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traduction 3 étoiles
Message de lucile83 posté le 27-02-2005 à 16:02:42 (S | E | F | I)

hello !!! pas de répit

Conduire prudemment c’est conduire intelligemment, ce qui implique bien plus que l’aptitude à se servir des commandes d’un véhicule, et à respecter à la lettre les préceptes du Code de la Route. Quelle que soit l’importance de ces impératifs, ils ne constituent qu’une partie de la technique qui est le signe distinctif du bon conducteur. La conduite intelligente est le résultat de l’habileté, du jugement, de la concentration et de la faculté d’adaptation à leur plus haut degré.

See you soon

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de grabuge, postée le 27-02-2005 à 16:36:01 (S | E)
Driving with caution is intelligently driving , so that which imply more than the ability to use vehicle’s control and to abide to the letter the precepts of the traffic law to the letter . For whatever matter of these imperatives, they constitute only a part of technical that is the distintive mark of a good driver. The intelligent driving is the result of the highest degree of capacitate, judgment, concentration and adaptibility.

Lucile, grâce à toi, je transpire !!!

Edité par grabuge le 28-02-2005 17:47 - Je sais Lucile ce que tu vas me dire : peut mieux faire...
Oui, sûrement, dans quelques mois...
Mais non, je fais les questions et les réponses mais non, je ne suis pas encore tombée sur la tête.

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de gewurz, postée le 27-02-2005 à 17:45:48 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,
no respite !

Driving carefully is driving cleverly, which involves much more than the ability to use the controls of a vehicule and to respect to the letter, the precepts of the highway code.
However important these imperatives may be, they're only a part of the technique which is the distinguishing sign of good drivers.
Intelligent driving is the result of the highest degree of skilfulness, judgment, concentration and capacity for adaptation.

Après les étoiles, les chandelles. 36

Merci Lucile.

Edité par serena le 28-02-2005 02:06

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de samia51, postée le 27-02-2005 à 18:02:35 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucile

Pas de répit !!!! Mais tes exercices sont merveilleux. Merci encore

Driving with safety was driving cleverly, so that involves much more than the ability to use vehicle's control and to enforce the precepts of the traffic law. However great these imperatives may be, they constitute only one part of the technical which is the distinguishing characteristic of a good driver.
Brainly driving is the result of the highest degree of ability, judgemet, self control and adaptability.

Encore merci.

Edité par samia51 le 27-02-2005 19:22

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de jardin62, postée le 27-02-2005 à 18:02:55 (S | E)
: ça alors, je me croyais la première! J'ai galéré dans les dicos et pendant ce temps les 2 super cracks ont pris la place!
*Il n'y aurait pas un "smiley rampant" pour exprimer l'état où l'on se trouve après une traduction comme celle-là?
A prudent driving means an intelligent driving which implies much more than the ability to use the vehicle drives and even much more than to respect to the letter the Highway Code!
However important these requirements are, they are nothing but a part of the technique which distinguishes the good driver.
An intelligent driving is what comes from skill, good sense, concentration and adaptibility, all carried to their highest degree.

de Happy jardin62 "out of gas!" !

Many thanks lucile.

Edité par serena le 28-02-2005 02:04
Excellente idée ce "smiley rampant" !

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de serena, postée le 27-02-2005 à 19:18:46 (S | E)
Bonjour lucile !

Driving carefully means driving intelligently, this implies more than the abilities to control a car, but also having a literal respect for the precepts of the Highway Code. Whatever the importance of these imperatives could be, they are nothing but a part of the technique which is a good driver’s distinguishing feature.
The intelligent driving is the result of skilfulness, judgment, concentration and capacity for adaptation, in their higher extent.

A bon entendeur......
C'est un texte à mettre dans les rues de où je vis.

Merci !

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de ruofei, postée le 28-02-2005 à 06:31:11 (S | E)
Merci Lucile
Etrange...pas de futurs potentiellement: à traduire...
Bon maintenant, je me lance:

Safe driving is sound driving, which involves much more than the aptitude to operate a vehicle, and to respect the Traffic Law regulations to the T. No matter how important these guidelines may be, they only make up a technical point, that is the good driver's distinguishing point.
Sound driving is the outcome of handling skill, judgment, concentration and adjustment ability, to their highest level.

See you soon

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de lucile83, postée le 28-02-2005 à 07:31:52 (S | E)
j'ai vu des bonnes choses, des moins bonnes; ce texte ne contient pas de difficultés grammaticales, pas de futur intempestif donc pas de , mais il est difficile à cause du choix des tournures de phrases;
Webmaster, pourriez vous ajouter un smiley transpirant et un rampant ?
See you soooooonnnnnnnn

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de fabio13600, postée le 28-02-2005 à 09:44:24 (S | E)
salut lucile
je vais attendre la correction car c'est un poil trop dur pour moi,


Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de tounette, postée le 28-02-2005 à 12:41:40 (S | E)
En retard, ....mais je tiens à faire cette traduction Lucile,

Driving carefully is driving cleverly which involves much more than the dexterity to use vehicles's controls and to follow literaly the rules of the highway code. Whatever important these imperatives may be they are only a part of the technical know how which is the distinctiveness of a good driver.Intelligent driving is the result of skilfulness, judgement, focusing and adaptation raised to the highest degree.

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de masselotte, postée le 28-02-2005 à 14:04:37 (S | E)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous
merci lucile83 pour cet excercice

To drive carefully is to drive cleverly ,and involved more than the ability to use the control system of the vehicle,and to respect literally the highway Code.In spite of the importance of this own priority, is only a part of the technical is the characteristic sign of the good driver.The clever driving is the result of the ability,of the judgment,and also by the concentration and of the adaptation ability at its highest level.

Edité par masselotte le 28-02-2005 21:06

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de zen34, postée le 28-02-2005 à 16:44:05 (S | E)
Salut Lucile,

C'etait pas une partie de plaisir a traduire mais ça fait progresser...

Driving carefully means driving intelligently which implies much more than the ability to control the vehicle and to respect to the letters the Highway Code’s precepts. Whatever the importance of these essentials; they are nothing but a part of the technique which is the distinctive sign of the good driver.
The smart driving is the result of skill, judgment, concentration and capacity of adaptation in their highest degree.

Merci, A bientôt

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de larenaudiere, postée le 28-02-2005 à 17:22:44 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

Drive carefully that is to drive intelligently, that is to say much more than the ability to use the controls of the vehicle, and to respect the highway code literally. Whatever the importance of this advice may be, they are only one part of the technique that is the distinctive sign of a good driver. Intelligent driving is the result of skill,judgment,concentration and adaptability at the highest degree.

Merci Lucile.

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de bridg, postée le 28-02-2005 à 20:43:54 (S | E)
Je vote pour le smiley transpirant rampant

Driving carefully is an intelligent driving, which suppose much more than the capacity to use vehicle’s controls, and to respect the traffic rules’ precepts to the letter. Whatever the importance of these imperatives, they only constitute the technical part which is the good driver’s distinguishing feature. The intelligent driving is the skill, judgment, concentration and adaptability result in their highest degree.

et un qui se cache les yeux et les oreilles

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de monik, postée le 28-02-2005 à 22:40:36 (S | E)

(Merci Lucile pour m'avoir "remuée" )
Driving carefully is driving in a smart way which implies much more than just using the vehicle itself and to respect the road signs. However important this may be, they only are a small part to become a good driver. The smart driving is the result of the hability, jugment, focus and the faculty to adapt oneself to the highest degree.

(Je suis consciente que je suis un peu loin du texte, eh oui je "conduis" trop vite sans doute!) correction pour quand?

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de jardin62, postée le 28-02-2005 à 22:51:27 (S | E)
Vers 22.50 - En résumé= Commande de 5 Smiley(s)
1- Un Smiley rampant = a creeping Smiley
2- Un Smiley transpirant = a sweating Smiley
3- Un Smiley qui se cache les oreilles = un Smiley "sourd"= a deaf Smiley
4- Un Smiley qui se cache les yeux = un Smiley "aveugle" = a blind Smiley
5- Un Smiley ivre (pour monik qui conduit trop vite)= a drunk Smiley

*Réduction si on prend le kit des 5 Smiley(s) ?

Edité par serena le 01-03-2005 00:48

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de serena, postée le 01-03-2005 à 00:47:39 (S | E)
Pour moi, ce sera un smiley qui a la migraine.

....Pour l'effet cataclysmique de ton exercice, lucile !!

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de lucile83, postée le 01-03-2005 à 11:07:25 (S | E)
Nous allons tous nous cotiser pour la commande de smileys supplémentaires car mes exercices les suggèrent, mais ceux de Gewurz les nécessitent !!!! avec ses structures résultatives qu'il a dû imaginer pendant son cauchemar de samedi soir !!!!
Help, help, hellllllllllllppppppppppppppp

Ma proposition ce soir ou demain

See you soon

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de lucile83, postée le 01-03-2005 à 16:59:34 (S | E)
j'ai pitié de vous et je vous donne ma proposition en vous rappelant que l'anglais est plus concis que le français, et vous avez l'habitude, pour la plupart, de trop "coller" au texte français, ce qui donne une traduction lourde et poussive; alors voilà :

Safe driving is intelligent driving, and involves far more than the ability to manipulate the controls of a vehicle, and to carry out to the letter the precepts in the Highway Code. Important as these requirements are, they are only a part of the technique which is the hallmark of the intelligent driver. Intelligent driving results from a high degree of skill, judgment, concentration, and adaptability.
Merci......and see you soon

Réponse: traduction 3 étoiles de bridg, postée le 01-03-2005 à 17:07:35 (S | E)
pffffffffff webmaster quand est-ce que vous faites un forum cp/ce1 "anglais facile" ça m'intéresse

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