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Futur proche et présent perfect
Message de grabuge posté le 26-08-2005 à 11:09:49 (S | E | F | I)

Un second exercice consistant à remplacer le futur proche par le présent perfect.
Transformer les phrases suivantes suivant le modèle :
He is going to buy a car --> he has just bought a car.

1. We're going to win.
2. He's going to be sick.
3. They're going to build a new bridge.
4. I'm going to draw a picture.
5. He's going to teach his wife to drive.
6. I'm going to ring them up.
7. The train's just going to leave.
8. He's going to fly to London.
9. I'm going to speak to her.

Correction mardi soir

Réponse: Futur proche et présent perfect de kathleen, postée le 26-08-2005 à 11:31:31 (S | E)
Bonjour Grabuge!

1. We have just won.
2. He has just been sick.
3. They have just built a new bridge.
4. I have just drawn a picture.
5. He has just taught his wife to drive.
6. I have just rung them up.
7. The train has just left.
8. He has just flown to London.
9. I have just spoken to her.

Grabuge .

Réponse: Futur proche et présent perfect de jeanmi, postée le 26-08-2005 à 12:58:46 (S | E)
Hi Grabuge,

1. We're going to win. We've just swum, I'm tired
2. He's going to be sick. He's just been sick.
3. They're going to build a new bridge. They have never built one here.
4. I'm going to draw a picture. You've just drawn one.
5. He's going to teach his wife to drive. She's already learnt to drive. (is he idiot? Of course his wife can drive, even if we can sometimes wonder...)
6. I'm going to ring them up. You've just rung them up.
7. The train's just going to leave. But, it's just left.
8. He's going to fly to London. He's just flown to London.
9. I'm going to speak to her. You've already spoken to her.


Réponse: Futur proche et présent perfect de magmatic_rock, postée le 26-08-2005 à 13:34:56 (S | E)
Re hello,

1. We're going to win. --> We've just won
2. He's going to be sick. --> He's just been sick
3. They're going to build a new bridge. --> They've have just built a new bridge.
4. I'm going to draw a picture. --> I've just drawn a picture
5. He's going to teach his wife to drive. --> He has just taught his wife to drive
6. I'm going to ring them up. --> I've just rung them up
7. The train's just going to leave. --> The train has just left
8. He's going to fly to London. --> He has just flown to London
9. I'm going to speak to her. --> I 've just spoken to her


Edité par magmatic_rock le 26-08-2005 13:35
Really funny your answers Jeanmi

Réponse: Futur proche et présent perfect de lyne, postée le 26-08-2005 à 14:54:28 (S | E)
Bonjour grabuge et merci.

1. We have just won.
2. He has just been sick.
3. They have just built a new bridge.
4. I have just drawn a picture.
5. He has just taught his wife to drive.
6. I have just rung them up.
7. The train has just left.
8. He has flown to London.
9. I have just spoken to her.

Réponse: Futur proche et présent perfect de joy813, postée le 26-08-2005 à 17:52:31 (S | E)
Hi Grabuge

1. We have just won.
2. He has just been sick.
3.They have just built a new Bridg ( sorry I mean bridge )
4. I have just drawn a picture.
5. He has just taught his wife to drive.
6. I have just rung them up.
7.The train has just left.
8. He has just flown to London. ( how lucky is he )
9. I have just spoken to her.

, Grabuge

Réponse: Futur proche et présent perfect de post-scriptum, postée le 26-08-2005 à 19:57:40 (S | E)
Good evening everybody,

1. We've just won.
2. He's just been sick.
3. They've just built a new bridge.
4. I've just drawn a picture.
5. He's just taught his wife to drive.
6. I've just rung them up.
7. The train has just left.
8. He's just flown to London.
9. I've just spoken to her.

Thanking you. See you, Friendship.

Réponse: Futur proche et présent perfect de maminette, postée le 26-08-2005 à 20:17:05 (S | E)
vous êtes tous très fort, j'aimerais en savoir autant malheusement je ne suis qu'au niveau débutant et pas encore arrivée à ce stade.
je suis a les retenir.

Réponse: Futur proche et présent perfect de isa71, postée le 26-08-2005 à 22:48:10 (S | E)

1. We're going to win.we have just won
2. He's going to be sick.he has just been sick
3. They're going to build a new bridge.they have just built a new bridge
4. I'm going to draw a picture.I have just drawn a picture
5. He's going to teach his wife to drive.he has just taught his wife to drive
6. I'm going to ring them up.I have just rung them up
7. The train's just going to leave.the train has just left
8. He's going to fly to London.he has just flown to London
9. I'm going to speak to her.I have just spoken to her


Réponse: Futur proche et présent perfect de savoir, postée le 27-08-2005 à 18:43:32 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde,

1. We're going to win.We have won
2. He's going to be sick.He has been sick
3. They're going to build a new bridge.They have built a new bridge
4. I'm going to draw a picture.I have drawn a picture
5. He's going to teach his wife to drive.He has teached taught his wife to drive
6. I'm going to ring them up.I have rung them up
7. The train's just going to leave.The train is left
8. He's going to fly to London.He has flown to London
9. I'm going to speak to her.I have spoken to her


Edité par savoir le 31-08-2005 14:12

Réponse: Futur proche et présent perfect de grabuge, postée le 30-08-2005 à 17:59:55 (S | E)

Comme pour l'exercice précédent, inutile de donner la correction... hihihi c'est super, ça facilite le travail.

Attention, Savoir, tu as fait une faute :

to teach - taught - taught

Encore et à bientôt

Réponse: Futur proche et présent perfect de orage2, postée le 01-09-2005 à 13:25:37 (S | E)
1- we has been just to winned

2-he has been just sicked

3-I has just built a new bridge

4-I has just drew a picture

5-he has just teached his wife to drive

6-I has just rang them up

7-the train has just went to leave

8-he has just flew to London

9-I has just spoke to her

Réponse: Futur proche et présent perfect de marit64, postée le 02-09-2005 à 03:30:52 (S | E)
Hi grabuge!

1. We're going to win. We've just won.
2. He's going to be sick. He's just been sick.
3. They're going to build a new bridge. They've just built a new bridge.
4. I'm going to draw a picture. I've just drawn a picture.
5. He's going to teach his wife to drive. He's just taught his wife to drive. Poor wife!
6. I'm going to ring them up. I've just rung them up.
7. The train's just going to leave. The train has just left.
8. He's going to fly to London. He's just flown to London.
9. I'm going to speak to her. I've just spoken to her.

for this exercise! So long,

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