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L'homme existe sur terre depuis...
Message de weena posté le 22-04-2005 à 14:50:21 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde!!

Quand y'en a plus, y'en a encore!!

Article "the" ou déterminant "X" ( X= ensemble vide). Traduisez...

1- L'Homme existe sur Terre depuis des millions d'années.
2- Seuls les riches peuvent se permettre d'aller passer des vacances là-bas.
3- Il veut que son fils apprenne l'anglais, le violon et le yoga.
4- Le dimanche, les banques sont fermées.
5- Elle a les yeux bleus et les cheveux noirs.
6- Le jaune de votre chemise me plaît beaucoup. Pourtant, je n'aime pas le jaune d'habitude.
7- Les blessés ont été transportés à l'hôpital très rapidement, et ils ont été sauvés.
8- Vos invités arrivent dimanche, non?
9- Après le repas de midi, nous sommes allés nous promener au bord de la mer.
10. Les échecs ne sont pas un jeu facile. Je pense que vous feriez mieux de jouer au scrabble. Et peut être que ça vous apprendrait l'orthographe.
11- Regarde, il gèle. Les toits sont couverts de gelée blanche. (= hoarfrost)

La correction sera postée mercredi.
Bon courage!

Edité par marie37400 le 22-04-2005 20:43

Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de marie37400, postée le 22-04-2005 à 20:41:49 (S | E)
Coucou Weena,
To be "determinant" or not to be
Allez, je me lance !
1 – Mankind has been on Earth since millions of years
2 – Only rich people can afford to have holiday over there
3 – He wants his son to learn English, the violon, and yoga
4 – On Sundays, banks are closed
5 – She has got blue eyes and dark hair
6 – I like the yellow of your shirt a lot. However, I don’t usually like yellow
7 – The injured were taken to hospital very quickly and they have been saved
8 – Your guests are coming on Sunday, aren’t they ?
9 – After lunch, we went for a walk along the seaside
10 - Chess are not an easy game. I think you’d better play Scrabble.
11 – Look, it’s freezing. Roofs are covered with (or in) hoarfrost.

… et on se pose encore des questions ! Merci à toi Weena

Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de post-scriptum, postée le 22-04-2005 à 23:34:50 (S | E)
Hello everyone. My suggestions are:

1. Mankind exists on Earth from millions of years.
2. Only the riches can afford to have holiday over there.
3. He wants (that) his son learns English, fiddle and yoga.
4. On Sundays, banks are closed.
5. She has blue eyes and black hair.
6. I really like the yellow of your shirt. However I don't usually like yellow.
7. The wounded have very quickly been carried to hospital and (they) have been rescued.
8. Your guests are arriving on Sunday, aren'they?
9. After lunch we were walking by the sea.
10. Chess isn't an easy game. I think (that) you should play scrabble. So you would perhaps learn to be good at spelling.
11. Look, it's freezing! The roofs are covered with hoarfrost.

Thanks a lot. See you.

Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de good_doggy, postée le 23-04-2005 à 03:40:04 (S | E)
Hello Weena,

1- The man exists on earth since million years.
2- Only rich people can afford to have holidays over there.
3- He wants that his son to learn English, the violin and yoga.
4- On Sunday, banks are closed.
5- She has got blue eyes and black hair.
6- I like the yellow of your skirt. However, I usually do not like the yellow.
7- Casualties were transported to the hospital very quickly, and they were saved.
8- Your guests arrive on Sunday, don’t you?
9- After lunch, we went to walk us at the seaside.
10- Chess are not an easy play. I think that you would make better play scrabble.
11- Look, it's freezing! roofs are covered with hoarfrost

Merci Weena.

Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de traviskidd, postée le 23-04-2005 à 04:45:52 (S | E)

Wow ... it's really a word! Thanks for teaching me a new word of English!

I would have just said "The rooftops are frozen over!"

Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de marie37400, postée le 23-04-2005 à 08:20:29 (S | E)
Hello Travis,
Je viens au secours de Weena, car notre Serena est momentanément absente et je sais bien que je ne fais pas le poids
pour te confirmer que je viens de trouver "hoarfrost" => gelée blanche, givre, dans mon dictionnaire Robert et Collins super senior (normal, adapté à mon grand âge ).
Maintenant je te laisse bien sûr la parole, car peut-être est-ce employé en anglais britannique et non en anglais américain, ou alors un mot tombé un peu en désuétude
Many thanks in advance and have a good day

Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de aimen7, postée le 23-04-2005 à 10:14:23 (S | E)
Je vous propose ma version!
1)Man is on earth since million years.

2)Only the wealthy can afford to spend their holidays there.

3)He wants his son to learn English, the violin and yoga.

4)Banks are closed on sundays.

5)She's got blue eyes and dark hair.

6)I like the yellow on your shirt very much, although I don't usually like

7)The wounded have been taken to hospital immediately, and they have been saved.

8)Your guests are coming on sunday, aren't they?

9)After lunch, we went for a walk along the seaside.

10)Chess isn't an easy game to play. I think you'd better play scrabble. And maybe you would learn spelling.

11)Look, it's freezing.Rooftops are covered with hoarfrost.

Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de aimen7, postée le 23-04-2005 à 10:37:25 (S | E)
Maybe 8) is this way:

8)Your guests arrive on sunday, don't they?

Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de cat3, postée le 23-04-2005 à 10:45:02 (S | E)

1 Mankind leaves in the planet Earth since million years
2 Only,rich people could affort to have holiday over there
3 He want ,his soon,learn English ,the violin and yoga
4 On Sunday,banks are closed
5 She has blue eyes,and black hair
6 I like the yellow of your shirt,nevertheless,I don't,usually,like yellow
7 The injured people was taken to hospital,very quickly,and they had been saved
8 Your guests are going on Sunday,isn't it?
9 We went for a walk at the seaside,after lunch
10 Chess aren't a easy set,I think is better for you to practise scrabble play.And,mayble,you could learn orthography
11 Look,it's freezing.Roofs are covered of hoarfrost

Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de cat3, postée le 23-04-2005 à 12:10:11 (S | E)
je m'aperçois de quelques erreurs,en relisant
3 he wants
8 yours guests are going to ,on sunday isn't it?(je sais que l'on pourrait dire:are arriving,mais est-ce que dans ce cas,on peut dire également:are going to?)merci

Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de weena, postée le 23-04-2005 à 14:06:25 (S | E)
"Hoarfrost" est donné comme indication dans le livre d'exercice à partir duquel j'ai tiré celui ci, il m'a donc semblé bon de vous le donner aussi car il m'a aidé moi même à traduire la phrase concernée.
Je viens en effet de me rendre compte qu'il n'apparait pas dans la majorité des dictionnaires. Dans le mien, il y figure et signifie givre (Robert & Collins compact). Ce mot ne doit donc être utilisé que très rarement dans la langue anglaise courante.
Merci à Travis et Marie37400 pour cette remarque.

Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de lucile83, postée le 23-04-2005 à 15:01:38 (S | E)

1) Man has been existing on earth for millions of years
2) Only rich people can afford spending their holidays over there
3) He wants his son to learn English, the violin and yoga
4) Banks are closed on Sundays
5) She has got blue eyes and dark hair
6) I like very much the yellow of your shirt. Yet I don’t usually like yellow
7) The wounded people have very quickly been driven to hospital, and they have been saved
8) Your guests are to come on Sunday, aren’t they?
9) After lunch we went for a walk along the seaside
10) Chess isn’t an easy game. I think you ‘d better play scrabble. And it might learn you spelling
11) Look, it is freezing. The roofs are frozen all over

See you soon

Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de grabuge, postée le 23-04-2005 à 19:02:34 (S | E)
Hello weena, heureuse de te compter parmi nous.

1- Manking exists on earth since millions of years
2- Only rich people can afford to have holiday over there.
3- He wants his son to learn English, the violin and yoga.
4- On Sunday, banks are closed
5- She has blue eyes and dark hair
6- I like a lot the yellow of your shirt. However, I don't usually like yellow.
7- The injuries had taken to the hospital very quickly and they were saved.
8- Your guests arrive on Sunday, don't they ?
9- After lunch, we were walking at the seaside
10. Checks don't an easy game. I think you'd better to play scrabble. And maybe, you should be learn spelling.
11- Look at, it's freezing up. Rooftops are covered by hoarfrost.


Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de felin, postée le 23-04-2005 à 21:33:59 (S | E)
Bonsoir Weena

1 Man is on earth since million years.
2 The only wealthy or rich people can afford to spend their holidays over there
3 He wants his son to learn English the violin and yoga
4 Banks are closed on Sunday
5 She’s got blue eyes and dark hair
6 I like very much the yellow of your shirt. Yet I don’t usually like yellow.
7 The injured have been taken to hospital very quickly, and they have been saved.
8 Your guests are coming on Sunday, aren’t they?
9 After lunch we went for a walk along the seaside
10 Chess are not an easy game. I think you’d better play scrabble. And maybe you’d learn spelling or it might learn you spelling.
11 Look, it’s freezing. The rooftops are covered with hoarfrost


Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de violettina, postée le 23-04-2005 à 22:38:54 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous!

Voici ma version:

1-Man exists on Earth since million years
2. Only the riches can afford to have holiday over there.
3. He wants his son learns English, fiddle and yoga.
4. On Sundays, banks are closed.
5. She has blue eyes and black hair.
6. I really like the yellow of your shirt. However I don't usually like yellow.
7. The wounded have very quickly been carried to hospital and have been rescued.
8. Your guests are arriving on Sunday, aren'they?
9. After lunch we were walking by the sea.
10. Chess isn't an easy game. I think you should play scrabble. So you would perhaps learn to be good at spelling.
11. Look, it's freezing. The roofs are covered with hoarfrost.

J'espère qu'il n'ya pas trop d'erreurs.


Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de post-scriptum, postée le 23-04-2005 à 22:56:02 (S | E)
Bonsoir à toutes et à tous,

Je voudrais seulement ajouter qu'on peut trouver le mot "hoarfrost" dans deux autres dictionnaires également :
"Hachette Oxford concise", et "Harraps shorter".

See you.

Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de cam3, postée le 24-04-2005 à 12:34:14 (S | E)
1- Man has been living on Earth for millions of years .
2- Rich people only can afford to spend their holiday there .
3- He wants his son to learn English, the violin and yoga .
4- Banks are closed on Sundays .
5- She has got blue eyes and dark hair .
6- I do like the yellow of your shirt though I don't usually like yellow .
7- The injured persons have been taken to hospital very quickly and they are out of danger now .
8- Your visitors are arriving on Sunday, aren't they ?
9- After lunch, we went for a walk along the seaside .
10. Playing chess is not easy . I think you'd better play scrabble instead . And you might learn how to be good at spelling .
11- Look, it's freezing . The roofs are covered with hoarfrost .

Réponse: L'homme existe sur terre depuis... de weena, postée le 27-04-2005 à 14:21:17 (S | E)

Merci à toutes et à tous pour votre participation une fois de plus!
Voici la correction:

1- Man/Mankind lives/exists on earth for million of years.
On peut également dire: Human beings live/exist...
2- Only the rich can afford to go on holiday there.
3- He wants his son to learn English, the violin and yoga.
4- On Sundays, the banks are closed.
5- She has blue eyes and black hair.
6- I love the yellow of your shirt. And yet, I don't usually like yellow.
ou "I really like" et d'autres expressions de ce genre.
7- The wounded were taken to (the) hospital immediately and are all out of danger.
8- your guests arrive on Sunday, don't they?
ou your guests are coming on Sunday, aren't they?
pour le futur en be+ing => chose de prévue et de sûre.
9- After lunch, we took a walk along the seashore.
10- Chess is not an easy game. I think you would do better to play scrabble. Maybe you'd ('d= would) learn spelling that way.
11- Look, it is freezing outside. The roofs are covered with hoarfrost.
ou Look, it is freezing outside, the rooftops are frozen over. (Comme l'a proposé Traviskidd!)

A très bientôt les amis!!

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