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Voix Passive
Message de liona posté le 05-02-2005 à 17:17:44 (S | E | F | I)

Je vous propose un exercice sur la voix passive car c'est un temps qui pose parfois des difficultés.
Mettez ces phrases à la voix passive
(Put those sentences in the passive voice)
1Somebody will tell her.
2.They are questioning her.
3.They interviewed me yesterday.
4.They often invite him to give a lecture.
5.Somebody has damaged my motorbike.
6.Nobody ever opens this room.
7.People speak English in a lot of countries.
8.They have put up the ticket prices.
Edité par grabuge le 06-02-2005 11:00
Message de liona posté le 05-02-2005 à 17:17:44 (S | E | F | I)

Je vous propose un exercice sur la voix passive car c'est un temps qui pose parfois des difficultés.
Mettez ces phrases à la voix passive
(Put those sentences in the passive voice)
1Somebody will tell her.
2.They are questioning her.
3.They interviewed me yesterday.
4.They often invite him to give a lecture.
5.Somebody has damaged my motorbike.
6.Nobody ever opens this room.
7.People speak English in a lot of countries.
8.They have put up the ticket prices.
Edité par grabuge le 06-02-2005 11:00
Réponse: de larenaudiere, postée le 05-02-2005 à 18:19:33 (S | E)

Mettez ces phrases à la voix passive (Put those sentences in the passive voice)
1.Somebody will tell her.
She will be told.
2.They are questioning her.
She is being questioned.
3.They interviewed me yesterday.
I was interviewed yesterday.
4.They often invite him to give a lecture.
He is often invited to give a lecture.
5.Somebody has damaged my motorbike.
My motorbike has been damaged.
6.Nobody ever opens this room.
This room is ever opened.
7.People speak English in a lot of countries.
English is spoken in a lot of country.
8.They have put up the ticket prices.
Ticket prices have been put up.
Edité par le 05-02-2005 22:56
Réponse: de canopee, postée le 05-02-2005 à 18:41:23 (S | E)
1- She will be told ( by somebody)
2- She is being questioned (by them)
3- I was interviewed (by them) yesterday
4- He is oten invited to give a lecture
5- My motorbike has been damaged
6- this room is never opened
7- English is spoken in a lot of countries
8- The ticket prices have been put up

Edité par le 05-02-2005 22:58
Réponse: de bobbyker, postée le 05-02-2005 à 19:17:26 (S | E)
Hi Liona
1.She will be told.
2.She is being questionned.
3.I had been interviewed yesterday.
4.He is often invited to give a lecture
5.My motorbike has been damaged.
6.This room is never opened.
7.English is spoken by people in a lot of countries.
8.The ticket prices have been put up.

Edité par le 05-02-2005 22:59
Réponse: La voix passive de jardin62, postée le 05-02-2005 à 19:29:12 (S | E)
( j'ai cliqué par inadvertance sur le S, et je n'ai pas compris la réaction "supprimé"- si j'ai fait une bêtise je demande l'indulgence de Liona)
Réponses concernant l'exercice:
1- Somebody will tell her/ She will be told.
2- They are questioning her / She is being questioned by them.
3- They interviewed me yesterday / I was interviewed by them yesterday.
4- They often invite him to give a lecture / He is often invited by them to give a lecture.
5- Somebody has damaged my motorbike / My motorbike has been damaged.
6- Nobody ever opens the room / The room is never opened.
7- People speak English in a lot of countries / English is spoken in a lot of countries.
8- They have put up the ticket prices / the ticket prices have been put up ( by them);
Edité par le 05-02-2005 22:59
Réponse: de panchis, postée le 05-02-2005 à 22:54:36 (S | E)
ça m'a permis de faire des exercices sur la voix passive c'est

Réponse: de grabuge, postée le 06-02-2005 à 10:42:30 (S | E)
1Somebody will tell her.
She will be told by somebody
2.They are questioning her.
He is being questioned by them
3.They interviewed me yesterday.
I was interviewed by them yesterday
4.They often invite him to give a lecture.
He is often invited by them to give a lecture
5.Somebody has damaged my motorbike.
My motorbike has been damaged by somebody
6.Nobody ever opens this room.
The room is never opened
7.People speak English in a lot of countries.
English is spoken in a lot of countries
8.They have put up the ticket prices
The ticket prices have been put up by them
Merci Liona, la voix passive n'est pas simple à utiliser. Il faut faire beaucoup d'exercices.
Réponse: Correction de liona, postée le 06-02-2005 à 14:50:29 (S | E)
N'allez pas plus loin si vous ne voulez pas voir la correction.
1. She will be told (by somebody).
2.She is being questioned by them.
3.I was interviewed by them yesterday.
4.He is often invited by them to give a lecture.
5.My motorbike has been damaged (by somebody).
6.This room is never opened.
7.English is spoken (by people) in a lot of countries.
8.The ticket prices have been put up by them.
Attention, gardez le sens de la phrase pour la sixième.
Je conseille de mettre le complément d'agent quand il apporte du sens à la phrase. Donc on n'est pas obligé de mettre "by people" ou "by somebody".
Bravo à tous, vous n'avez fait aucune faute de temps.