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traduction infinitif/gérondif
Message de grabuge posté le 23-03-2005 à 14:21:27 (S | E | F | I)

Hello, Prêts pour un nouvel exercice ? Let's go :

1/ N'oubliez pas de leur téléphoner ce soir
2/ Il a l'intention d'apprendre à jouer du piano
3/ Elle commença à se demander s'il ne la trompait pas
4/ Il a commencé à apprendre le russe en septembre
5/ Il promit de ne jamais recommencer
6/ Elle réussit enfin à savoir la vérité
7/ Il n'aime pas qu'on se moque de lui
8/ Ils ne cessent de se quereller
9/ Ils s'arrêtèrent pour prendre une tasse de café
10/ Il faisait semblant de dormir malgré le bruit

Correction lundi ou mardi

Réponse: traduction infinitif/gérondif de jardin62, postée le 23-03-2005 à 15:13:02 (S | E)
(Je sais que nous avons le temps mais vu les soirées chargées qui m'attendent, je me mets en avance comme une 'bonne élève'! et comme en plus ces phrases m'intéressent!: )

1- Don't forget to call them tonight.
2- He's going to learn the piano ( ou? He 's going to learn how to play the piano ).
3- She began to wonder if he wasn't mistaken.
4- He began learning Russian in September.
5- He promised not to do it again.
6- At last, she managed to know the truth.
7- He can't stand being made fun of. (umph!)
8- They keep quarelling.
9- They stopped for a cup of coffee.
10- He made as if to be asleep in spite of the noise

Réponse: traduction infinitif/gérondif de zen34, postée le 23-03-2005 à 15:39:40 (S | E)
Merci Grabuge!

1/ Don’t forget to phone them tonight.
2/ He intends learning piano.
3/ She started wondering if he wasn't unfaithful to her.
4/ He has started to learn Russian since September
5/ He gave his word not to start any more.
6/ She has succeeded at last in knowing the truth.
7/ He doesn’t like to be mocked.
8/ They don’t stop quarrelling
9/ They stopped to take a cup of coffee
10/ He pretended sleeping in spite of the noise.

Réponse: traduction infinitif/gérondif de helenesaurelle, postée le 23-03-2005 à 16:03:06 (S | E)
c'est en quelques termes la phonétique anglase (quelques prononciations)

Réponse: traduction infinitif/gérondif de gewurz, postée le 23-03-2005 à 16:30:22 (S | E)
1/ Don't forget to call them tonight.
2/ He intends to learn piano.
3/ She began to wonder whether he wasn't unfaithful to her.
4/ He began learning Russian in September.
5/ He promised never to do it again.
6/ She finally managed to know the truth.
7/ He doesn't like being laughed at.
8/ They don't stop arguing.
9/ They stopped to have a cup of coffee.
10/ He was pretending to sleep in spite of the noise.

Merci Grabuge.

Réponse: traduction infinitif/gérondif de lethidee, postée le 23-03-2005 à 19:30:05 (S | E)
1/Don't forget to call them this evening
2/ He's wanting to learn playing piano
3/She began wondering if he was not unfaithful to her
4/ He began learning Russian en september
5/ He promised to never begin again
6/ At last, she succeeded to know the truth
7/ He does not like making fun of himself
8/ They don't stop quarelling
9/ They stopped for drinking a cup of tea
10/ He was pretending to sleep in spite of the noise

Réponse: traduction infinitif/gérondif de marie37400, postée le 23-03-2005 à 20:11:57 (S | E)
Grabuge, you finished me off

1) Don’t forget to phone them tonight
2) He intends to learn to play the piano
3) She began wondering if he was cheating her on !
4) He began learning Russian in September
5) He finally promised not to do it again
6) At last, she managed to know/she finally succeeded in knowing the truth
7) He doesn’t like people take him for a ride/ fool him
8) They are still quarrelling/they keep quarrelling
9) They stopped to have a cup of coffee
10) He was pretending to sleep despite the noise

Seems easier than the one about the "causative" but

Many thanks

Réponse: traduction infinitif/gérondif de jardin62, postée le 23-03-2005 à 20:38:39 (S | E)

3- ...s'il ne la trompait pas!? ( ce n'est pas du tout pareil 'madame-jardin' !) < liar!

3- She began to wonder if he wasn't / betraying her/ being unfaithful to her

mais non, mais non, vous vous faites des idées! ouf!

Réponse: traduction infinitif/gérondif de isa71, postée le 23-03-2005 à 22:45:05 (S | E)

1-Don't forget to phone them tonight
2-He intends to learn to play the piano
3-she started to wonder if he wasn't unfaithful to her
4-he started to learn Russian in September
5-He promised never do it again
6-At last she managed to know the truth
7-He doesn't like that one makes fun of him
8-They don't stop aquarelling
9-They stopped to have a cup of coffee
10-He pretented to sleep in spite of the noise


Réponse: traduction infinitif/gérondif de ruofei, postée le 24-03-2005 à 05:04:18 (S | E)
Bonjour grabuge!

1/ Don't forget to call them up tonight.
2/ He's planning to learn how to play the piano.
3/ She started to wonder whether she was right or wrong.
4/ He begun to learn Russian in September.
5/ He swore not to do that again.
6/ She worked out the truth.
7/ He doesn't like being made fun of.
8/ They keep arguing with each other.
9/ They dropped in on somebody to have a coffee / They stopped by somewhere to have a coffee.
10/ He pretended to be asleep in spite of the noise.


Réponse: traduction infinitif/gérondif de tounette, postée le 24-03-2005 à 14:18:24 (S | E)
1/ Don't forget to call them tonight
2/ He intends to learn the piano
3/ She started to wonder if he was betraying her
4/ He is beggining to lear russian
5/ He promised never start again
6/ She finally succeeded in knowing truth
7/ He dislikes to be making fun
8/ They keep on quarelling
9/ They stopped for having a cup of coffee
10/ He made like he was sleeping in spite of the noise

Réponse: traduction infinitif/gérondif de felin, postée le 24-03-2005 à 16:10:52 (S | E)
Bonjour Grabuge.

1/ Don’t forget to call them tonight
2/ He intends to play the piano.
3/ She started to wonder whether he wasn’t unfaithful to her.
4/ He began learning Russian in September
5/ He promised not to do it again.
6/ She succeeded in finding out the truth.
7/ He doesn’t like being made a fool of.
8/ They don’t stop quarrelling or they keep quarrelling
9/ They broke off to take a cup of tea.
10/ He pretended to be asleep in spite of noise.

Réponse: traduction infinitif/gérondif de calypso, postée le 26-03-2005 à 20:51:58 (S | E)
1/ N'oubliez pas de leur téléphoner ce soir
>>> Do not forget to call them this evening.
2/ Il a l'intention d'apprendre à jouer du piano
>>> He intends to play piano.
3/ Elle commença à se demander s'il ne la trompait pas
>>> She began wondering if he weren't cheating on her.
4/ Il a commencé à apprendre le russe en septembre
>>> She began learning Russe throught September.
5/ Il promit de ne jamais recommencer
>>> He promised he would never do that again.
6/ Elle réussit enfin à savoir la vérité
>>> She managed to know the truth finally.
7/ Il n'aime pas qu'on se moque de lui
>>> He doesn't like it when he is laughed at.
8/ Ils ne cessent de se quereller
>>> They don't stop arguing.
9/ Ils s'arrêtèrent pour prendre une tasse de café
>>> They stopped to have a coffee.
10/ Il faisait semblant de dormir malgré le bruit
>>> He seemed to be sleeping despite the noise.

Réponse: traduction infinitif/gérondif de jane, postée le 27-03-2005 à 01:08:38 (S | E)
hello Grabuge!
Toujours des exercices d'enfer!!!

1.Don't forget to phone them this evening.
2.he intends to learn piano.
3.She began to ask herself if he wasn't unfaithful to her.
4.he began learning russian in september.
5.He promised to never begin again.
6. she managed to know the truth.
7. He doesn't like people laughing at him.
8. They don't stop quarreling.
9.They stopped to take a cup of coffee.
10.He pretended to sleep in spite of the noise.


Réponse: traduction infinitif/gérondif de grabuge, postée le 27-03-2005 à 11:09:39 (S | E)
La correction avant les gavages de chocolat !!!

1/ N'oubliez pas de leur téléphoner ce soir
Don’t forget (= Remember) to phone them tonight
2/ Il a l'intention d'apprendre à jouer du piano
He intends to learn (= learning) to play the piano
3/ Elle commença à se demander s'il ne la trompait pas
She began to wonder if (or whether) she was being deceived (or : he was deceived her)
4/ Il a commencé à apprendre le russe en septembre
He began learning (= to learn) Russian in September
5/ Il promit de ne jamais recommencer
He promised never to do it again
6/ Elle réussit enfin à savoir la vérité
She eventually succeeded in finding out (=managed to find out) the truth
7/ Il n'aime pas qu'on se moque de lui
He doesn’t like being laughed at (or : being made a fool of)
8/ Ils ne cessent de se quereller
They never stop quarreling
9/ Ils s'arrêtèrent pour prendre une tasse de café
They stopped to have a cup of coffee
10/ Il faisait semblant de dormir malgré le bruit
He pretended to be asleep in spite of the noise

à tous(tes)

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