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Position des adjectifs
Message de grabuge posté le 01-04-2005 à 13:47:14 (S | E | F | I)

Encore un nouvel exercice assez facile avant de s'attaquer à plus durs.

Choisir un couple de mot pour compléter les phrases ci-dessous. Attention, parfois il vous faudra les compléter avec un seul mot.

domestic/unsafe - educational/entertaining - inevitable/utter - legal/stupid - serious/underlying

1/ a-The experiment was a/an ..... failure.
1/ b- After Dr Owen left the project, its failure was .....
2/ a- None of the equipment in the warehouse is .......
2/ b-All ........... equipment should be switched off at the end of the day.
3/ a- The trip to the wildlife park was a/an ....... experience.
3/ b- The toys were ...... and the children played with them for hours.
4/ a- The fault in the computer system is ...... enough to disrupt all the work in the office.
4/ b- The ...... problem has not yet been solved.
5/ a- He was involved in a ..... argument with his neighbour over some trees in the garden.
5/ b- It's completely ......... to charge a fee for entry into the museum.

Petit exercice supplémentaire :
Donnez la traduction des mots que vous ne connaissiez pas.

A vous !

Réponse: Position des adjectifs de floral5, postée le 01-04-2005 à 16:21:43 (S | E)

domestic/unsafe - educational/entertaining - inevitable/utter - legal/stupid - serious/underlying

1/ a-The experiment was a/an ..inevitable... failure.
1/ b- After Dr Owen left the project, its failure was ..inevitable...
2/ a- None of the equipment in the warehouse is ..domestic.....
2/ b-All ....unsafe.... equipment should be switched off at the end of the day.
3/ a- The trip to the wildlife park was a/an ...educational.... experience.
3/ b- The toys were ...entertaining... and the children played with them for hours.
4/ a- The fault in the computer system is ...underliying... enough to disrupt all the work in the office.
4/ b- The ....serious . problem has not yet been solved.
5/ a- He was involved in a ..utter... argument with his neighbour over some trees in the garden.
5/ b- It's completely to charge a fee for entry into the museum.

Eh bien voilà, mais j'avoue que je n'y comprends rien. Vivement la correction et l'explication s'il te plaît.

Réponse: Position des adjectifs de fee65, postée le 01-04-2005 à 16:28:25 (S | E)
J'essaie de répondre aux questions mais ^ça n'écrit pas.Je clique avec la souris pour entrer les mots mais rien ne se passe .Qu'est-ce que je fais qui n'est pas correct?.Je connais les réponses mais je ne parviens pas à les entrer.Merci.

Réponse: Position des adjectifs de marie37400, postée le 01-04-2005 à 17:23:11 (S | E)
Grabuge et allons former les couples !
1/ a-The experiment was an UTTER failure.
1/ b- After Dr Owen left the project, its failure was INEVITABLE
2/ a- None of the equipment in the warehouse is UNSAFE
2/ b-All DOMESTIC equipment should be switched off at the end of the day.
3/ a- The trip to the wildlife park was an ENTERTAINING experience.
3/ b- The toys were EDUCATIONAL and the children played with them for hours.
4/ a- The fault in the computer system is SERIOUS enough to disrupt all the work in the office.
4/ b- The UNDERLYING problem has not yet been solved.
5/ a- He was involved in a LEGAL argument with his neighbour over some trees in the garden.
5/ b- It's completely STUPID to charge a fee for entry into the museum.

Unknown :
Utter = total
Warehouse = entrepôt
Underlying = sous-jacent

La numéro un était intercheangeable ? Et la trois ?
Que nous mijotes-tu donc de plus dur Grabuge I’m scared


Réponse: Position des adjectifs de gewurz, postée le 01-04-2005 à 17:29:57 (S | E)
1/ a- utter failure
1/ b- inevitable
2/ a- unsafe
2/ b- domestic
3/ a- educational
3/ b- entertaining
4/ a- serious
4/ b- underlying
5/ a- stupid
5/ b- legal

underlying --> sous-jacent

Merci Grabuge.

Réponse: Position des adjectifs de hyppoblue, postée le 01-04-2005 à 17:54:54 (S | E)
Qui m'aurait dit qu'on pouvait s'amuser à faire des exercices ? et pourtant je m'amuse. Grabuge

1/ a-The experiment was a utter or inevitable failure.
1/ b- After Dr Owen left the project, its failure was inevitable
2/ a- None of the equipment in the warehouse is unsafe.
2/ b-All domestic equipment should be switched off at the end of the day.
3/ a- The trip to the wildlife park was an entertaining/educational experience.
3/ b- The toys were entertaining and the children played with them for hours.
4/ a- The fault in the computer system is serious enough to disrupt all the work in the office.
4/ b- The underlying problem has not yet been solved.
5/ a- He was involved in a stupid argument with his neighbour over some trees in the garden.
5/ b- It's completely stupid (but it's legal also) to charge a fee for entry into the museum.

Je m'attends à tout quand ce sera plus dur.

Réponse: Position des adjectifs de isa71, postée le 01-04-2005 à 22:30:42 (S | E)

1/ a-The experiment was an utter failure.
1/ b- After Dr Owen left the project, its failure was inevitable
2/ a- None of the equipment in the warehouse is unsafe
2/ b-All domestic equipment should be switched off at the end of the day.
3/ a- The trip to the wildlife park was an educational /entertaining experience.
3/ b- The toys were entertaining and the children played with them for hours.
4/ a- The fault in the computer system is serious enough to disrupt all the work in the office.
4/ b- The underlying problem has not yet been solved.
5/ a- He was involved in a legal argument with his neighbour over some trees in the garden.
5/ b- It's completely stupid to charge a fee for entry into the museum.



bye isa

Réponse: Position des adjectifs de cat3, postée le 02-04-2005 à 21:29:32 (S | E)
bonsoir Grabuge


et les définitions:
unsafe -dangereux
fee -horaire

Grabuge,peux-tu m'expliquer la dernière phrase,je ne la comprend pas

Réponse: Position des adjectifs de idem, postée le 04-04-2005 à 10:13:16 (S | E)
bonjour grabuge
voici ma liste
1 utter

2 unsafe

3 educational

4 serious

5 stupid

a fee : un prix
utter : fini - total
underlying : sous-jacente - tendanciel
voilà j'attends avec impatience la correction et bonne journée

Réponse: Position des adjectifs de grabuge, postée le 05-04-2005 à 08:26:50 (S | E)

Je mettrai la correction ce soir.

Réponse: Position des adjectifs de grabuge, postée le 05-04-2005 à 18:24:18 (S | E)
Coucou !
Ce n'était pas facile, hein ?

Choisir un couple de mot pour compléter les phrases ci-dessous. Attention, parfois il vous faudra les compléter avec un seul mot.

domestic/unsafe - educational/entertaining - inevitable/utter - legal/stupid - serious/underlying

1/ a-The experiment was an utter/inevitable failure.
1/ b- After Dr Owen left the project, its failure was inevitable
2/ a- None of the equipment in the warehouse is unsafe
2/ b-All domestic/unsafe equipment should be switched off at the end of the day.
3/ a- The trip to the wildlife park was an educational/entertaining experience.
3/b- The toys were educational/entertaining and the children played with them for hours.
4/ a- The fault in the computer system is serious enough to disrupt all the work in the office.
4/ b- The serious/underlying problem has not yet been solved.
5/ a- He was involved in a legal/stupid argument with his neighbour over some trees in the garden.
5/ b- It's completely legal/stupid to charge a fee for entry into the museum.

Avez-vous besoin d'explications ? Je ne le pense pas... Il fallait choisir soit un seul mot, soit un couple de mot pouvant être utilisés dans les phrases.
A plus tard pour de nouvelles aventures

Réponse: Position des adjectifs de marie37400, postée le 05-04-2005 à 22:04:10 (S | E)
Coucou Grabuge et
Ah ! le piège, il y avait le choix et dire que je me suis les neurones pour choisir le plus approprié à la fin. Pour me venger, je ne te "poste" donc que sur cet exercice mes deux MERCIS.
Et en plus, que va-t-il nous arriver
Il va sans dire que j'attends avec impatience ce que tu nous as concoctés, je pourrai ainsi te
Sweet dreams,

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