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Exercices 13
Message de felin posté le 27-02-2005 à 04:09:01 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour a tous

Correction mardi soir

Choose the correct word A, B, C,D, E, F ,G, H, I, J, K, or L to fill the spaces

1 I was.............your letter in the newspaper last week.
A interested in read, B interested in reading, C interested to read, D interested to reading,E interested for read, F interested for reading, G interested from read, H interested from reading,I interested of read, J interested of reading, K interested on read, L insisted on reading

2 Bill wants to stay single. He's not.....................married.
A interested in get, B interested in getting, C interested to get,D interested to getting, E interested for get , F interested for getting, G interested from get, H interested from getting, I interested of get, J interested of getting, K interested on get, L insisted on getting

3 I' you yesterday.
A sorry in shout, B sorry in shouting, C sorry to shout, D sorry to shouting, E sorry for shout,F sorry for shouting, G sorry from shout, H sorry from shouting, I sorry of shout,J sorry of shouting, K sorry on shout, L sorry on shouting

4 but have you got a pen I could borrow?
A sorry in disturb, B sorry in disturbing, C sorry to disturb, D sorry to disturbing, E sorry for disturb, F sorry for disturbing, G sorry from disturb, H sorry from disturbing, I sorry of disturb, J sorry of disturbing, K sorry on disturb, L sorry on disturbing

5 We were.........................the building,
A prevented in leave, B prevented in leaving, C prevented to leave, D prevented to leaving, E prevented for leave, F prevented for leaving, G prevented from leave, H prevented from leaving,I prevented of leave, J prevented of leaving, K prevented on leave, L prevented on leaving

6 Amy.........................the problem,
A succeeded in solve, B succeeded in solving, C succeeded to solve, D succeeded to solving, E succeeded for solve,F succeeded for solving, G succeeded from solve, H succeeded from solving,I succeeded of solve, J succeeded of solving, K succeeded on solve, L succeeded on solving

7 I'm...............away next week.
A thinking in go,B thinking in going, C thinking to go, D thinking to going, E thinking for go,F thinking for going, G thinking from go, H thinking from going,I thinking of go,
J thinking of going, K thinking on go, L thinking on going.

8 I'm looking .....................away next week.
A forward in go,B forward in going, C forward to go, D forward to going, E forward for go,F forward for going,G forward from go, H forward from going,I forward of go,J forward of going, K forward on go,L forward on going

9 Mary...................... me a drink,
A insisted in buy, B insisted in buying, C insisted to buy , D insisted to buying, E insisted for buy, F insisted for buying, G insisted from buy,H insisted from buying
I insisted of buy,J insisted of buying, K insisted on buy, L insisted on buying

10 Mary wouldn' a drink.
A dream in buy, B dream in buying, C dream to buy, D dream to buying, E dream for buy,F dream for buying, G dream from buy, H dream from buying, I dream of buy, J dream of buying, K dream on buy, L dream on buying

11 A lot of people are............... out at night
A afraid in go, B afraid in going, C afraid to go,D afraid to going, E afraid for go, F afraid for going,G afraid from go, H afraid from going, I afraid of go,J afraid of going, K afraid on go, L afraid on going

12 I don’t like the dogs. I’m always...............bitten
A afraid in be,B afraid in being, C afraid to be, D afraid to being, E afraid for be, F afraid for being, G afraid from be, H afraid from being, I afraid of be,J afraid of being, K afraid on be,L afraid on being

14 I was......................... left myself
A frightened in be, B frightened in being, C frightened to be ,D frightened to being, E frightened for be,F frightened for being, G frightened from be, H frightened from being
I frightened of be, J frightened of being, K frightened on be, L frightened on being

15 She was too..................... out of the plane.
A frightened in look, B frightened in looking, C frightened to look, D frightened to looking,
E frightened for look, F frightened for looking, G frightened from look, H frightened from looking

Good luck
Les exercices que je vous ai donne sont tres utiles et interessants, il y a beaucoup d'etudiants qui ont fait des fautes de grammaire. C’est tres serieux ce que je vous ai dit.
Essaie de faire des exercices et dites ce que vous en pensez.

Edité par felin le 27-02-2005 14:19

Réponse: Exercices 13 de jardin62, postée le 27-02-2005 à 14:01:19 (S | E)
Didn't I tell you felin would be back soon and that we should get ready?
( 2 sheets of paper are needed to print this wonderful exercise!)
1- B
2- B
3- F
4- C
5- C
6- B
7- J
8- D
9- L
10- J
11- C
12- J
13- -
14- B
15- C
* Thank you felin.

Réponse: Exercices 13 de felin, postée le 27-02-2005 à 15:30:19 (S | E)

Réponse: Exercices 13 de gewurz, postée le 27-02-2005 à 16:43:21 (S | E)
1- b
2- b
3- f
4- c
5- h
6- b
7- j
8- d
9- L
10- j
11- c
12- j
14- j

Merci Felin.

Réponse: Exercices 13 de samia51, postée le 27-02-2005 à 17:19:57 (S | E)
Bonsoir Felin
Merci pour cet exercice

1 I was INTERESTED IN READING your letter in the newspaper last week.
2 Bill wants to stay single. He's not.INTERESTED IN GETTING married.
3 I'm.SORRY FOR SHOUTING .at you yesterday.
4 SORRY TO DISTURB you but have you got a pen I could borrow?
5 We were.PREVENTED TO LEAVE the building,
6 Amy SUCCEEDED IN SOLVING the problem,
7 I'm THINKING OF GOING away next week.
8 I'm looking FORWARD TO GOING away next week.
9 Mary INSISTED ON BUYING me a drink,
10 Mary wouldn't DREAM OF BUYING .me a drink.
11 A lot of people are.AFRAID TO GO out at night
12 I don’t like the dogs. I’m always AFRAID OF BEING bitten
14 I was.FRIGHTENED OF BEING left myself
15 She was too. FRIGHTENED TO LOOK out of the plane.

merci pour cet exercice, un bon entrainement pour nos neurones

Réponse: Exercices 13 de aurelie32, postée le 01-03-2005 à 15:20:10 (S | E)

Merci pour votre bon travail

Réponse: Exercices 13 de felin, postée le 01-03-2005 à 15:22:54 (S | E)
Bonjour Aurelie

d'avoir participe mes exercices.

Réponse: Exercices 13 de felin, postée le 01-03-2005 à 19:40:06 (S | E)
Bonsoir a tous

Voici la correction:

1 I was interested to read your letter in the newspaper last week.
2 Bill wants to stay single. He's not interested in getting .married
3 I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday.
4 Sorry to disturb you but have you got a pen I could borrow?
5 We were prevented from leaving the building,
6 Amy succeeded in solving the problem,
7 I'm thinking of going away next week.
8 I'm looking forward to going away next week.
9 Mary insisted on buying me a drink,
10 Mary wouldn't dream of buying me a drink.
11 A lot of people are afraid to go out at night
12 I don’t like the dogs. I’m always afraid of being bitten
14 I was frightened of being left myself
15 She was too frightened to look out of the plane.

de votre participation

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