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Message de lucile83 posté le 07-07-2005 à 17:10:24 (S | E | F | I)

on respire un peu l'air du large

Mon copain est sorti en mer la semaine dernière avec un autre ami et il m’a appelée le soir pour me raconter la navigation. Le génois s’est un peu décousu à cause du vent , ils ont affalé et réparé. Entre-temps la drisse s’est détachée et s’est accrochée dans l’hélice, ce qui a fait caler le moteur. Mon copain a plongé pour dégager tout cela, il a remis le moteur en marche et ils sont rentrés au port. Chaque sortie en mer est une aventure car il peut tout arriver mais bon, on le sait.

See you soon

Edité par grabuge le 07-07-2005 19:18 - Hello Lucile, je voulais juste te dire que "Down Under" est connu par les Australiens...

Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de bridg, postée le 07-07-2005 à 19:30:51 (S | E)
Hello lucile si tu savais l'aversion que j'ai pour le vocabulaire de navigation maintenant

My buddy put out to sea last week with another friend in the evening he told me by phone about the navigation. The Genoa became a little unstitched because of the wind, they hauled down and repaired. Meanwhile the halyard broke loose and hung on at the propeller, which made the engine to stop (stall). My friend dived for releasing all that, he restarted the engine and they went back to the port. Every short sea trip is an adventure everything can happen but we know that

Edité par bridg le 08-07-2005 15:24

Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de aimen7, postée le 07-07-2005 à 19:48:57 (S | E)
Helo lucile,
Je crois que cet exercice mérite plutôt 3 même 4 étoiles.

My pal went sailing last week-end with another friend of his and he called me in the evening to tell me about the sailing.
The genoese got unstitched a little bit because of the wind, they hauled down and repaired. In the meantime, the yard-rope went untied and got caught in the propeller, which made the engine stall.
My pal dived in to untangle everything, he restarted the engine and they came back to the harbour.
Each sailing is an adventure because anything may occur but anyway, we know that.

Pffffffffffff! trop dur!!

Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de grabuge, postée le 07-07-2005 à 20:05:28 (S | E)
Et bien, Lucile tu nous as gâtés....

My friend left to sea last week with another friend (of him ) and he called me in the evening to tell me about the navigation.
The genoa jib was a bit taken out because of the wind. They sent down and repaired. Meantime the halliard broke away and hanged in the propeller which made the engine stall.
My friend dived in to put all in order, he restarted the engine and they came into the port.
Every outing to sea is an adventure because all can arrive happen but, we know it.

Et bien, c'est du bateau, pas du gâteau

Edité par grabuge le 08-07-2005 09:58 - Je n'ai pas su corriger 'of him'. On dit bien a friend of mine- please help me

Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de hyppoblue, postée le 07-07-2005 à 20:11:05 (S | E)
J'ai eu du mal, même avec l'aide de mon Bloc Marine qui est bilingue lui, mais qui ne sait ni affaler ni amener une voile! J'ai fait de mon mieux
My friend put out to sea last week with another friend, and he called me in the eveni ng to tell me about the sailing. The genny became a little unstitched because of the wind, they took the sail down and mended it. In the meantime the halyard came of and winded around the propeller which made the engine to stall. My friend dived to free all that, he started the engine again, and they went back to the harbour. Every short sea trip is an adventure, because everything can happen. Well we know that.

Encore un petit air de vacances, j'ai moi aussi des souvenirs de ce type de mésaventures dans les eaux du port d'Hyères!

Edité par hyppoblue le 09-07-2005 12:03 corrections

Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de joy813, postée le 07-07-2005 à 21:53:44 (S | E)
Hello Lucile

La galère mais je me lance

My friend left to sea last week with another friend and he phoned me in the evening to tell me about the sailing.
The big jib was a bit unpicked because of the wind, so they hauled it down and repaired. In the meantime, the halyard broke loose and hung on in the propeller, what which made the engine stall.
My friend dived in to free all this, he started the engine again, and they came back to the port.
Each sailing is an adventure because everything can happen. Anyway, we know that !

Edité par joy813 le 09-07-2005 12:55

Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de isa71, postée le 07-07-2005 à 22:49:16 (S | E)


my friend left out at sea last week with another friend and he called me in the evening to tell me about the navigation.the genois was a little unstitched because of the wind,they hauled down and repaired.meanwhile the rope was detached and caught in the propeller,which made the engine friend dived to release all that,he started the engine again, and they went back to the harbour. Each short sea trip is an adventure everything can arrive but we know that


Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de magmatic_rock, postée le 07-07-2005 à 23:00:49 (S | E)
Coucou Lucile, moi pour une fois je vais juste attendre votre réponse car là il y a trop de mots que je ne connaîs pas! Plus d'une dizaine donc ce n'est pas la peine! Même des mots en français que je ne connaîs pas --> génois, affalé, la drisse!
A la prochaine, et au faite, comme l'a dit Aimen, je crois que c'est minimum 3 étoiles!!!
A bientôt.

Edité par grabuge le 08-07-2005 09:50 -

Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de bridg, postée le 08-07-2005 à 06:02:30 (S | E)
Pour faire les traductions de lucile avec du vocabulaire marin il faut aller ici
Lien Internet

Tu vois lucile, c'est pas beau de se venger tout le monde "rame" maintenant

Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de lucile83, postée le 08-07-2005 à 07:17:33 (S | E)
Ne vous laissez pas arrêter par le vocabulaire ! vous avez des dictionnaires , le lien internet indiqué par Bridg et je vous rappelle que si vous cliquez sur un mot vous trouverez sa traduction sur le site ; vous n'avez donc aucune excuse
En outre les véritables termes marins sont : génois, drisse, affaler et c'est tout. Ne me dites pas que "s'est décousu" est un terme marin , ni "caler" , ni "hélice" , on trouve ces mots n'importe où.
Un peu de volonté et d'audace ..........
See you soon

Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de masselotte, postée le 08-07-2005 à 10:20:35 (S | E)
Bonjour lucile83

My friend left to the sea last week with an other friend and he called me the evening to narrate about sailing.The genny was undone of seam itself a little because of wind,they had hauled down to repair it.In the meantime the halyard was detached itself and was attached itself in the propeller,what was provoked stopping the engine .My friend had dived to clear all that,they had started again the engine and returned to the port.Each coming out in the sea is an adventure because he can happen anything but never mind,we are knowing.

bonne journée flyweight

Edité par masselotte le 09-07-2005 08:42

Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de magmatic_rock, postée le 08-07-2005 à 10:43:17 (S | E)
Ok you're right! In fact, if I can use the dictionnary, there is no need for I don't manage it! I'm going to try and we'll see the disaster!

My boyfriend is left to the sea last week with another friend and he phoned me the evening to narrate me the sailing. The genovese is a bit come appart because of wind, they hauled down and repaired. By the time, the halyard peeled of and locked on to the helix, which made wedging the engine. My buddy plunged so as to remove all that, he put back the engine on and they came back to the port. Every outing is an adventure because something can always arises but we know it!

Wow merci le dictionnaire dans lequel j'ai pris 13mots! C'est la première fois! J'ai beau habiter à la mer c'est pas pour ça que c'est mon point fort la voile!
A quand une petite traduction sur les volcans?

Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de robinou, postée le 08-07-2005 à 10:52:23 (S | E)
Hi Lucile.

Last week my boyfriend went to sea with another friend and he called me in the evening in order to tell me the navigation.

The génoa tears out itself a bit owing to the wind,they lowered and repaired.

Meanwhile,the halyard unbound itself and engaged in the propeller which got the engine to stall.

My friend dived to disengage that all,He put on again the engine
and they came back to the port.

Each gone to sea is an adventure because everything can happen ,alas,
we know that.


Edité par robinou le 08-07-2005 20:26

Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de zen34, postée le 08-07-2005 à 11:14:34 (S | E)
Salut Lucile,

My friend went to sea last week with another friend and he called me the evening to tell me about the navigation. The Genoa came unstitched because of the wind, they collapsed and fixed it. Meanwhile the halyard came off and hung on to the propeller, which made the engine stall. My friend dived to release all that, he restarted the engine and they got back to the port. Each navigaton is an adventure as all may happen but whatever, we know it.

Edité par zen34 le 08-07-2005 16:08

Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de lucile83, postée le 09-07-2005 à 08:38:54 (S | E)
voici ma proposition après tous vos efforts

My friend went out sailing last week with another friend and he called me in the evening to tell me about the sailing; The genoa got a little undone because of the wind, they hauled it down and repaired it. Meanwhile the halyard got loose and tangled up in the propeller which made the engine stall. My friend dived in order to clear all that, he started the engine again and they sailed back to the marina. Every sailing is an adventure because anything may happen but , well , we know that.

See you soon

Réponse: Navigation/Traduction de jeanmi, postée le 09-07-2005 à 10:49:37 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

Voici ma traduction, c'est peut-être un peu tard, mais sans avoir triché sur les autres, je te la propose quand même. Tu me diras ce que tu en penses, mais sache que je ne suis pas habitué à ce niveau, avec mes petits BEP, c'est quand même plus simple...

My friend put out to sea last week with another friend and he called me in the evening to tell me about the sailing. The genoa unpicked a little because of the wind, they lowered and fixed it. Meanwhile the halyard loosed itself and hanged on the propeller, which made the engine stall. My friend dived to unloose all this, he started the engine up again and they sailed back to the harbour. Each trip on the sea is an adventure for everything can happen. Anyway, you know it.

Eh ben, tu m'as fait souffrir... Maintenant, à force de parler navigation, j'ai la nausée, c'est malin...

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