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Message de jardin62 posté le 08-04-2005 à 21:15:06 (S | E | F | I)
Connectez -vous! (1 nom +1 verbe+ 1 complémént: A / B / C )
Faire des phrases en utilisant un mot par liste:
*ex: The traffic moved slowly along the busy motorway=< j'ai pris la plus difficile!
A)- The car- The river - The ferry - The traffic- The train- The clouds- The flag- The leaves - The trees- The lorry - The plane -
B)- stirred- swayed- drifted- fluttered- travelled- drove- moved- flowed- flew- sailed- swerved-
C)- across the sky- directly over our house- slowly along the busy motorway- away at high speed with four people in it- in the breeze- to avoid a cat- across the channel- in the gentle breeze- at high speed along the new track- through the valley- in the strong wind-
Message de jardin62 posté le 08-04-2005 à 21:15:06 (S | E | F | I)
Connectez -vous! (1 nom +1 verbe+ 1 complémént: A / B / C )
Faire des phrases en utilisant un mot par liste:
*ex: The traffic moved slowly along the busy motorway=< j'ai pris la plus difficile!
A)- The car- The river - The ferry - The traffic- The train- The clouds- The flag- The leaves - The trees- The lorry - The plane -
B)- stirred- swayed- drifted- fluttered- travelled- drove- moved- flowed- flew- sailed- swerved-
C)- across the sky- directly over our house- slowly along the busy motorway- away at high speed with four people in it- in the breeze- to avoid a cat- across the channel- in the gentle breeze- at high speed along the new track- through the valley- in the strong wind-
Réponse: Connectez-vous! de isa71, postée le 08-04-2005 à 22:28:39 (S | E)
bonsoir jardin
-the river flowed through the valley
-The ferry sailed accross the channel
-The traffic moved slowly along the busy motorway
-the train travelled at high speed along the new track
-the clouds drifted directly over our house
-the flag fluttered in the gentle breeze
-the leaves swayed in the breeze
-the trees stirred in the strong wind
-the lorry swerced to avoid a cat
-the plane flew away at high speed with four people in it
Réponse: Connectez-vous! de idem, postée le 08-04-2005 à 23:49:43 (S | E)
Bonsoir Jardin
Voici mes petites phrases sur le mouvement :
The car drove away at high speed with four people in it.
The river flowed through the valley.
The ferry sailed across the channel.
The traffic moved slowly along the busy motorway.
The train travelled at high speed along the new track.
The clouds drifted across the sky.
The flag fluttered in the gentle breeze.
The leaves stirred in the breeze.
The trees swayed in the strong wind.
The lorry swerved to avoid a cat.
The plane flew directly over our house.
Good night and see you soon Idem
Réponse: Connectez-vous! de gewurz, postée le 09-04-2005 à 00:24:57 (S | E)
The lorry swerved to avoid a cat
The river flowed through the valley
The ferry sailed across the channel
The plane flew directly over our house
The flag fluttered in the strong wind
The car drove away at high speed with four people in it
The traffic drove slowly along the busy motorway
The leaves stirred in the gentle breeze
The trees swayed in the breeze
The train travelled at high speed along the new track
The clouds drifted across the sky
Merci Jardin.
Réponse: Connectez-vous! de felin, postée le 09-04-2005 à 01:01:58 (S | E)
Bonsoir Jardin
The car drove away at high speed with four people.
The river flowed through the valley.
The ferry sailed across the chanel
The traffic moved slowly along the busy motorway.
The train travelled at high speed along the new track
The cloud drifted across the sky
The flag fluttered in the strong wind
The leaves stirred in the gentle breeze
The trees swayed in the breeze
The lorry swerved to avoid a cat
The plane flew directly over our house.
Réponse: Connectez-vous! de post-scriptum, postée le 09-04-2005 à 12:50:07 (S | E)
My suggestions:
The flag fluttered in the strong wind
The river flowed through the valley
The ferry sailed across the channel
The traffic drove slowly along the busy motorway
The trees stirred in the breeze
The train travelled at high speed along the new track
The clouds drifted across the sky
The lorry swerved to avoid a cat
The plane flew directly over our house
The car drove away at high speed with four people in it
The leaves swayed in the gentle breeze
Réponse: Connectez-vous! de hyppoblue, postée le 10-04-2005 à 23:43:38 (S | E)
Bonsoir Jardin,
The car drove away at high speed with four people in it.
The river flowed through the valley.
The ferry sailed across the channel.
The traffic moved slowly along the busy motorway.
The train travelled at high speed along the new track.
The clouds drifted directly over our house.
The flag fluttered in the strong wind.
The leaves stirred in the gentle breeze.
The trees swayed in the breeze.
The lorry swerved to avoid a cat.
The plane flew across the sky.
Thank you and good night.
Réponse: Connectez-vous! de jardin62, postée le 11-04-2005 à 12:47:07 (S | E)
Intéressant de voir qu'il n'y avait pas qu'une seule possibilité :
* On pouvait souhaiter que le camion évite le chat ou non :
-The lorry swerved to avoid a cat
- The lorry drove away at high speed with four people in it.
* On pouvait voir les nuages dériver juste en direction de la maison ou traverser le ciel emmenés par le vent :
- The clouds drifted directly over our house. ( )
- The clouds drifted across the sky.()
* The trees stirred /ou/ swayed in the breeze /ou/ in the strong wind
-The plane flew...directly over our house /ou/ across the sky...
*En tout cas, la rivière est toujours restée à sa place dans la vallée:
-The river flowed through the valley.
* et le ferry n'a pas changé d'itinéraire :
-The ferry sailed across the channel.
* le train n'a pas qutté les voies :
- The train travelled at high speed along the new track.
Réponse: Connectez-vous! de floral5, postée le 11-04-2005 à 14:47:02 (S | E)
Hi !
Connectez -vous! (1 nom +1 verbe+ 1 complémént: A / B / C )
Faire des phrases en utilisant un mot par liste:
1- The lorry swerved away at high speed with four people in it.
2- The clouds moved across the sky.
3- The river flowed through the valley.
4- The flag fluttered in the gentle breeze.
5- The ferry sailed across the channel.
6- The leaves swayed in the breeze.
7- The train travelled at high speed along the new track.
8- The traffic stirred to avoid a cat.
9- the trees drifted in the strong wind.
10- The car drove directly over the house.
11- The plane flew across the sky.
Dur, dur, dur, surtout quant l'explication des mots nous échappe.
jardin !