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Message de lucile83 posté le 08-07-2005 à 16:51:48 (S | E | F | I)

allez...on enchaine....

Etant donné que certains d’entre vous ont eu le mal de mer avec ma dernière traduction, partons en Australie en avion. Au fait, juste pour s’amuser, pouvez vous me dire quel est l’autre nom de l’Australie ? vous le savez si vous avez suivi les exercices. Vous me le direz à la fin quand vous aurez fini cette traduction qui n’est pas si difficile que cela. Bien, nous voici donc en Australie. Je me souviens du jour où je suis arrivée là-bas, en 2002, c’était en septembre, il commençait à faire chaud, J’ai passé 4 mois là-bas à visiter le pays, aller à la plage, au restaurant, et plus il faisait chaud plus longtemps nous restions dans l’eau. Ce fut magique de passer Noël sur la plage. Ce sera l’ un des meilleurs souvenirs de ma vie.

See you soon

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de aimen7, postée le 08-07-2005 à 18:13:20 (S | E)
Allez hop, je traduis tout, après tout ce n'est pas la mer à boire.

As some of you have been sea-sick with my last translation, let's fly to Australia.
By the way, could you tell me just for fun, the other name for Australia? You know it if you have followed the exercises. You'll tell me about it in the end when you finish this translation which isn't very difficult.
Well, here we are in Australia. I remember the day I arrived there, in 2002, it was in September, It was getting hot, I spent 4 months there sightseeing the country, going to the beach, to the restaurant, and besides the hotter it was, the longer we would stay in the water.It was marvellous to spend Christmas on the beach.That will be one of the best memories in my life.
Le rêve quoi!

Edité par aimen7 le 09-07-2005 14:12

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de bridg, postée le 08-07-2005 à 19:14:29 (S | E)

J'ai pris quelques raccourcis

Seeing that some of you have been seasick with my last translation, let us fly to Australia. By the way, just for the fun, what's the other name of Australia? (Down Under) You should know it if you followed exercises. You’ll tell me after this not really difficult translation finished.
Well here we’re in Australia. I remember that day I arrived there, in 2002, it was in September, the weather was getting hot, I spent 4 months over there by sightseeing around the country, going to the beach, to the restaurant, and the warmer it was the longer we stayed in the water. Celebrating Christmas on the beach was magic. That will be one of the best memories in my life.
Edité par bridg le 09-07-2005 07:56
Que le chemin de la perfection est parsemé d'embûches !!! il y en a toujours une qui nous échappe mais pas à toi

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de grabuge, postée le 08-07-2005 à 19:22:55 (S | E)
Hi Lucile, tu es en super forme

Considering that some of you had a sea sickness with my last translation, let's fly to Australia. By the way, just for fun, can you tell me what is the other name of Australia ? You know it if you followed the exercises. You'll tell me in the end when you finish this translation which isn't so difficult. Well, we are in Australia.
I remember the day when I arrived there in 2002, it was in September and it began to be hot. I stayed there four months to sightsee the country, go to the beach, to the restaurant and more it was hot, more we stayed for long time in the sea. Spending Christmas on the beach was magic. This will be one of the best memories in my life.

Lucile for this little trip...
I liked Rottnest Island very much. Do you know this island near Perth ?

Edité par grabuge le 09-07-2005 14:55

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de joy813, postée le 08-07-2005 à 20:18:40 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,
Let's go

Considering that some of you had the seasickness have been seasick with my last translation, let's fly to Australia.
By the way, just for fun, can you tell me what's the other name of Australia is? You know it if you followed the exercises. You'll tell it to me at the end when you will have finished finish this translation which isn't so difficult. Well, here we are in Australia.
I remember the day when I arrived there, in 2002, it was in September, it began to be warm. I spent four months over there visiting the country, going to the beach, to the restaurant, and more it was getting hot the weather was hot, more we stayed into in the water.
It was magic to celebrate Christmas on the beach. It will be one of the best memories of in my life.

I think that the other name of Australia is Down Under

Edité par joy813 le 09-07-2005 20:57

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de robinou, postée le 08-07-2005 à 21:46:56 (S | E)
Hi Lucile

I remember the day I arrived to there,in 2002,it was in September,it was beginning to be warm.

I spent 4 months over there visiting the country,going to the beach,to the restaurant,and the warmer it was warm and the longer we stayed in the water.

It was magic spending christmas on the beach.

It'll be one of the best memories in my life.

Denis (second part because I've just come back from work).

Edité par robinou le 08-07-2005 21:47

Edité par robinou le 10-07-2005 20:30

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de jane, postée le 08-07-2005 à 23:56:29 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous,

Je ne sais pas si c'est une histoire vraie, dans tous les cas cela me donne envie d'y aller!!!!! Dès demain, je commence à économiser!

As some of you have been seasick with my last translation, let's go to australia by plane fly to Australia. By the way, can you tell me what is the other name for Australia is ? You know it if you have followed the exercises. You'll say it to me me that at the end when you finish this translation which is not so difficult.
Well, so we are in Australia. I remember for this day When I arrived over there in 2002, it was in september. The weather began to be hot, I spent four months over there visiting the country, going to the beach, to restaurant (and warmer it was longer we stayed in the water) and more the weather was hot and more we stayed in the water for a long time. (It was magic to spend chrismas time on the beach) spending chrismas time on the beach was magic. It will be one of the best memories of in my life.


Voilà, j'espère qu'en voulant corriger je n'ai pas rajouté des erreurs! Merci, Lucile pour ta correction si rapide!!!!
Edité par jane le 09-07-2005 09:58

Edité par jane le 09-07-2005 11:26. Oh la, la, la, la la!!!!! I apologize for this terrible mistake, but sorry I don't know what the correct form is!!!!

Edité par jane le 09-07-2005 15:48

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de jeanmi, postée le 09-07-2005 à 10:57:59 (S | E)
Hello, Lucile,

Quel début de Week-end studieux en perspective...

I remember the day when I arrived there in 2002, it was in September, it was getting hot. I spent four months there visiting the country, going to the beach, to the restaurant and the hotter it was, the longer we stayed in the water/sea. It was magical to spend Christmas on the beach. It will be one of the best memories in my life.

Thank you Lucile for this trip in the country of the kangaroos. But you didn't tell us, did you go to Australia by boat?

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de masselotte, postée le 09-07-2005 à 11:39:14 (S | E)
Bonjour lucile83

Considering that some of you have been seasick with my last translation,let's go to Australia by plane.By the way,just to amuse we,could you say which is the other name about
Australia now ? you know it if you have followed the exercises.You will say it at me in the end when you have finished this translation which isn't more difficult than that.Well,here we are in Australia.I remembered of the day I arrived there,in 2002,it was in september, it was beginning hot,I spent 4 months over there to visiting the country,going to the beach,to restaurant,and more the heat was increasing, more of time we spent in the water.It was wonderful to spend Christmas on the beach.It will be the one of the best remembrance in my lif e.

Bonne journée

Edité par masselotte le 10-07-2005 09:14 merci pour la correction lucile83 j'espére ne pas avoir fait pire que mieux

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de zen34, postée le 09-07-2005 à 19:58:20 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

As some of you felt seasick with my last translation, let’s fly to Australia. By the way, just for fun, could you tell me the other name of Australia? You know it if you have followed the exercises. You will tell me that at the end when you have finished this translation which is not so tricky. Well, here we are in Australia. I remember the day when I arrived over there, in 2002, it was in September, it started to be warm, I spent 4 months there visiting the country, going to the beach, to the restaurant, and the warmer it was, the longer we stayed in the water. Spending Christmas day on the beach was wonderful. It will be one of my life's best memories.

Australia is also named OZ, is this the answer of the question?


Edité par zen34 le 11-07-2005 09:57

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de cam3, postée le 09-07-2005 à 21:26:36 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,
Considering the fact that some of you got seasick with my previous (latest) translation, let's fly to Australia. By the way, just for fun, can you tell me what the other name of Australia is ? You know if you have followed the exercises. ( I have ! ..... and I could see how good you and Grabuge were ! Well done !) You will tell me at the end when you have finished this translation which is not as difficult as that. Well, here we are in Australia.I can remember the day when I got there, in 2002, it was in September, it was beginning to get warm. I spent four months over there visiting the country, going to the beach, to restaurants, and the hotter it was the longer we stayed in the water. Spending Christmas on the beach was magic. It will be one of the best memories in my life.

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de magmatic_rock, postée le 10-07-2005 à 13:40:59 (S | E)
Waou je suis vraiment fatigué moi! Depuis que vous l'aviez posté je viens seulement de le voir votre sujet!
Allez c'est parti en espérant mieux que la dernière fois!

As some of you have had sea-sick with my last translation, let's fly to Australia. By the way, just for fun (can i say: "just for enjoyed ourself" ?), could you tell me what is the other name of Australia? (personally i don't know!) You know it if you have followed the exercices (oops, I must have been at school). You'll tell me at the end when you have finished this translation which is not so difficult/hard. Well, we're in Australia now. I remember the day when I arrived over there (pourriez vous me dire quand est-ce que l'on met "over" et quand est-ce que l'on ne le met pas s'il vous plaît?), in 2002, it was on september, it was getting warm. I spent four months there sightseeing the country, going to the restaurant, to the beach and the hotter it was the longer we stayed in the water. It was magical spendind Christmas on the beach. It will be one of my favorite souvenir of my life.

Have you really gone there? If it's true you're very lucky! I guess it must be really really a amazing and beautiful country!

pour cette magnifique translation.

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de samia51, postée le 10-07-2005 à 14:23:27 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

As some of you have been sea-sick with my last translation, let us fly to Australia. By the way, just for fun, can you tell me, what the other name of Australia is ? You know it if you had followed the exercices. You will tell me it when you have finished this translation which is not difficult as to seem.
Well, here we are in Australia. I remembered the day when I arrived there, in 2002, it was in September. It began to be hot. I spent 4 months over ther, visiting the countryside, going to the beach, to the restaurant and more it became hot, more longer we stayed in the water. It was magic to spend christmas on the beach. It will be the one of my best memories's life.

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de isa71, postée le 10-07-2005 à 22:13:23 (S | E)
bonsoir tout le monde

considering that some of you have been seasick with my last traslation,let's fly to the way,just for fun,can you tell me what's the other name of Australia ? you know it if you followed the'll say it to me at the end when you have finished this translation which isn't so difficult.well,here we are in Australia. I remember the day when I arrived over there,in 2002,it was in September,it began to be hot,I spent 4 months over there visiting the country,going to the beach,to restaurant,and more the weather was hot, more we stayed in the water for a long time. It was magic to celebrate Christmas on the beach. It will be one of the best memories in my life .


Réponse: Australie/Traduction de lucile83, postée le 12-07-2005 à 11:11:08 (S | E)

et voici ma proposition:

Since some of you have been sea-sick with my previous translation, let’s fly to Australia. By the way, just for fun, can you tell me what the other name of Australia is? You know it if you have followed the exercises. You ‘ll tell me at the end when you have finished this translation which is not that difficult. Well, here we are then in Australia. I can remember the day when I arrived there, in 2002, in September, it was getting warm. I spent 4 months there visiting the country, going to the beach, to the restaurant, and the warmer it was the longer we stayed in the water. Spending Christmastime on the beach was magic. That will be one of the best memories in my life.

The other name of Australia is Down Under

See you soon

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de jeanmi, postée le 12-07-2005 à 11:23:43 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,
Ca a l'air d t'avoir pas mal secouée ce DOWN UNDER...
En tout cas, elle était chouette cette traduction.

Réponse: Australie/Traduction de lucile83, postée le 12-07-2005 à 17:50:25 (S | E)
oui je ne risque plus d'oublier ce nom !!!

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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