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'Phrasal Verbs': To Keep!
Message de kenzo45 posté le 07-09-2005 à 17:05:05 (S | E | F | I)

"A la demande générale...! Voici un test identique au précédent, mais avec le verbe "To Keep":
Match the verbs with their correct definitions (1/H); then, complete the sentences that follow (9/16), using each verb once only:
1/ "To Keep up", 2/ "To Keep up with", 3/ "To Keep on", 4/ "To Keep to", 5/ "To Keep in with", 6/ "To Keep down", 7/ "To Keep off", 8/ "to Keep from".
A/ "To follow/Inform yourself about.."
B/ "To avoid (e.g. a topic)", C/ "To maintain good relations with..",
D/ "To maintain/continue", E/ "To prevent from rising/hold at a low level",
F/ " To continue employing", G/ "To stick on/adhere to..", H/ "To prevent/stop".
Complete the sentences that follow (9/16):
9/ We hope to ( ) the deadline and finish the project on time.
10/ The chairperson ( ) the forthcoming redundancy programme because she didn't want to upset anyone.
11/ Product prices had to be ( ) for the firm to remain competitive.
12/ If you work in the computer industry, you need to ( ) the latest technology in software and hardware.
13/ Some of the company's longest-serving workers would have been ( ) if the economic conditions hadn't been so unfavorable.
14/ I have been ( ) doing important jobs because of this report, it's been incredibly time-consuming!
15/ Our firm is known for crafmanship and we intend to ( ) the high standards we have set.
19/ It's usually worth ( ) your superiors, even if you don't like them.
Thanks and Good Luck to all of you!

Réponse: 'Phrasal Verbs': To Keep! de kenzo45, postée le 07-09-2005 à 17:07:11 (S | E)
, Sorry!
Correction, demain, jeudi 08/09/'05, fin d'aprés-midi!!

Réponse: 'Phrasal Verbs': To Keep! de joy813, postée le 07-09-2005 à 18:18:23 (S | E)
Hello Kenzo

Je me lance ...

1/ To Keep up ==> To continue employing.
2/ To Keep up with ==> To follow/Inform yourself about
3/ To Keep on ==> To maintain/continue.
4/ "To Keep to"==> To stick on/adhere to
5/ To Keep in with ==>To maintain good relations with.
6/ To Keep down ==> To prevent from rising/hold at a low level.
7/ To Keep off ==>To avoid (e.g. a topic).
8/ to Keep from ==> To prevent/stop

9/ We hope to keep on the deadline and finish the project on time.
10/ The chairperson kept to the forthcoming redundancy programme because she didn't want to upset anyone.
11/ Product prices had to be kept down for the firm to remain competitive.
12/ If you work in the computer industry, you need to keep up with the latest technology in software and hardware.
13/ Some of the company's longest-serving workers would have been kept off if the economic conditions hadn't been so unfavorable.
14/ I have been kept from doing important jobs because of this report, it's been incredibly time-consuming!
15/ Our firm is known for craftsmanship and we intend to keep up the high standards we have set.
19/ It's usually worth keeping in with your superiors, even if you don't like them.

bonjour la migraine

Edité par joy813 le 07-09-2005 20:32

Réponse: 'Phrasal Verbs': To Keep! de marit64, postée le 08-09-2005 à 02:37:03 (S | E)
Hi kenzo!

1/ "To Keep up" --- to prevent, to stop.
2/ "To Keep up with" --- to continue employing.
3/ "To Keep on" --- to maintain, to continue.
4/ "To Keep to" --- to stick on, to adhere to...
5/ "To Keep in with" --- to maintain good relations with...
6/ "To Keep down" --- to prevent from rising, to hold at a low level.
7/ "To Keep off" --- to avoid.
8/ "to Keep from" --- to follow, to inform yourself about ...

9/ We hope to keep off the deadline and finish the project on time.
10/ The chairperson keeps up with the forthcoming redundancy programme because she didn't want to upset anyone.
11/ Product prices had to be kept down for the firm to remain competitive.
12/ If you work in the computer industry, you need to keep from the latest technology in software and hardware.
13/ Some of the company's longest-serving workers would have been kept on if the economic conditions hadn't been so unfavorable.
14/ I have been kept up doing important jobs because of this report, it's been incredibly time-consuming!
15/ Our firm is known for crafmanship and we intend to keep to the high standards we have set.
19/ It's usually worth keeping in with your superiors, even if you don't like them.

kenzo. It was a difficult exercise. I'm afraid to see how many mistakes I've made.
So long,

Réponse: 'Phrasal Verbs': To Keep! de kenzo45, postée le 08-09-2005 à 17:46:43 (S | E)
"Phrasal verb:To Keep", "CORRECTION":
A/ Match the verbs with their correct definitions:
1/ "To keep up", goes with the Phrasal N° D
2/ "To keep up with", goes with the phrasal N° A
3/ "To keep on", goes with the phrasal N° F
4/ "To keep to", goes with the phrasal N° G
5/ "To keep in with", goes with the phrasal N° C
6/ "To keep down", goes with the phrasal N° E
7/ "To keep off", goes with the phrasal N° B
8/ "To keep from", goes with the phrasal N° H

B/ Complete the sentences that follow:
9/ We hope to "keep to" the deadline........
10/ The chairperson "kept off" the forthcoming....
11/ Product prices had to be "kept down" for the firm to........
12/ If you work in the computer industry, you need to "keep up with".....
13/Some of the company's longest-serving workers would have been "kept on" if the economic........
14/ I have been "kept from" doing important jobs.....
15/ Our firm is known for craftmanship and we intend to "keep up" the high.......
16/ It's usually worth "keeping in with" your superiors.............
à tous d'avoir fait ce test.

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