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petites traductions
Message de magmatic_rock posté le 20-09-2005 à 14:09:01 (S | E | F | I)

pourquoi ce smiley en titre? Car malheureusement la fac reprend lundi pour moi donc je ne pourrais malheureusement plus être là aussi souvent là!

Allez il faut traduire ces quelques phrases, attention parfois aux temps à employer! 1/2
Correction vendredi.

1/ Le grand incendie de Londres éclata le dimanche 2 septembre 1666. Le feu fit rage pendant 4 jours. Lorsqu'il fut enfin maîtrisé, le mercredi 5 septembre, les cinq sixièmes de la ville avaient été détruits.

2/ Depuis quand Jean Dubuffet, le peintre, est-il mort? Il est mort depuis quelques années, puisqu'il est mort le 12 mai 1985. Quel âge avait-il? Il avait presque 84ans, puisqu'il était né le 31 Juillet 1901.

3/ Depuis quand l'Irlande du Sud est-elle indépendante? Elle est devenue indépendante le 7 Janvier 1922 mais elle porte le nom d'Eire depuis le 29 décembre 1937.

4/ Je n'ai lu aucun livre de Guy des Cars dont on a publié le cinquantième roman il y a quelques années.

5/ Le 25 novembre 1870 mourait Lautréamont, au 32 rue du Faubourg-Montmartre. Il avait 24 ans.

Voilà bonne chance et j'aimerais s'il vous plaît les chiffres écrit en lettres!

Edité par magmatic_rock le 20-09-2005 14:09

Edité par grabuge le 20-09-2005 14:15

Réponse: petites traductions de zen34, postée le 20-09-2005 à 15:00:30 (S | E)
Salut magmatic_rock,

Pas facile...

1/ The London’s big fire broke out on Sunday, the second of September sixteen sixty-six. The fire had raged for four days. When it was controlled, on Wednesday the fifth of September, the five sixths of the city had been destroyed.

2/ How long has Jean Dubbufet, the painter, been dead? He has been dead for a few years, since he died the twelfth of May nineteen eighty five. How old was he? He was almost eighty four-year old, since he was born the thirty first of July nineteen one.

3/ How long has Ireland been independent? It became independent the seventh of January nineteen twenty-two but it has been named Eire since the twenty ninth of December nineteen thirty-seven.

4/ I have never read a Guy des Cars’s book that had had his fiftieth novel published a few years ago.

5/ The twenty fifth of November eighteen seventy was dying Lautréamont, at thirty-two Faubourg-Montmartre street. He was twenty four.

Réponse: petites traductions de aimen7, postée le 20-09-2005 à 16:47:41 (S | E)
Hello magma,
1-The great fire of London broke out on Sunday, September the second, sixteen sixty-six. The fire raged for four days. When at last it was brought into control on Wednesday the fifth of September, the five sixths of the city were destroyed.

2-Since when did How long has the painter Jean Dubuffet been dead? He died a few years ago He has been dead for a few years. It was on May the twelvth nineteen eighty-five. How old was he ? He was nearly 84, as he was born on July thirty first nineteen and one.

3-Since when has North Ireland Southern Ireland been an independent country? It had it's independence on January the seventh nineteen twenty-two but it is called Eire since December the twenty-ninth nineteen thirty-seven.

4-I have read no books by Guy Des Cars whose fiftieth novel was published a few years ago.

5-Lauréatmont died on November the twenty fifth, eighteen seventy, at thirty-two Faubourg Montmartre street. He was twenty-four years old.

Very interesting, thank you.

Edité par aimen7 le 20-09-2005 19:24

Edité par aimen7 le 23-09-2005 12:51

Réponse: petites traductions de jier, postée le 20-09-2005 à 18:56:29 (S | E)
Salut Magmatic,

1 The great fire of London broke out on Sunday, September the second, sixteen sixty-six. The fire raged for four days. When it was finally controlled, on Thursday, September the fifth, the five sixths of the city had been burnt down.
2 How long has Jean Dubuffet, the painter, been dead ? He's been dead for a few years, since he died on May the twelfth, nineteen eighty-five. How old was he ? He was nearly eighty-four, since he had been born on July the thirty-first, nineteen and one.
3 Since when has southern Ireland been independent ? It became independent on January the seventh, nineteen twenty-two but it has borne the name of Eire since December the twenty-ninth, nineteen thirty-seven.
4 I have read no book by Guy des Cars whose fiftieth novel was published a few years ago.
5 On November the twenty fifth, eighteen seventy, Lautréamont died, at thirty-two rue du Faubourg-Montmartre. He was twenty-four.

Ouf pour les chiffres !

Edité par jier le 20-09-2005 21:16

Réponse: petites traductions de post-scriptum, postée le 20-09-2005 à 21:31:54 (S | E)
Bonsoir Super Magma,

1. The London's big fire broke out on Sunday the second of September sixteen sixty-six. The fire had raged for four days. When it was brought under control, on Wednesday the fifth of September, the five sixth of the city had been burnt.

2. How long has the painter Jean Debuffet been dead? He has been dead for a few years, since he died on the twelfth of May nineteen eighty-five. How old was he? He was almost eighty four years old, since he was born the thirty-first of July nineteen one.

3. How long has Southern Ireland been independent? It became independent the seventh of January nineteen twenty-two but had had the name of Eire since the twenty-ninth of December nineteen thirty-seven.

4. I didn't read any Guy des Cars' book whom they had published the fifth novel a few years ago.

5. The twenty-fifth of November eighteen seventy was died Lautréamont, at the thirty-two Faubourg-Montmartre street. He was twenty-four years old.

Bonne rentrée en Fac, Super Magma.

Réponse: petites traductions de pupile, postée le 20-09-2005 à 23:15:32 (S | E)
The London's big fire blew up on sunday, september 2th 1666. The fire had upset damage over 4 days. Until It had been overcome, on Wedensday 5th, of september, The five-sixth of the town had been destruct.

Réponse: petites traductions de magmatic_rock, postée le 20-09-2005 à 23:17:23 (S | E)

Réponse: petites traductions de idem, postée le 21-09-2005 à 17:20:31 (S | E)
bonsoir Magmatic et tous les autres
j'espère ne pas être trop en retard mais ton exercice m'a donné une sacré migraine et merci pour la révision des chiffres et des dates par contre les temps

1 The London's big fire broke out on Sunday the second of September sixteen sixty-six. The fire had raged for four days. When it was controlled on Wednesday the fifth of September, the fiv sixths of the city had been destroyed.

2 How long has Jean Dubuffet, the painter, been dead ? He has been dead for a few years since he died the twelfth of May nineteen eighty five. How old was he ? He was almost eighty four year old, since he was born the thirty-first nineteen one.

3 How long has Republic of Ireland been independant? It became independant the seventh of January nineteen twenty-two but it has been named Eire since the twenty-ninth of December nineteen thirty- seven.

4 I have never read Guy des Cars's book whose they have published the fiftieh novel a few years ago.

5 The twenty-fifth of November eighteen seventy, Lautréamont died, at thirty-two Faubourg Montmartre. He was twenty-four years olld.

Merci beaucoup pour ces révisions
See you later

Réponse: petites traductions de magmatic_rock, postée le 23-09-2005 à 12:05:29 (S | E)
Coucou, voici la correctiondésolé je n'ai pas eut le temps de faire une correction personnelle par mp comme à mon habitude )

Déjà, BRAVO à tous pour avoir l'effort d'écrire les chiffres en entier à CHAQUE FOIS! et

1/ The Great Fire of London broke out on Sunday the second of September sixteen, sixty-six. The fire raged for four days. When it was finally controlled, on Wednesday the fith of September, the five sixths of London were (had been) destroyed.

2/ How long has Jean Dubuffet, the painter, been dead? He's been dead for a few years since he died on the twelfth of May nineteen, eighty-five. How old was he? He was nearly eighty-four since he was born on the thirty-first of July nineteen, o, one (nineteen hundred and one).
regardez la dâte 1901! Sinon excellent pour la forme "how long has ... been dead" car vous avez casiment tous trouvé!

3/ How long has Southern Ireland been independent? It became independant on the seventh of January nineteen, twenty-two but it has been called (has been know as) Eire since the twenty-ninth of December nineteen, thirty-seven.
Jier (c'était pourtant bien juste avant) et Aimen (2fois), how long est beaucoup mieux que since when.

4/ I haven't read any books by Guy des Cars whose fiftieth novel was published a few years ago.

5/ On the twenty-fifth of November eighteen,seventy, Lautréamont died at number thirty-two in rue du Faubourg Montmartre. He was twenty-four.

à tous pour votre participation.

Edité par magmatic_rock le 23-09-2005 12:53

Réponse: petites traductions de jier, postée le 23-09-2005 à 12:28:39 (S | E)
Magmatic, Ave !

Merci pour la correction.
Toutefois, je ne suis pas d'accord avec ton analyse pour la 3.
"Depuis quand" fait référence à une date et non à une durée de temps.
C'est bien pourquoi la réponse est donnée au moyen d'une date.
Donc "Since when" et non "How long".
Ensuite, je te ferai amicalement remarquer que "independent" s'écrit avec 3 e, tout comme "independence".
Ah ces anglais, pourquoi donc faut-il qu'ils se singularisent ?
Bon week-end à toi et à vous tous.

Réponse: petites traductions de magmatic_rock, postée le 23-09-2005 à 12:55:19 (S | E)
Merci Jier pour "independent" c'est moi qui est fait l'erreur en effet!
Pour la 3/ moi c'est ce que j'ai dans mon bouquin en correction!
Mais je ne comprend pas pourquoi si vous n'êtes pas d'accord, alors pourquoi l'avez vous mis pour la seconde? Car pour moi, depuis quand il est mort ou depuis quand elle est indépendante font référence les deux à une dâte et par la même occasion à un durée!
Merci pour les remarques.

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