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Secret message?
Message de jardin62 posté le 12-03-2005 à 14:52:14 (S | E | F | I)

All the capital letters and punctuation marks, question marks, inverted commas, apostrophes, hyphens have been removed from the following dialogue. Reintroduce them as well as the paragraphs.
sit down mr marlow please do not light that cigarette im an asthmatic i sat down in a reed rocker and tucked the still unlighted cigarette down behind the hankerchief in my outside pocket ive never had any dealing with private detectives mr marlowe i dont know anything about them your references seem satisfactory what are your charges to do what mrs murdock its a very confidential matter naturally nothing to do with the police i charge twenty five dollars a day mrs murdock and of course expenses it seems high you must make a great deal of money. Raymond CHANDLER, the High Window (1943)
Message de jardin62 posté le 12-03-2005 à 14:52:14 (S | E | F | I)

All the capital letters and punctuation marks, question marks, inverted commas, apostrophes, hyphens have been removed from the following dialogue. Reintroduce them as well as the paragraphs.
sit down mr marlow please do not light that cigarette im an asthmatic i sat down in a reed rocker and tucked the still unlighted cigarette down behind the hankerchief in my outside pocket ive never had any dealing with private detectives mr marlowe i dont know anything about them your references seem satisfactory what are your charges to do what mrs murdock its a very confidential matter naturally nothing to do with the police i charge twenty five dollars a day mrs murdock and of course expenses it seems high you must make a great deal of money. Raymond CHANDLER, the High Window (1943)

Réponse: Secret message? de gewurz, postée le 12-03-2005 à 15:40:33 (S | E)
"Sit down mr marlow, please do not light that cigarette, I'm an asthmatic". I sat down in a reed rocker and tucked the still unlighted cigarette down behind the hankerchief in my outside pocket.
"I've never had any dealing with private detectives mr marlowe, I dont know anything about them.
Your references seem satisfactory. What are your charges ?"
" To do what mrs murdock ?"
" It's a very confidential matter, naturally nothing to do with the police."
"I charge twenty five dollars a day, mrs murdock and of course expenses."
" It seems high ! You must make a great deal of money."
Raymond CHANDLER, the High Window (1943)
Merci Jardin.
Réponse: Secret message? de grabuge, postée le 12-03-2005 à 16:43:06 (S | E)
Je vais essayer de le décoder...
sit down mr marlow. Please do not light that cigarette, I'm an asthmatic. I sat down in a reed rocker and tucked the still unlighted cigarette down behind the hankerchief in my outside pocket.
- I've never had any dealing with private detectives Mr Marlowe. I don't know anything about them. Your references seem satisfactory. What are your charges ?
- To do what mrs murdock ?
- Its a very confidential matter, naturally nothing to do with the police. -- I charge twenty five dollars a day, mrs murdock, and of course, expenses.
- It seems high, you must make a great deal of money.
Raymond CHANDLER, the High Window (1943)
Marlowe? Mais c'est un pote !
Réponse: Secret message? de bridg, postée le 12-03-2005 à 16:44:13 (S | E)

Sit down Mr Marlow; please do not light that cigarette I’m an asthmatic.
I sat down in a reed rocker and tucked the still unlighted cigarette down behind the Handkerchief in my outside pocket.
I’ve never had any dealing with private detectives Mr Marlowe; I don’t know anything about them.
“Your references seem satisfactory. What are your charges?”
“ To do what Mrs Murdock? It’s a very confidential matter. Naturally nothing to do with the police!”
“I charge twenty five dollars a day Mrs Murdock and of course expenses”.
“It seems high you must make a great deal of money! “
Raymond CHANDLER, the High Window (1943)
Réponse: Secret message? de felin, postée le 12-03-2005 à 22:34:17 (S | E)
Bonsoir Jardin.
Sit down Mr Marlow, please do not light that cigarette, I'm an asthmatic. I sat down in a reed rocker and tucked the still unlighted cigarette down behind the hankerchief in my outside pocket.
I've never had any dealing with private detectives Mr Marlowe, I don't know anything about them your references seem satisfactory. What are your charges? To do What Mrs Murdock? It's a very confidential matter, naturally nothing to do with the police. I charge twenty five dollars a day, Mrs Murdock and of course expenses. It seems high, you must make a great deal of money.
Raymond CHANDLER, the High Window (1943).

Réponse: Secret message? de joy813, postée le 12-03-2005 à 22:56:33 (S | E)
C'est parti

"Sit down Mr Marlow please, do not light that cigarette, I'm an asthmatic."
I sat down in a reed rocker and tucked the still unlighted cigarette down behind the hankerchief in my outside pocket.
"I've never had any dealing with private detectives, Mr Marlowe ; I don't know anything about them. Your references seem satisfactory. What are your charges?"
"To do what , Mrs Murdock ?"
"It's a very confidential matter ; naturally nothing to do with the police !"
"I charge twenty five dollars a day ,Mrs Murdock and of course expenses."
"It seems high ! You must make a great deal of money!"
Raymond CHANDLER, the High Window (1943)
Réponse: Secret message? de jardin62, postée le 13-03-2005 à 14:53:24 (S | E)

Ma correction fera un bilan, et ne sera pas personalisée: c'est plus efficace, me semble-t-il.
1- Les dialogues dans les textes anglais sont souvent inclus dans le récit et annoncés par des 'inverted commas' ( '... ' ) à l'anglaise
' Sit down, Mr( majuscule) Marlow (majuscule)/ ici il y a un 'FULL STOP: .
Le PLEASE est amené quand elle sursaute à la vue de la cigarette de Marlow et il est suivi d'une COMMA (...,)
'Sit down, Mr Marlow. Please, do not light that cigarette, ( elle s'arrête ce qui justifie la , pour expliquer) I'm an asthmatic.'(Le récit reprend à la première personne)
I sat down in a reed rocker and tucked the still unlighted cigarette down in my outside pocket.
' I've never had any dealing with private detectives, Mr Marlow, ou . I don't know anything about them. Your references seem satisfactory. What are your charges ?
' To do what, Mrs Murdock ?
'It's (contraction de it is) a very confidential matter naturally, nothing to do with the police .
'I charge twenty-five dollars a day, Mrs Murdock, and of course, expenses.
' It seems high, you must make a great deal of money! ' ( je suggère de mettre le ! à la fin de sa phrase pour qu'elle s'exclame sur les 2 idées: la somme & l'argent que doit gagner Marlow).
* je me suis 'emmêlé les 'pinceaux' dans les caractères gras, rouge etc.. Ne m'en veuillez pas, quand on commence avec les fonts on se perd parfois et après on a peur de tout casser! (Il n'y avait qu'à ne pas vouloir faire chic, m'dam!)
** Dis, grabuge, pourquoi tu dis que Marlow est un de tes potes? Serait-ce parce que tu as aussi fréquenté Chandler? Il fut une époque- pas si vieille- où je m'offrais de vrais 'big chills! à le lire, lui et D.Hammett! ('scusez cet aparté, mais ce sont des 'dear old friends'!)
+ des spécialistes du dialogue ...