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Quel temps choisir?
Message de liona posté le 05-03-2005 à 10:05:03 (S | E | F | I)

Aujourd'hui, je vous propose un petit exercice sur le choix des temps.

1. He (read)........................Shakespeare since hours.
2. I (make)..........................great sacrifices to get you here Neil!
3.Mr Perry (star)...................long and hard at his son.
4.A tsunami (destroy)............Phuket just after Christmas.
5.The media (just report)........that Prince Charles will get married
with Camillia.
6.Neil (keep).........................playing in the future even if his father disagrees.
7.The strangers in the train started thinking about how they (committ)
8.When you (be) June 11, you will take the baccalaureat.

Un petit conseil, il y a des indices pour savoir quel temps utiliser.
Bonne chance à tous!!!

Réponse: Quel temps choisir? de grabuge, postée le 05-03-2005 à 13:38:30 (S | E)
1. He read has been reading Shakespeare since hours.
2. I've made great sacrifices to get you here Neil!
3.Mr Perry stared long and hard at his son.
4.A tsunami destroyed Phuket just after Christmas.
5.The media has just reporting that Prince Charles will get married
with Camillia.
6.Neil will keep playing in the future even if his father disagrees.
7.The strangers in the train started thinking about how they would commit murders.
8.When you are one June 11, you will take the baccalaureat.


Edité par grabuge le 05-03-2005 15:48 Merci Fiona

Réponse: Quel temps choisir? de liona, postée le 05-03-2005 à 13:52:04 (S | E)
Je le répète!!!
Faite attention aux indices qui indiquent le temps.

Réponse: Quel temps choisir? de gewurz, postée le 05-03-2005 à 14:02:37 (S | E)
1. He has been reading Shakespeare since hours.
2. I have made great sacrifices to get you here Neil!
3. Mr Perry stared long and hard at his son.
4.A tsunami destroyed Phuket just after Christmas.
5.The media has just reported that Prince Charles will get married
with Camillia.
6.Neil will keep playing in the future even if his father disagrees.
7.The strangers in the train started thinking about how they could/would commit murders.
8.When you are one June 11, you will pass the baccalaureat.

Merci Liona.

Réponse: Quel temps choisir? de ruofei, postée le 05-03-2005 à 18:07:27 (S | E)
Bonjour Liona et merci pour cet exercice,

1. He has been reading Shakespeare for hours.
2. I've made great sacrifices to get you here Neil!
3.Mr Perry (stare) stared/is staring long and hard at his son.
4.A/the tsunami destroyed Phuket just after Christmas. (malheureusement..)
5.The media has/have just reported that Prince Charles will is going to get married
to Camilia.
6.Neil will still be playing [in the future] even if his father disagrees.
7.The strangers in on the train started thinking about how they (committ)
.were going to commit murders. (commit their murders)
8.When you are one June 11th, you will take the baccalaureat (GCSE)

Edit?par ruofei le 06-03-2005 07:02

Réponse: Quel temps choisir? de canopee, postée le 08-03-2005 à 17:54:59 (S | E)
He has been reading Shakespeare since hours. (FOR hours)
2. I have made great sacrifices to get you here Neil!
3.Mr Perry stared long and hard at his son.
4.A tsunami destroyed Phuket just after Christmas.
5.The media have just reported that Prince Charles will get married
with Camillia.
6.Neil will keep playing in the future even if his father disagrees.
7.The strangers in the train started thinking about how they would committ murders.
8.When you are one June 11, you will take the baccalaureat


Réponse: Quel temps choisir? de cleo, postée le 08-03-2005 à 19:46:36 (S | E)
J'hésite beaucoup mais j'essaie :

1. He is reading/has been reading Shakespeare since hours.
2. I had made great sacrifices to get you here Neil!
3.Mr Perry stars/stared long and hard at his son.
4.A tsunami destroyed Phuket just after Christmas.
5.The media have just reported that Prince Charles will get married
with Camillia.
6.Neil is going to keep playing in the future even if his father disagrees.
7.The strangers in the train started thinking about how they were able to commit murders.
8.When you are one June 11, you will take the baccalaureat.

Merci Liona pour ton exercice, j'attends la correction...

Réponse: Quel temps choisir? de liona, postée le 08-03-2005 à 21:10:13 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous, ce soir je vous donne la correction.

1. He has been reading Shakespeare for hours. L'indice, c'était since. Le present perfect progressif s'utilise pour une action passé qui continue au moment où l'on parle.

2. I have made great sacrifices to get you here Neil! Le présent perfect s'utilise pour une action passé qui a des conséquences dans le présent.

3.Mr Perry stared long and hard at his
son. Le prétérit s'utilise pour une action passé.

4.A tsunami has destroyed Phuket just
after Christmas. On utilise le present perfect parce que l'événement passé à des conséquences sur le présent.

5.The media have just reported that Prince Charles will get married with Camillia. Indice just = present perfect Attention media est un nom au pluriel comme information.C'est un ensemble.

6.Neil will keep playing in the future even if his father disagrees. Indice in the future = future

7.The strangers in the train started thinking about how they
would commit murders.
Prétérit dans la principale donc conditionnel dans la subordonnée = would Présent dans la principale donc future dans la subordonnée = will

8.When you are on June 11th, you will take the baccalaureat. Quand on a when on met du présent.

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