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Exercices 29
Message de felin posté le 21-05-2005 à 13:57:17 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour a tous

Correction Mardi ou Mercredi soir

For Questions 41-55 Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (RIGHT). If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word.


41 The Pen-Pal scheme makes up every effort to match individuals
42 in different countries. Only when on rare occasions have we
43 failed to find clients pen-pals. If you are interested in you should
44 fill in the form asking for details about yourself. We need to
45 know the hobbies and sports you like as only if then
46 can we match you with a suitable partner. To tell us
47 which subjects you like doing at school and if you have
48 any requirements as far as a food is concerned. Most pen pals
49 end up with exchanging visits and it is vital that you feel
50 at ease when you will visit each other. We do our best to
51 avoid obvious clashes. Before you make out your
52 choice of pen-pal make sure you have looked at several
53 possible partners; someone they may make a very good
54 impression on you until you will have seen the other pen-
55 pals so take your time before you make up your mind.

Good luck

Réponse: Exercices 29 de isa71, postée le 23-05-2005 à 00:40:25 (S | E)


41 The Pen-Pal scheme makes up every effort to match individuals UP
42 in different countries. Only when on rare occasions have we WHEN
43 failed to find clients pen-pals. If you are interested in you should IN
44 fill in the form asking for details about yourself. We need to RIGHT
45 know the hobbies and sports you like as only if then IF
46 can we match you with a suitable partner. To tell us TO
47 which subjects you like doing at school and if you have RIGHT
48 any requirements as far as a food is concerned. Most pen pals A
49 end up with exchanging visits and it is vital that you feel WITH
50 at ease when you will visit each other. We do our best to WILL
51 avoid obvious clashes. Before you make out your OUT
52 choice of pen-pal make sure you have looked at several RIGHT
53 possible partners; someone they may make a very good THEY
54 impression on you until you will have seen the other pen- WILL
55 pals so take your time before you make up your mind. RIGHT

pour ton aide

Réponse: Exercices 29 de post-scriptum, postée le 23-05-2005 à 15:15:58 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin,

Bigre, mince alors... Cela va faire du joli car je suis complètement nul dans ce genre d'exercice... Je retrousse les manches (je décris la scène parce que personne ne peut me voir) et je me lance :

41 The Pen-Pal scheme makes every effort to match individuals up
42 in different countries. Only on rare occasions have we when
43 failed to find clients pen-pals. If you are interested you should in
44 fill in the form asking for details about yourself. We need to right
45 know the hobbies and sports you like only if then as if
46 can we match you with a suitable partner. Tell us To
47 which subjects you like to do at school and if you have doing
48 any requirements as far as food is concerned. Most pen-pals a
49 end up exchanging visits and it is vital that you feel up
50 at ease when you visit each other. We do our best to will
51 avoid obvious clashes. Before you make your out
52 choice of pen-pal make sure you have looked at several right
53 possible partners; someone may make a very good they
54 impression on you until you have seen the other pen- will
55 pals so take your time before you make up your mind. right

Bon, j'invoque Krishna, Dieu le père, Mahomet, Boudha et mon épouse...
Je ferme les yeux avant de poster... 'clic'

Edité par post-scriptum le 23-05-2005 15:20
correction des balises
Edité par post-scriptum le 24-05-2005 21:21
une voix intérieure (probablement divine) me dicte de modifier ma ligne 45

Réponse: Exercices 29 de jardin62, postée le 23-05-2005 à 16:40:02 (S | E)
Hey post scriptum!, laisse quelques divinités à invoquer pour les autres, ne les prends pas toutes pour toi, qu'est-ce que je vais devenir?
'OK, tu as quand même le droit à ton épouse...'

1- The Pen-Pal scheme makes every effort to match individuals - up-
2- in different countries. Only on rare occasions have we - when-
3- failed to find clients pen-pals. If you are interested you should - in-
4- fill in the form asking for details about yourself. We need to - Right-
5- know the hobbies and sports you like only then - as...if-
6- can we match you with a suitable partner. Tell us - to-
7- which subjects you like doing at school and if you have - right-
8- any requirements as far as food is concerned. Most pen pals - a-
9- end up with exchanging visits and it is vital that you feel -right-
10- at ease when you visit each other. We do our best to - will-
11- avoid obvious clashes. Before you make your -out-
12- choice of pen-pal make sure you have looked at several - right-
13- possible partners; someone may make a very good - they-
14- impression on you until you have seen the other pen- will-
15- pals so take your time before you make up your mind. - right-

(J'ai failli piquer une crise, zen-zen-zen-, inspirez....soufflez...)
(Et les 'right', dis, post scriptum?)

Edité par jardin62 le 23-05-2005 16:40

Réponse: Exercices 29 de capie, postée le 23-05-2005 à 17:29:44 (S | E)

Pas évident comme exercice mais voici quand même mes réponses :

41 up
42 when
43 in
45 as
46 to
48 a
51 out
53 they
55 you

Merci et à bientôt

Réponse: Exercices 29 de marit64, postée le 23-05-2005 à 21:54:17 (S | E)
Hi felin!

41 The Pen-Pal scheme makes up every effort to match individuals up
42 in different countries. Only when on rare occasions have we when
43 failed to find clients pen-pals. If you are interested in you should in
44 fill in the form asking for details about yourself. We need to right
45 know the hobbies and sports you like as only if then as if
46 can we match you with a suitable partner. To tell us to
47 which subjects you like doing at school and if you have right
48 any requirements as far as a food is concerned. Most pen pals a
49 end up with exchanging visits and it is vital that you feel right
50 at ease when you will visit each other. We do our best to will
51 avoid obvious clashes. Before you make out your out
52 choice of pen-pal make sure you have looked at several right
53 possible partners; someone they may make a very good they
54 impression on you until you will have seen the other pen- will
55 pals so take your time before you make up your mind. right

for this interesting exercise.

Réponse: Exercices 29 de idem, postée le 24-05-2005 à 11:44:46 (S | E)
bonjour Felin et tout le monde
j'essaie moi aussi


41 The Pen-Pal scheme makes up every effort to match individuals up
42 in different countries. Only when on rare occasions have we when
43 failed to find clients pen-pals. If you are interested in you should in
44 fill in the form asking for details about yourself. We need to right
45 know the hobbies and sports you like as only if then as..if
46 can we match you with a suitable partner. To tell us to
47 which subjects you like doing at school and if you have right
48 any requirements as far as a food is concerned. Most pen palsa
49 end up with exchanging visits and it is vital that you feel with
50 at ease when you will visit each other. We do our best to will
51 avoid obvious clashes. Before you make out your out
52 choice of pen-pal make sure you have looked at several right
53 possible partners; someone they may make a very good they
54 impression on you until you will have seen the other pen- will
55 pals so take your time before you make up your mind. right

have a nice day Felin

Réponse: Exercices 29 de traviskidd, postée le 24-05-2005 à 17:28:14 (S | E)
A nice exercise! But I think it would be better to cross out the word that should not be there, rather than writing it at the end.

Réponse: Exercices 29 de felin, postée le 24-05-2005 à 20:30:28 (S | E)
Bonsoir Post

Tu m'as fait rire, tu crois qu'ils vont venir a ton secours, je ne sais pas en tout les cas ta femme c'est sure.

Réponse: Exercices 29 de post-scriptum, postée le 24-05-2005 à 22:14:19 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin,
Pourvu qu'elle entende mes prières...
Si c'est le cas, alors je pense plaider en faveur des joies du mariage, et j'invoquerai... Junon. Sinon je pense noyer mon chagrin dans le vin, et j'invoquerai... Bacchus.
A bientôt Felin
Edité par post-scriptum le 25-05-2005 13:06

Réponse: Exercices 29 de felin, postée le 25-05-2005 à 19:02:49 (S | E)
Bonsoir a tous

Voici la correction

41 The Pen-Pal scheme makes up every effort to match individuals
42 in different countries. Only when on rare occasions have we
43 failed to find clients pen-pals. If you are interested in you should
44 fill in the form asking for details about yourself. We need to Right
45 know the hobbies and sports you like as only if then
46 can we match you with a suitable partner. To tell us
47 which subjects you like doing at school and if you have right
48 any requirements as far as a food is concerned. Most pen pals
49 end up with exchanging visits and it is vital that you feel
50 at ease when you will visit each other. We do our best to
51 avoid obvious clashes. Before you make out your
52 choice of pen-pal make sure you have looked at several right
53 possible partners; someone they may make a very good
54 impression on you until you will have seen the other pen-
55 pals so take your time before you make up your mind.

Post==> 45,47 et 49 c'est bien ne t'inquiete pas un jour tu seras champion
Jardin==>5 et 9 c'est tres bien
Capie==>49,50,54 et 55 ce n'est pas mal continues.
Marit===> 45 et 49 c'est tres bien
Idem==> 45 c'est tres tres bien

pour votre participation.

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