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Exercices 21
Message de felin posté le 30-03-2005 à 15:55:41 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous.
Correction Samedi ou Dimanche soir.

Put in : do away with, do out, do without , do up, do with,
make away with, make for, make of, make off, make out, make up,

1 Europe has...........................duty-free shopping.
2 The sales 5 euros.
3 I can't afford a car so I'll just have to......................
4 I can’ laces..................
5 They................the house and sold it.
6 I could...............something to eat.
7 The problem has nothing
8 Thieves.......................with her jewellery.
9 What do you........................their proposal?
10 We often quarrel but we always......... it...........soon after.
11 She's a strange person - I can' all.
12 They attacked him and................with his watch.
13 My dad was always really good at................stories.
14 They kissed and..............., as usual.
15 Can you..............anything.............this information?
16 Tourism.......................70% of their income.
17 She........................a silly story about the post being late.
18 I can’t...................her handwriting
19 Boys at that age are only interested in...............with girls.
20 What do you........................the new boss?
21 Two thieves..................the window.
22 They.....................the centre of town.

Edité par bridg le 30-03-2005 16:00

Réponse: Exercices 21 de hyppoblue, postée le 31-03-2005 à 15:23:27 (S | E)
Bon je me lance en premier, après un long tête à tête avec mon dictionnaire.

1 Europe has done away with duty-free shopping.
2 The sales assistant did me out of 5 euros.
3 I can't afford a car so I'll just have to do without.
4 I can’t do my laces up.
5 They did up the house and sold it.
6 I could do with something to eat.
7 The problem has nothing to do with me.
8 Thieves made off with her jewellery.
9 What do you make of their proposal?
10 We often quarrel but we always make it up soon after.
11 She's a strange person - I can't make her out at all.
12 They attacked him and made off with his watch.
13 My dad was always really good at make up stories.
14 They kissed and made it up as usual.
15 Can you make anything out this information?
16 Tourism makes up 70% of their income.
17 She made up a silly story about the post being late.
18 I can’t make out her handwriting
19 Boys at that age are only interested in...............with girls. Là je sèche "being on the make" ???
20 What do you make of the new boss?
21 Two thieves makes off ?? the window.
22 They made for the centre of town.

Je n'ai pas su que faire de make away with !!

Réponse: Exercices 21 de idem, postée le 01-04-2005 à 17:23:22 (S | E)
bonjour Felin
1 do away with
2 do me out
3 to do without
4 I can't do my laces up
5 they did out
6 I could did without
7 nothinb to do with me
8 Thieves make away
9 make of
10 we always make it up
11 I can't make her out at all
12 and make away with his watch
13 at make up stories
14 They kissed and made up as usual
15 Can you make anything of this information?
16Tourism makes up 70%
17 She made up a silly story
18 I can't make out her handwriting
19Boys at that age are only,interested in make out with girls
20 What do you make of the new boss ?
21 Two thieves made for the window.
22 They made for the centre of town.

Pas évident tous ces do et make, bon j'espère m'en être sortie
see you later

Réponse: Exercices 21 de isa71, postée le 02-04-2005 à 18:21:10 (S | E)

1 Europe has done away with duty-free shopping.
2 The sales assistant do me out of 5 euros.
3 I can't afford a car so I'll just have to do without
4 I can’t do my laces up.
5 They did out the house and sold it.
6 I could do with something to eat.
7 The problem has nothing to do with me.
8 Thieves make off with her jewellery.
9 What do you make of their proposal?
10 We often quarrel but we always make it up soon after.
11 She's a strange person - I can't make her out at all.
12 They attacked him and made off with his watch.
13 My dad was always really good at made up stories.
14 They kissed and made of, as usual.
15 Can you make anything out this information?
16 Tourism makes up 70% of their income.
17 She made up a silly story about the post being late.
18 I can’t make out her handwriting
19 Boys at that age are only interested in make up with girls.
20 What do you make of the new boss?
21 Two thieves make off the window.
22 They made for the centre of town.


Réponse: Exercices 21 de felin, postée le 03-04-2005 à 20:03:41 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous

Voici la correction.

1 Europe has done away with duty-free shopping.
2 The sales assistant did me out of 5 euros.
3 I can't afford a car so I'll just have to do without.
4 I can’t do my laces up.
5 They did up the house and sold it.
6 I could do with something to eat.
7 The problem has nothing to do with me.
8 Thieves made away with her jewellery.
9 What do you make of their proposal?
10 We often quarrel but we always make it up soon after.
11 She's a strange person - I can't make her out at all.
12 They attacked him and made off with his watch.
13 My dad was always really good at making up stories.
14 They kissed and made up, as usual.
15 Can you make anything of this information?
16 Tourism makes up 70% of their income.
17 She made up a silly story about the post being late.
18 I can’t make out her handwriting
19 Boys at that age are only interested in making out with girls.
20 What do you make of the new boss?
21 Two thieves made for the window.
22 They made for the centre of town.

de votre participation.
Je sais que c'est un peu difficile mais à force de faire des exercices ou lire vous allez finir par comprendre. Chez nous on parle beaucoup en utilisant "phrasal verbs" et c'est très utile. Parfois j'ai dû mal à comprendre vu que je ne connaissais pas des mots. Ce n'est pas grave si vous avez fait quelques fautes mais je suis fière de vous que vous ayez participé aux exercices.

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