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While - during - for
Message de joy813 posté le 19-06-2005 à 13:00:00 (S | E | F | I)

Coucou tout le monde

Ayant remarqué que beaucoup d'entre vous se demandent quand et comment utiliser while - during - for voici une petite révison

While est une conjonction suivie d'une proposition, (sujet + verbe)
Ex: I met Peter while I was studying at university.

During est une préposition suivie d'un nom
Ex: during the film.

For est une préposition suivie d'une expression de temps, elle répond également à la question how long
Ex: I've lived there for three years

A vous maintenant

1* I fell and hurt myself (while - for - during ) was playing tennis.
2* It started to rain (while - for - during) the match.
3* We played tennis (while - for - during) two hours.
4* (while - during - for ) the summer, I stayed on a farm in Tuscany.
5* I learned Italian (while - during - for) I was there.
6* We went on holiday in Florida (while - for - during) three weeks.
7* (while - during - for) the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.
8* We went to Disneyland (while - during - for) we were there.
9* We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table (while - during - for) three hours.
10* (while - during - for) the meal, we exchanged news.

Voilà, en espérant que c'est plus clair pour vous maintenant

Réponse: While - during - for de magmatic_rock, postée le 19-06-2005 à 13:27:58 (S | E)
1* I fell and hurt myself while was playing tennis.
2* It started to rain during the match.
3* We played tennis for two hours.
4* During the summer, I stayed on a farm in Tuscany.
5* I learned Italian while I was there.
6* We went on holiday in Florida for three weeks.
7* During the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.
8* We went to Disneyland while we were there.
9* We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table for three hours.
10* During the meal, we exchanged news.
beaucoup pour cette révision.
See you soon Joy

Réponse: While - during - for de post-scriptum, postée le 19-06-2005 à 14:05:08 (S | E)
Bonjour Joy

1. I fell and hurt myself while I was playing tennis.
2. It started to rain during the match.
3. We played tennis for two hours.
4. During the summer, I stayed on a farm in Tuscany.
5. I learned Italian while I was there.
6. We went on holiday in Florida for three weeks.
7. During the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.
8. We went to Disneyland while we were there.
9. We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table for three hours.
10. During the meal, we exchanged news.

Merci Joy, et à une fois peut-être, avec par exemple du Bloody Mary dans un merveilleux jardin

Avec le témoignage de notre amitié pour "MD"

Réponse: While - during - for de lyne, postée le 19-06-2005 à 14:21:52 (S | E)
Bonjour joy et merci,

1* I fell and hurt myself while was playing tennis.
2* It started to rain during the match.
3* We played tennis for two hours.
4* During the summer, I stayed on a farm in Tuscany.
5* I learned Italian while I was there.
6* We went on holiday in Florida for three weeks.
7* During the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.
8* We went to Disneyland while we were there.
9* We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table for three hours.
10* During the meal, we exchanged news.

Réponse: While - during - for de savoir, postée le 19-06-2005 à 15:11:15 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous,
1* I fell and hurt myself while I was playing tennis.
2* It started to rain during the match.
3* We played tennis for two hours.
4* During the summer, I stayed on a farm in Tuscany.
5* I learned Italian while I was there.
6* We went on holiday in Florida for three weeks.
7* During the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.
8* We went to Disneyland while we were there.
9* We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table for three hours.
10* During the meal, we exchanged news.

pour l'exercice

Réponse: While - during - for de grabuge, postée le 20-06-2005 à 08:39:27 (S | E)
Hello Joy,

1* I fell and hurt myself while was playing tennis.
2* It started to rain during the match.
3* We played tennis for two hours.
4* During the summer, I stayed on a farm in Tuscany.
5* I learned Italian while I was there.
6* We went on holiday in Florida for three weeks.
7* During the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.
8* We went to Disneyland while we were there.
9* We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table for three hours.
10* During the meal, we exchanged news.


Réponse: While - during - for de fatimato, postée le 20-06-2005 à 09:17:10 (S | E)
1* I fell and hurt myself while was playing tennis.
2* It started to rain during the match.
3* We played tennis for two hours.
4* During the summer, I stayed on a farm in Tuscany.
5* I learned Italian while I was there.
6* We went on holiday in Florida for three weeks.
7* During the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.
8* We went to Disneyland while we were there.
9* We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table for three hours.
10* During the meal, we exchanged news.

Thanks for your explanation

Réponse: While - during - for de zen34, postée le 20-06-2005 à 12:11:46 (S | E)
Hi Joy,

1* I fell and hurt myself while I was playing tennis.
2* It started to rain during the match.
3* We played tennis for two hours.
4* during the summer, I stayed on a farm in Tuscany.
5* I learned Italian while I was there.
6* We went on holiday in Florida for three weeks.
7* during the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.
8* We went to Disneyland while we were there.
9* We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table for three hours.
10* during the meal, we exchanged news.

Réponse: While - during - for de isa71, postée le 20-06-2005 à 22:09:57 (S | E)
bonsoir tout le monde

1* I fell and hurt myself while was playing tennis.
2* It started to rain during the match.
3* We played tennis for two hours.
4* during the summer, I stayed on a farm in Tuscany.
5* I learned Italian while I was there.
6* We went on holiday in Florida for three weeks.
7* during the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.
8* We went to Disneyland while we were there.
9* We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table for three hours.
10* during the meal, we exchanged news.


Edité par isa71 le 20-06-2005 22:10

Réponse: While - during - for de chouchou7, postée le 20-06-2005 à 23:59:38 (S | E)

J'ai au moins relu 3 fois les conseils ... j'y suis parvenue

1. I fell and hurt myself while I was playing tennis.
2. It started to rain during the match.
3. We played tennis for two hours.
4. During the summer, I stayed on a farm in Tuscany.
5. I learned Italian while I was there.
6. We went on holiday in Florida for three weeks.
7. During the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.
8. We went to Disneyland while we were there.
9. We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table for three hours.
10. During the meal, we exchanged news.

Réponse: While - during - for de joy813, postée le 21-06-2005 à 00:04:30 (S | E)
Bravo à tous et à toutes
Il n'y a aucune correction à faire et j'en suis ravie vous êtes des

Réponse: While - during - for de mary1, postée le 21-06-2005 à 09:29:40 (S | E)

Hello Joy,

1 I fell and hurt myself while I was playing tennis.
2 It started to rain during the math.
3 We played tennis for two hours.
4 During the summer, I stayed on a farm in Tiscany.
5 I learned Italian while I was there.
6 We went on holliday in Florida for three weeks.
7 Durin the dayit was very hot, but it was cool at night.
8 We went to Disneyland while we were there.
9 We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table for three hours.
10 During the meal, we exchanged news.

Réponse: While - during - for de moudounou, postée le 21-06-2005 à 09:44:36 (S | E)
Bonjour Joy,
1* I fell and hurt myself while was playing tennis.
2* It started to rain during the match.
3* We played tennis for two hours.
4* During the summer, I stayed on a farm in Tuscany.
5* I learned Italian while I was there.
6* We went on holiday in Florida for three weeks.
7* During the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.
8* We went to Disneyland while we were there.
9* We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table for three hours.
10* During the meal, we exchanged news.

Réponse: While - during - for de ninou30, postée le 21-06-2005 à 11:29:15 (S | E)
Bonjour Joy et bonjour à tous, je ne poste pas mes réponses,ce sont celles de la correction, mais je tiens à te dire un grand et ce genre de révision est super et très très utile.
see you soon........

Réponse: While - during - for de joy813, postée le 21-06-2005 à 12:01:34 (S | E)
Ninou et merci à tous d'avoir participé
De petites révisions de temps en temps, c'est toujours bon

Réponse: While - during - for de idem, postée le 21-06-2005 à 13:45:45 (S | E)
bonjour Joy et tout le monde
je sais je suis en retard pour l'exercice mais je voulais vraiment le faire donc j'y vais

1* I fell and hurt myself while was playing tennis.
2* It started to rain during the match.
3* We played tennis for two hours.
4* During the summer, I stayed on a farm in Tuscany.
5* I learned Italian while I was there.
6* We went on holiday in Florida for three weeks.
7* During the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.
8* We went to Disneyland while we were there.
9* We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table for three hours.
10* During the meal, we exchanged news.

Joy pour cette révision et encore mille excuses pour mon retard
bonne journée à tous

Réponse: While - during - for de jardin62, postée le 22-06-2005 à 05:48:01 (S | E)

Too late! Really sorry!
But I 've read the correction all the same.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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