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Message de lucile83 posté le 11-06-2005 à 16:18:28 (S | E | F | I)

oui je sais , vous allez penser que j'aurais mieux fait d'aller en mer.......
Bon courage !
See you soon

Je me sens paresseuse cet après-midi, je ne sais pas quoi écrire pour vous obliger à travailler ! et pourquoi donc vous obligerais-je ? je me le demande. Mais je ne veux pas vous laisser tomber sinon vous allez vous ennuyer, même un week end ; je vous aime tellement que je réfléchis à un exercice au lieu d’aller me reposer ou faire de la voile. J’aurais pu éteindre mon ordinateur et larguer les amarres, mais je suis devant mon écran à me poser des milliers de questions. Quand je serai en vacances d’ici quelques jours ce ne sera plus pareil, j’aurai le temps de choisir un exercice plus difficile ; mais pour le moment il faudra vous contenter de celui-ci. J’espère qu’il vous plaira, et de toute façon il est à traduire, que vous le vouliez ou non.

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de bridg, postée le 11-06-2005 à 17:44:39 (S | E)
de cet effort pour nous au lieu de faire de la voile

I feel lazy this afternoon; I don’t know what to write to compel you to work! And why would I force you? I wonder. But I don’t want to let you down even a week-end. I love you so much that I'm thinking about an exercise instead of going to rest or to sail. I could have switched off my computer and released the mooring lines, but I am in front of my screen thinking about thousands of questions. When I am on holidays before long it won’t be the same thing any more, I’ll have plenty of time to choose a hardiest exercise; But now you’ll have to be satisfied with this one. I hope you’ll enjoy it, and anyway it’s to be translated even weather you want it or not.
Edité par bridg le 12-06-2005 09:12

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de aimen7, postée le 11-06-2005 à 18:04:04 (S | E)
Hello lucile,
Un excellent texte

I feel lazy this afternoon, I don't know what to write to urge you to work. Why then should I oblige you? I wonder. But I don't want to leave you alone because you'd get bored even on a week-end. I love you so much that I'm thinking of an exercise instead of having a rest or sailing.
I could have turned off the computer and casted off, but I'm in front of the screen asking myself thousands of questions. When I'm on holiday in a few weeks, it won't be the same anymore, I'll have to choose a more difficult exercise. But for the time being, you'll have to be content with that one. I hope you'll find it pleasant, and it has to be translated anyway, whether you want or not.

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de aimen7, postée le 11-06-2005 à 18:08:39 (S | E)
2 erreurs
-"in a few days"
-"I'll have time to choose..."
Edité par bridg le 11-06-2005 18:10
Vous savez que vous pouvez éditer vos posts pour les corriger

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de magmatic_rock, postée le 11-06-2005 à 18:30:36 (S | E)
Waou, ce n'est pas si facile!
I feel like lazy this afternoon, I don't know what I can write to compel you working! And why would I compel? I wonder it! But I don't want to let you down otherwise you're going to be bored, even throughout a week end. I love you so much that I'm mulling an exercice over instead of going have a rest or sailing. I could have switched off my computer and "larguer les amares?" but I'm in front of my screen asking thousand of questions. When I'm on holidays on a few days from now, it won't be the same thing any more, I'll have the time to choose an exercice more difficult (or "a hardier exercice") but right now (or "for the moment") it will takes be happy with this one. I hope you'll like it, and in any case it is to be translated that you want it or not.
Edité par bridg le 11-06-2005 18:36

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de robinou, postée le 11-06-2005 à 18:36:48 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucile 83.
I feel lazy this afternoon,I don't know what to write for forcing you to work!and why ever would I force you?I wonder it.
But I don't want to drop you otherwise you're going to be bored even a week end;I love you so much that I'm thinking of an exercise instead of going for a rest or sailing.
I could have turned off my computer and casted off,but I'm in front of my screen to ask me thousands of questions.
When I'm on holidays by some days it won't be the same thing any more,I'll have time to choose an exercise more difficult;but for the moment you'll have to be satisfied with this one.
I hope it'll enjoy you,and anyhow it's to translate,whether you want it or not.


Edité par robinou le 11-06-2005 18:37

Edité par robinou le 12-06-2005 12:00

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de isa71, postée le 11-06-2005 à 23:41:19 (S | E)
hello Lucile

I feel lazy this afternoon,I don't know what to write to force you to work! and why would I force you? I wonder .But I don't want to drop you down otherwise you're bored,even a week end;I love you so much that I 'm thinking of an exercise instead of going rest or go sailing.I could have turned off my computer and to casted off ,but I'm in front of my screen to ask me thousands questions.when I'm on holidays by a few days it won't be the same anymore,I'll have time to choose an exercise more difficult;but for the moment you'll have to be satisfied with this one.I hope you'll like it,and anyway it' s to be translated, whether you want it or not.


Edité par isa71 le 12-06-2005 21:21

Edité par isa71 le 12-06-2005 21:32
désolée Lucile la couleur ne passe pas
Edité par isa71 le 12-06-2005 21:34

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de post-scriptum, postée le 12-06-2005 à 12:01:39 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

This afternoon I feel lazy. I don't know what to write to force you to work! And why should I force you? I wonder it. But I don't want to let you down otherwise you are going to be bored even on a weekend. I love you so much that I'm thinking about an exercise instead going to rest or to sail. I could switch my computer off and cast off, but I'm in front of my screen to ask me thousands of questions. When I'm on holiday before a few days it won't be the same, I'll have plenty of time to choose a more difficult exercise but you have to content yourselves with this one for the moment. I hope you like it, and it's anyway to be translated, whether you want to do it or not.

Merci, et à une autre fois peut-être.

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de joy813, postée le 12-06-2005 à 12:48:23 (S | E)
Hello Lucile

I feel lazy this afternoon , I don't know what to write to oblige you working ! And why would I compel ? I wonder ! But I don't want to drop you down, you may feel bored, even at a weekend. I love you so much that I'm thinking about an exercise instead of taking a rest or sailing.
I could switch off my computer and go away, but I'm in front of my screen asking myself thousands of questions.
When I'm on holiday in a few weeks days, it won't be the same, I will be having time to choose an exercise more difficult than this; but right now, you'll have to be content with this one.
I hope you 'll enjoy it, anyway, it needs to be translated, that you agree with or not.

Only I found it so hard

Edité par joy813 le 12-06-2005 16:53 corrections

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de masselotte, postée le 12-06-2005 à 12:58:10 (S | E)
Bonjour lucile83

I'm feeling a little lazy this afternoon, I don't know what to write to force you to work ! and why I would force you ? that's what I'd like to know. I don't want to let you to drop down otherwise you could get bored ,even for a week end ; I love you so much that I would prefer to give you an exercise rather than to rest me or making of the sailing.I could turn off my computer to cast off the mooring ,but I am in front of my screen and I'm asking to me about a thousand questions.When I am on holiday until several days all this wouldn't be the same, I'll have the time to find some exercises more difficult ; but for the moment you have to do this one. I hope you will enjoy this one,in any case this one must be translate,that's you want or not.

Billions of blue blistering barnacles flyweight

Edité par masselotte le 13-06-2005 08:03 Thundering Typhoons flyweight

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de tounette, postée le 12-06-2005 à 15:29:31 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

La paresse est une qualité preuve ....elle ne t'a pas empêchée de nous concocter une traduction "corsée". pour cet exercice plaisant et profite bien de ton dimanche !

I am feeling lazy this afternoon. I don't know what to write to make you working and why should I oblige you ! I wonder it ! But I don't want to drop down you otherwise you are going to be bored even for a week end. I love you so much that I'm thinking for an exercice instead of having a rest or sailing. I could have shut down my computer and cast off but I'm in front of my screen asking thousands of questions. When I am on holidays within a few days it won't be just the same. I'll have time to choose an exercice more difficult. But for the time being you will have to content yourselves with this one. I hope it will enjoy you and in any case it is to be translated whether you like it or not.

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de bertrand, postée le 12-06-2005 à 19:32:50 (S | E)
Ha… la paresse…

I feel lazy this afternoon, I don’t know what to write to compel you to work !
I wonder why should I oblige you to work.
But I don’t want dropping you; otherwise you could be bored, even at a week-end.
I like you so much that I’m thinking about exercise instead of having a rest or sealling. I could had shut down my computer and slipped mooring line, but I’m in front of my computer screen, thinking about thousands of questions.
When I’m on holydays in a few days it will not be the same, I’ll have more time to find more difficult exercises; but for the moment you must be satisfied with this one.
I hope that it will please you, and anyway it has to be translated, whatever you agree or not.

c'est pas facile facile ....

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de savoir, postée le 13-06-2005 à 00:49:35 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous,
I feel lazy this evening, I don't know what to write to hold you for working! and should would I obliged you? I wonder.But, I don't like to drop youwant to let you down otherwise you will be worried, even on week end. I love you so much that I'm working to an exercice exercise instead of taking a rest or sailing.
I should could have shut down my computer and leave the mooring but I'm in front of my screen asking myself thousands of questions.When I'm on holidays in a few days , It won't be the same, I will have time to choice choose an exercice exercise more difficult ; but for the moment you have to settle for this one.I hope you will like it and anyway it must be translated,should you want it or no not.

Edité par savoir le 14-06-2005 00:15
Merci pour la correction

pour la correction

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de zen34, postée le 13-06-2005 à 11:35:30 (S | E)
Salut Lucile,

I feel lazy this afternoon; I don’t know what I have to write down to force you to work! And why would I force you? I wonder. But I don’t want to let you down otherwise you are going to be bored, even during weekend; I like you so much that I think about an exercise instead of resting or sailing. I could have turned off my computer and casted off, but I am in front of my screen asking myself thousands of questions. In a few days when I am in holiday it will be different, I will have time to choose a more difficult exercise; but for the moment you have to be satisfied with this one. I hope you will like it, and anyway it is to be translated, whether you want or not.

pour toutes tes traductions, un vrai plaisir de les faires.

Edité par zen34 le 14-06-2005 09:46

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de hyppoblue, postée le 13-06-2005 à 13:11:22 (S | E)
I feel lazy this afternoon,I don't know what to write to compel you to work. (trop de "to" ) And then why would I force you? I wonder. But I can't let you down, otherwise you are going to be bored even on week-end. I love you so much that I'm thinking about an exercise instead of having a rest or sailing. I could have switched off my computer and let out the moorings lines but I'm in front of my screen arising thousand of questions. When I'm on holidays, in a few days, it won't be the same, I'll have enough time to choose more difficult exercises. But at the moment you must be satisfied with this one. I hope you 'll enjoy it. And anyway it is to be translated weatherwhether you want it or not.

En effet l'air marin, t'aurais sans doute fait du bien... qu'est ce que ça va être quand tu seras en vacances!
Ca n'était déjà pas facile, mais Lucile.

Edité par hyppoblue le 13-06-2005 18:21 merci pour la correction Lucile

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de cat3, postée le 13-06-2005 à 15:56:57 (S | E)
bonjour Lucile
I feel lazi this afternoon.I don't know what to write to incite you to work
And why should I oblige you? I wonder .But I don't want to give up with you otherwise you are going to be bored,even a week-end.I love you so much, that I'm thinking an exercice over instead of going for a rest of sailing.
I could have turned my computer off,and set he sail,but I'm in front of my screen,and I'm asking thousand of questions to myself
When I'm on holidays in a few days ,it won't be the same thing ,I'will have time to choose a more difficult exercice.But for the moment you will have to be content with this one I hope it will enjoy you and anyway it's to be translated,if you agree or not


Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de lucile83, postée le 14-06-2005 à 07:35:26 (S | E)
Merci et bravo à toutes et tous !!!
voici ma proposition :

I feel lazy this afternoon, I don’t know what to write to force you to work ! and why then should I force you ? I am wondering about it. But I don’t want to let you down otherwise you are going to get bored , even in a week end; I love you so much that I am thinking of an exercise instead of having a rest or going sailing . I could have switched off my computer or made the moorings loose, but I am sitting in front of my screen asking myself thousands of questions. When I am on holidays within a few days it won’t be the same, I’ll have time to choose a more difficult exercise ; but for now you’ll have to be happy with this one . I hope you ‘ll enjoy it , and anyway you have to translate it , whether you like it or not.
See you soon

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de traviskidd, postée le 14-06-2005 à 09:33:17 (S | E)
I feel lazy this afternoon, I don't know what to write to get you to work. And why would I get/want you to, I wonder. But I don't want to let you slip/slide, otherwise you're going to be bored, even on a weekend; I love you so much that I am thinking up/of an exercise instead of resting or going sailing. I could have turned off my computer and set sail, but I am in front of my screen asking myself thousands of questions. When I'm on vacation a few days from now it won't be the same, I'll have time to choose a harder/[more difficult] exercise. But for the moment you'll have to content yourselves with this one. I hope you like it, but in any case it is to be translated whether you want to or not.

Réponse: Paresse/Traduction de jammy, postée le 15-06-2005 à 12:30:57 (S | E)
Désolé pour mon retard: je suis surmené ces temps ci lulu...

I feel lazy this afternoon, I don't know what I can write to make you work! and why would I oblige you? I wonder. But I don't want to let you down otherwise you'll get bored, even for a weekend. I love you so much that I think of an exercice instead of having a rest or sailing. I could have switched off my computer and cast off, but I'm wondering in front of my screen. When I am on holidays by a few days, it won't be the same, I'll have time to choose a harder exercice, but for the moment you'll have to content yourself with this one. I hope you will enjoy it, and anyway it must be translated whether you like it or not.

Voilà je file au boulot!

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