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Mettre les phrases au passif
Message de grabuge posté le 10-03-2005 à 18:36:38 (S | E | F | I)
Mettre les phrases suivantes au passif suivant le modèle :
They say he is a good doctor. He is said to be a good doctor.
1/ They said he was a cruel man
2/ They say she was a beauty when she was a girl
3/ People believe he is the murderer
4/ They say the scots are close-fisted
5/ We consider his initiative was a mistake
6/ Everyone knew he had spent his childhood in Australia
7/ They thought he was very rich
8/ Everyone knows that the Welsh are good singers
9/ They consider he is the greatest poet of this century
10/ Until fairly recently people believed the earth was flat
Bon courage
Message de grabuge posté le 10-03-2005 à 18:36:38 (S | E | F | I)
Mettre les phrases suivantes au passif suivant le modèle :
They say he is a good doctor. He is said to be a good doctor.
1/ They said he was a cruel man
2/ They say she was a beauty when she was a girl
3/ People believe he is the murderer
4/ They say the scots are close-fisted
5/ We consider his initiative was a mistake
6/ Everyone knew he had spent his childhood in Australia
7/ They thought he was very rich
8/ Everyone knows that the Welsh are good singers
9/ They consider he is the greatest poet of this century
10/ Until fairly recently people believed the earth was flat
Bon courage
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de sun74, postée le 10-03-2005 à 20:19:45 (S | E)
hi grabuge ,
i tryed to do it but i didn`t manage , I have never seen this form before .
Could you tell me where I can get the lesson please .
thanks a lot
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de felin, postée le 10-03-2005 à 20:25:53 (S | E)
Hello Sun
Je vais vous donner la lecon de passive. Laissez moi le temps de scanner et vous envoyer dans votre MP. ok.
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de sun74, postée le 10-03-2005 à 21:02:29 (S | E)
Merci felin
Edité par bridg le 10-03-2005 21:04 => cours du site:
Lien Internet
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de zen34, postée le 11-03-2005 à 10:57:09 (S | E)
Salut Grabuge,
1/ They said he was a cruel man
He was said to have been a cruel man.
2/ They say she was a beauty when she was a girl
She was said to have been a beauty when she was a girl
3/ People believe he is the murderer
He is believed to be a murderer.
4/ They say the scots are close-fisted
The scots are said close-fisted.
5/ We consider his initiative was a mistake
His initiative is considered to have been a mistake.
6/ Everyone knew he had spent his childhood in Australia
It was known that he had spent his childhood in Australia
7/ They thought he was very rich
He was thought to have been very rich
8/ Everyone knows that the Welsh are good singers
The Welsh are known to be good singers.
9/ They consider he is the greatest poet of this century
He is considered to be the greatest poet of this century
10/ Until fairly recently people believed the earth was flat
Until fairly recently the earth was believed to have been flat.
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de bridg, postée le 11-03-2005 à 13:12:11 (S | E)
Je poste ce que j'ai fait mais franchement je suis dans le flou le plus total mais j'espère y arriver un jour
1/ They said he was a cruel man
He was said to be a cruel man
2/ They say she was a beauty when she was a girl
She is said to be a beauty when she was a girl
3/ People believe he is the murderer
He is believed to be a murder by people
4/ They say the Scots are close-fisted
The Scots are said to be close-fished
5/ We consider his initiative was a mistake
His initiative is considered to be a mistake
6/ Everyone knew he had spent his childhood in Australia
He was known to spent his childhood in Australia
7/ They thought he was very rich
He was though to be very rich
8/ Everyone knows that the Welsh are good singers
He was known to be a good singer
9/ They consider he is the greatest poet of this century
He is considered to be the greatest poet of this country
10/ Until fairly recently people believed the earth was flat
Until fairly recently the earth was believed to have been flat.
Edité par bridg le 11-03-2005 17:55
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de isa71, postée le 11-03-2005 à 22:29:35 (S | E)
est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'expliquer aprés le passif car même avec la leçon je ne comprends pas car dans l'exemple le complément à la voix active ne devient pas sujet à la voie passive
grabuge est ce que tu peux traduire à la correction juste une phrase s'il te plait
désolée pour toutes ces questions.
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de bridg, postée le 11-03-2005 à 22:41:03 (S | E)
Ce cours sera peut-être plus clair
Lien Internet
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de zeran, postée le 12-03-2005 à 03:29:23 (S | E)
Hi Grabuge,
c'est pas évident, surtout pour le 2è verbe; enfin j'y vais avec l'intuition, on verra plus tard ton verdict
1. He was said to
2. She is said to have been a beauty when she was a girl
3. He is believed to be the murderer
4. The scots are said to be close-fisted
5. His initiative is considered to have been a mistake
6. He was known to have spent his childhood in Australia
ou His childhood spent in Australia was known
7. He was thought to
8. The Welsh are known to be good singers
9. He is considered to be the greatest poet of this century
10. Until fairly recently the earth was believed to
j'ai essayé de corriger, mais je ne vois pas bien quand il faut to be ou to have been, j'avais envie de retirer tous les have been.
Edité par zeran le 12-03-2005 03:34
Edité par zeran le 14-03-2005 02:18
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de ruofei, postée le 12-03-2005 à 04:26:02 (S | E)
Merci Grabuge pour la torture...j'y vais moi aussi au feeling:
1/ He was said to be a cruel man.
2/ She is said to have been a beauty when she was a girl. (Has she become a man?..crossgender?!)
3/ He is believed to be the murderer.
4/ The Scots are said to be close-fisted.
5/ His inititative is considered to have been a mistake.
6/ He was said/known to having spent his childhood in Australia.
7/ The tailor was thought to be very rich.
8/ The Welsh are said/known to be god dingers.
9/ He's considered to be the greatest poet of this century.
10/ The earth believed to have been flat until fairly recently.
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de jardin62, postée le 12-03-2005 à 06:19:41 (S | E)
grabuge, j'ai besoin de me dérouiller aussi!
1- He was said to be a cruel man
2- She was said to be a beauty when (she was) a young girl (est-ce une construction possible?)
3- He is believed to be the murderer
4- The Scots are said to be close-fisted
5- His initiative was considered as a mistake
6- He was known to have spent his chilhood in Australia
7- He was (thought ? ça me fait un drôle d'effet!) to be very rich
8- The Welsh are known as good singers
9- He is considered as the greatest poet of the century
10- Until recently / ou bien à la fin de la phrase?/ the earth was considered as being flat
See you soon!
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de lucile83, postée le 12-03-2005 à 14:57:19 (S | E)
Hello ,
1) he was said to be a cruel man
2 ) she is said to have been a beauty when she was a girl
3 he is believed to be the murderer
4 the Scots are said to be close-fisted
5 his initiative is considered to have been a mistake
6 he was known to have spent his childhood in Australia
7 he was thought to be very rich
8 the Welsh are known to be good singers
9 he is considered to be the greatest poet of this century
10 until fairly recently the earth was believed to be flat
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de gewurz, postée le 12-03-2005 à 15:53:04 (S | E)
1/ He was said to be a cruel man.
2/ She is said to have been a beauty when a girl.
3/ He is believed to be the murderer.
4/ the scots are said to be close-fisted.
5/ His initiative is considered to have been a mistake
6/ He was known to have spent his childhood in Australia.
7/ He was thought very rich.
8/ The Welsh are known to be good singers.
9/ He is considered to be the greatest poet of this century.
10/ Until fairly recently, the earth was believed to be flat.
Merci Grabuge.
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de isa71, postée le 12-03-2005 à 19:02:12 (S | E)
bonjour je voulais vous remercier Grabuge et Bridg pour votre aide
1/ They said he was a cruel man
he was said to have been a cruel man
2/ They say she was a beauty when she was a girl
she is said to be a beauty when she was a girl
3/ People believe he is the murderer
he is believed to be the murderer
4/ They say the scots are close-fisted
the scots are said to be close-fisted
5/ We consider his initiative was a mistake
his initiative is considered to be a mistake
6/ Everyone knew he had spent his childhood in Australia
he was knew to have been spent his childhood in Australia
7/ They thought he was very rich
he was thought to be very rich
8/ Everyone knows that the Welsh are good singers
the Welsh are know to be a good singer
9/ They consider he is the greatest poet of this century
he is considered to be the greatest poet of this century
10/ Until fairly recently people believed the earth was flat
until fairly recently people was believed to have been flat
bye isa
Edité par bridg le 12-03-2005 20:35
Merci isa mais en ce qui concerne la grammaire anglaise je suis la dernière à remercier et je m'associe à toi pour remercier tous les membres qui ont la patience de nous aider
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de jane, postée le 13-03-2005 à 16:47:19 (S | E)
Bonjour grabuge!
1.He was said to be a cruel man.
2.She was said to be a beauty when she was a girl.
3.He is beleived to be the murderer.
4.The scots are said to be close-fisted.
5.His initiative was considered to be a mistake.
6.He is known to spend his childhood in australia.
7.He was beleived to be very rich.
8. The Welsh are known to be good singers by everyone.
9.He is considered to be the greatest poet of this century.
10.the earth was beleive to be flat until fairly recently.
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de samia51, postée le 15-03-2005 à 19:05:01 (S | E)
Bonsoir Grabuge
Merci pour cet exercice
Mettre les phrases suivantes au passif suivant le modèle :
They say he is a good doctor. He is said to be a good doctor.
1/ They said he was a cruel man
1 - He was said to be a cruel man
2/ They say she was a beauty when she was a girl
2 - She was said to be a beauty when she was a girl
3/ People believe he is the murderer
3 - He is believed to be the murderer
4/ They say the scots are close-fisted
4 - The Scots are said to be close-fisted.
5/ We consider his initiative was a mistake
5 - His initiative was considered to be a mistake
6/ Everyone knew he had spent his childhood in Australia
6 - He is known to have spent his childhood in Australia
7/ They thought he was very rich
7 - He is known to be very rich
8/ Everyone knows that the Welsh are good singers
8 - The Welsh are known to be good singers by everyone
9/ They consider he is the greatest poet of this century
9 - He is considered to be the greated poet of this century
10/ Until fairly recently people believed the earth was flat
10 - The earth was believed to be flat until fairyl recently.
Réponse: Mettre les phrases au passif de grabuge, postée le 16-03-2005 à 20:45:54 (S | E)
Voici la correction, tant attendue par certains
1/ They said he was a cruel man
He was said to be a cruel man
2/ They say she was a beauty when she was a girl
She is said to have been a beauty when she was a girl
3/ People believe he is the murderer
He is believed to be the murderer
4/ They said the scots are close-fisted
The scots are said to be close-fisted
5/ We consider his initiative was a mistake
His initiative is considered to have been a mistake
6/ Everyone knew he had spent his childhood in Australia
He was known to have spent his childhood in Australia
7/ They thought he was very rich
He was thought to be very rich
8/ Everyone knows that the Welsh are good singers
The welsh are known to be good singers
9/ They consider he is the greatest poet of this century
He is considered to be the greatest poet of this century
10/ Until fairly recently people believed the earth was flat
Until fairly recently the earth was believed to be flat
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