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Exercices 8
Message de felin posté le 10-02-2005 à 15:41:52 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour a tous..
Correction sera pour vendredi soir.
Remplacez les expressions soulignees par des verbes composes ou semi- composes.
Choisis dans la liste ci-dessous :
account for - brush up - come off - end up - look into - put off - run down - split up.

I. I must refresh my knowledge of French history.
2. The party separated into small groups.
3. Can you give a good explanation for your behaviour ?
4. She delayed her departure till Monday.
5. They said they would not go but they finished by going.
6.The battery needs recharging ; it has become weak.
7. The manager is going to examine your complaint.

Bon courage.

Réponse: Exercices 8 de gewurz, postée le 10-02-2005 à 15:51:15 (S | E)
I. I must brush up my French history.
2. The party split up into small groups.
3. Can you account for your behaviour ?
4. She put off her departure till Monday.
5. They said they would not go but they ended up going.
6.The battery needs recharging ; it has run down weak.
7. The manager is going to look into your complaint.

come off ?

Merci Felin.

Réponse: de bridg, postée le 10-02-2005 à 16:00:47 (S | E)

Réponse: de clarinette, postée le 10-02-2005 à 16:03:22 (S | E)
account for - brush up - come off - end up - look into - put off - run down - split up.

I. I must brush up the French history.
2. The party split up into small groups.
3. Can you account for your behaviour ?
4. She delayed her departure till Monday.
5. They said they would not go but they end up by going.
6.The battery runs down ; it has become weak.
7. The manager is looking into your complaint.

Réponse: Exercices 8 de zen34, postée le 10-02-2005 à 17:23:53 (S | E)
Bonjour felin,

1. I must brush up French history.
2. The party split up into small groups.
3. Can you account for your behaviour ?
4. She put off her departure till Monday.
5. They said they would not go but they ended up by going.
6.The battery needs recharging ; it has run down.
7. The manager is going to look into your complaint.

Réponse: Exercices 8 de grabuge, postée le 10-02-2005 à 17:27:50 (S | E)

I. I must brush up on French history.
2. The party splitted off into small groups.
3. Can you account for your behaviour ?
4. She put off her departure till Monday.
5. They said they would not go but they ended down by going.
6.The battery needs recharging ; it has run down.
7. The manager is going to look into your complaint.

Merci Felin

Réponse: de felin, postée le 11-02-2005 à 21:48:18 (S | E)
Bonsoir a tous

Voici la correction

1 I must brush up my French history
2 The party split up into smalls groups
3. Can you account for your behaviour
4 She put off her departure till Monday
5 They said they would not go but they ended up by going
6 The battery needs recharging; it has run down
7 The manager is going to look into your complaint.

Merci pour votre participation.

Réponse: Exercices 8 de ruofei, postée le 11-02-2005 à 23:25:33 (S | E)
J'avais pourtant poster mes propositions a cet exo mais elles ne sont pas la.
Dans la liste, tu nous proposes 'come off', dans quelle phrase etions-nous senses le placer? Je pense a ca parce que selon, ca aurait etre:
Can you come off your behaviour/attitude? (tu vas arreter oui de te comporter comme ca?)...Pourrais-tu m'expliquer cette phrase stp? > Can you account for your behaviour?
Merci beaucoup!

PS: to end up +ING (sans 'by')
They said they wouldn't go but they ended up leaving.

Réponse: Exercices 8 de felin, postée le 12-02-2005 à 01:18:44 (S | E)
Bonsoir ruofei

Je voulais vous envoyer dans votre MP mais ca ne marche parce que vous n'avez pas accepte des francophones.


come off

to happen successfully or as planned
Using children in the movie was a gamble that didn't quite come off. [often negative]
to happen
The planned football game never came off.

to be in a good or bad position because of a fight or an argument
She usually comes off best in an argument.
Teachers came off badly in the pay negotiations.

(American) to behave in a way which makes other people think that you have a particular characteristic
He comes off as a snob when you first meet him. [usually + as]
I think he came off well (= seemed to have the right characteristics) in the interview

come off sth

to stop using medicine or drugs
I've got a book on how to come off tranquillizers safely.

(American, informal) to have recently completed a period of time when something very successful or very difficult happened
The dollar has just come off a period of strength.
He just rejoined the team after coming off knee surgery.


account for sth

to explain the reason for something or the cause of something
Can you account for your absence last Friday?
She was unable to account for over $5000. (= she could not explain where the money was)
'Have you seen that awful dress she's wearing?' 'Yes, I know, there's no accounting for taste, is there?!' (= you cannot explain why some people like the things that you do not like)

to form a particular amount of something
Students account for about 50% of our customers.

account for sb

to explain where someone is, especially someone who is lost
The army made no attempt to account for the missing men.

account for PHRVB vt 1. (explain: situation, difference) expliquer; (spending, conduct) justifier; (missing things or people) retrouver 2. (constitute) représenter

account (to sb) for sth (EXPLAIN) phrasal verb
to explain the reason for something or the cause of something:
Can you account for your absence last Friday?
She was unable to account for over $5 000 (= she could not explain where the money was).
He has to account to his manager for (= tell his manager about and explain) all his movements.


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