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Exercices 38
Message de felin posté le 27-07-2005 à 11:39:14 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Lundi soir

Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D.

Hectic time
Dear Trevor

I know it’s been……….. (0) since I wrote to you but I have been very busy ……. (1) we decided to move into the country. The house in the village is not quite ready …….. (2) but as you can imagine…….. (3) the last few weeks we’ve had to chase up builders and plumbers and we’ve ………… (4) got a long way to g. It’s been such a long time since we…………. (5) work on it I’ve almost forgotten how long it’s been exactly. We must have started it about seven years …… (6) and we’ve ………. (7) spent a small fortune on it. We are …..(8) living in our rather cramped flat where you …..(9) us a few years ago but it …. (10) to get unbearable and we …….. (11) to moving out. We are still…. (12) around from morning …………. (13) night and it’s been particularly hectic……………….. (14) the last week. Anyway, ……. (15) all this was going on Karen fell and sprained her ankle which was the last thing we needed!

0.A long time, B sometimes, C ages, D lately
1.A every time, B ever since, C while, D before
2.A still , B already, C yet, D soon
3.A for B as, C while, D since
4.yet, B already, C nearly, D still
5.A have started, B start, C did start, D started
6.A before, B ago, C previous, D since
7.A still, B not, C already, D yet
8.A already , B still, C yet, D longer
9.A were visiting B have visited, C had been visited, D visited
10.A begun, B is beginning , C begins, D begin
11.A have looked forward , B looked forward C will look forward D are looking forward
12.A rush, B rushed, C rushing, D be rushed
13.A and , B into, C till, D through
14.A during, B from, C in, D while
15.A in, B during, C while, D for

Bon courage.
Edité par felin le 27-07-2005 19:35

Réponse: Exercices 38 de grabuge, postée le 27-07-2005 à 17:47:18 (S | E)
Hello felin, Je commence

I know it’s been ages since I wrote to you but I have been very busy before we decided to move into the country. The house in the village is not quite ready soon (2) but as you can imagine since (3) the last few weeks we’ve had to chase up builders and plumbers and we’ve already got a long way to g. It’s been such a long time since we have started (5) work on it I’ve almost forgotten how long it’s been exactly. We must have started it about seven years ago (6) and we’ve already (7) spent a small fortune on it. We are 8) living in our rather cramped flat where you visited (9) us a few years ago but it begun (10) to get unbearable and we looked forward (11) to moving out. We are still rushed (12) around from morning through (13) night and it’s been particularly hectic during (14) the last week. Anyway, while (15) all this was going on Karen fell and sprained her ankle which was the last thing we needed!

Réponse: Exercices 38 de frany65, postée le 27-07-2005 à 19:12:53 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin

I know it’s been ages since I wrote to you but I have been very busy whilewe decided to move into the country. The house in the village is not quite ready still but as you can imagine sincethe last few weeks we’ve had to chase up builders and plumbers and we’ve alreadygot a long way to g. It’s been such a long time since we have started work on it I’ve almost forgotten how long it’s been exactly. We must have started it about seven years ago and we’ve alreadyspent a small fortune on it. We are already living in our rather cramped flat where you begun us a few years ago but it …. (10) to get unbearable and we looked forward to moving out. We are still rushed around from morning through night and it’s been particularly hectic during the last week. Anyway, while all this was going on Karen fell and sprained her ankle which was the last thing we needed!

Réponse: Exercices 38 de frany65, postée le 27-07-2005 à 19:15:12 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin

quelques rectificatifs :

9 - visited
10 - begun
Ce n'est pas toujours facile... merci

Réponse: Exercices 38 de jardin62, postée le 27-07-2005 à 20:58:59 (S | E)

Bonjour felin!

Dear Trevor,
I know it's been ages since I wrote to you but I have been very busy ever since we decided to move in the country. The house in the village is not quite ready yet but as you can imagine for the last few weeks we've had to chase up builders and plumbers and we've still got a long way to go. It's been such a long time since we started work on it I've almost forgotten how long it's been exactly. We must have started it about seven years ago and we've already spent a small fortune on it. We are still living in our cramped flat where you visited us a few years ago but it is beginning to get unbearable and we are looking forward to moving out. We are still rushing around from morning till night and it's been particularly ectic during the last week. Anyway, while all this was going on Karen fell and sprained her ankle which was the last thing we needed!

See you soon!

Réponse: Exercices 38 de post-scriptum, postée le 27-07-2005 à 22:34:42 (S | E)
Bonsoir chère Felin,

Dear Trevor,

I know it’s been a long time since I wrote to you but I have been very busy ever since we decided to move into the country. The house in the village is not quite ready yet but as you can imagine for the last few weeks we’ve had to chase up builders and plumbers and we’ve already got a long way to go. It’s been such a long time since we started work on it I’ve almost forgotten how long it’s been exactly. We must have started it about seven years ago and we’ve already spent a small fortune on it. We are still living in our rather cramped flat where you visited us a few years ago but it is beginning to get unbearable and we are looking forward to moving out. We are still rushing around from morning till night and it’s been particularly hectic during the last week. Anyway, while all this was going on Karen fell and sprained her ankle which was the last thing we needed!

Alors là, je ne pense pas avoir trouvé les mots justes, si tu vois ce que je veux dire...

Réponse: Exercices 38 de marit64, postée le 27-07-2005 à 23:05:14 (S | E)
Hi felin!

Hectic time
Dear Trevor

I know it’s been ages since I wrote to you but I have been very busy ever since we decided to move into the country. The house in the village is not quite ready yet but as you can imagine for the last few weeks we’ve had to chase up builders and plumbers and we’ve still got a long way to go. It’s been such a long time since we started work on it. I’ve almost forgotten how long it’s been exactly. We must have started it about seven years ago and we’ve already spent a small fortune on it. We are still living in our rather cramped flat where you visited us a few years ago but it is beginning to get unbearable and we are looking forward to moving out. We are still rushing around from morning till night and it’s been particularly hectic during the last week. Anyway, while all this was going on Karen fell and sprained her ankle which was the last thing we needed!

Thanks a lot felin for this exercise!
So long,

Réponse: Exercices 38 de lokassa, postée le 28-07-2005 à 03:50:01 (S | E)
hi everyone

know it’s been…ages since I wrote to you but I have been very busy while we decided to move into the country. The house in the village is not quite ready ...yet but as you can imagine…for the last few weeks we’ve had to chase up builders and plumbers and we’ve …already…got a long way to g. It’s been such a long time since we ..have started work on it I’ve almost forgotten how long it’s been exactly. We must have started it about seven years ..ago and we’ve ...already spent a small fortune on it. We are ...still.. living in our rather cramped flat where you …have visited us a few years ago but it ...biguins to get unbearable and we …are looking forward to moving out. We are still…rushed. (12) around from morning …till night and it’s been particularly hectic……during the last week. Anyway, …while…. (15) all this was going on Karen fell and sprained her ankle which was the last thing we needed!

Réponse: Exercices 38 de fik, postée le 28-07-2005 à 14:08:08 (S | E)

Salut felin

Voici ma contribution

I know it’s beenages since I wrote to you but I have been very busy ever since we decided to move into the country. The house in the village is not quite ready yet but as you can imaginefor the last few weeks we’ve had to chase up builders and plumbers and we’ve ????? (4) got a long way to g. It’s been such a long time since wehave started work on it I’ve almost forgotten how long it’s been exactly. We must have started it about seven yearsago and we’vealready spent a small fortune on it. We arestill living in our rather cramped flat where you visited us a few years ago but it begins to get unbearable and we …….. (11) to moving out. We are stillrushing around from morning till night and it’s been particularly hecticduring the last week. Anyway, ……. (15) all this was going on Karen fell and sprained her ankle which was the last thing we needed!

Merci felin et à bientôt pour la correction.

Réponse: Exercices 38 de kathleen, postée le 30-07-2005 à 00:00:40 (S | E)
Hello Felin!

Hectic time
Dear Trevor

I know it’s been ages since I wrote to you but I have been very busy ever since we decided to move into the country. The house in the village is not quite ready yet but as you can imagine for the last few weeks we’ve had to chase up builders and plumbers and we’ve still got a long way to g. It’s been such a long time since we have started work on it I’ve almost forgotten how long it’s been exactly. We must have started it about seven years ago and we’ve already spent a small fortune on it. We are still living in our rather cramped flat where you visited us a few years ago but it is beginning to get unbearable and we are looking forward to moving out. We are still rushing around from morning till night and it’s been particularly hectic during the last week. Anyway, while all this was going on Karen fell and sprained her ankle which was the last thing we needed!

Pas facile du tout!

beaucoup Felin.

Réponse: Exercices 38 de serena, postée le 30-07-2005 à 06:42:40 (S | E)
Hi Felin !

I know it’s been ages since I wrote to you but I have been very busy ever since we decided to move into the country. The house in the village is not quite ready yet but as you can imagine for the last few weeks we’ve had to chase up builders and plumbers and we’ve still got a long way to go. It’s been such a long time since we started work on it. I’ve almost forgotten how long it’s been exactly. We must have started it about seven years ago and we’ve already spent a small fortune on it. We are still living in our rather cramped flat where you visited us a few years ago but it is beginning to get unbearable and we are looking forward to moving out. We are still rushing around from morning tillnight and it’s been particularly hectic during the last week. Anyway, while all this was going on Karen fell and sprained her ankle which was the last thing we needed!

Réponse: Exercices 38 de felin, postée le 01-08-2005 à 18:31:32 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction

Dear Trevor

I know it’s been C ages since I wrote to you but I have been very busy , B ever since we decided to move into the country. The house in the village is not quite ready C yet,but as you can imagine A for the last few weeks we’ve had to chase up builders and plumbers and we’ve D still got a long way to g. It’s been such a long time since we D started work on it I’ve almost forgotten how long it’s been exactly. We must have started it about seven years B ago and we’ve C already spent a small fortune on it. We are , B still living in our rather cramped flat where you D visited us a few years ago but it , B is beginning to get unbearable and we D are looking forward to moving out. We are still C rushing around from morning C till night and it’s been particularly hectic A during the last week. Anyway, C while all this was going on Karen fell and sprained her ankle which was the last thing we needed!

pour votre participation.

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