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phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: come...
Message de ruofei posté le 18-03-2005 à 02:18:07 (S | E | F | I)

Hello back!

(correction on Monday)
The list is below, you know what to do! (fill in/correct form)
Come down on, come up to, come about, come across, come up with, come before, come upon, come down to, come down with, come in for.

1) Let me explain how the situation …………?..
2) He …………………….as shy because he speaks quietly.
3) It all ……………………?whether you have enough money or not.
4) John won’t be at the office today. He ………………………….the flu over the weekend.
5) The government has ……………………?. a lot a criticism over the decision.
6) The management really …………………………. him for losing the contract.
7) The Arsenal football players didn’t …………………….. expectations.
8) We still haven’t ………………………… a solution to the problem.
9) He ………………………… the court on charges of speeding.
10) I …………………… the book in a little second-hand bookshop in Nottingham.

Translate: Voici mon numéro de téléphone. Donne-moi un coup de fil si jamais tu rencontres un problème.
Fill in: ………………..! And tell me the truth for goodness?sake. (3 mots)

(Next time, I’ll do a mix of phrasal verbs, just to make things more complicated!…without a list?…humm…I’ll see!)

Edit?par ruofei le 18-03-2005 11:03
...j'avais fait une petite erreur dans la liste...

Réponse: phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: come... de jardin62, postée le 18-03-2005 à 10:16:41 (S | E)
Next time????
1- let me explain how the situation comes in for.
2- He comes down as shy because he speaks quietly.
3- It all comes about whether you have money or not.
4- He came down with flu over the wekend.
5- The governement has come down with a lot of criticism.
6- The management really came down to him for losing the contract
7- The Arsenal football players didn't come (about?)expectations
8- We still haven't come up with a solution to the problem.
9- He came before the court on charge of speeding.
10- I came upon the book in a little second-hand bookshop

- Here's my phone number. Just phone in case you come upon a problem.
- Come over! And tell me the truth for goodness' sake!
I should have put 8 or 9
Just have a look at 'COME' in the Big Harrap's! I personally was in a muddle (state of confusion)! never mind, it was very useful. Thank you, ruofei.

Réponse: phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: come... de ruofei, postée le 18-03-2005 à 10:57:00 (S | E)
Non, pour la 2ème partie de l'exercice (translate/fill in), il s'agit d'autres phrasal verbs avec 'come' que je n'ai pas listés ci-dessus...à vous de les trouver (ou 'inventer' ) d'où le: .

Peut-être que la dernière phrase n'est pas assez explicite:
........!Tell me the truth for goodness' sake. (vous devez en 3 mots: I don't believe what you saying, stop it!)

Bonne chance!
PS: Merci jardin pour 'muggle' muddle, un mot que je ne connaissais pas!

Edité par serena le 19-03-2005 00:32
C'est "muddle".

Réponse: phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: come... de serena, postée le 19-03-2005 à 00:45:11 (S | E)
Hello !

Ruofei, this one is really hard. It seemed to me that I could use many particles with "come" for a same sentence.
Anyway, this is what I've found.

1) Let me explain how the situation CAME ABOUT.
2) He COMES ACROSS as shy because he speaks quietly.
3) It all COMES DOWN TO whether you have enough money or not.
4) John won’t be at the office today. He CAME DOWN WITH the flu over the weekend.
5) The government has COME IN FOR a lot a criticism over the decision.
6) The management really COMES DOWN ON him for losing the contract.
7) The Arsenal football players didn’t COME UP TO expectations.
8) We still haven’t COME UP WITH a solution to the problem.
9) He CAME BEFORE the court on charges of speeding.
10) I CAME UPON the book in a little second-hand bookshop in Nottingham.

- Voici mon numéro de téléphone. Donne-moi un coup de fil si jamais tu rencontres un problème.
This is my phone number. Make a call if ever you come up against a problem.

- Come off it ! And tell me the truth for goodness sake.

Well....hope I didn't make too many mistakes.

Great exercises !!
But for the next mixed one, please be indulgent.

Réponse: phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: come... de samia51, postée le 19-03-2005 à 15:38:13 (S | E)
Bonjour Ruofei
Encore merci pour ces exercices

The list is below, you know what to do! (fill in/correct form)
Come down on, come up to, come about, come across, come up with, come before, come upon, come down to, come down with, come in for.

1) Let me explain how the situation COMES ABOUT
2) He COMES as shy because he speaks quietly.
3) It all COMES DOWN TO whether you have enough money or not.
4) John won’t be at the office today. He COMES DOWN WITH the flu over the weekend.
5) The government has COME IN FOR a lot a criticism over the decision.
6) The management really COMES DOWN ON him for losing the contract.
7) The Arsenal football players didn’t COME UP TO expectations.
8) We still haven’t COME UP WITH a solution to the problem.
9) He COMES UP BEFORE the court on charges of speeding (comparaître devant un tribunal)
10) I COME UPON the book in a little second-hand bookshop in Nottingham.

Translate: Voici mon numéro de téléphone. Donne-moi un coup de fil si jamais tu rencontres un problème (Here is my phone number, give me a ring if ever you COME UP AGAINST a problem). (entrer en conflit)
Fill in: COME OFF IT! And tell me the truth for goodness?sake. (3 mots)
(En voila assez !)

Merci pour cet exercice

Réponse: phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: come... de ruofei, postée le 21-03-2005 à 07:52:39 (S | E)
! Celui-ci était un peu plus complexe que les 2 autres. Voici la correction!:

1) Let me explain how the situation came about. (happen/occur)
2) He comes across as shy because he speaks quietly. (the way other people see you)3) It all comes down to whether you have enough money or not. (be in the end a matter of. Un sens plus négatif que dans 'it's up to you' où alors on nous laisse le choix)
4) John won’t be at the office today. He came down with the flu over the weekend. (become ill with…..)
5) The government has come in for a lot a criticism over the decision. (receive blame, criticism)
6) The management really came down on him for losing the contract. (criticize heavily)
7) The Arsenal football players didn’t come up to expectations.

Réponse: phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: come... de ruofei, postée le 24-03-2005 à 15:14:28 (S | E)
En effet Hyppoblue, la correction a été coupée en 2...Voici donc le reste:

8) We still haven’t come up with a solution to the problem. (think of a solution)
9) He came before the court on charges of speeding. (appear in court)
10) I came upon the book in a little second-hand bookshop in Nottingham. (find by chance)

Translate: Voici mon numéro de téléphone. Donne-moi un coup de fil si jamais tu rencontres un problème.
Here's my phone number. Give me a call if you ever come up against a problem.

Fill in: Come off it! And tell me the truth for goodness' sake.

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