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Dans le train/Traduction
Message de lucile83 posté le 22-05-2005 à 09:57:35 (S | E | F | I)

voici un petit texte
attention aux pièges !!
See you soon

Il aurait été plus facile de prendre le train de 10h , ne crois tu pas ? nous aurions dû nous lever plus tôt mais pour toi il est impossible d’être prêt avant 9h ! il me semble donc difficile d’arriver à la gare avant 11h. Tant pis ! La prochaine fois je voyagerai seule afin de pouvoir faire ce que je veux., si cela ne t’ennuie pas ; lorsque tu seras plus âgé tu comprendras pourquoi j’aime voyager, mais je me demande quand tu comprendras ! au fait quand me rendras tu le livre que je t’ai prêté le mois dernier ? j’aurais bien aimé le lire dans le train.

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de bridg, postée le 22-05-2005 à 12:20:58 (S | E)
Hello Lucile je tente même si je suis inquiète sur mes conjugaisons, j'ai fait de mon mieux

Don’t you think that to catch the 10 AM train would have been easier? We ought to have got up earlier but for you to be ready before 9 AM is impossible! Thus it seems hard to arrive at the station before eleven o’clock. Too bad! Next time I'll travel alone and will be free to do what I want. If you don’t mind; when you get older you’ll understand why I like travelling, but I wonder when you'll be able to understand! By the way when will you give me back the book I lent you last month? I really would have liked reading it in the train.

Edité par bridg le 22-05-2005 14:34
là vraiment tu as fait fort, je te hais

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de zen34, postée le 22-05-2005 à 16:16:25 (S | E)
Salut Lucile,
Tu nous fais encore voyager! Mais en train cette fois!

Don’t you think that it would have been easier to get the 10am train? We should have got up earlier but you can’t even be ready before 9am! So it seems that it would be hard to get in the station before 11am. Never mind! If you agree, next time I will travel on my own in order to do what I want. When you are older you will figure out why I like travelling; but I wonder when you will understand it! By the way, when will you give me back the book I lent you last month? I would have liked reading it on the train.

Edité par zen34 le 22-05-2005 16:47

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de jammy, postée le 22-05-2005 à 16:45:39 (S | E)

It would have been easier to take the 10a.m train, wouldn’t it? We should have got up earlier but you can’t be ready before 9a.m! So I find it hard to be at the station before 11a.m! Never mind! Next time I will travel on my own so that I can do what I want, if it doesn’t bother you, when you’re older you’ll understand the reason why I like travelling, but I wonder when you will understand it ! By the way when are you going to give me back the book I lent last month? I would like very much to read it on the train.

Bon, je vais manger puis à la playa! ... je profite avant mon arrivée en Bretagne

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de cat3, postée le 22-05-2005 à 18:16:40 (S | E)
,bonjour Lucile,je dois avoir fait pas mal d'erreurs!

It would have been easier to catch the ten a.m train.Don't you think?
We should have get up earlier,but for you,it's impossible to be ready,before nine o'clock.So,I seam to me,it's difficult to arrive at the station,before eleven
Never mind,the next time,I will travel on myself,in order that I can to do that I want,freely,if you don't feel annoyed When
you get old ,you will understand why I like to travel,but I think:when you are capable to understand?
By the way,when you bring back to me ,the book I lent the last month.I would like ,very much,in the train

Plus je relis ,plus je trouve ça mauvais!!

Merci Lucile,et bonne soirée

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de hyppoblue, postée le 22-05-2005 à 18:32:01 (S | E)
It would have been easier to take the 10:am train, don’t you think so ? We should have got up earlier but being ready before 9:am is impossible for you ! So it seems to me hard to arrive at the station before 11:am. Too bad ! Next time I’ll travel alone, so as doing what I want, if it doesn’t bother you; when you’re older you will understand why I like travelling but I wonder when you’ll understand it! By the way, when will you give me back the book I lent you last month ? I would have liked to read it in the train.
Entre les conditionnels, les futurs avec when, sans when... j'ai eu du mal !

Edité par hyppoblue le 23-05-2005 12:45

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de tounette, postée le 22-05-2005 à 19:45:13 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

Dur, dur, cette traduction ...les pièges ne sont pas faciles à déjouer !!

It would have been easier to catch the 10 a.m train, what do you think ?We should have got up earlier but to be ready before 9 o clock is impossible for you. Then it seems difficult to arrive at the station before 11 a.m. That doesn't matter !
Next time, I will travel alone so as I can do what I want, if you don't mind.
When you get older you will understand why I like travelling but I wonder when you can do it!
By the way when will you return me the book I lent you last month ? I would have enjoyed reading it in the train

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de cat3, postée le 22-05-2005 à 20:19:06 (S | E)

Je fais 3 petites corrections:
-we should have got up
-In order,I can do that I want---
-When vill you bring back to me--,

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de cat3, postée le 22-05-2005 à 20:31:02 (S | E)
,encore moi,mais cette fois-ci,j'arrête de me relire!

I would like ,very much,to read in the train

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de jane, postée le 22-05-2005 à 21:51:01 (S | E)
Hello everybody! hello Lucile!
I' m very exciting to do this translation because it's the first time that I do it without a dictionnary!!! Waouh!!!!!.......But I certainly Should be sad when I see the correction.......

Don't you think it would have been easier to take the ten AM train? We should have had to wake up earlier but you aren't able to be ready before nine AM. so, it seems difficult to arrive at the station before eleven AM. Anyway, Next time, I shall travel alone in order to do what I want if you don't mind. When you are older you will understand why I enjoy traveling but I wonder when you do will understand (it)! By the way, when do will you give me back the book I lent you last month? I should have enjoyed to read it in the train.

Lucile pour cette traduction et à bientôt!

Edité par jane le 23-05-2005 07:56

Edité par jane le 23-05-2005 08:48

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de masselotte, postée le 22-05-2005 à 23:20:21 (S | E)
Bonsoir à toutes et à tous
merci lucile83

It would have been easier to take the 10 o'clock train ,don't you believe it? We would have had to wake up sooner but for you it is impossible to be ready before 9 AM ! then it seems to me very difficult to arrive in the station before 11.Too bad! next time I will travel alone and I will be able to do what I want.If that not annoy you ;when you are older you will understand why I like traveling, but I would like to know when you understand ! by the way when you returning to me my book ? I would like reading it in the train.

Billions of blue blistering barnacles j'ai l'impression d'inventer des temps de conjugaison flyweight
Edité par masselotte le 23-05-2005 10:19 Thundering Typhoons j'espére ne pas avoir remplacé des fautes par d'autres fautes

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de axis, postée le 23-05-2005 à 08:02:26 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile83,

the plane, the boat, the train.... et bien moi je plane dur dur .......

There had been more easy take train on ten o’clock, not believe you ?
We had should us more rise early but for you it is impossible be ready before nine o’clock ! It seems to me that difficult arrive at the station before eleven o’clock. So much the worse ! The next time I will travel single in order to what I want, if that not worry you ; When you be more advanced in years you will understand why I like travelling, but I ask to me when you will understand ! after all when you give back the book that I had lent the month last ? I will have liked read in train.

Bon là c' est sûr des vont venir orner le corrigé.....
Mais j' aurais quand même tenté....

Merci pour cet exercice et bonne journée

Edité par emy64 le 23-05-2005 08:05

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de woodyrun, postée le 23-05-2005 à 12:22:55 (S | E)

Hello !

It might have been easier to catch the 10.00 AM train, don't you think ?

We should have had to get up earlier, but for you, it's impossible to be ready before 9.00. So, it seems difficult to me to get to the station before 11.00.
Never mind ! Next time, I'll travel alone in order to be able to do as I wish, if you don't mind; when you are older, you will understand why I like travelling, but I wonder when you'll understand ! By the way, when will you give me back the book I lent you last month ? I would have liked to read it in the train.

Ouf !!

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de grabuge, postée le 23-05-2005 à 18:42:17 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde, bonjour Lucile

It would have been easier taking the train, don't you think it? We should have got up earlier but it's impossible for you to be ready before 9 am ! It seems difficult to arrive at the station before 11.OO. Too bad ! Next time, I'll travel alone so that, I can do what I want... If you don't mind, when you are older, you'll understantd why I like travelling but I'm wondering when you'll understand ! By the way, when will you give me the book I lent you last month ? I would have enjoyed reading it in the train.

Ouf, c'est fini... enfin, on verra avec les petits mots de Lucile, doux ?

Edité par grabuge le 24-05-2005 19:52 - Merci Lucile. J'espère avoir bien corrigé

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de isa71, postée le 23-05-2005 à 22:00:00 (S | E)
bonsoir Lucile

it would have been easier to take the 10:00 a.m train,don't you think it?
we should have got up earlier but for you it's impossible to be ready before 9:00 a.m.It seems difficult to arrive at the station before 11:00 a.m ! Never mind! next time I'll travel alone in order to do what I want,if it doesn't bother you;when you're older you 'll understand why I like travelling,but I wonder when you'll understand!
by the way when will you give me back the book I lent you last month ?
I would have liked reading it in the train.

ouh !! j'ai eu beaucoup de mal avec la conjugaison when+will

merci isa

Edité par isa71 le 24-05-2005 21:22
merci Lucile pour la correction

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de savoir, postée le 24-05-2005 à 00:51:52 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous,
It would have been easier to catch the 10 AM train . Don't you think so?
We should got up should have got up sooner but for you it is impossible to be ready before 9AM. It seems difficult to get the station before 11AM.It does not matter. Next time I shall travel alone to be able to do anything I want , if it doesn't bother you.When you are older yo will understand why I like travelling but I wonder when you will catch on ; by the way ,when will you give me back the book I lent you last month. I should really like to read would have enjoyed reading it in the train.
Grand merci ; correction effectuée en m'inspirant des rédactions qui me paraissent correctes.
Edité par savoir le 25-05-2005 00:48

Edité par savoir le 02-06-2005 15:53

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de traviskidd, postée le 24-05-2005 à 15:53:51 (S | E)
It would have been easier to take the 10am train, don't you think? We should have gotten up earlier but for you it's impossible to be ready before 9am! Well that's just too bad! Next time I'm traveling alone so I can do what I want, if it's OK with you; when you're older you'll understand why I like/love to travel, but I wonder when that will be! By the way when are you going to give me back the book I lent you last month? I would really [have liked]/[like ] to read it on the train.

Réponse: Dans le train/Traduction de lucile83, postée le 25-05-2005 à 07:48:00 (S | E)
Merci et bravo à toutes et tous !!!! tout d'abord je précise qu'on ne peut pas employer le futur dans une subordonnée de temps :
j'achéterai ce livre quand j'aurai de l'argent= I will buy that book when I have enough money
mais.. on peut l'employer dans une question directe :
quand auras tu de l'argent? = when will you have money?
ou dans une question indirecte:
je me demande quand tu auras de l'argent = I wonder when you will have money
ceci dit, vous avez très bien travaillé et vous avez su apporter les corrections parfois nécessaires
On a avancé tous ensemble dans la difficulté, j'en suis très heureuse !
voici ma proposition :
Catching the 10 o’clock train would have been easier, don’t you think so ? we should have got up earlier but being ready before 9.00 is impossible for you ! I think it difficult to get to the station before 11.00. Too bad ! Next time I will travel alone so that I can do what I want, if you don’t mind; when you are older you will understand the reason why I like travelling, but I am wondering when you will ( understand ) ! by the way, when will you give me back the book I lent you last month? I would have enjoyed reading it on the train.

See you soon

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