between the chest and hips..................
3- If one thing is............another, it is higher up.
4- If you are..............from a place, you are not there.
5- If you get hurt by chance and without warning it's called an.............
6- When you blame someone for doing something, you...............them.
7- If you go............. a river or a field, you go from one side to the
8- This means real or true..............
9- You ask for help from others when trying to solve a problem..............
10-When you scared of something you are.............

It's a little bit more difficult than the others but don't give up. You can do it.

Good luck and have fun.

Modifié par marit64 le 26-01-2005 22:44

Réponse: re:The letter "A" part 1 de gewurz, postée le 2004-12-14 23:42:40 (S | E)
just do it ! isn't it an ad ?

1- abandon ? (desertion)
2- abdomen
3- above
4- absent (away ?)
5- accident
6- admonish
7- across
8- accurate
9- advice

C'est une tempête de cerveau, n'est-il pas ? Il est , il est !!!!


Réponse: re:The letter "A" part 1 de dandoun, postée le 2004-12-15 00:12:47 (S | E)
1-When you leave someone behind and never come back=> Abandon
2-The part of the body between the chest and hips=> Abdomen
3-If one thing is... Above... another, it is higher up
4-If you are ..Away.. from a place, you are not there
5-If you get hurt by chance and without warning it's called an=>Accident
6-when you blame someone for doing something, you...Accuse... them.
7-If you go... Across..a river or a field, you go from one side to the other.
8-This mean real or true=> Actual
9-You ask for help from others when trying to solve a problem=> Advice
10-When you scared of something you are=> Afraid

Réponse: re:The letter "A" part 1 de speedjo905, postée le 2004-12-15 03:58:26 (S | E)
1- When you leave someone behind and never come back: abandon
2- The part of the body between the chest and hips: abdomen
3- If one thing is above another, it is higher up.
4- If you are absent from a place, you are not there.
5- If you get hurt by chance and without warning it's called an accident
6- When you blame someone for doing something, you...............them.
7- If you go ???????? a river or a field, you go from one side to the
8- This means real or true accurate (accordance with the facts)
9- You ask for help from others when trying to solve a problem advise
10-When you scared of something you are afraid

Réponse: re:The letter "A" part 1 de vmg, postée le 2004-12-15 08:42:42 (S | E)
Hi !

1- When you leave someone behind and never come back.ABANDON
2- The part of the body between the chest and hips.ABDOMEN
3- If one thing is.ABOVE another, it is higher up.
4- If you are.AWAY from a place, you are not there.
5- If you get hurt by chance and without warning it's called an.ACCIDENT
6- When you blame someone for doing something, you.ADMONISH them.
7- If you go.ACROSS a river or a field, you go from one side to the
8- This means real or true..ACCURATE
9- You ask for help from others when trying to solve a problem.ASSISTANCE
10-When you scared of something you are. AFRAID

see you ! Vmg

Réponse: re:The letter de claire1, postée le 2004-12-15 09:48:37 (S | E)

1)when you leave someone behind and never come back..abandon
2) the part of the body between the chest and hips...abdomen
3)if one thing is above another ,it is higher up.
4)if you are absent frome a place you are not there
5) if you get hurt by chance and without warning it's called an accident
6)when you blame someone for doing something,you ??? them
7)if you go across a river or a field,you go from one side to the other
8)this means real or true...authentic
9) you ask for help from otjers when you trying to sole a problem ????
10) when you scared of something you are color=#000000>afraid

Edité par claire1 le 2004-12-15 09:50:06

Edité par claire1 le 2004-12-15 09:50:56

Réponse: re:The letter "A" part 1 de salsify, postée le 2004-12-15 13:22:47 (S | E)
1- When you leave someone behind and never come back...ABANDON........
2- The part of the body between the chest and hips.....ABDOMEN.....
3- If one thing is....ABOVE........another, it is higher up.
4- If you are...AWAY...........from a place, you are not there.
5- If you get hurt by chance and without warning it's called an.....ACCIDENT.....
6- When you blame someone for doing something, you....ADMONISH......them.
7- If you go...ACROSS.......... a river or a field, you go from one side to the other.
8- This means real or true.....ACCURATE.........
9- You ask for help from others when trying to solve a problem...ADVICE...........
10-When you scared of something you are....AFRAID.........

Pas évident !
Merci pour cet exercice.

Réponse: re:The letter "A" part 1 de samia51, postée le 2004-12-15 13:53:46 (S | E)
Bonjour Marit64
Merci pour cet exercice

here is another exercise for you. You have to find the words beginning by the letter "A". It improves our vocabulary.

1- When you leave someone behind and never come back(TO ABANDON).
2- The part of the body between the chest and hips (AN ABDOMEN)
3- If one thing is.(ABOVE).another, it is higher up.
4- If you are.(ABSENT).from a place, you are not there.
5- If you get hurt by chance and without warning it's called an HAZARD/ACCIDENT.
6- When you blame someone for doing something, you.(ADMONISH )them.
7- If you go.(ACROSS) a river or a field, you go from one side to the
8- This means real or true (ACCURATE)
9- You ask for help from others when trying to solve a problem (TO ADVICE)
10-When you scared of something you are (AFRAID)


Réponse: re:The letter "A" part 1 de letsyrc, postée le 2004-12-15 14:09:02 (S | E)

1- When you leave someone behind and never come back..ABANDON.........
2- The part of the body between the chest and hips....ABDOMEN..............
3- If one thing is..ABOVE..........another, it is higher up.
4- If you are...AWAY...........from a place, you are not there.
5- If you get hurt by chance and without warning it's called an..ACCIDENT...........
6- When you blame someone for doing something, you...ADMONISH............them.
7- If you go..ACROSS........... a river or a field, you go from one side to the
8- This means real or true..ACCURATE............
9- You ask for help from others when trying to solve a problem.....ADVICE......
10-When you scared of something you are....AFRAID.........

Réponse: re:The letter "A" part 1 de marit64, postée le 2004-12-17 02:40:14 (S | E)

Congratulations all of you. I'm glad to see that you enjoyed my exercises.

Here are the answers, but other words can be good too.

1- abandon
2- abdomen
3- above
4- absent
5- accident
6- accuse
7- across
8- actual
9- advice

Another one will follow soon.

So long



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