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Style indirect.
Message de larenaudiere posté le 01-02-2005 à 09:37:30 (S | E | F | I)


Lorsque les paroles prononcées au discours direct sont rapportées au discours indirect au passé (he said that ...,he answered that ...,he asked if,etc.) le temps des verbes change selon le principe suivant:

Discours direct present.............Discours indirect prétérit
Discours direct present perfect...Discours indirect past perfect
Discours direct prétérite............Discours indirect past perfect
Discours direct futur.................Discours indirect conditionnel

I am coming....................He said he was coming.
I have won.....................She said she had won.
They arrived too late!.......He explained they had arrived too late.
We will call back..............They said they would call back.

Mettre les phrases suivantes au style indirect.
1-"Andrew wants to go to Scotland for the holidays," said Paula. "I can't think why. It always rains there."
2-"One Mr Smith called this morning," said Mrs Fenhurst. "He will call again some time tonight."
3-"When you have finished hoovering the corridor," said Mrs hill to Alice "you can help me with the ironing."
4-"We have almost made up our mind to move again," Alison said. "We are going to try Lincolnshire this time."
5-"I must hurry home," she said. "Daddy will be in soon."
Bon courage,ce n'est pas difficile. Correction en fin de semaine.

Modifié par larenaudiere le 01-02-2005 10:01

Oui, en effet, Lucile, deux étoiles, c'est plus juste
Edité par grabuge le 01-02-2005 17:22

Réponse: re:Style indirect. de grabuge, postée le 01-02-2005 à 13:16:17 (S | E)
Pas évident du tout, en ce qui me concerne...

1-"Andrew wanted to go to Scotland for the holidays," said Paula. "I couldn't think why. It always rains there."
2-"One Mr Smith has called this morning," said Mrs Fenhurst. "He would call again some time tonight."
3-"When you had finished hoovering the corridor," said Mrs hill to Alice "you could help me with the ironing."
4-"We had almost made up our mind to move again," Alison said. "We were being gone
to try Lincolnshire this time."
5-"I had to hurry home," she said. "Daddy would be in soon."


Edité par grabuge le 2005-02-01 17:21:47

Réponse: re:Style indirect. de joy813, postée le 01-02-2005 à 14:07:11 (S | E)
Bonjour Larenaudiere
Le discours indirect n'est pas ma tasse de thé mais je vais m'appliquer

Paula said that Andrew wanted to go to Scotland for the holidays. She couldn't think why: it always rains there.

Mrs Fenhurst said that one Mr Smith had called this morning, and that he would call again some time tonight.

Mrs Hill told Alice that when she had finished hoovering the corridor, she could help her with the ironing.

Alison said we had almost made up our mind to move again, and we were going to try Lincolnshire this time.

She said that she has to hurry home because Daddy would be in soon

Réponse: re:Style indirect. de salsify, postée le 01-02-2005 à 14:33:03 (S | E)
Mettre les phrases suivantes au style indirect.
1-"Andrew wants to go to Scotland for the holidays," said Paula. "I can't think why. It always rains there."
--> Paula said that Andrew wanted to go to Scotland for the holidays. She couldn't think why. It always rains there.

2-"One Mr Smith called this morning," said Mrs Fenhurst. "He will call again some time tonight."
--> Mrs Fenhurst said that Mr Smith has called this morning. He would call again some time tonight.

3-"When you have finished hoovering the corridor," said Mrs hill to Alice "you can help me with the ironing."
--> Mrs Hill said to Alice that When she had finished hoovering the corridor, she could help her with ironing.

4-"We have almost made up our mind to move again," Alison said. "We are going to try Lincolnshire this time."
--> Alison said that you had almost made up your mind to move again. You were going to try Lincolnshire this time.

5-"I must hurry home," she said. "Daddy will be in soon."
--> She said she must or had to hurry home. Her Dad would be in soon.

J'espère que je n'ai pas fait trop d'erreurs, je suis un peu rouillée pour le style indirect.

Réponse: re:Style indirect. de lucile83, postée le 01-02-2005 à 15:21:12 (S | E)

1) Paula said Andrew wanted to go to Scotland for the holidays and she couldn’t think why as it always rained there.
2) Mrs Fenhurst said one Mr Smith had called this morning and he would call again some time tonight.
3) Mrs Hill said to Alice that when she had finished hovering the corridor she could help her with the ironing.
4) Alison said we had almost made up our mind to move again and we were going to try Lincolnshire this time.
5) She said she had to hurry home as her Dad would be in soon.
Une étoile de plus peut-être ???
See you soon

Réponse: re:Style indirect. de gewurz, postée le 01-02-2005 à 22:30:31 (S | E)
1-Paula said that Andrew wanted to go to Scotland for the holidays. She couldn't think why because it always rained there.

2-Mrs Fenhurst said that one Mr Smith had called in the morning and that he would call again some time in the evening."

3-Mrs hill saud to Alice thaht when she would have finished hoovering the corridor, she could help her with the ironing."

4-Alison said that they had almost made up their mind to move again and that they were going to try Lincolnshire this time."

5-She said that she had to hurry home because her daddy would be there soon.

Ne faut-il pas également modifier les adverbes de temps ? (tonight --> in the evening)

Merci Larenaudière.

Réponse: re:Style indirect. de bobbyker, postée le 01-02-2005 à 22:54:12 (S | E)
Hi Larenaudiere!

Mettre les phrases suivantes au style indirect.
1-"Andrew wants to go to Scotland for the holidays," said Paula. "I can't think why. It always rains there."
Paula said Andrew wanted to go to Scotland for the holidays. She couldn’t think why as it always rains there.

2-"One Mr Smith called this morning," said Mrs Fenhurst. "He will call again some time tonight."
Mrs Fenhurst said one Mr Smith had called this morning and that he would call again some time tonight.

3-"When you have finished hoovering the corridor," said Mrs hill to Alice "you can help me with the ironing."
Mrs Hill said to Alice when she had finished hoovering the corridor, she could help her with the ironing.

4-"We have almost made up our mind to move again," Alison said. "We are going to try Lincolnshire this time."
Alison said they had almost made up our mind to move again and they were going to try Lincolnshire this time.

5-"I must hurry home," she said. "Daddy will be in soon."
She said she had to hurry home as her father would be in soon.

Réponse: indirect speech de serena, postée le 05-02-2005 à 14:06:07 (S | E)
Hi larenaudiere !

J'ai failli rater cet exercice.

1-"Andrew wants to go to Scotland for the holidays," said Paula. "I can't think why. It always rains there."
Paula said that Andrew wanted to go to Scotland for the holidays, and she couldn’t think why as it always rains there.

2-"One Mr Smith called this morning," said Mrs Fenhurst. "He will call again some time tonight."
Mrs Fenhurst said that one Mr Smith had called that morning, and he would call again some time that night.

3-"When you have finished hoovering the corridor," said Mrs hill to Alice "you can help me with the ironing."
Mrs hill said to Alice that when she had finished hoovering the corridor, she could help her with the ironing.

4-"We have almost made up our mind to move again," Alison said. "We are going to try Lincolnshire this time."
Alison said that they had almost made up their mind to move again and they were going to cry Lincolnshire that time.

5-"I must hurry home," she said. "Daddy will be in soon."
She said she had to hurry up as her dad would be in soon.

Many thanks !

Réponse: de larenaudiere, postée le 06-02-2005 à 10:50:17 (S | E)
and here is the correction.

1-Paula said she could not think why Andrew wanted to go to Scotland for the holidays as it always rained there.
2-Mrs Fenhurst said one Mr Smith had called that morning and that he would call again some time that night.
3-Mrs told Alice to help her with the ironing when she had finished hoovering the corridor.
4-Alison said they had almost made up theirs minds to move again and that they were going to try Lincolnshire that time.
5-She said she must hurry home as her Dad would be in soon.

Thank you for your taking part in.

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